Magical Work

Started by Seeker, October 03, 2015, 08:59:06 PM

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Firstly, by "Magical Work" I understand all Consciousness focusing beyond/away-from physical reality. There's a matter of techniques/approaches within such Work and about that I would like to ask all of You: What are yours? How do You go about such Work ? What are your expectations and how do You prepare Self to undertake mentioned Work? What are your tools/approach?

Till now I was only meditating before the sleep. Firstly I was counting ten of my breath with focus on them, to quiet my Mind. Of course it was never silent, but ten, focused breaths calmed it enough for me to go further. Next, I always "saying" to myself (thoughts) following:
- My body is protected and rest within comfort
- My body will be protected and will rest within comfort
- I am protected and I rest within comfort
- I will be protected and I will rest within comfort.
I do it even thought Seth said, that One needs protection only if He/She believes it is necessary. Therefore it is something I do for my own purposes.
Next, I silent Self and stay open (I try to stay open) for everything that may come. Till now I had couple of very short visions of situations/Beings that last for two or three seconds, but were vivid and distinctive form any other experiences I had. In one of them I saw two Beings standing next to each other. First I saw a Being that was whole black (even His skin – but not like black race Person – like cosmic void black) and dark eyes. It was like I was turning and I saw Him first. I startled. Than I saw second Being next to Him, who was a man with small mustache and He said to me "I apologize" – and the vision ended. It all took place at some kind of old-style market. I have no idea what that might meant.

Lately I was thinking of going more seriously about Magical Work. Based on my current knowledge:
I will begin and end time-period of such Work with special hands gesture, created/settled by me and used ONLY in such situation – never in any other situation/circumstances (as means of bringing and taking off "Magical Personality).
My "problem" (if I can label it that way) is how to direct Self (as Consciousness) in such endeavor. Should I simply Open-Self and accept anything that will come (which I basically done till now)? There are many things going on in my life and I always ask "Beyond" to assist me in my decisions, as well as in interpretations – in better understanding what I'm encountering. That is why I stay Open within frames of such Work.

I'm curious what You are "reaching for" in such Work.
Among things that I would like to achieve is OoBE. I think I've done it once in my very early childhood, but it is not even a "memory" – it is a Feeling of such experience. The other thing I would like to develop is "telekinesis" – to influence matter with my thoughts alone (well, not entirely "alone", as they are always accompanied by Feelings).
In case of latter one I KNOW it is possible, but I cannot explain the source of this knowledge. I simply do. Sometimes I feel it within Self, but for some reason I cannot manifest it in my immediate experience.

Please, Share your experiences with such Work and the way You are "Directing Self".