What are "The Grey" Aliens

Started by T.M., August 17, 2019, 09:31:42 PM

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Hi All,

I've never really found a satisfactory answer in all my searches to that question.
Personally I think they look like horribly emaciated humans.

I'm reading TES 1 and came across this
""*("*That's the astral body," *Seth said. "*I cannot let you see the features of the image clearly. My control is not steady enough. It would be unrecognizable to you, and quite frightening. The image is that of another entity...""
—TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964"

Also in other works Seth has stated clearly that it's been a long time since we were actually visited by E.T., and will be some time before one shows up in our reality.
So now I'm wondering, is this what the Grey Alien is? I don't think the powers that be are truthful with the masses about anything.
Maybe they are promoting this misconception of an image for some agenda.
Regardless, is this what it is?


I found this in the next session of Tes1. Seth and Rob talking about the above quoted experience

Oh yes. I was surprised. The entity never was an earthling—completely different plane. No point of reference for you at all.


Quote from: T.M.
Regardless, is this what it is?
T.M., it seems to me that the key to understanding the alien visitor phenomenon is to keep in mind Seth's dictum that the physical reality we experience is "camouflage reality". This means that there is telepathic communication between all human beings and we have an unspoken agreement about the kind of reality we experience.
Nearly 50% of Americans believe that aliens are visiting Earth, and these people have reached a consensus agreement on making that a reality.


Interesting. I haven't looked into Seth's quotes about this yet—did he use the term "ET" anywhere? People tend to mean people from other planets or galaxies when they say ET, where I think if we have visitations it's most likely from other dimensions or "systems" (as Seth calls them) that out outside of our physical Earth existence. If we can see them at all, they would appear distorted and frightening to us because of what we accept as conventional physical form here. Sometimes it can be an accidental bleed through between systems, a thought form, or a consciousness taking a peek into our dimension. In my head I'm also picturing a figure through a short of haze, outside our atmosphere, where they would appear to be distorted by atmospheric conditions—such when things you see through fog, or shadows, they can look very different when you get close to them.

There are also so many different types of systems according to Seth where conditions and form are different. "People" would not look like us, some are not physical at all. Hollywood and the media has come up with all sorts of representations of ETs, demons, spirits... I think it would be hard to know if someone actually saw what we've come to think of as an ET: The grey naked big headed figure with huge dark eyes. I think we've created a creature more suited physically to life on earth, based on the human form.


Hi T.M., Hi All,

This is a great topic. I've always been fascinated by the possibility of UFO's and Alien visitation.

There are several people who have talked about the various "alien" types. There's, Daryl Anka, Sheldon Nidle and Barbara Marciniak, who have all written books about the various types of aliens who exist (see websites below).




There's also Whitley Strieber who wrote about being abducted by aliens and Eduard Meier (the book "Light Years" which contains some pretty incredible photo's of UFO's) who claimed to be in direct contact with some aliens.



Then there's all the books and stories about "Roswell", including astronaut, Edgar Mitchells stories about Roswell (see link below).


I don't know how much of this I actually believe, but I try to keep an open mind to the possibility that UFO's may exist and Alien's may have visited earth. In fact, Seth does allude to this in Seth Speaks (see quote below).

I do find this topic to be interesting.

In Seth Speaks, Seth did have some interesting things to say along the lines of this topic this topic.

SS, Appendix: Session 558: (Here Seth is talking about the "Speakers")

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You carried with you in your heads messages and laws that had been given to one of your kind in a time that was already nearly forgotten. These were codes of ethics. They originated from the time of Atlantis. Before that, these codes were given by a race from another star. This race had to do with the origin of Atlantis. The messages were put into words and language and written down at the time of Atlantis, but after that they were handed down by word of mouth.

SS Chapter 15: Session 562: (here Seth begins to talk about the "Lumanians")

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

It seems to you that you have, perhaps, but one chance as a species to solve your problems, or be destroyed by your own aggression, by your own lack of understanding and spirituality. As you are given many lives in which to develop and fulfill your abilities, so has the species in those terms been allotted more than the single line of historical development with which you are presently acquainted. The reincarnational structure is but one facet in the whole picture of probabilities. In it you have literally as much time as you need, to develop those potentials that you must develop, before leaving the reincarnational existences. Groups of people in various cycles of reincarnational activity have met crisis after crisis, have come to your point of physical development and either gone beyond it, or destroyed their particular civilization.

