Nice to have a number

Started by Mark M, September 23, 2023, 08:33:20 PM

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Mark M

"My ego has not been annihilated through two thousand deaths!" --Seth, November 29, 1975 (Unpublished ESP Class)
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Where did you get the unpublished quote from?

I don't think that the 2,000 number has any significance.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.

Mark M

I don't recall where I grabbed this from:

Seth: You must not try to slay the conscious self, as you understand it, but {try} to expand its capacities. You must not try to slay the ego but {try} to understand that the ego is a term that you have used. You must not try to deny your individuality but {try} to understand what individuality is and means. And, use it.
If anyone here thinks it is a virtuous advantage to forget desire, to learn a distaste for life, to become detached, then look you to those who have lost desire, who have become detached, and who cry aloud in that agony for a sense of meaning and sensual validity. Those who say "There is no meaning to my life. Where shall I look?" have become detached from the fountainhead of being, the biological and spiritual fountainhead of being.
The soul is not dead. It is not finished and done with and beyond desire. It is desire! It is vitality so strong that it gives birth to your being and grows you from a dream to a physical reality. That is desire! God is desire! A flower, or a dog or a frog is desire!
I have told you how you created your reality. But, I did not tell you how you could create another better one, except for the hints and clues! You are almost (but not quite) ready for the "take-off" or the launching or the beginning.
Now, I am not a shrinking violet! My ego has not been annihilated through two thousand deaths! Whenever you think you slay your ego, another one emerges triumphant.
[Note: There had been discussion about tapes from earlier classes that have been reproduced and sold and/or distributed by persons unknown.]
There is one reason that the tapes work. There is one reason that people listen to the tapes. The reason is this: An individual speaks - not a bland non-entity, not a spiritual head, not a bundle of goodies, but a person, as you know people.
I have lived as you live. I speak of the survival of the personality, personality distinctness, not annihilated in the blindness of a Nirvana, not squashed in a benevolent god-head. But, the essence of what I am survives and is and continues and grows, as your essence survives and continues and grows. It is not lost in the blinding corridors of some godhood's brain.
God, in those terms, so loved individuals that he individualizes himself. Or, to any, any, any feminists around, she individualizes herself!
Your identity continues, as mine continues. I make no attempt to hide my characteristics. They were not buried before the time of Christ. They were not destroyed in my death in the seventh century. They were not annihilated in the 24th century of your existence and in your reckoning of time. They were not destroyed in any of my deaths. Nor shall your identities be annihilated or lost in a oneness that knows not desire nor distinction. And, that is a strong part of my message!
Your own creativity continues. You will change, as you have, indeed, changed (in your terms) in the past, as I have joyfully changed, as hopefully my ignorance opens into some slight doors of wisdom.
But, those tapes show that the individual, as you think of the individual, triumphs and is part of All-That-Is and refreshes All-That-Is but is not annihilated in that benign goodness.
So, listening to my voice, do you feel within yourselves the strength of your own individuality. For, no seed of the smallest apple tree is lost or loses its unique integrity and the privacy of its being.
Therefore, neither is that great integrity and privacy of your being ever scandalized or broken apart or shattered, for the God that created it loves it dearly. And in its uniqueness, that God feels its own being expanded and glorified - not in your annihilation, but in your triumphs does All That Is continue to form its realities.
Now, sense within this voice the vitality of your own being. And, remember it to the marrow of your bones!
November 29, 1975 (Unpublished ESP Class)
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I found part of that quote only here: link

Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


QuoteNote from Deb: I looked up the date of the transcript -- 11/29/75 -- on Mary Dillman's list of Seth Sessions, and it looks like the only place this has been published was in the Austin Seth Center Newsletter (1:12) and Pathway to the Stars, whatever that is. But not in any of the books.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.

Mark M

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