Richard Bach

Started by Deb, September 03, 2021, 07:52:56 PM

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Recently I came across a note from Mary about Richard Bach's accounting of his first (and maybe only) OBE while sleeping on the couch at the Seth House. It was right after the big flood in Elmira. He had come to visit Jane and Rob, by their invitation, and ended up spending the night.

Mary had started transcribing a recording from a talk he gave in Minneapolis in 1980. She didn't get very far as the recording quality was terrible and she had hearing problems. I found the audio file and transcribed it a couple of days ago. Then today I came across another audio file of Bach talking about his experience during a talk he gave in Denver in 2000. The recording quality was MUCH better, and included more information than the first recording. I'm attaching both transcripts. The Denver one first because... more information, and as a bonus he goes on to explain his understanding of good vs. evil due to his OBE experience. I've included the first transcript as well, since there is a little info there that did not appear in the Denver one. The accountings are 20 years apart, and his story does not waver. I loved the "coincidences" that brought Bach and Jane/Rob/Seth together.
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thank you Deb.
I started reading the Denver one.
it is wonderful.
and so are you.   :)
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Thank you Charlie, I try my best.  :)  BTW I realized after I'd put up the Denver transcript that I should have broken the text down into more paragraphs. Bach talks ala stream of consciousness--one big sentence and lots of "ands." I've added another copy of the Denver transcript above that has more line breaks. Hopefully that makes it easier to read.
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thank you Deb.
that is so very thoughtful and kind of you.    :)
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Wow wow wow

Yep Deb is awesomeness wrapped in awesomeness!

love love love! TYSM :-*
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