Seth's ideas altogether make me think of a game of chess

Started by pyromancy, June 17, 2020, 11:52:14 AM

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A description in Seth Speaks describes how objects can be imagined as having copies lined up behind or around them in different numbers with them becoming more and more faint or small.

When I think of probabilities or families of consciousness, I'm reminded of the probabilities of a chess game and each piece as a family of consciousness.

It doesn't look like Seth mentions a game of chess in detail but I think it's memorable an Ouija board is what summoned him in to existence. Simultaneous time in the context of a chess game is difficult to picture but it's easier to keep track of a game compared to real life. I think it's interesting there are 64 squares in a chess board and 64 codons in human DNA. This isn't arbitrary to me because it's been found in the I Ching and there is an interpretation of the I ching King Wen calendar that a lunar year is 6x64 = 384 days which is a lunar year. There is more math to it showing it represents the Zodiac and precession of equinox, but that math mirrors the patterns in DNA.

Fractals I think are an appropriate term for the way that Seth describes objects as.

All of the ideas together make me think that the idea of the universe constructed by thoughts makes sense but it's worth noting that it could mean that even people who have a completely false perspective in a way also build the shared reality we live in.

""You are playing games with yourselves. You are using your mind, but you are not using it correctly. You are using it to mask the true questions. You are setting up a game of checkers—one part of you is playing one game and another is playing another game. And I will have more to say to you."
—TECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969"


I've been thinking lately on how even people with ideas that are completely delusional really do unfortunately construct our universe.

Billions of religious zealots no matter how wrong they are still have plenty of monuments and billions of dollars. They are constructing our physical reality with nonsense.

It's nothing to get upset over but I can think of another example how huge of a waste of time I think videogames are for example and how much time people will waste on them. Doesn't matter. People still make millions and those mostly pointless machines will occupy plenty of space be it in living rooms or landfills.

Having preferences for what reality isn't enough to alone change all of it.


I don't mean people with false ideas are responsible for everything, but they do aid in construction just as much as people with the more "valid" ideas.

When I say a videogame is pointless I think of how there are no physically solid results, an individual isn't helping anyone for the most part, and it's a waste of money. There are exceptions and there is artistic inspiration but I say this as a person who used to play a lot when I was younger and just look at people stuck in that habit thinking of how much money and time goes in to something that doesn't benefit anyone who really needs help or to further a persons spiritual evolution. It doesn't upset me, I just imagine how many times people have said they don't have time for things like meditation or real spiritual research and their excuse is that they don't have time when people devote tremendous amounts of resources toward things that don't really benefit masses of people at all. It's just an opinion. I don't lose sleep over people not being perfectly the way I want them to be. You're likely never going to live in a world where people will behave perfectly the way you want them to or the way you imagine that they should.

I think people have an underlying fixation with visionary realities [tv/movies/games/internet] that I think substitutes their instinctual drive to be immersed in real visionary realms like dreams.


Quote from: SpiceMerchant42
Perhaps we can discuss why, e.g. video games are a waste of time for anyone but yourself. Are they in reality pointless, or is that just a belief that has no bearing on the actual facts that other people are experiencing that says to them they're not pointless or  a waste of time?

It seems to me that pointlessness and waste of time are subjective. This reminded me of talking with my ex on the phone last year. His sister has been a devoted subscriber to victimhood for her entire life. Unable to hold a job, not a penny to her name, adopting various physical and mental conditions as her identity, and until very recently (at 65) still living with mom and dad. A few felonies on her record for dumb stuff. He said his biggest issue with her was she has wasted her life, not bettering herself or contributing to society.

My comment back was maybe to him it was wasted, but she got something out of living life the way she has. She's always needed a lot of attention, hysterics and drama, and so in that case she's been very successful. And still going strong.

I guess everyone has their priorities.


It is subjective but I do notice the importance of compassion rather than only rigid intellectualism really rings as something meaningful for people studying Seth, or Law of One, or Eastern religions. It's originally what Christianity was about.

Compassion isn't present in a lot of things people spend time on.

I've pointed out to people how much money people will spend on things they don't really need on a habitual basis when there are people starving, and it'd be different if they were your neighbors next door as opposed to being scammed by having someone lie to you and donating to a fake charity claiming to aid someone in Ethiopia with your money--when it'd really just get taken by the owners.

It oftentimes appears to me cartoonish how much time and money people will spend on their own personal gratifications because companies like Amazon or the local adult nightlife club make it much easier for you to spend it there rather than actually helping people.

It amazes me. No one really blinks at the attitude it is completely normal.

This is just food for thought though, because I express a similar attitude about how I'd rather teach people meditation rather than donate to a soup kitchen full of alcoholics. It'd be nicer to find a halfway point where you'd be helping needy people, and also helping them develop spiritually but I think that's only in a perfect world. People who are that needy in modern countries are generally unhealthy on a mental level.

Another example I like sharing with people in how nonsense some of the modern worlds attitudes are is how people will be sent to jail as a punishment for violent and nonviolent acts, but people who are completely innocent but poor are abandoned on the street. So we will pay for a persons food, housing, and shelter as a punishment but if they're innocent they can go pound concrete. This is so backwards but no one cares.