Extraterrestrials and Earthlings

Started by Deb, November 02, 2016, 07:59:01 PM

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OK, the idea has been broached here before, in various topics. I've often felt, wondered, whether we Earth inhabitants have been lent a hand in our growth (a gentle nudge) from visitors from other consciousnesses. Ahem. Ala XFiles. Maybe. I've never been completely comfortable with the concept of ETs. But then, from FB again, came this quote:

Your human stock did not all originate solely from your planet. I never told you that it did. In that respect your ancestry is indeed varied. Some of the information given in my own book, by inference, should have made that clear.

Evolution, as it is thought of, had many different aspects in those terms. There were three or four beginning points. Do you follow me?

There were then visits from others in other planetary systems. In that regard this is quite natural. Your own relative isolation is far from the average. The legends, many of them therefore, were of course chronicles of quite legitimate physical events, describing phenomena for example for which natives had no adequate vocabulary. They were forced to describe what they saw by making comparisons with objects and events already familiar to them.

Some such visitors in your terms were more evolved than others. All however would appear as superhuman in contrast to those civilizations that encountered them. There were some deliberate experiments that were in fact far more dangerous to the experimenters, always in which the experimenters tried in one way or another to advance man's knowledge.

It is not nearly as simple as that, however. There is not a one-line development. By the time that feasible intersystem space travel is practical, the psychic abilities are developed to a very high degree. One is necessary for the other. Therefore, it became much more feasible to approach earthmen during their dream state, when their natural fear reactions were somewhat minimized, and where the danger to the visitors was far less.

Out-of-body encounters were used as matter of course. The visitor could appear and disappear then without fear of pursuit. Civilizations were often warned in advance of natural disasters that were apparent to the visitors with their greater viewpoint.

Such warnings were either given in the dream state of the earthmen, for the reasons given, or often in some secluded place, for often the visitors would be attacked. During these eras in your terms, the speakers often acted as go-betweens. Often warnings of disaster were not followed. Some warnings were misunderstood, then, as punishment by the gods for "moral misdoing."

The whole moral code idea was originally tailored for the current scene as it was encountered, told in terms that the natives could understand.

Seth (Jane Roberts) 'The Personal Sessions', Book Two of the Deleted Seth Material, Session 604, Page 54-55.


Quote from: DebYour human stock did not all originate solely from your planet. I never told you that it did.
Thanks, Deb, this is an excellent topic.

Of related interest is Giese's paper (attached). Quoting from that:

"At the beginning of Chapter 15 of Seth Speaks, wherein he discusses "reincarnational
civilizations," he talks of civilizations previous to our own – and previous to the time of Atlantis.
(We're talking some time ago, let me tell you!) He states that "groups of people in various cycles of reincarnational activity...have come to your point of physical development and have either gone beyond it, or destroyed their particular civilization."
Some of these civilizations, "solving the problems, left their physical planet for other points in the physical universe...Earth to them now is the legendary home. They formed new races and species that could no longer physically accommodate themselves to your atmospheric
The reason I bring all this up in regard to UFOs is to point that, if these peoples could leave the earth for "other points in the physical universe," they could conceivably return if they have a mind to."


The main reason I don't care for modern ideas about aliens etc, is that many books are often filled with so many flaws as to be laughable.
I like when Seth talks even briefly on this topic.

One thing to ponder is, why do we assume "Alien" to always be an other, the word by definition means something foreign and un-knowable.

Why do we not assume WE are the aliens? If something is always outside of "us" and "We" how can we ever find it, or encounter it?

I find it far more likely that humanity is a mix of alien species integrated into a human whole, here and now, rather than the semi-mythical mumbo jumbo that they are "out there"and forever unknowable.

But what about species, that are not human, on other planets?  Here my thinking tends to be what method of perception is used?

We have encounter of "ghosts" here on earth, what species might be encountered on different planets, in other universes with other non human methods of perception?
can we ever know?
Our eyes see / perceive only a very small segment of the light spectrum, if we look at all the frequencies we are bathed in, on a daily basis, that we can not see, but know to exist - here and now, what are we not seeing that is right in front of us?

