~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Other Speakers/Teachers => Topic started by: Deb on November 14, 2015, 09:30:19 PM

Title: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Deb on November 14, 2015, 09:30:19 PM
I just have to say WOW.

This afternoon I watched a Tom Campbell/Bruce Lipton YouTube video (part 1). I chose that one because I've been a big fan of Bruce for several years and was surprised to see them together: a physicist and cellular biologist, what could they possibly have in common? 

Well, this video was so good I've watched it twice. I had to admit I had trouble following Tom in the beginning because I'm not familiar with his terminology (which he seems to think is common knowledge). But between the two of them, they make a great case for our reality being essentially virtual. And right in line with Seth's teachings. With plausible explanations of why we are here and how we will evolve. I thought Tom's explanation of free will, choices, love and lowering entropy (leading to growth and evolution) was fascinating.

An added bonus for me was Bruce's explanation of how he came to the belief that we, in this physical state, are essentially radio transmitters/receivers, by using cell identity (self receptors) and Mars Rover as analogies. I think the cell identity made it hit home. He mentioned his epiphany in one of his books, but never went into the detail to explain how that came about.

I also didn't realize that Tom worked with Robert Monroe. He was the "TC" physicist described in Far Journeys! That was another big wow. It suddenly feels like all of this "stuff" is finally coming together for me. Really, this made my day.

Thank you Jackaranda! I knew this place was just a larger version of The Sims game.

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Jackaranda on November 14, 2015, 10:11:07 PM
Awesome you got to see this. This was one of the first Tom Campbell videos I ever watched and yes, it's absolutely fascinating. Both of these guys are the real deal and both have great knowledge to share.

It is funny how it all comes together. Reading the Seth material is in many ways like getting confirmation of what Tom teaches. And yes, Tom does have his own terminology but you just need to be familiar with My Big TOE (TOE being Theory Of Everything). It was Tom who got me to understand probability distribution and that the "data base" has every single probability at every point in our lives. Totally mind blowing, and right there with the teachings of Seth. The virtual reality concept took me a while to get my head around but today I get it. This whole Universe is all virtual. As Seth describes God as "All That Is" Tom describes God as the "Larger Consciousness System." Same concept, different terminology.

There is a vast wealth of material on Tom's You Tube channel that compliment his book (or books...MBT is a three part series).
Title: As above, so below
Post by: Deb on November 20, 2015, 09:07:22 PM
In the above YouTube video with Tom Campbell, Bruce came up with this gem to explain his first realization that we are essentially signal receptors, tuned to our own specific frequency, with our consciousness being received from a remote transmitter. Bodies may come and go, but we are immortal energy beings.

Sorry this is so long, Bruce tends to be chatty but I've left out as many of the extraneous words as I could.

Beginning @18:37

...[N]o two people have the same identity. Identity meaning this: If Tom takes cells out of his body and puts them into mine, my immune system will say "not self" and reject it, vice versa if Tom takes cells from my body and puts them in himself, his immune system says "not self" and at this point I recognized that cells have identity. And when the understanding of the cell membrane as a control came in, it also hit me that on the cell surfaces of all of our cells are sets of antennas, glyco protein antennas, that read environmental information. Actually a subset of these, recognized by science, are called self-receptors, receivers of self. Of course, they weren't thinking of it in that terminology, but what I started to recognize, the self-receptors distinguish one identity from another identity. If I remove the self-receptors from a cell, the cell is generic. And I can implant that generic cell into any human because it's now just a human cell without any personal identity to it. If theoretically then I take my cell, take off my cell self-receptors, my cell becomes generic. But if I take one of Tom's cells, and then take his self-receptors off and transplant them onto my cell, if I take my cell and transplant it back into my body—rejected as not self. But if I take my cell with his self-receptors and put it in his body, it's accepted as self. The significance is you transfer ownership and identity by a set of antennas. Receptors, by their definition, are receivers of information. My cells pick up a different band of information than Tom's cells pick up. My cells are picking up information from the environment, that's what the receptors are reading. And what hit me at that moment, I realized if my identity is being picked up by the environment, then if my cell is here or my cell is not here, that doesn't make any difference to the existence of my identity, it's still part of the environment. And all of a sudden I said, oh my god, I'm not even in this thing (pointing to his body). I am a signal being picked up and playing through this body. And this blew my mind, because the first thing it says is that immortality is a given. It's the body that comes and goes, not the field of information of my identity, that's always there.

