How to use 'psychological time' to recharge?

Started by Marianna, February 21, 2017, 08:35:31 PM

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Hi everyone!

In the first book of early sessions Seth talks about psychological time and how great it is to use it to get some rest while conscious. Something along the lines 'even 5 minutes of such rest go a long way'. How exactly do I go about doing it? Looking at the sky while outside, watching birds or listening to the waves? Thinking of nothing in particular? Or just sitting in an armchair in a quiet room with your eyes closed? Something like this?
Thanks a lot.


Wow! What can I say? Thanks a lot, Strangerthings! I stopped going to the forum, so I haven't seen your reply until now. Veery detailed and a lot of things I heard about - in one place. Rob mentions psy time and his results (what he saw or tingling sensation). But I was interested in it that much because Seth said at some point "you can recharge in 5 minutes more than you can imagine" (not exact quote).
I gathered, it will come pretty handy, when there are numerous creative projects, walks, housework - and I would love to recharge during the day so that I could do more fun things :)
Thanks a lot, I'll print it out for more convenient use.
So far I've been only taking short relaxing walks (works great!) and 20-30 min. naps in the afternoon. After reading Seth suggestions as to our sleeping habits. But I'd need quotes for that and a new post. People might get upset for not getting 'quality info' on this, but only my paraphrasing. :)