Anyhow, the whole ships landing and close encounters stuff to me is a convenient fiction, myth and symbol. I think reality is far more mundane than we give it credit for.


Quote from: Batfan007One thing to ponder is, why do we assume "Alien" to always be an other, the word by definition means something foreign and un-knowable.
John, that is a good point. It is quite possible that our DNA is a mixture of that derived from several races from different solar systems.

Most of us have amnesia for our other ("previous") incarnations, so it is possible that some of these could have been on other solar systems.

In the pdf which I attached to my post above, Giese interprets Session 604 to mean that humans exist throughout the universe. (That would be a shattering blow to Darwinians) If this is correct, it would not be surprising if the occupants of some UFO craft appeared to be completely human.

Giese quotes further from Session 604:

"Basically – in your terms now – there is no such thing as an isolated, independent earth stock, in
that consciousness did not suddenly erupt from the physical behavior or characteristics of your
planet, or in any other.
"As you know, consciousness comes first, and then forms the physical materializations of it.
Those consciousnesses who picked physical materialization choose to operate under certain
conditions that then appear as the natural characteristics of a species to you.
"Consciousness is not local, and it never was."


Nice one Deb ,
               one of my fav' topics , i have a fascination with the ancient megalithic stone builders who seemed to have been quite prevalent millenium ago , there are massive stone monuments all round the world + many of those cultures have mythologies that include being taught about civilisation by ''star people''.
               Some here on this forum have probably heard of Sitchin's work + his translation of the sumerian tablets + his claim that the ancient sumerians were in fact a genetically altered race to work for the annunaki who had 'created' them to mine for gold to protect them from their failing thining atmosphere. This also involves the existence of their planet nibiru , which some scientists call planet x + its 3600 yr cycle in + out of our solar system .
               There are many more such mythologies + indeed it is quite a mystery as to how  these stones, some of them weighing 1200 tons (the unfinished egyptian obelisk) or the 3-4000 ton stones (urals , russia) could have been quarried let alone moved many miles + hoisted into position , a task quite impossible for our own technology .
               Seth does say that they utilised sound to cut + lift these massive stones + in fact there are mysterious 'scoop' marks all around the obelisk at aswan . The scientific/archeological theory that they used only copper tools + other granite balls to do this work is patently absurd but they stick with it the poor fools . Faulty or limiting beliefs at work of course.

               Much of our own christian religion is based on the sumerian accounts + indeed Seth has said that the jewish jehova is a hand me down from the speakers active in the sumerian civilisation + passed on to the jews. This is where it gets a little wierd + wonderful because it was from the lumanians that Seth spoke of that the jehova god was initially born , that 2nd civilisation that existed millenia b4  atlantis.
               This is a great indicator of the continuity of  cons's + mythology + in my mind gives credence to the ancient hindu legends + the most ancient of the egyptians whose king lists go back 36000yrs or so also the agartha legends (+ others) + the fact that the ancient lumanians left their underground dwellings + mixed with some of the local peoples whilst others took to the stars + went to join those of the first civilisation who had in many cases destroyed themselves but who ultimately found the ways + means to peaceful coexistence . It was the lumanians who were returners of those 1st races , who had tried to genetically alter themselves to avoid the violent tendenceies that ruined the 1st civilisations . I believe this is also why we have + will find the remains of their starward journeying on the moon + other planets in our solar sys' .
               I think that Seth also said that these starfaring civilisations still see earth as the ancient homeland + indeed that some of these civilisations do in fact return to us to oversee our progress + also that some of the abductions etc are from a race who had further genetically modified themselves with drastic results on their forms + return to collect genetic material to help them survive .
               I firmly believe that we have so called alien genes mixed with our own but many of them are in fact our ancestors , so saying that they are aliens is someting of a misnomer .
               Seth has also spoken of ancient galactic wars + that the warring factors or qualities that we have were initially spawned by the ''creator gods'' to find outlet for the aggressive tendencies inherent in a more physically oriented species .   Thats a bit of a mind blower but i don't think it ultimately detracts from the fact that it is the peaceful, loving cooperative tendencies that win the day for Seth has also stated that a civilisation cannot ultimately progress unless it has these more equalising qualities firmly enbedded into their genetic make up .

              peace , paul.
              ps ; sorry again for the lack of quotes but i think you will find that essentially what i have said comes from Seth is more or less true to his teachings . Please feel free to correct me .