And then I also realized that, oh my gosh, we can't go to Mars. But we really want to know what Mars is all about. So what do we do? We send up something called the Rover. And the Rover doesn't look like a human, it's a vehicle with wheels and all kinds of stuff like that, and it moves all over the surface. And I say but yeah, it's the equivalent of a human. Why? It takes the environment of Mars and converts it into vision, smell, taste, sound, all of these things. Why? Because this is how we read the environment. So, the Rover has receptors to read the environment and pick up this information, but the important part about it is this: Rover is not an isolated mechanism on its own, it's being driven by somebody at NASA. That's sending a signal up, and it's being received by an antenna. But it's not a one way street. Because the Rover, in traveling around Mars, picks up the information from Mars and sends it back from the same antenna to the source. So the guy in NASA has an experience of what being on Mars would be like.

Well it hit me that we are Earth Rovers. That we receive information, experience information, and then return it to the source. ...[M]y first question  was why have a spirit AND a body? Why not just be the spirit?  And the answer came and said, "Bruce, if you're just a spirit, what does chocolate taste like?" And all of a sudden I said, oh my god, it's the biology which is all the receptor devices that translate my environment into sensation which are then translated by the nervous system into fields and vibrational patterns, which are then sent back to my source. And I realized at that moment that we're here to experience this place, to touch it and smell it, watch sunsets and feel love and eat wonderful food and have all this and I thought, wow, yeah but it's not just receiving information, when you have a body you can be creative. We can come to this planet and manifest creativity. And we do this, we step into a virtual reality suit, called the body. I step into this suit, as a spirit, it communicates with me via, just the same way the Mars Rover's communicating with NASA, and I get to experience this planet.

(Goes into comparing our existence here as a video game and we jump into character roles, with our setting up a script prior to the game, picking parents, genes, a variety of options we can choose so we have use of free will, etc.) 25:50
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: laurie_lynne on August 11, 2016, 01:40:24 AM
I just watched Part 1, and am sitting here stunned. It makes a lot of sense.

I came across Tom Campbell in some of the online casette tape recordings (!) of Bob Monroe's Explorer Series (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6pkuN2JWpGRsPMpsPtG4_rbHwzlQaxl). His book and website are on my to do list.

Thanks for posting this!

-laurie lynne
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Batfan007 on August 12, 2016, 03:55:24 AM
Quote from: laurie_lynne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6676#msg6676)
I just watched Part 1, and am sitting here stunned. It makes a lot of sense.

I came across Tom Campbell in some of the online casette tape recordings (!) of Bob Monroe's Explorer Series (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6pkuN2JWpGRsPMpsPtG4_rbHwzlQaxl). His book and website are on my to do list.

Thanks for posting this!

-laurie lynne

I have not read this topic, nor do I know who this dude is (Tom Campbell) but I just downloaded the first two long sessions (#2+3) as audio to listen to on my ipod while walking and see if it resonates with me. The Lipton/Campbell talk also. Thanks for sharing.

Watching a bit of that video:

"Matter is probability distributions"

so fucking sexy hearing that sentence!

I'm going to listen to the rest of that talk/video later tonight when I go for a walk.
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: JimK on August 12, 2016, 03:57:38 PM
I just jumped into the Monroe Explorer Series #1. I almost immediately sank into it, saw shapes and colors I haven't seen before and could see and feel the heat cool. I came out of it about in the middle and my head was spinning kind of like dizzy. So I took a break and decided I'd finish it but not allow myself to go into it. But I did to a certain extent and I know it was good for the lady involved and for the entities working with her. For me, I can't go into that again though - the series, that is. I'm thinking that maybe it's got something to do with the immersion tank.
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Deb on August 12, 2016, 10:27:30 PM
Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6700#msg6700)I have not read this topic, nor do I know who this dude is (Tom Campbell)

Whaaat? No, really? You are so well versed/read... just surprised.

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=3150#msg3150)I also didn't realize that Tom worked with Robert Monroe. He was the "TC" physicist described in Far Journeys!
Quote from: laurie_lynne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6676#msg6676)Bob Monroe's Explorer Series

Oh my, on my to-do list now as well. Been wanting to spend some time exploring the institute myself for quite a while. This year, my birthday, was the projected time of involvement for me. But I distracted myself instead with international travel. Two years ago I won a trip to Virginia, to a location less than an hour away from TMI.

Quote from: SumariDeb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=2589#msg2589)Hmmm. You won a trip to Virginia, and the realized you were close enough to visit his compound. How serendipitous is that?


Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Batfan007 on August 13, 2016, 05:20:57 AM
I just listened to the video thingamie today while walking. A nice talk, familiar with Lipton's stuff but not the other Toe dude. I'll likely read his main book, most of it is familiar stuff, but I do like how rational and clear he is when talking about things. He uses video game and technology analogies well, rather than as scapegoating and fear inspired as some old time spiritualist tend to be about any form of new media or digital media.

I've been thinking about writing some (non-seth) articles that uses video games as a metaphor for the matrix reality / "maya" the material world etc.
Of course someone could read it as complete nonsense, or take it literally.

Sometimes I wonder, we have many spoken and written languages, but how many psychic languages are there? One, none, infinite? Or at least how do we communicate across belief and value systems in common terms, and that is where I think living teachers come in as interpreters withing different belief systems  who can explain things between different spheres of activity, between different people, value and belief systems in terms they can understand.

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Batfan007 on August 13, 2016, 05:27:38 AM
Quote from: Jackaranda (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=3153#msg3153)
Awesome you got to see this. This was one of the first Tom Campbell videos I ever watched and yes, it's absolutely fascinating. Both of these guys are the real deal and both have great knowledge to share.

It is funny how it all comes together. Reading the Seth material is in many ways like getting confirmation of what Tom teaches. And yes, Tom does have his own terminology but you just need to be familiar with My Big TOE (TOE being Theory Of Everything). It was Tom who got me to understand probability distribution and that the "data base" has every single probability at every point in our lives. Totally mind blowing, and right there with the teachings of Seth. The virtual reality concept took me a while to get my head around but today I get it. This whole Universe is all virtual. As Seth describes God as "All That Is" Tom describes God as the "Larger Consciousness System." Same concept, different terminology.

There is a vast wealth of material on Tom's You Tube channel that compliment his book (or books...MBT is a three part series).

As he points out, Tom expresses his ideas in the dominant paradigm and language of the religion of Science.
Many others use spiritual mumbo-jumbo terms that turn some off, while getting others excited.
Some teachers use multiple lots of terminology for different audiences.

For example Paramahansa Yogananda talked about the material world being like sitting in the movie theater, watching the story - heroes, villains etc.
Looking up at the projected beam of light from the projector, everything, all the world, the actors are in the beam.
"they are in my beam, do not get too mixed up in it, it's all a show for your benefit" he says, referring to God as the source and light of the world etc.
This example was particularly used for english talks / western audience.
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: laurie_lynne on August 16, 2016, 02:03:23 AM
Quote from: JimK (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6708#msg6708)I just jumped into the Monroe Explorer Series #1. I almost immediately sank into it, saw shapes and colors I haven't seen before and could see and feel the heat cool. I came out of it about in the middle and my head was spinning kind of like dizzy.

Wow, @JimK -- I'm envious! The whole time I'm listening to the recordings (about 14 so far), I am intensely focused on hearing everything (with the volume turned all the way up) and wishing I could hear Bob's comments and questions. It's exhausting. But also fascinating.

-laurie lynne
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: JimK on August 16, 2016, 09:06:04 AM
@laurie_lynne I'm glad you were able to go so far with the series - wish I could have. It sounded so interesting.
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Deb on August 16, 2016, 10:40:56 AM
@laurie_lynne, about 5 years ago I bought the Gateway Experience Wave 1 (Discovery 1-6) CD from TMI. I can't say I got that much out of them, but am interested enough to try again. I'm also planning to start listening today to the Explorer Series you linked to (thanks!).

If you're interested, I'd be glad to share the Gateway Experience recordings via Dropbox.
Let me know if you (or anyone else here, feel free to chime in) are interested. I can just upload a couple of tracks for starters, to see if there's anything there for you.

I'm attaching a few photos from my visit to The Monroe Institute a couple of years ago. I didn't do anything there, just checked the place out. What a beautiful setting, very peaceful. It felt really good there.

This morning I had my first lucid dream in about a year! I was traveling with my son who was about 4 years old in the dream, but in reality is 21. At some point I became aware of the discrepancy and realized I was dreaming. I told the people I was talking with what was going on (lucid dream!), excused myself so I could find my son. He was sitting in an arm chair in another room, waiting for me. I knelt in front of him and told him we were dreaming and to please remember me telling him so when he wakes up. I also explained that he isn't 4, he's really 21 and living in his own apartment in the city. He was surprised but also understood. Then I woke up--mission accomplished? This is the second time I've done something like this "with him." I need to contact him today to see if he remembers anything. The last time this happened I asked and he just laughed and said no.

