Remedios Varo painting, The Flautist

Started by Mark M, March 04, 2022, 11:49:28 AM

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Mark M

For my money, she is comparably imaginative to Dali, her work taken all in all.

She said about this painting that the sound of the flute is moving the stones.

Compare what Seth said about the uses of sound, in, for instance, Seth Speaks as I recall.


Reminds me of Max Ernst some of them are excellent

Mark M

Revelation of the Clockmaker by Remedios Varo

She wrote about it that the "painting is about time" where the clockmaker "represents our ordinary time, but through the window comes a 'revelation' and all of a sudden the clockmaker comprehends a whole lot of things. I have tried to make him look both astonished and enlightened.... [the] timepieces all show the same time, but contain a figure from very distinct epochs..."

Mark M

Mark M

"[the] timepieces all show the same time, but contain a figure from very distinct epochs..."

The spacious present.