Quote from: SenaOf related interest is Giese's paper (attached).

Sena, thanks for posting that attachment.

This entire topic is quite interesting!


Quote from: DebOK, the idea has been broached here before, in various topics. I've often felt, wondered, whether we Earth inhabitants have been lent a hand in our growth (a gentle nudge) from visitors from other consciousnesses.

Hi All,

Regarding ET's, I recently came across the following statement in the Appendix of Seth Speaks, Session 558, November 5, 1970, 9:50 P.M. Thursday.

"Now: (To Ron): In a life in the east before the time of Christ, 1200 B.C., you were a member of a body of men who belonged to an esoteric heritage. You were wanderers and traveled also through Asia Minor.
You carried with you in your heads messages and laws that had been given to one of your kind in a time that was already nearly forgotten. These were codes of ethics. They originated from the time as Atlantis. Before that, these codes were given by a race from another star. This race had to do with the origin of Atlantis. The messages were put into words and language and written down at the time of Atlantis, but after that they were handed down by word of mouth."
Your people learned them from their elders, and they were called Speakers."

Now Seth doesn't actually say how this race from another star gave this information to this one, this one of your kind. It is possible that this information could have been given during a vision or during a meditation state.  But they also may have been given during direct contact, such as during an ET visit.


Quote from: jbsethBefore that, these codes were given by a race from another star. This race had to do with the origin of Atlantis.
jbseth, thanks for finding this interesting information.


Angels may be extraterrestrials.

"The Bible may be the most thoroughly documented account of extraterrestrial contact ever in written history here on earth. We just simply have not learned how to interpret and how to identify the clear and obvious evidence that all of the different hierarchies of beings described in the old and the new testament literally do refer to visitors who come here from somewhere out of this planet, extra- terrestrial........
In the Bible, angels often appear to humans as physical entities that can be seen, heard, and even touched......
For centuries religious tradition has perpetuated the notion of bird-like wings to explain an angel's mode of travel."

The depiction of wings on angels may be a "myth".


"It would be a serious error in judgment to presume that all angels are inherently guided by the purest virtues with the best of intentions toward humankind. At least from the ancient Hebrew perspective, such is not the case. Elohim angels and gods are broadly represented throughout the texts and seem to differ as much in character, motives and activities, high and low, as do human beings."

"At least one passage even suggests their sexual union with human females to procreate a hybrid progeny (see Gen 6:1-4)."

If it is true that progeny were produced, that implies a very close genetic similarity between the male "angel" and the human female.



Wondjina Petroglyphs are Australian primitive drawings dating back 5000 years. They are believed to represent alien beings known as the Wondjina. These spirit beings are represented as paintings of giant humanoid figures, some measuring close to 23 feet tall. They have gray alien-like eyes, cone-heads and no mouth or ears.

Cool Cool x 1 View List


 Hi Sena ,

           You are right about the bible + aliens .

           The origonal story comes from the ancient sumerian .  There are some exellent vids on u-tube from many sources but the origonal translations come from alexander sitchin's translation of the stone tablets  + has quite detailed history of the annunaki coming to earth from a planet callled nibiru , which some call planet x . Their history is reckoned to be the oldest (that current historians accept , 4000 bc) + apparently the 1st visitation was some 450,000 yrs ago (some say 250,000).   These annunaki wanted to mine gold + according to the story , created the human race from an ape like man + their own genes to dig the mines. A fascinating account + it is easily seen that many accounts in the bible come from this source .   It makes it quite interesting to wonder how Seths 'speakers' comes into the equation .

       peace , paul


      actually modern historians now reluctantly admit that gobekle tepi in turket date to around 8-10,000 bc , which makes a complete farce of our previous historical records + what is still taught in schools .
    The hindus are ancient , the s American cultures are ancient , it is only historians + archeologists that foolishly think otherwise .


Hi All,

Here's another interesting comment I just found today. This comes from "The Early Sessions, Book 4, Session 184, September 3, 1965, page 240.