In this case they were given another chance, having the unconscious knowledge not only of their failure, but the reasons behind it. They then began with a psychological head start as they formed new primitive groupings. Others, solving the problems, left your physical planet for other points in the physical universe. When they reached that level of development, however, they were spiritually and psychically mature, and were able to utilize energies of which you now have no practical knowledge.



Hi All,

Hi Deb, yes I'm pretty sure he used "extraterrestrial". It was only a sentence or 2. I can't remember which book, I'm thinking it was unknown reality. It's hard to find the term UFO, in his books too.

What got me going n this subject was Jbseth thread "Phenomenon"
I didn't want to derail it on the moon, that's traditionally what the Grey Alien is associated with, besides Zeta Reticula.

Anyways there's quite a bit of evidence out there that suggests Saturn was our original sun. It shone a purple light.
I truly think the moon is tied in with Saturn somehow, and relaying a signal.  There's tons of conspiracy stuff on the Saturn-Moon matrix.

Anyways, perhaps the quote I started out with in post 1, is our original body, before our system captured our current Sun.
We built up another body to adapt to the environment the new Sun brought, which is our outer shell.
The original, maybe that's what the Grey is,
and reference Seth "
""*("*That's the astral body," *Seth said. "*I cannot let you see the features of the image clearly. My control is not steady enough. It would be unrecognizable to you, and quite frightening. The image is that of another entity...""
—TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964"


Hi Jbseth,

Do you have a copy of the Personal Sessions 2? In that one, Seth goes into how the Sumarians- Jane's Sumari, were one the starting points for present day man.

This lady does some really fantastic videos. She mostly concentrates on early civilizations, and evidence for them, video taped from around the world.

She goes into Seth-Sumerian connections in this vid, and the Personal Sessions #2

Traditionally, Solomon's Temple, is a reference to building a physical temple.

Sol-O-Man,  Solar-System,  Souler- system. 


Hi Sena,

I do worry that enough people believe in them. My worry is that that belief is a narrative being specifically crafted by non benevolent humans.

I agree aliens, real ones would blend with the natural camouflage of this system.


Hi T.M. Hi All,

Unfortunately, all I have of the "Personal Sessions" books, is Book 1.

In Session 732, UR2, Seth lists the 9 "Families of Consciousness". One of these is the Sumari. Jane, Rob and several of the people who attended Jane's classes were Sumari.

The people of "Sumer", were called the Sumerians. This is one of the oldest civilizations that historians are familiar with. Sumer was located in Mesopotamia. 


I'm curious, in PS2, was Seth talking about the "Sumari" or the "Sumerians"?



Hi Jbseth,

I think both. I don't have that one either. The gal in the vid covered both though. Pretty much 1st half of them vid


Hi T.M.,

Hey, I watched the video and yes the commentator does talk about both the Sumari and the Sumerian culture.

Actually, during perhaps the first half of the video, she talks quite a bit about Seth's various ideas and concepts having to do with space and time and the Sumerian culture.

Then, at about the middle of the video she starts talking about why the stories written by
Zecharia Sitchin don't match what she had just mentioned regarding the origins of the Sumerian culture.

She then tells the story that apparently in one of his books, Mr. Sitchin has a photograph of an alien spaceship still hanging there out lonely in the desert of the middle east.

A Russian researcher decided to go see this space ship. He asked Mr. Sitchin for the coordinates of the location and Mr. Sitchin asked for a very large amount of money for them. Given this, since the Russians were very determined, they decided to use the map given in the book and spent a lot of time researching this actual location.

Then, after they determined the location, they went to this location and discovered that a natural rock, at a given angle and the proper light did look interesting but had nothing alien or spaceship about it.

Then this commentator says that Mr. Sitchin was one of the many fantasy writers who wanted to become rich by adding artificial fraudulent validity to their fantasies by making them look scholarly.  And people believed it. And Mr. Sitchin died a rich man.

I think this commentator hit upon a very important point. Not only about pseudo historical scholars but with a lot of the people that we talk about in the group. I think that there are a lot of people who make things up (pick a subject: ghosts, ufo's, OOBe's, cHanneler's psychics, mediums, haunted houses, etc.) and then sell books or maybe even themselves via public appearances and make money on this.

