There is nothing in your exterior experience that did not originate within you.

Started by inavalan, May 01, 2023, 02:03:09 AM

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Quote"Your experience in the world of physical matter flows outward from the center of your inner psyche. Then you perceive this experience. Exterior events, circumstances and conditions are meant as a kind of living feedback. Altering the state of the psyche automatically alters the physical circumstances.

There is no other valid way of changing physical events
. It might help if you imagine an inner living dimension within yourself in which you create, in miniature psychic form, all the exterior conditions that you know. Simply put, you do exactly this. Your thoughts, feelings and mental pictures can be called incipient exterior events, for in one way or another each of these is materialized into physical reality.

You change even the most permanent-seeming conditions of your life constantly through the varying attitudes you have toward them. There is nothing in your exterior experience that did not originate within you."

—NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972

Being responsible for the state of the world ... What a burden!

Poverty, war, climate, crime / corruption, "evil", ... everything you learn about all are your creation, and you can solve all of them by changing your "thoughts, feelings and mental pictures"!

Quote"Basically you create your experience through your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality.  Another way to understand this is to realize that you create your experiences through your expectations."

—NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972

Quote"The mass race consciousness, in its terms, possesses an identity.  You are a portion of that identity while still being unique, individual and independent.  You are confined only to the extent that you have chosen physical reality, and so placed yourself within its context of experience.  While physical, you follow physical laws, or assumptions.  These form the framework for corporeal expression.

Within this framework you have full freedom to create your experience, your personal life in all of its aspects, the living picture of the world.  Your personal life, and to some extent your individual living experience, help create the world as it is known in your time."

"You make your own reality.  There is no other rule.  Knowing this is the secret of creativity."

—NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972

Quote"Each person experiences a unique reality, different from any other individual's. This reality springs outward from the inner landscape of thoughts, feelings, expectations and beliefs."

—NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972

Quote"First of all, you must realize that no one can change your beliefs for you, nor can they be forced upon you from without.  You can indeed change them for yourself, however, with knowledge and application.

Look about you.  Your entire physical environment is the materialization of your beliefs.  Your sense of joy, sorrow, health or illness – all of these are also caused by your beliefs.  If you believe that a given situation should make you unhappy, then it will, and the unhappiness will then reinforce the condition.

Within you is the ability to change your ideas about reality and about yourself, to create a personal living experience that is fulfilling to yourself and others."

—NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972

Quote"Your ideas and beliefs form the structure of your experience. Your beliefs and the reasons for them can be found in your conscious mind. If you accept the idea that the reasons for your behavior are forever buried in the past of this life, or any other, then you will not be able to alter your experience until you change that belief. I am speaking now of more or less normal experience. Later we will discuss more particular areas, such as circumstances in which illnesses date from birth.

The realization that you form your own reality should be a liberating one. You are responsible for your successes and your joys. You can change those areas of your life with which you are less than pleased, but you must take the responsibility for your being."

—NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972

Quote"Your joy, vitality and accomplishment do not come from the outside to you as the result of events that "happen to you".  They spring from inner events that are the result of your beliefs."

—NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972

Sessions 613, 614, 615, ... are full of gems.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


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