"( Seth had some interesting comments to make when the conversation turned to flying saucers, and the recent rash of reports on such craft in the newspapers. The craft do exist, Seth said, and the action of the governments in relation to them leaves much to be desired. I believe he used to word pitiable in this connection. Also, government people cannot bear to admit something they cannot explain."


Quote from: jbsethAlso, government people cannot bear to admit something they cannot explain."
I am currently reading a book by Ida Kannenberg. If what she wrote is true, governments and powerful corporations have a lot to fear from extraterrestrials:


"A compromise must be made and maintained if the current world civilizations are to endure. The compromise must react onto many levels of human activity. World government leaders are struggling to find compromises on a political level, but the everyday people of the world must find their own ways of compromise on an individual level, such as levels of personal beliefs, as well as many other kinds. The metaphysical cores, not the histories, of all religions should be studied, and the psychological needs that shaped these beliefs. Only on that level can compromise be found, and until then the fires of war will continue to brutalize the human race."


The Grand Central Sun is pushing the civilizations in his range towards evolution and integration so ALL is WELL is in all creation...It doesn't matter what goverment comes and go..The humanity is pushed by creation itself...



Quote from: Deb2014 Video of Mysterious Flying Object
Deb, sightings of UFOs are now very common. Perhaps more significant from our point of view are the contact experiences of individual human beings.


Quote from: SenaDeb, sightings of UFOs are now very common.

Yes, thanks, I figured as much from the Mufon site. But I especially love sightings that involve the military and governments, they are more credible to me and usually have the superior equipment to record these things. This object is very similar to what I saw sitting over Denver a couple of months ago. I wonder what it 'sprayed' out the back end? I can't imagine it would be exhaust of any kind, so there has to be a reason for it. Chemtrail?


Quote from: Sena
Quote from: Batfan007One thing to ponder is, why do we assume "Alien" to always be an other, the word by definition means something foreign and un-knowable.
John, that is a good point. It is quite possible that our DNA is a mixture of that derived from several races from different solar systems.

Most of us have amnesia for our other ("previous") incarnations, so it is possible that some of these could have been on other solar systems.

In the pdf which I attached to my post above, Giese interprets Session 604 to mean that humans exist throughout the universe. (That would be a shattering blow to Darwinians) If this is correct, it would not be surprising if the occupants of some UFO craft appeared to be completely human.

Giese quotes further from Session 604:

"Basically – in your terms now – there is no such thing as an isolated, independent earth stock, in
that consciousness did not suddenly erupt from the physical behavior or characteristics of your
planet, or in any other.
"As you know, consciousness comes first, and then forms the physical materializations of it.
Those consciousnesses who picked physical materialization choose to operate under certain
conditions that then appear as the natural characteristics of a species to you.
"Consciousness is not local, and it never was."

I don't know if I"m ready for such "memories" (or points of focus) but two areas that interest me are memories of future earth lives, and memories of lives on other non-terran planets. I see no reason NOT to recall such things, as whatever is available and useful to me in this life time I will make use of, the specific details of any existence to me are not terribly important so much as the overall theme, values, fulfillment, things learned etc that may benefit me here and now, as well as other probably selves etc.

This year (2017) I may ask the hypno-therapist (who uses the Dolores Cannon method) I went to previously - if she is willing to go with me into experiences such as these, as the model so far for many is "past" lives. Excuse my french once again I'm sorry, but "past" and "future" are bullshit concepts, convenient FICTIONS if you will that we cling to like security blankets as they make us feel comfortable, that are only true in a relative sense.
Some day, we must take off the training wheels. But nobody will force us to.


Quote from: DebYour human stock did not all originate solely from your planet. I never told you that it did. In that respect your ancestry is indeed varied. Some of the information given in my own book, by inference, should have made that clear.

Evolution, as it is thought of, had many different aspects in those terms. There were three or four beginning points. Do you follow me?

There were then visits from others in other planetary systems. In that regard this is quite natural. Your own relative isolation is far from the average.
I can create a reality in which humans are the only intelligent physical beings in the Universe.

Or, I can create a reality in which there are millions of kinds of intelligent physical beings in millions of universes.


