The individual and the nature of mass events explained in a video game mod

Started by tickle, July 12, 2022, 08:01:55 PM

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Hi guys, check this out.

So for those who don´t know skyrim is this (previously) single player game (personal reality) that has now advanced to a multiplayer level (mass events.)

The analogy is super clear if you know a little bit about games and understand the symbolism behind expanding a word that used to be for a single person into one that includes many.

The video explain a little on how it works and the parallels are wowwowowow.

Give it a chance.


Cool! I've only watched a bit of the video, will finish it up later when I have more time. I think I can already see where this is going, as far as a "consistency" among the players, much like Seth's root assumptions.

Geez I haven't played a game since Myst... I guess I dating myself here. Graphics in today's games are amazing.