I also think that there are people with very legitimate skills and capabilities.

It's sometimes very difficult to tell which is which.

I'm reminded of a recent quote I heard from Soren Kierkegaard.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true."



Hi Jbseth,

I probably should have mentioned she does tear apart what she believes to be charlatans.  That's why I referenced the 1st half of the vid. I didn't mean to drag you through the 2nd half, sorry. :)

She does really good vids about early civilizations, on video, which she refers to as Atlantis. She has captured some amazing footage.

I agree it's hard to tell who's honest and who's selling a song and dance. It does put a bad light on the good ones.
I like the quote from Kierkegaard !


Quote from: T.M.
Hi Jbseth,I probably should have mentioned she does tear apart what she believes to be charlatans.  That's why I referenced the 1st half of the vid. I didn't mean to drag you through the 2nd half, sorry.

Hi T.M.,

No problem.  :)
Over the years, there have been several people that I've had questions about, in regards to whether or not they are actually legitimate.

For me, Jane Roberts is not one of these.



Hi Jbseth,

Thank you :)

I agree Jane Roberts is the real thing!  I have 4 of the Early Sessions, 1, 2 ,3 & 9. Also book 9 of the Personal sessions. I'm finding a treasure trove of information in them!  I can't wait to get them all.


Hi All,

I'm nearly finished finished with the Early Sessions v1.  Seth has left a couple of hints about U.F.O.'s, or craft.
He said often what's perceived as a craft is a transference of energy from one plane, or dimension to another by the inner senses.

So perhaps Betty and Barney Hill were perceiving this type of phenomenon. Seth also said the subconscious is the link between the various parts of the self, Entity, inner and outer egos.

Perhaps the Nazis they said they saw piloting said craft was some kind of symbol from racial memory layer of the subconscious?!

I'm trying to read the sessions in order, starting at #1. I haven't found anything in order to allow me to do this yet. I'm thinking that the Early Sessions combined with the Seth Material, plus Dreams and Projections of Consciousness, are a good starting point.

Speaking only for myself, I'm becoming more convinced that the Grey Alien is actually a pictorial representation of the inner self, or something along those lines. Perhaps maybe the Entity.


Quote from: T.M.
I'm trying to read the sessions in order, starting at #1.

An intention of mine is to make a database of all of the Seth sessions so they can be sorted numerically. I have most of the books, but they are in print and the database would be easier to create from Kindle versions. Mary Dillman has a complete list of the sessions in numerical order as a PDF on her website, which tells in which book each session can be found.

The whole ET thing has become more interesting to me due to Seth. My first exposure to the idea of ETs was, I think, the Hills. They were in the news and my mother had the book. I was too little at the time to read newspapers or the book, so I must have read it several years later.

That quote from Session 562, SS: "Others, solving the problems, left your physical planet for other points in the physical universe," tells that there are other physical locations or points in our universe where conscious beings exist.

That they could "visit" and interact with us here on Earth, tells me they are way beyond us in technical skills, intelligence and more: "When they reached that level of development, however, they were spiritually and psychically mature, and were able to utilize energies of which you now have no practical knowledge."

"They maintain their inner knowledge and integrity, and are born within any given system. They always use their native abilities and talents to help the system, working very strongly in psychic or creative endeavors."
—TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972

The video was really great explaining our origins, beings from other (nonphysical) systems wanting to have a physical experience. This is great:

"There were then visits from others in other planetary systems. In that regard this is quite natural. Your own relative isolation is far from the average. The legends, many of them, were of course chronicles of quite legitimate physical events, describing phenomena for example for which natives had no adequate vocabulary. They were forced to describe what they saw by making comparisons with objects and events already familiar to them."

"Some such visitors in your terms were more evolved than others. All however would appear as superhuman in contrast to those civilizations that encountered them. There were some deliberate experiments, that were in fact far more dangerous to the experimenters, always in which the experimenters tried in one way or another to advance man' s knowledge.

