Coincidences, intuition, imagination

Started by Pinky, February 14, 2015, 06:13:23 PM

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I'm slowly finishing my reading of The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.  Gosh, it's good.  I like what Seth says here in Session 825 (10:25):

"The coincidences that seem to happen, the chance encounters, the unexpected events -- all of these come into your experience because in one way or another you have attracted them, even though their occurrences might seem to have insurmountable odds against them....

"To some extent or another, your intuitions acquaint you with the fact that you have your own place in the universe, and that the universe itself is well-disposed toward you. The intuitions speak of your unique and vital part in the fabric of that universe."

I've been noticing coincidences, intuitional thoughts and feelings more than ever these days -- and trusting them rather than discounting them as sillyness.  I'm even trusting my imagination and really enjoying it.  So many connections lately, and it's fascinating when that ah-ha! moment occurs and I connect the dots.  Mostly, it's exhilarating and fun, even if not revelatory in any obvious way.

Coming across Seth's session on this topic this afternoon was such a welcome read.  It reinforces my trust in my continual co-creation.  Sometimes that's all ya need.


Awesome post Pinky. I really enjoyed that book as well. Oh how I wish I had a photographic memory.

Quote from: Pinky on February 14, 2015, 06:13:23 PM
I'm slowly finishing my reading of The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.  Gosh, it's good.  I like what Seth says here in Session 825 (10:25):

"The coincidences that seem to happen, the chance encounters, the unexpected events -- all of these come into your experience because in one way or another you have attracted them, even though their occurrences might seem to have insurmountable odds against them....

I had another one of those chance encounters again today, it make me laugh and feel happy. People must think I'm nuts. I heard somewhere that you can walk around looking sad or angry and no one notices, but if you walk around with a big grin on your face they think you're deranged. Yep, that's me.

Quote"To some extent or another, your intuitions acquaint you with the fact that you have your own place in the universe, and that the universe itself is well-disposed toward you. The intuitions speak of your unique and vital part in the fabric of that universe."

Love that! Last night I had this vision that rather than a tapestry or fabric as reality is usually described, it's more of an infinite jigsaw puzzle and we are each a unique piece in that puzzle. It spoke to me of the purpose of the uniqueness of each of us.

QuoteI've been noticing coincidences, intuitional thoughts and feelings more than ever these days -- and trusting them rather than discounting them as sillyness.  I'm even trusting my imagination and really enjoying it.  So many connections lately, and it's fascinating when that ah-ha! moment occurs and I connect the dots.  Mostly, it's exhilarating and fun, even if not revelatory in any obvious way.

Coming across Seth's session on this topic this afternoon was such a welcome read.  It reinforces my trust in my continual co-creation.  Sometimes that's all ya need.

Trust yourself, yes! Lynda's Living a Safe Universe has a chapter devoted to trust. Actually it's the basis of the entire book. She mentions one of my favorite quotes near the end of the chapter:

"You must begin to trust your self some time. I suggest you do it now."  NOPR ses. 677

How can you not love that energy personality essence no longer focused in physical reality?  ;)