
Started by LenKop, December 04, 2015, 09:50:28 PM

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A quote I across the other day, from Mass Events, which made me burst out laughing, but also reminded me of the value and beauty of humour in this experience:

'(All with much emphasis and irony:) The idea of a meaningless universe, however, is in itself a highly creative imaginative act. Animals, for example, could not imagine such an idiocy, so that the theory shows the incredible accomplishment of an obviously ordered mind and intellect that can imagine itself to be the result of nonorder, or chaos -[you have] a creature who is capable of "mapping" it's own brain, imagining the brain's fantastic regulated order could emerge from a reality that itself has no meaning. Indeed, then, the theory actually says the the ordered universe magically emerged - and evolutionists must certainly believe in a God of Chance somewhere, or in Coincidence with a capital C, for their theories would make no sense at all otherwise.' Part 3, Ch 6, Session 829 from Mass Events.



Quote from: LenKop on December 04, 2015, 09:50:28 PMthe theory shows the incredible accomplishment of an obviously ordered mind and intellect that can imagine itself to be the result of nonorder, or chaos

What an awesome concept, great quote. God of Chance with a capital C, I just love Seth's sense of humor! I never really thought about it before, but if you look at anything in our reality, from a snowflake to molecular geometry to the growth of a human (or any creature) blastocyst developing into the final result—and everything in between—it becomes obvious that there is order to everything.

Brilliant, thanks for that and thanks for making me think!