The Lumanian Plot to Extinct Homo Sapiens

Started by James Sidaway, May 01, 2020, 12:43:42 PM

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James Sidaway

The Homo capensis Plot to Extinct Homo Sapiens

Have you read "Seth Speaks" Chapter 15 and made the connection between the "Lumanian Race," (or Homo capensis ) hiding within the crust of Earth away from Nature's wrath, and the biblical figure of "Satan?"

Seth never made that direct connection for you. That was up to you to do.
Now, you can find over and over references of the fake dual-personality of our species due to "Satan". Jonathan Kleck has become the latest puppet prophet telling you there is a "bluetooth" from the bottomless pit controlling the bad you and in opposition to that from GGod controlling the good you. Yes, it is fake, but it hides the hivemind of the Lumanians giving to the Mystery School Cult that William Cooper exposed Cooper also exposed how the thUgtopians (a highly organized network of thUgs rising a fake Utopia called "New Atlantis")... how thUgs think and behave due to Lumanian brainwashing to become sacrificial pawn promised a path to immortality behaving like thUgs: where a fake outcome justifies the deed. This fake outcome is the trick of the Lumanians against the Mystery School Cult and thus the entire hybrid race of Homo sapiens. Homo capensis hates Nature's aggressiveness with a passion and apparently the Creator GGod, moreso! And, out of spite, capensis brainwashed a highly select, selfish, group of human-toddler-souls to become thUgs against their own species of humans. By doing so, secretly, Lumania has again blocked GGod's blueprint for all mankind from spiritually expanding beyond capensis. Lumanians "win" again... or is that looses again?
Seth called humans: "the Lumanian Second Chance" in chapter 15.

The Mystery School Cult believes in channeling, but wants the "profane" to stay away from knowledge outside Lumanian control. Hence we have many manipulated religions calling such channeled information "demonic," and to "burn the witches" outside of Lumanian control. This is why Jane Roberts had a strange, unhealing death amoungst the Cult's medical mafia. She was sheeple gone out-of-control. Karen Hudes claims Homo capensis ancients still walk amoungst Homo sapiens today and that is one of Hudes' truths as the Lumania Artificial Intelligence technology is taking over all digital communications systems. The Fake-Christian false-preachers are right... Satan does rule most organized infrastructures upon Earth. The world-wide, microwave-grid system is their biggest rose on the sapien cross or tome-stone.

Is it coincidence that the brainchipped-puppet of thUgtopian masters is saying there is a "bluetooth" coming from thUgs below messing within your heads? (Prepare for the AI Lord his what he hides)... This happening while Elon Musk is pretending to be developing a bluetooth link to your cell-phone via brainchip technology? It is ancient! Read Chris Dunn's Giza Power Plant A.I. is ancient and sat on top of Giza like the USA fiat dollar tells you!

Kleck is now an official Judas Goat rather than a reveal-er of old-world-order secrets after he rung his bell on his home-made church. His brainchip commanded it to be built. The bluetooth voice in his head from cental-command. This is the same central command that murdered Timothy McLean on the Greyhound bus near Winnipeg: "On a mission from the AI thUg god" "from an evil god." But there is no evil force upon Earth, just lies and confusion.

Kleck now provide a hive diagram to show you that there will soon be a voice in your head trying to get you to commit suicide and leave this probability. The diagram is wrong, of course. This is just a attack framework to provide a smoke-screen for the covertly implanted brainchips like that implanted into Vincent Li and Kleck and thousands and thousands of suicide victims, soon to be millions if the thugs prove very stupid.

All thUgtopians know Kleck is a fake, they giggle about it (like a toddler giggling with a gun to his head) and they will hide most if not all such information of exposing him and the capensis plot on the internet... With the Covid, sheeple are being hindered to gather and to talk, "divide and conquer" is the thUg motto besides "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT."

Watch Kleck who apparently does not know that Frankie is a thUg enjoying the bamboozlement of the Kleck situation and that of his following sheeple. But beware, just like this Frankie is a thUg-actor that apparently convinces Kleck... Kleck could just as easily be a thUg-actor convincing the sheeple who he has gathered now, since he was transformed by the brainchip into a Judas goat after the bell-ringing.

Seth said: "I said (in Session 846) that you have religious and scientific cults, and the male-oriented scientific community uses its power in the same way that the male Jehovah used his power in a different arena, to protect his friends and destroy his enemies." Jehovah was Lumania's AI computer-god, not homo sapiens god... Jehovah now is destroying Lumania's proclaimed enemy. You see, the message of Kleck is the thUgtopian misdirection of the microwave-tower hivemind link to the ancient Lumanian's(Satan's) brainchips while at the same time Jehovah will destroy human thUgtopians in their probable-world's ending. The will have suicided themselves is my prediction, but their they will have lost the soul of New Atlantis. Seth warns them of the destruction of Atlantis being in their future, not just the past in Session 742.

As far as the Lumanians influences on sapiens, they used ancient AI Jehovah to create our hybrid combining Earth Natives genetics with Lumanian genetics that allowed interbreeding with their Martian race with the newly created Earth women.

Seth was very careful to not let the cat out of the bag and thus increase the Cult's secret attacks upon his books by saying it this way: "They(Lumanians) did send out members of their own group, however, to live with the natives and intermarry, hoping peacefully to thus alter the physiology of the species." (Brien Foerster's Paracus research agrees)
There were many hominids on Earth before the Velikovsky Cataclysm. They all suddenly disappeared (likely before the cataclysms in spite of GGod's blueprint for a mankind) except Homo sapiens, the hybrid that Lumanians got Jehovah to fabricate before the cataclysms.

