
Started by T.M., April 23, 2020, 06:50:23 PM

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Hi All,

Just thought it might help balance the energy out a bit if we have a thread focused on Solutions.
For anything really, big or small.

For cleaning out heavy metals in the body due to our environment, and nano bots if you believe in that,
cilantro, cabbage, leafy greens. Kale and collards.

How to regrow Romaine and supermarket lettuce


Hi All,

Another is grounding. Just stick your feet on bare soil for about 30 minutes a day. Helps the body tune up its electrical system :)


Thank you for this topic, perfect!

The lettuce looks great. I have some romaine in the fridge and will try that. The last issue of Mother Earth had a whole article on rooting kitchen scraps too. You also can do this with celery, green onions, garlic, probably other veggies. One thing I've heard is that organic veggies would be better for this, because they spray the non-organic ones with a chemical to prevent them from sprouting in order to stabilize shelf life. Right now I have a potato sitting on the kitchen window sill sending up shoots despite the "spray." I'll probably get that into some dirt today.

There are so many things you can grow without having a proper garden. When I was a kid I used to raid the spice cabinet and grow seeds such a celery, dill and coriander (cilantro).


Hi T.M., Hi All,

Hey T.M., thanks for sharing that.

My wife has a small dish in our kitchen window with lettuce in it and it looks almost exactly like the on shown on your video. She also has about a 6 inch growth of carrot top and we have 3 cups each with green onions all growing hydroponically.

The growing sounds great too.

- jbseth


Quote from: T.M.
Another is grounding. Just stick your feet on bare soil for about 30 minutes a day. Helps the body tune up its electrical system

This reminded me of an old blog post I wrote years ago when I was pretty much talking to myself, lol. #3 has a link to an article about grounding. :)


Hi All,

Hi Deb,

I know what you mean about feeling like your talking to yourself on these subjects :)  Thankfully lately more people are embracing an awareness of these subjects!!  Thank you for the article!

It makes sense too. Rubber soled shoes are a relatively new development in foot wear.

Thank you and Jbseth also for the vegetable growing tips too! I like the idea of starting with organics! One of my local grocery stores is focusing on fresh organic produce. I really like the idea of using what's in the spice cabinet too :)

One other thing that I've been doing lately as well  too is 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in water daily.
It helps reset the acid-alkaline levels in the body.
Not a thorough exposition on the matter by any means, does give one an over all idea about it. If the body is too acidic, it provides ample opportunities for many diseases.

On an interesting side note, I saw a YouTube clip of an older gal who was a child during the Spanish flu. Her mom gave that to her and her siblings. She said no one in her house caught it, but everyone else around them did.