Bringing awareness of alternative living solutions in Gaming forum

Started by myststars, November 04, 2016, 04:07:05 AM

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A couple of days ago i felt to write about some things we discuss here in  hardware/gaming forum where teens that want to escape and hide behind the keyboard are...I felt that the light of awareness has to shine in an un-shinable or parts that were never took in consideration so here you have...

I wrote so much there that some people got lost...I can say i usually talk so much about consciouness on other forums so i couldn't stop myself to talk in a "complete way"..My english is a combined english with romanian grammar and synthax so sometimes i write big chunks of info and may be confusing for a native english speaker...
So if you are curious what i could write for this kind of audience here you have the thread...

Of course many people are lost but you will have more understanding what i mean so you can add and comment here or there :)
I really loved that it has a big audience...1100 views in a couple of days and over 60 replies even if mines are the most of them
I forgot to say on that forum my nickname is "badsykes" ... Is very old one...



Quote from: myststarsI really loved that it has a big audience...1100 views in a couple of days and over 60 replies even if mines are the most of them

Yep, I'm not sure Speaking of Seth will ever have such a following, we're a niche of a niche kind of forum. And while teens and 20-somethings spend the most time on the internet, they're unlikely to have ever heard of Seth or would be interested.

The discussion at is fascinating! I just read the first page, but the different opinions and points of view about the article are interesting. I may go back and read some more.

AND I've finally had a chance to read The Atlantic article myself, so i'm heading over to your post about it right now...


There are also old people there lurking too but most young people...


Quote from: Deb
Quote from: myststarsI really loved that it has a big audience...1100 views in a couple of days and over 60 replies even if mines are the most of them

Yep, I'm not sure Speaking of Seth will ever have such a following, we're a niche of a niche kind of forum. And while teens and 20-somethings spend the most time on the internet, they're unlikely to have ever heard of Seth or would be interested.

The discussion at is fascinating! I just read the first page, but the different opinions and points of view about the article are interesting. I may go back and read some more.

AND I've finally had a chance to read The Atlantic article myself, so i'm heading over to your post about it right now...

People tend to be interested in whatever they are interested in.
Which to me is value that there are so many teachers, or all types of topics , in an infinite variety of forms.

I find the best ideas and teaching tend to go into people's interests, rather than be seperate from them.

for example, some of my love of Batman works it ways into my Seth Blog articles, and some of my love for the seth ideas, concepts and material works it way into my  Batman Blog. Nobody reading either of those blogs would have any idea.

It's not "belief system by proxy" but an integration of various things within me, that are naturally expressed in my writing. there is nothing hidden, no agenda, nobody reading my Batman Blog is being converted to Seth-ISM or anything like that.

But I know that my best articles are better because of my years of reading the seth books, and I know my most inspirational articles, the ones people have really responded to and said "thanks for writing that" or "I never thought of such and such this way before..." tend to be the the ones where I am emphasiszing some types of human values, through the example of Batman.

So what I am getting at is that we all find our own way of absorbing the same basic stuff in life, some find it in a good book, a video game, a comic book, a piece of art, inspiration is all around us.

I am equally inspired by the seth material as I am by superhero comic books (often considered to be a cultural ghetto).

One of the various books I have planned out is a book which has simple life lessons (spiritual, but not any type of dogma or belief system) written for gamers, using my own experiences from a lifetime (so far) or playing video games. there are already a small handful of books like this, that is where I got the idea.