(9:29.) It is not nearly as simple as that, however. There is not a one-line development. By the time that feasible intersystem space travel is practical, the psychic abilities are developed to a very high degree. One is necessary for the other. Therefore it became much more feasible to approach earthmen during their dream state, when their natural fear reactions were somewhat minimized, and where the danger to the visitors was far less."
—TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972

Quote from: T.M.He said often what's perceived as a craft is a transference of energy from one plane, or dimension to another by the inner senses.

The video narrator (Sylvie Ivanova) mentioned at 9:17 a quote I'd been trying to find, that the most amazing thing about ETs is not that they are visiting us, but that we can sometimes see them using our senses which are designed to only sense things within our realm. And I'm using ET in a broad sense, meaning anything that comes from outside (extra) of our planet (terrestrial). Could be within the physical universe, could be other dimensions or systems.

Rob: "Certain sightings of UFO's (unidentified flying objects), Seth told class members, represented the appearance of visitors from other realities, rather than from elsewhere in our own universe."
—UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974


"The Sumari therefore appear in or intrude into the three-dimensional system from other dimensions."
—TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972

I do have The Personal Sessions 2 and will read all of Session 604. There's quite a bit of it on the search engine, but also a lot left out, so maybe I can fill in the blanks if there's anything else of interest.

Quote from: jbseth quoting Kierkegaard
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true."

Great quote, but how do we know which is which?


Hi Deb,

I wasn't too interested in the Grey's till I came across a statement Seth made in TESv1.
I'm really amazed at the amount of info in TESv1, about the inner senses, what they do and how we use them.

Using one of the inner senses we literally create our bodies and environment , " atom by atom, and molecule by molecule".
Going back to the Betty and Barney Hill experience, perhaps somehow they accessed their inner senses, and began resonating in unison.  Seth says at our stage of development, a full blast experience of any one inner sense would totally unhinge the mind, as it wouldn't be able to understand what it is experiencing. 
I could see how a person could think they encountered aliens, if what they actually did was unknowingly somehow accessed a direct perception of one or more of the inner senses. Perhaps being medically probed was their minds symbolic interpretation of the event ?!

Maybe more and more people having experiences like this are why Seth decided to start communicating this info to Jane and Rob?

I have the first 3 TES books, am almost finished with v1 and can't wait to start the others.
I found Mary's list of sessions on another thread here too.


Quote from: T.M.
Going back to the Betty and Barney Hill experience, perhaps somehow they accessed their inner senses, and began resonating in unison.  Seth says at our stage of development, a full blast experience of any one inner sense would totally unhinge the mind, as it wouldn't be able to understand what it is experiencing. 
I could see how a person could think they encountered aliens, if what they actually did was unknowingly somehow accessed a direct perception of one or more of the inner senses. Perhaps being medically probed was their minds symbolic interpretation of the event ?!
T.M., this is a very interesting interpretation of so-called "alien contact". A mass experience of alien contact occurred at Fatima, Portugal in 1917:



Hi Sena,

I think Fatima perfectly illustrates in one way, something that's in the background of my post, that I haven't mentioned, or brought up.  I'm not sure what happened there. It is something I looked at for a long time. Honestly, I think there's an organic component, and some very much man made skullduggery going on there.

My unspoken background point. What at are they? Organic phenomenon, or Government Psy-op?

With Seth, I could ask, parallel society?, probable society? Somehow the conditions were right and the 2 different civilizations encountered each other?

Then there's the question, what is the earth? A living being? If so, to what extent, and what kind of power's does the earth possess?  Same question for the planet's too, especially Sun's.

Most Sun's like ours belong to binary system. I think ours is actually a trinary system. Our original Sun was Saturn.  It got knocked out by the new trinary system that either we wondered into, or it wondered into us.
I think it's also the basis of the Myth, of Hiram Abiff, the Widows Son.  As told by the Masons, whose knowledge, if not the order itself goes back to the beginning of our civilization.

Back to the Trinary Sun system. We are getting to the point where the 3 are going to randevu. Our sun appears to die when this happens. It may be the basis of the Myth of God dying on the cross, only to be resurrected. The cross is Saturn, it also represents matter, the atom (Adam)

Sylvia Ivanova, the gal in the vid I posted, also believes, as do I, that we came from a very advanced society. She documents that as best she can in her vids. Quite possibly when the 3 Sun's meet, there's some calamity that befalls earth.