The Homo sapien experiment failed as far as the Lumanians are concerned (as they hide underground, like a sneaky Satan would do) since they could not continue interbreeding with subsequent female offspring. Lumanians blamed the Creator God for this. So, angry Lumanians remained behind to trick the sapien-thUgs into thinking that they can be uploaded into a computer (ad astra) via brainchip to rid them of their failed experiment upon the surface of Earth...

Seth tells us in a few places that physical computers cannot contain the spiritual soul. The Lumanians easily realize this without Seth, but Satan has the thUgs all convinced that Lumanian AI technology can transfer human souls (Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Rosicrucian philosopher stones)... but, it cannot, its just a trick, a just a satanic lie... Satan's final trick for the most greedy of Homo sapiens is to get all these self-righteous thUgs to commit suicide... What a grand, wicked plot lasting thousands and thousands of years (and they do not have to swear oath's amoungst each other to keep that secret driven by Lumanian hatred.)

But if it gets that far in some other probability that most thUgs are going to witness, and it will happen, somewhere, someplace... that "New Atlantis" will be fake, it already lost it's soul for value-fulfillment.

GGod has no use for thUgs in the afterlife, but their overSouls will still have many other incarnations capable to advance into another entity from a fragment. While thUg-fragments will be simply assimilated back into the source-Self like Seth said may happen to "Frank Withers." (likely a past thUg, he was a "fat-head" Seth said.)

Wake-Up thUgs! Calling all Sethies! Help those thUgs wake-up! Help them change their egos and spiritually expand the entire species within your chosen probability... The Martian, Lumanian, thUg-masters will then fail their dreadful plot against Earth and their hindrance will be finally all over.

"Not only did it(Lumania) make no attempt to "civilize" the rest of the world(Earth's hominids), but it did everything in its power — which was considerable for a long period of time — to impede any such progress."
—Seth Speaks Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970

Another interesting thing that shows how capensis is playing the Mystery Schools Cult/ secret-society thUgs as fools... is that these Lumanians knew that when the slaughter of the "profane sheeple"came about, anyone who has the pure heart to live and the will to survive is going to be immortal-like you see in me and getting through all kinds of cracks worked into the Lumanian designed slaughter-fest... The trap is really for the thUgs.

Miracle after seeming miracle the heart-strong sheeple will defy all signs of logic...  The weakened-souled, murderous thUgs will be suddenly dieing by seemingly natural causes as the probabilities unfold.   Just like the cataclysms came and wiped out Lumania's last thUgtopian AtlanthUgis.   The slaughter at the designed "end-times" will in most cases be the thUgs themselves and not from sheeple fighting....  I survived 14 years of thUggery and never had to fight once, let alone kill anyone.  It will be the same for any sheeple that chooses that path.  If thUgs leave no escape for a strong-true heart, the weak-souled thUg will fall somehow, some way...   The desired prosperity desired by the overwhelming number of sheeple will sweep thUgs away using the probabilities.  Satan/capensis is smart and knows this, obviously, preparing for all the probabilities of possible champions to catch them before the sheeple-slaughter... to head-off any harbinger at the pass... but Satan does not tell the toddler-thUgs how the probabilities of the multiverse provides the apparent immortality...  Capensis pretends it is some kind of white magic.  Why?  They are actually entrapping you with fake beliefs.

So,  Lumanians and thUgtopian pawns are many more times likely to be wiped-out by natural causes... not by some fictitious, jealous, angry god protecting the chosen ones.
These Lumanians understanding the probabilities much better than me and I know their chance for success is very low against the full-souled Earth-loving sheeple.  But the Lumanians haven't much to loose now, they are dieing and have little future left as sapiens replace them...  they just want some last pleasure to toy with the stupid portion of sapiens who turned their backs upon Ggod and thus Nature, too.   The atheist sheeple in no way turned their backs upon their Creator-Ggod as much as the did the thUgtopians.  The real target  for the most sick Lumanian pleasure against Ggods replacement species for Lumania is the most Ggodless of the sapiens, the self-righteous thUgs.  ThUgs are the most horribly tricked, this is why Seth warns mostly thUgs,"You reap what you sow." "The Ends never justifies the means." "You create your own reality."  Seth is not warning sheeple who are afraid of channeling, Seth warn the thUgtopians, rising their very fake AtlanthUgis.

All the branches of the rare success for the  thUgtopians to succeed will end in tragedy as the Lumanians get their "pleasure" in those rare cases to actually extinct the Homo sapien thUgs.  Never trust a Satan, thUgs, you will thus get what you deserve in the rare cases where you exterminate your own kind through Lumanian's superior brainwashing techniques.

  Now, that ending will be poetic justice.  I'm the un-lucky guy that got to solve the scam and hopefully sway you away from such Lumanian insanity upon their beaten-down pawns to inform you to stand-up and listen to reason and put the pieces together.

Choose very carefully thugs... You haven't killed me and you will not... you should be able to figure out the future outcome if you don't take up the offer for your salvation now as Karen Hudes gloats at the sheeple.  As Kleck rung his bell, as Trump no longer has a seal nor a flag when he speaks  Their will come a point where you cannot change your mind and then it will be rather, too late. 
From what I can see about these Lumanian capensis creatures, one that I met in Winnipeg,  they will not leave you much time to mope about things in physical life.  You will have to do that in your afterlife in front of your overSoul fragment-donator.  All men face their overSoul alone... no fellow thUgs will be holding your hands sobbing with you to consul your collective grief.  But I will pass by in a dream-state or two and wave from many, many probabilities (collective acts of murder have not decayed nor shrunk my soul away like thUgs)  with a smile of course...  "You should have taken the offer, murderous thUgs."  Can we try again?... "Nope, it's done and it looks like the suckered thUgs are done, too."