Reincarnation, Karma & Family Dynamics

Started by jbseth, June 06, 2020, 11:05:07 AM

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Hi All,

This morning I reread TES3, S89. This is an incredibly amazing session where Seth spoke about very many different topics. What's even more interesting here is that this specific session, was a personal session, given primarily to/for Louie.  Louie, is the brother of Ida, and Ida is the wife of Rob's brother, William Richard. During this session, Louie, Ida and Rob's brother William Richard, were all in attendance.

In this one session, Seth discusses reincarnation, karma, personal life challenges and family dynamics as they can occur across various reincarnations in a very personal way. This particular session really seems to demonstrate Seth's concepts about karma and what this means in terms of his understanding of how life works.

While this is a rather long session, the information that Seth presents here is really fascinating on several different levels. Not only was Seth an incredible philosopher, but as we can see from this session, he was also an incredible psychologist.

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- jbseth


I read session 89 and it was interesting to me for several reasons, thanks for that! It was the first time I'd read that Rob's brother and wife did read some of the Seth material and had the session at their house. For me it's another clue to Jane and Rob's lives and how people related to them and the idea of Seth.

Also, Seth seemed relentless (despite Jane's objections) to give insights into Louie and yes, the family dynamics: The story history of Louie and his father, their reincarnational relationships, and Louie's "problems" that were self-imposed.

At the end, Seth seemed unusually, not sure what word to use... gruff? in his persistence. Anyway, I'm curious if his information helped Louie overcome at least his speech impediment. I think if I'd been given so much specific background information as Louie was, it would certainly boost my ability to overcome some limitations or, as in Louie's case, consequences or penance that Louie was forcing on himself.

It sure would also be nice if there were people close enough to Seth, Jane and Rob that we could ask questions like that. It occurred to me when Rich died how many of the Seth-related people died unusually early in life. Except for Rob, that is. I have to wonder why.


Quote from: jbseth
Instead the Mediterranean area in the 1500's, and it is from this period that his present speech impediment indeed originated.
jbseth, thanks for this quote. This is interesteing to me because I too suffer from a stutter.


Hi All,

I found several interesting comments in this session that would be worthy of future discussions; not necessarily here. I also realized for the first time that Rob and Jane must have used reams of "carbon paper" in order to make all those copies of all the sessions they typed up over the years.

The comment and reminder in this session from Seth about the fact that we create our physical image:

You form our own physical image, with all its defects, for our own reasons.

In this session we can see how Louie, in a previous life had a lame right arm, and in this life had an issue with stuttering.  Both of these "defects" seemingly coming from a perceived need to punish himself for the mistakes made in a previous life (letting an innocent man be accused of being a traitor).

Seth's comments in this session about Karma:

Karma in the physical plane, represents the maturing realization that when we wound someone else, it is not another that we wound, but ourselves.  This occurs because we are all psychically and physically part of All There Is.

If we really thought about this and if we ever actually realized that this is how life actually works (we are all individual parts of All That Is, we are all one), then we would never do anything to hurt or harm anyone else because this would just mean that we were harming ourselves.

Seth's comments about how we sometimes bring about a situation, in this life that gives us a logical explanation for a problem, (such as stuttering for Louie) that we choose to take on, in this life, because of a mistake we made in a previous life.

Such as how Louie, at age 5 years old, played with the ball in the house alone, got burned and yelled out, which set up his stuttering.  This stuttering was set up in this life as a penance, if you will, for the errors of speaking out eloquently in a previous life, which resulted in an innocent man, Louie's father in this life, being identified as a traitor.