I think our government does have a rudimentary understanding of all the Seth material. Rob and Jane mailed copies to Yale. Home of the skull and bones fraternity and secret society.

I've always believed the Earth is a living being. I've never tried to define it much past that. I'm starting to wonder if it's a being as much or maybe more than ourselves, with its own "psyche" and psychic powers. Perhaps during these conjunctions with the sun's, it's psyche is amplified in certain places. When humans wonder into those areas at the right time, or when conditions are just right, event's happen. Events we don't understand.

There's a guy I watch on YouTube from time to time. David Paulides. He is a former police officer turned missing persons cases in our National Parks. He only handles missing person case's that meet specific criteria. He's had more than a few cases where people have simply vanished. People that were hunters, knew the area, were with other's. Had survival skills, and some supplies, and weapons. People that should have been able to get through some rough times in an emergency, etc.
There's a surprisingly common element of weather in most of these cases.  I think the national parks are psychic hot spots, zones on the body of the earth itself. I think the government is well aware of these areas. I would go so far as to say they knew it back in Roosevelt's Times. That's why they made certain places parks. Off limits for people to move in permanently.

If some evening you want to listen to something that will make you wonder, what the heck, here's a recent interview with Paulides on one of the best talk/interview channels right now, Imo.  The Higher Side Chats with Gregg Carlwood.


Quote from: T.M.
I've always believed the Earth is a living being.
T.M., I agree.
Some Seth quotes:

"There is little difference between the currents of blood that flow through your veins, and the wind current, except that the one seems to be within you and the other without. Both are manifestations of the same interrelationship and motion, however. Your planet has a body as much as you have. Your blood follows certain prescribed patterns and so does the wind. You are inside the body of the earth in those terms. As cells within your body influence it, so does your body affect the larger body of the earth. The weather faithfully reflects the feelings of the individuals in any given local territory."
—NoPR Chapter 18: Session 664, May 21, 1973

"Such emotional nonphysical qualities are unstable, and affect the deep electromagnetic integrity of the earth's structure. Obviously there have been earthquakes where there are no people, but in all cases the origins are to be found in mental properties rather than exterior ones. (Pause.) Earthquakes are very often associated with periods of great social change or unrest, and from such locations the fault lines originate and are projected outward."
—NoPR Chapter 18: Session 664, May 21, 1973

Brazilians are asking for trouble. They already had a dam burst.


I've always wondered about things like the Lady of Fatima sighting. Coming from a Seth perspective, I'd have to say the people created the vision or it's mass hysteria. Or The Mandela Effect. Or social pressure, suggestibility (group think), strong shared interest (religion).

In the Fatima PDF, it mentions the sun "dancing" and "pulsating." Just a couple of days ago I came across a news headline about the sun flickering, it's a known phenomena. Unfortunately I didn't read the article, and can't find it now except for this https://www.sciencemag.org/news/1998/01/blinking-sun. The stars appear to flicker as light bends. The sun is considered a star, so I wonder if, when the conditions are right, the sun would appear in some locations as pulsating? Sort of like Auroras—there's a natural explanation. As for seeing Mary, I have my doubts. I watched a YT video today of sightings in Bulgaria (?), but the camera was on the woman doing the seeing and not on what she was looking at.

BUT I thought the Mother of God sightings tie-in with UFO events was very interesting, especially considering the source (Hebrew-Streams, a site dedicated to identifying threads of the Old Testament in the New one). The site author appears to be Jewish.

Quote from: T.M.man made skullduggery

Yes to that too. There are many reasons that people invent stuff like this. Money. Attention. Religious or other fanatics. Pranksters. And there are always people seeing Jesus in all kinds of thing. I had a friend who saw Jesus in her curtains every morning. She was convinced he was watching over her. She's special. ;)

My favorite stories come from airline and military pilots that see UFOs and the events get recorded. I saw a documentary called UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied back in 2006. There were some pretty high up and believable people in it. You can see the full cast list here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1340844/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

Quote from: Sena
Brazilians are asking for trouble. They already had a dam burst.

I wonder if it's a world-wide effort, mass consciousness (Earth consciousness included), to point out that we all need to make some changes, and soon? The rainforest has long been a symbol of mankind raping the earth, highly recognized.