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: laurie_lynne on August 16, 2016, 11:31:03 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6783#msg6783)If you're interested, I'd be glad to share the Gateway Experience recordings via Dropbox.
Let me know if you (or anyone else here, feel free to chime in) are interested. I can just upload a couple of tracks for starters, to see if there's anything there for you.

Thanks for the offer, @Deb -- I will certainly think about it. From https://www.monroeinstitute.org/catalog/122 (https://www.monroeinstitute.org/catalog/122), it looks like the full series is going for $499.00! Although I don't think they should be giving it away, I am sad that they charge so much for the program.

Did you read Bob Monroe's books? Are you interested in OOBE? Did Seth ever say anything about them? (I am still only about half way through my first Seth book -- NOPR.)

-laurie lynne
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Deb on August 16, 2016, 08:06:19 PM
Quote from: laurie_lynne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6785#msg6785)
Did you read Bob Monroe's books? Are you interested in OOBE? Did Seth ever say anything about them? (I am still only about half way through my first Seth book -- NOPR.)

Yes, I think I read a couple of Bob's books. I can't remember which, maybe Journeys, started out being methodical but interesting in his explanations, but then got pretty out there and I had a hard time following him. Yes I'm interested in OBE's (had a couple of near-misses myself):

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=627#msg627)I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them I found I was slowly floating up to the ceiling. I could see every little orange-peel detail on the ceiling, in front of my eyes. When my nose almost touched it, I dropped back down to my body. I thought I was going to slam into myself, but just before I landed I slowed down, like those great no-slam cabinet drawers at Ikea.

But nothing for at least a year. They are mentioned in the Seth books, I'd have to search for what I'd read. I remember Jane having them and I'm pretty sure Seth discussed it. Or not sure if it was just Rob's notations... I'll take a look tonight and see if I can find where it's mentioned. Probably more than just where I read about them, I haven't read that many Seth books myself. Rick Stack has an audio book on OBEs. I actually have it, but have not had the time to explore. It sure would be nice if we could have some sort of virtual library here on SoS, so we could share things.

Yes, it IS too bad the Monroe Institute charges so much. Their on-campus experience is not cheap either, but it does include room and board. It's still on my bucket list.

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Deb on August 16, 2016, 08:21:59 PM
Well, that was easy. OBEs are mentioned in Seth Speaks in SEVERAL places (Christ's, death and, entry into other realities during, Jane's, other bodies in, see also Astral travel) and in The Seth Material (author's first, Barnard and, with Bill Macdonnel, with dead Miss C, expansion or contraction before, Seth sends author on).

BTW I had a funny thing happen tonight. I was headed to the grocery store and decided to retrieve some money from my wallet before walking into a store. There were 6 pennies on the sidewalk, arranged in some sort of pattern. I've been finding money lately, am putting it aside for my next trip out of the country. I joked in my head, "no not pennies, I need to find $20 bills on sidewalks" (I've done it a couple of times). Immediately a $20 fell out of my wallet and there it was, a $20 bill on the sidewalk. The universe has a great sense of humor. Still cracks me up. I guess I need to be more specific in my requests.  ;)

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: laurie_lynne on August 17, 2016, 01:27:07 AM
Oh, good. I am looking forward to what Seth has to say about OBEs.

I had a half-OBE as a teen. Concentrating very deliberately, trying to go outside my body as I was lying on my side on a couch in a dark-ish room, I suddenly felt like I sat up and I could see everything in the room very clearly. Then I realized that my physical body was still reclining. I am embarrassed to say that it frightened me, and I immediately "lay back down" and opened my physical eyes. I wish I had tried again at some point. It seems like it would be fun and very interesting, too. I love dreaming of flying (lucid or not).

As a very young child, I believed that while I was asleep I actually floated around on clouds all night. I remember being worried about what would happen if I woke up before I got back into my bed. Bob Monroe  (or someone else) said that we do do some of that.

I would like to do some programs at the Monroe Institute when I can figure out how to afford it. There is a "branch" of it somewhere up here in the Pacific Northwest, I think. (Too lazy to look it up right now.)

I love your story sbout the $20!  (ROFL!!)

-laurie lynne
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Batfan007 on August 17, 2016, 04:10:52 AM
The Rick Stack audio + book (or just the audio) is cheap and highly recommended.

The thing is to be consistent with any practice. If you sit down and say "I'm going to go this every day for a month" and see what happens, without any expectations, you'll have loads of experiences.

I've dabbled here and there, but often I'm not interested or just don't have the time to go further into this topic. I also have different views on it that tend to clash with most of the "literature" and teachers out there, so tend to shut up on this topic so as not to further confuse people.