An article from Exopolitics Journal 4:2 (December 2013). The pdf can be downloaded here:


"So it seems likely that the (Catholic) Church is aware of The Nine and their revelations that Jesus is from the extraplanetary civilization of Hoova; i.e., that Jesus himself may be an extremely refined extraterrestrial, as stated in Part One of this book."

(The book referred to is "Return of the Aeons: The Planetary Spiritual Ascension" by Richard Cook)


Perhaps we should refer to "intelligent non-human species" rather than extraterrestrials, because if someone claims to have had contact with such a species we should not assume that they come from outer space. There is a passage in "Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Volume 2" which seems relevant:


"The species begins its own kind of psychic migration. It begins to sense within itself further frontiers and the possibilities for action. It begins to yearn for the exploration of mental lands, and it sends portions of itself out as couriers.

Now: Ruburt is that kind of courier. There are many in all areas of life, and this involves not only an excitement on the part of your own species, but the same kind of curiosity and excitement on the part of other species as well. Again, most difficult to explain - but those connections that exist between all species and the environment are themselves affected."

When Seth refers to "other species" here, is he referring to dogs, whales, and dolphins, or is he referring to species much more intelligent than dogs, whales, and dolphins?


A good point about using INS instead of ET. The dictionary defines extraterrestrial as originating, existing or occurring outside the earth of its atmosphere and yet I've heard theories that ETs are not necessarily what people normally consider them to be—visitors from another planet or star system. They could be from another dimension/frequency, one that may or may not have some version of our earth.

Quote from: SenaWhen Seth refers to "other species" here, is he referring to dogs, whales, and dolphins, or is he referring to species much more intelligent than dogs, whales, and dolphins?

Good question. For some reason Kindle wouldn't let me see the book, but I have an old used hardcover. I love used books, there's a note on the title page, "5/7/93 Steve, Couldn't find Seth Speaks. Hope this will do until we can get the other for you. Love, Mom" I wonder where Steve was in '93 that he couldn't buy his own books...

I've been reading in UR2 how trees sense, how the slightest thing every consciousness does affects every little rock, tree, plant as everything is composed of consciousness units and connected. I just had a mental image of a spider web, and how waves are given off when the smallest insect is trapped, alerting the spider.

This too, from 936, Seth uses the somewhat generic word nature: "The horizontal communications stretch and expand to allow for later developments in terms of probabilities, for consciousness always knows itself in more than one context, and it is possible for nature to experience itself in ways that would seem to be most improbable when the properties of conservation and learning are at their (underlined) strongest spring."

I don't quite know what he means by "at their strongest spring," but yes I feel that he is including everything, species in and outside of this planet and dimension.


Quote from: Deb
A good point about using INS instead of ET. The dictionary defines extraterrestrial as originating, existing or occurring outside the earth of its atmosphere and yet I've heard theories that ETs are not necessarily what people normally consider them to be—visitors from another planet or star system. They could be from another dimension/frequency, one that may or may not have some version of our earth.

This reminds me of the organization FREE (The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters). Edgar Mitchell was a co-founder. Their definition of 'extraterrestrial' includes much more than we normally include. They are conducting multiple surveys in several languages and have collected thousands of responses from people who have experienced some kind of contact with a wide range of anomalous beings.

Website: http://www.experiencer.org/

I participated in the first two surveys myself, having been in the presence of what they would call an Energy Being some decades ago. A partial summary of results so far:

55% saw Energy Beings: 6.7% were mainly negative experiences;
52% saw Human Looking Beings: 5.2% were mainly negative experiences;
50% saw Small Greys: 11.5% were mainly negative experiences;
47% saw Spirit/Ghost Beings: 7.4% were mainly negative experiences;
34% saw Tall Greys: 12.4% were mainly negative experiences;
26% saw Hybrid Beings: 6.3% were mainly negative experiences;
25% saw Reptilians: 23% were mainly negative experiences;
21% saw Insectoid/Mantid Beings: 9.5% were mainly negative experiences;
14% saw Small Animal Beings: 5.8% were mainly negative experiences;
13% saw Tall Animal Beings: 9.6% were mainly negative experiences;


Quote from: LarryH
They are conducting multiple surveys in several languages and have collected thousands of responses from people who have experienced some kind of contact with a wide range of anomalous beings.
LarryH, welcome to the forum, and thanks for your interesting post. I think "anomalous beings" is a good term because that would include strange beings existing on Earth unseen by the vast majority of us. I was intrigued by this massive structure in the Antarctic apparently an "artefact" (constructed by intelligent beings). I downloaded Google Earth, and checked that the structure can actually be seen on Google Earth.