Hi Deb,

Here's a vid of the sun blinking on and off.   
One story/version I read of the Fatima secret, is that if the Russian Orthodox church accepts " the Blessed Virgin Mary" as the mother of Jesus, God won't destroy the earth.  Good grief is all I can think of that!

I think probably suggestion and group think and a bit of telepathy explains the sighting of "Mary"
I don't mean to bash any one's religion. Having said that, they have been pretty well indoctrinated by the Catholic church there.

I enjoyed the link Sena provided too!

I do find the military and airline pilots accounts of ufos very interesting. Seems mostly to me they usually see some kind of light phenomenon, vs. a nuts and bolts craft. I also think some companies in conjunction with the military likely have developed some pretty sophisticated crafts, which they keep to themselves, understandably so.

If I seem real anti E.T. it's because reading certain statements by Seth has led me to believe that it's going to be awhile till we encounter such beings.  So now I'm exploring other options of what it could be that is being seen. :)
He does say in TESv1 that we will achieve space travel, and meet other beings on our level of existence. Personally, I just think it's going to be awhile till that happens.


Here's another vid of the sun blinking and being different colors. From Sylvia at newearth channel


Thanks for the YTs, I've been thinking about them. It's hard to tell if the flashing in the first one is just a mechanical result of pointing a camera at the sun through clouds and the light flickers as the camera is being moved. The people don't seem to be looking at it or concerned. I tried to look for flickering shadows on the ground but it was too hard to see.

The second video was very interesting—the phenomena observed by 3-4 continents and millions of people, and yet didn't seem to make it into mainstream news. At least here. I did find this article saying Nasa has is all figured out: "high-altitude, horizontally oriented ice crystals in our atmosphere, typically found in cirrus clouds." I enjoy listening to Sylvia, I love her accent. I actually have The Seth Material in Russian. And people complain how hard the books are to read in English, lol.

I don't know for sure what the flickering is, but it's cool and I'd like to be able to see it myself. I saw the full eclipse that was here two years ago. I was in a park in Golden with a friend. A highlight of the experience was walking back to my car and seeing the returning sunlight on the sidewalk coming through a tree. Where I'd normally just see bright sunlight on concrete from the spaces between leaves, I instead saw dozens of complete miniature renditions of the now partial-eclipse. I didn't expect that. (first attachment below)

Also, I had forgotten about this sketch (2nd attachment) from The Seth Material. In Chapter 10, The Nature of Physical Reality. That's where Seth talks about "Each of the three of you creates your own glass, in your own physical perspective. Therefore you have three different physical glasses here, but each one exists in an entirely different space continuum." An attendee, Bill, saw an apparition in the bathroom doorway during the session. He asked for paper and pen and sketched what he saw. Looks amazingly Grey-like, don't you think?

Seth: "I am pleased that I have been perceived, and I have been watching you from my own vantage point. The image in the doorway is indeed my own, though there is bound to be a distortion in Mark's perception of me. It is through the Inner Senses that he perceives me, and this data he then attempts to transform into information that can be physically perceived."


Hi Deb

I like Sylvia too. It took me a couple of years to get used to her accent. When she first started making vids and doing interviews her accent was really thick. I think she's much better at English now and I'm more used to her voice. She comes up with some very interesting, to me at least, subjects!!

I love your Shadows image!!  That's just neat!  :)  I wasn't where we could see the eclipse to any great extent. The media coverage of it just left me scratching my head and wondering if what I saw was just some CGI.  I have a friend that isn't into any conspiracy, believes mostly whatever the media says. He watched it in on tv to and the first thing he said was he thought it was just CGI, and then wouldn't say much more. I know at times even he questions the official narrative :)
I'm actually kind of glad you actually witnessed that. I really wasn't sure that's what happened.

That is very definitely a most striking resemblance to a Grey Alien in the second sketch!!  Thank You for posting it!!
Aliester Crowley was in touch with an entity he called Lam. It looks very similar to the sketch you posted.

I'm still thinking it's some part of our Entity, personally and collectively, the image is what our senses perceive, and molds the image to look like.  I'm wondering now too if the big head is a symbolic way to represent the being using the mind, intelligence, thought, etc more than a physical body.  That's maybe why they look like they are starving, a symbolic way too de-emphasise being in a physical body?


