You can't expect an unchanging state of exuberant happiness; you'd learn little

Started by inavalan, August 09, 2022, 02:19:55 AM

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Quote from: TES6 #280... your purposes will be served if you make a habit in our sessions of asking me to check into immediate probabilities as far as health is concerned.

It is a matter of focus on my part. If the overall developments are not dangerous, I will not automatically sense them, but only the end result. On Ruburt's part this time it was additional knowledge. Specific questions will cause me to turn my attention to such matters.

We can then change the probabilities, or manipulate them to your advantage. In many cases proper suggestions given immediately may well suffice. You cannot expect however a steady and unchanging state of exuberant happiness. (Smile.) It is not practical in your terms. You would learn nothing, or very little.

In the main physical existence means a translation of inner mood and psychological climate into physical terms, and no consciousness is constantly in a state of bliss. There is always effort involved, for this is the meaning of consciousness. It is the meaning of creative effort. You should not accept a barrage of illness as natural, however, for it is not. On the other hand neither should you blame yourselves for various small and separated indispositions.

In a state of excellent health there will still be small, infrequent but definite indispositions. You can be sure of adequate protection if you daily suggest that you will be open to constructive and healthful suggestions and influences. Also suggest that you will be automatically protected against negative suggestions and influences.

It is important that influences also be included.

Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Quote from: TES6 #280Now. The cat episode, my dear friend, (laugh) was not connected with either of your indispositions, except for your own negative expectations. Ruburt picked these up from you. You learned quickly, saving your cat.

Some harm was done, of course. You can command yourself protection from such viruses through the suggestions given earlier. You may rest.

The suggestions mentioned, had you used them consistently, would have changed your own reactions to the Miss Callahan incidents, and allowed you greater freedom. Not only did the incidents upset you, but unwittingly you prevented Ruburt himself from giving some aid in the later stages that he could have provided.

It was your reactions that should have been changed, as it was Ruburt's reactions concerning his book that should have been changed. His attitude toward his book and publisher largely were responsible for the delays.

You should have made a positive and enlightened effort to help Miss Callahan, once you realized your predicament. If you had done so, dear friend, you would not have become ill. And this material is quite undistorted.

Help those you are free to help. It will make up for many things.

Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


This is a great example of unintentional unskilled reality creation!

Quote from: TES6 #280Your cat should be inoculated. There is no great danger here, but since you know he is not inoculated, it should be done.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Quote from: TES7 #281Take for example this subconscious feeling: "I want to be comforted. If I were sick someone would feel sorry for me and comfort me then." Such a wish is very seldom on a conscious level, but it is often emotionally charged, and it brings forth immediate results because of the charge it carries. Whenever you catch yourselves in moods of self-pity, then you are courting just such results.

There is no way out of this, you see. You simply must realize that self-pity, in your terms, is highly destructive. Any charged emotional feeling will almost immediately be made actual. Now this gives you an advantage, you see, if you understand the principles. When you strongly desire to sell your paintings, my friend, you will do so. (Jane looks at me, eyes wide and dark.)

If you passionately desire that others possess them, and benefit from them then you shall sell them, and because of your desire you will take those necessary measures. But regardless of those measures, the paintings will sell.

When you passionately desire to withhold them, when you fear that you will lose a part of yourself by relinquishing them, then this will be what you broadcast to others, and this is the data upon which they will act.

The pendulum is an excellent method of discovering your subconscious feelings, and indeed of changing them. As you both suppose, incidentally, the music you played this evening was highly beneficial from several standpoints. (Yma Sumac.) Any connection with past periods of productivity or joy have immediate reference to the present. As negative suggestions play their part, so do positive suggestions, and both in terms of symbols.

These positive symbols can be used quite deliberately. They should be utilized for your own benefit. You do this often without realizing that you do so, but a conscious knowledge will help you.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.