Michael Sternbach

Seems like, besides reincarnational selves and alternative selves, we have to add our extraterrestrial selves to what constitutes an entity. But bear in mind that not all of our manifestations on other planets need to be physical (although some may be). Some of the non-physical aspects of the self that Seth talks about may well be associated with dimensions that, although perhaps represented by the visible body of a planet or star, are by no means limited to it. (Some clues can be found in Unknown Reality.)

Every celestial body has subtle planes attached to it that host its own mind and spirit, much like our subtle bodies host our human mind and spirit. According to ancient Gnostic texts (such as Macrobius' Dream of Scipio), our subtle bodies are actually made of the very stuff that our soul nucleus has gathered during its sojourns on those other worlds. Hence some tradition talk about the "astral body" etc.

This is not to say that those sojourns are only occurring between our physical lives. Some of those other sojourns happen simultaneously with our physical existence, at least as seen from our vantage point. The self has no limits, as stated in The Nature of Personal Reality. It is not a closed system but merges with the all encompassing World Soul.


Quote from: Michael Sternbach
According to ancient Gnostic texts (such as Macrobius' Dream of Scipio), our subtle bodies are actually made of the very stuff that our soul nucleus has gathered during its sojourns on those other worlds. Hence some tradition talk about the "astral body" etc.
I think that many instances of people seeing "alien beings" may not mean that these beings come from outer space. There may be realities existing on Earth which are not visible to most of us. Some people may be able to "tune in" to these realities.

Michael Sternbach

Quote from: Sena
Quote from: Michael Sternbach
According to ancient Gnostic texts (such as Macrobius' Dream of Scipio), our subtle bodies are actually made of the very stuff that our soul nucleus has gathered during its sojourns on those other worlds. Hence some tradition talk about the "astral body" etc.
I think that many instances of people seeing "alien beings" may not mean that these beings come from outer space. There may be realities existing on Earth which are not visible to most of us. Some people may be able to "tune in" to these realities.

Yes. Earth is a planet too. Each planet and star is linked to various planes of reality.


Quote from: strangerthings
There is some GREAT info about this here

or download it here.
I am afraid these two links are not working. The message I get is "This site can't be reached

%22http's server DNS address could not be found."


Quote from: strangerthings
Don't forget the "Camoflauge pattern" EVERY form of life has to adhere to when coming here.

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Yes, descriptions of alien contact seem to follow a different "camouflage pattern" to the one that we are accustomed to, e.g. walking through solid walls. Christ is also said to have walked through walls after the Resurrection.


Quote from: strangerthings
Jesus is your True and Faithful Self.
strangerthings, I don't agree with you here. I am Sena, not Jesus.


The links work for me -- now. I'm behind the times because I'm abroad, busy, and internet is not always reliable here.

Quote from: strangerthings
Jesus is your True and Faithful Self.

So strangerthings, are you saying that Jesus is God, God is All That Is (ATI) and that we are all a part of ATI? I have to check my premises always when God or Jesus are mentioned because I'm overly sensitive to organized religion and its terminology.


Quote from: strangerthings
Of course you are you. (Sena) but is that who you are within you?
All That Is is within me, but Jesus is not. Of course All That Is was within Jesus as well, but it is wrong to say Jesus is God. The male God is a myth created by people who were ruled by Kings.


strangerthings, interesting picture of the Holy Grail. It reminds me of this:

You have written, "Our Y". Yoni?


Quote from: strangerthings
To speak is the domain of the sacred femine because this is where .....you project your prophecy.
Would you say that Christ is equally masculine and feminine?

I would like to visit your blog. May I ask where it is?


It all seems quite logical... except the elliptical orbit of Nibaru (according to Sitchin's research). I can't imagine such an orbit as possible, wouldn't we see some signof the planet in astronomy and also how could life even be sustained in an orbit like that?
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