The nature of man's dreams, responsible for the evolution of the human species

Started by inavalan, June 17, 2022, 11:35:29 PM

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Many of the characteristics you consider human — in fact, most of them — appear to one extent or another in all other species. It was the nature of man's dreams, however, that was largely responsible for what you like to think of as the evolution of your species. (Intently:) You learned to dream differently than other creatures. ...

You dreamed you spoke languages before their physical invention, of course. It was the nature of your dreams, and your dreams' creativity, that made you what you are, for otherwise you would have developed a mechanical-like language — had you developed one at all — that named designations, locations, and dealt with the most simple, objective reality: "I walked there. He walks there. The sun is hot." You would not have had that kind of bare statement of physical fact. You would not have had (pause) any way (pause) of conceiving of objects that did not already exist You would not have had any way of imagining yourselves in novel situations. You would not have had any overall picture of the seasons, for dreaming educated the memory and lengthened man's attention span. It reinforced the lessons of daily life, and was highly important in man's progress.

Using the intellect alone, man did not simply learn through daily experience over the generations, say, that one season followed the other. He lived too much in the moment for that. In one season he dreamed of the others, however, and in dreams he saw himself spreading the seeds of fruits as he had seen the wind do in daily life.

His dreams reminded him that a cold season had come, and would come again. Most of your inventions came in dreams, and, again, it is the nature of your dreams that makes you so different from other species.
(10:35.) Give us a moment. . . The creativity of the species is also the result of your particular kind of dream specialization. It amounts to — amounts to — a unique state of existence by itself, in which you combine the elements of physical and nonphysical reality. It is almost a threshold between the two realities, and you learned to hold your physical intent long enough at that threshold so that you have a kind of brief attention span there, and use it to draw from nonphysical reality precisely those creative elements that you need. Period.

Animals, as a rule (underlined) are less physically-oriented in their dreaming states. They do dream of physical reality, but much more briefly than you. Otherwise, they immerse themselves in dreams in different kinds of dreaming consciousness that I hope to explain at a later date.

--- NoME. #867
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


The purpose of dreams is so much richer and valuable according to Seth than modern psychology, which says dreams are us resolving personal daytime issues. I can say a huge percentage of my dreams are so weird that I can't tie them in with anything that happens in my daily life.

I've been reading a book recently from FP Dorchak, a fiction writer who contacted me because he had a lot of Jane/Rob fan letters and asked if I would hold them in case Yale would accept them for the Jane Roberts collection. Then he sent me all of his books.

This was his first book, Sleepwalkers, and totally Seth inspired. It deals with our dreaming selves, probable selves, incarnations, etc. An enjoyable book and it reminded me a little of the Oversoul books. Thought provoking.


As I currently understand this, and I think it is compatible with the Seth material, we are non-physical entities enrolled in a learning program that takes place in several states of consciousness. We attend instructional classes in our deep-sleep, we get practical lessons and tests in our dreams, and the awake-reality is like a lab where we're applying the theoretical stuff we learn. What happens to others are lessons for us to learn from, and what happens to us are tests for us to check our skill, both in our dreams and when we are awake. We (should) work closely with our subconscious, which actually creates all the experiences we have, and each one of us is guided by a personal guide, Seth-like.

A first step is to establish a working relation with your own subconscious and guide.

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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.