Use whatever works for you and have fun.  8)
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: laurie_lynne on August 18, 2016, 12:07:37 AM
Thanks, BF. I already had the web page (https://sethcenter.com/collections/out-of-body-experiences-rick-stack (https://sethcenter.com/collections/out-of-body-experiences-rick-stack)) bookmarked, and agree with you that the cost seems very reasonable. I will probably order one or both tonight.

And I would be interested to hear your views on OBEs after your tantalizing comment.  ;)

-laurie lynne
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Batfan007 on August 19, 2016, 01:17:57 AM
I don't have any controversial beliefs on the topic and my experiences are limited so I don't really have anything else to add.
Read a whole pile of books, did some practice here and there, had some interesting experiences, but overall it's just not my thing and doesn't interest me a whole lot. I may do a brief summary article at some point to clarify how my beliefs (or values) differ from others point of view on this topic. But I don't know if it will be interesting enough to bother.

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: laurie_lynne on August 19, 2016, 02:51:46 AM
Ah. Some of us like to garden. Some of us like to play guitar. Read. Play video games. Go dancing or skydiving. Maybe I will discover OBEs are not my thing. But it sure sounds interesting to me from where I am now.

Two or three nights ago, I went to bed with the intention of going "out" (requesting protection and guidance from my spirit guides). I woke up a while later having a feeling I have experienced a few times in the last year or so, like maybe there had been a moderate earthquake which had awakened me, and I was feeling the result -- my bed "rocking" a little bit. (A few times when it happened months ago, I turned on the radio to see if there was any mention of a quake, but there never was.) Anyway, I remembered the other day that Rob Monroe kept talking about having a physical sensation of "vibration" in his body that was related to his OBE experiences. When I read that (only a few months ago), I always assumed that it was a very high vibration. Now I wonder if this "rocking" that I have been experiencing is similar to Rob Monroe's vibration?

I had the same experience again last night -- the rocking -- plus a very vivid memory of a big, bulky man who was sitting slightly behind me on my left, leaning over and grinning at me, asking if I was sure (that I wanted to go out). He was physically a bit intimidating,  but his vibe was all mischievousness. I think it's a good sign.

When I woke up this morning, there was no memory of anything else exceptional. I had a memory of a couple of seconds of a dream -- I was sad I didn't have my swimsuit because there was an opportunity to swim in the ocean (somewhere in the warm, clean south Pacific ocean). In the dream, I could remember the feeling of swimming in the ocean, and missed it greatly. Today, when trying to schedule a band rehearsal with my bandmates, Andy e-mailed that he would prefer to rehearse on Saturday instead of Friday, because he wanted to float (swim) in Lake Union (he lives in a houseboat) and invited us to join him!

-laurie lynne
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Deb on August 19, 2016, 04:22:21 AM
Quote from: laurie_lynne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6823#msg6823)I was feeling the result -- my bed "rocking" a little bit

I can tell you during my first OBE tease, I felt a very strong vibration that began in my hands/arms and started making its way to the rest of my body. I've had that happen twice, it's the weirdest feeling ever. It's not a shaking feeling, it's a very strong vibration, impossibly strong.

Interesting story about your swim dream, precognition!

Now I'm off to listen to Rick's first CD on OBEs. Maybe it will put me to sleep. ;D

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Deb on August 22, 2016, 06:54:32 PM
Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6727#msg6727)Sometimes I wonder, we have many spoken and written languages, but how many psychic languages are there?

My feeling is there is no real psychic language, it's just pure communication, no language needed. Like the way we get inspiration, intuition or can "download" knowledge instantly. It's a knowing. There have been times when I've been trying to problem solve in some area I have no experience and suddenly I get this flash of Understanding or Knowing about the bigger picture, grasping the entire concept. It's almost more internally visual for me. That AH-HAH moment when everything becomes clear. Language may be a limitation of our current existence, based on our reliance on our senses and brain/mind.

"When I am silent or have a long pause, it is not because I do not know what I want to say next. It is because I am speaking to you silently. And even when I speak silently, I speak with a loud and unmistakable voice."

Seth (Jane Roberts) ESP Class Session, February 4, 1969, Tuesday
Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: Batfan007 on August 26, 2016, 01:17:01 AM
Maybe I'm talking about a diff thing?
I agree with what you said Deb, and that was perhaps my assumption.
Maybe it's more to do with families of consciousness and systems of reality?

Title: Re: Thomas Campbell, My Big TOE and beyond
Post by: transient amnesia on November 04, 2017, 02:27:40 PM