Quote from: T.M.
Here's another vid of the sun blinking and being different colors.
T.M., thanks for the sun video.
Rudolf Steiner had some interesting ideas on the sun:

"We no longer feel that at the moment of waking from sleep we summon the light into our eyes. For us the light is outside, phantomlike. Nor could the Greeks any longer see in the sun the actual source of Life; they felt that the sun was something that pervaded them inwardly. They felt the element in which the sun lives within the human being as the element of Eros — the element of Love. Thus: the sun as the divine source of Love. Eros — the sun-nature within the human being — this was what the Greek experienced. Then, from about the fourth century A.D. onwards, came the time when, fundamentally speaking, the sun was no longer regarded as anything but a physical orb in space, when the sun was darkened for man."

"....when, under Constantine, Christianity was secularized, the Palladium was taken away from Rome. Constantine founded Constantinople, and he caused the Palladium to be buried in the earth under a pillar erected there by his orders. Thus it transpired that in its further development Roman Christianity was deprived of the knowledge of the Sun-Mystery by the very Emperor who established Christianity in Rome in its rigid, mechanical forms."



Quote from: T.M.
Aliester Crowley was in touch with an entity he called Lam. It looks very similar to the sketch you posted.

Here's an interesting link to an article and image of that entity: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/cienciareal07.htm


From Larry's link:

"The "grey aliens," slight-bodied, big-headed, large-dark-eyed manikin creatures are primarily an American phenomena. And, it is interesting to note that all the Lam workings were done in America."

This makes me wonder! While there are worldwide records of UFO sightings from as long as man could record events, how can seeing Greys be primarily American phenomena? Is it cultural preconditioning, similar to how "possession" of people by evil beings fits in with their particular religious beliefs, even down to the effectiveness of the tools and rituals characteristic of their religion used to release them from possession? Do we see what we expect to see?

Seeing the images in that link reminded me of an image in The Scole Experiment, except he was blue. He was one of the supposed inter-dimensional beings that communicated with the group. They were doing experiments with video taping, and this is one of the images that magically appeared on the tape. They did say that Blue had appeared to them in somewhat physical form in the past.

Quote from: T.M.I'm still thinking it's some part of our Entity, personally and collectively, the image is what our senses perceive, and molds the image to look like. 

Yep, I also think it can go beyond our Entity, that there may be times of cross-over or breech between dimensions. I have a friend who says years ago she was walking through her living room one evening and saw a man walking towards her. Middle-aged, dark hair, balding, dressed in current attire. He looked shocked to see her. And then he was gone. She speculated he could be a resident of her apartment, but from a different time.

There's a LOT we don't know. I like that.


I hope it's okay to revive this old thread. I found this passage in which Seth seems to refer to alien beings, although he does not use the word "alien". He is saying that these beings were formerly humans on Earth, but may now appear as "gods":

"Groups of people in various cycles of reincarnational activity have met crisis after crisis, have come to your point of physical development and either gone beyond it, or destroyed their particular civilization. In this case they were given another chance, having the unconscious knowledge not only of their failure, but the reasons behind it. They then began with a psychological head start as they formed new primitive groupings. Others, solving the problems, left your physical planet for other points in the physical universe. When they reached that level of development, however, they were spiritually and psychically mature, and were able to utilize energies of which you now have no practical knowledge. (Pause at 9:22.) Earth to them now is the legendary home. They formed new races and species that could no longer physically accommodate themselves to your atmospheric conditions. However, they also continued on the reincarnational level as long as they inhabited physical reality. Some of these have mutated and have long left the reincarnational cycle, however. Those who have left it have evolved into the mental entities that they always were, you see. They have discarded material form. This group of entities still takes a great interest in earth. They lend it support and energy. In a way, they could be thought of now as earth gods." (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)

From the Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/bdIiode

I do not, however, think that the beings Seth refers to are grey aliens. Grey aliens are described as robot-like creatures. The beings Seth described my be communicating with humans by telepathy or in dreams.


Hi All,

Hi Sena,

That paragraph from Seth has inspired many of my searches into this 3D reality :)


Quote from: T.M.
That paragraph from Seth has inspired many of my searches into this 3D reality
T.M., may be more than 3 D. Seth often uses the term "multidimensional".