~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: jbseth on November 13, 2019, 05:41:00 PM

Title: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 13, 2019, 05:41:00 PM
Hi All,

In "Seth Speaks" Chapter 11, Session 546, Seth talks about an "experiment" (see immediately below).

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Have you ever, contemplated what you would need to do participate in this experiment?

Would you need to become aware of what you think about, on a conscious level, all of the time, (so that you can stop yourself from negative thinking)?

Would you need to figure out how to change your thoughts and beliefs, if you found yourself thinking negative thoughts?

If you did this all of the time, would your life and world improve?

What are your thoughts about this?

Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: T.M. on November 13, 2019, 07:03:20 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

Yes I have tried noticing all my thoughts, so I could stop/control the negative ones. It's flat out exhausting. Honestly I'm not sure it's worth the effort either. Negativity has its place.

I have most of Lynda Madden Dahls books. After Sena mentioned her awhile back I decided to really read the ones I have.
They are mostly focused around the premise that we all live in a safe universe.

After reading/studying the books. I had the most mind blowing experience happen, it was as if the events organized themselves and came to me. I hadn't even thought about it, let alone sat down and tried to work out any details. It's like it happened on its own.

So yes, there's a powerful force for good out there, that can and will help each one of us, if we just let it. After that event, it almost seems to me perhaps most of us unintentionally sabotage ourselves.

While I was doing the watch my thoughts thing, I noticed, one particular teller at the post office mirrored, and still does, whatever mood I'm in. Like one day awhile back I had some biz to take care of and got her when I got to the counter. After I was done I walked away thinking what a grumpy, ill tempered one she is. Then I noticed, whatever I thought of her was exactly what I was feeling on the inside, despite my outward smile and feigned politeness. I cracked up laughing after I realized that. For awhile, I realized how much outward people/events were mirroring my inner emotions. Still can usually pick up on it if I want too, usually.

To the experiment. I think Seth is right on the mark again. People /events  mirror are deep and not so deeply held thoughts and beliefs. I do believe the bulk of humanity is good. There's a lot of people suffering inner pain, confliction, and flat out don't believe or realize they are creating their reality, and thus are prone to some pretty egregious errors at times.

Having said that, I do believe there's an evil elite, that likely are not human that the 99% of humanity is going to have to deal with before there's going to be any kind of peace and harmony, in a collective sense.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: Sena on November 13, 2019, 10:23:14 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13903#msg13903)
After reading/studying the books. I had the most mind blowing experience happen, it was as if the events organized themselves and came to me. I hadn't even thought about it, let alone sat down and tried to work out any details. It's like it happened on its own.

So yes, there's a powerful force for good out there, that can and will help each one of us, if we just let it. After that event, it almost seems to me perhaps most of us unintentionally sabotage ourselves.
T.M., thanks for sharing your experience.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: T.M. on November 13, 2019, 10:27:44 PM
Hi All,

Hi Sena,  Thank You for mentioning her!!  I'm thinking perhaps it's time for a reread of her books too.  :)
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 14, 2019, 12:12:01 AM
Hi T.M.,

Once, years ago, while my wife and I attended a "New Thought" church, we attended a class that had to do with creating positive experiences in your life. During this course, one of the things that we were asked to do was to eliminate all negative thinking, for 21 days." It's amazing how difficult that can actually be.

I think Lynda Madden Dahl may be onto something when she talks about believing in a safe universe.  By "believing" in a safe universe, we can create a safe universe.

That's an awesome story about how the events organizing themselves and then came to you.

I too have had the experience where sometimes, I recognize that when someone is being negative, it's directly associated with something I'm feeling, thinking, doing or being.

My major issue with following the various conspiracy theories, is that many of them are rather negative.  It's not so much that I do or don't necessarily believe in them, it's just that I do believe that if I continuously dwell on negative things, then I'll just continue to reinforce them. And that's something I don't want to do.  Thank you for reminding me of that, by the way.   :)

- jbseth

Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: T.M. on November 14, 2019, 12:53:03 AM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

I think realized with Lynda's books, it's okay to recognize and face the negativity when it comes up. And not to overly go looking for it, or worry about it, which I'm prone to. What needs to be dealt with will present itself. I think it's there to say hey you need to look at this. At least that's the premise I'm going with for now  :)

I think she decided it's a safe universe, and it organized and presented itself to her that way. She really has a talent for presenting Seth's teachings in a new tangible way.
I admit that's one of my problems. I can only read something so many times and after that I'm bored with it. Either I'm getting it or I'm not.

I get you on the conspiracy stuff. I normally try not to bring it to this forum, cause I kinda don't think most here are interested in that. And that's okay  :)  I just was thinking of something Seth said to the effect that, the cells in your body don't treat the other cells as the enemy, usually. It would be nice if mankind would treat each other that way- to that effect.
I was thinking of Seth's experiment, that evil doesn't inherently exist, and while I basically believe most people aren't evil, unless driven to it, or acts of it, perhaps would be a better way to say it. I think when humanity collectively confronts the 1% causing most of the problems, it will be a new dawn for humanity.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 14, 2019, 02:05:00 PM
Hi T.M.,

Yeah, I agree. I think it's helpful to look at negativity when it comes up, and then decide what you want to do about it. On the other hand, I don't think it's helpful to continuously dwell on negativity or worry as this focused energy will just continue to bring it up.

I really like what you said about the cells and mankind. Recently I came across a Seth quote from UR1 on consciousness, the cells and brotherhood that I really like.  In this quote Seth explains how consciousness continually expands and this sets up challenges for us that cannot be solve at our current level.  Then he tells us that we'll need to come up with further creative developments to solve these issues. After this he talks about the cells and brotherhood and how as a race when any of its members suffers, the race suffers. Check it out. 

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Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: T.M. on November 14, 2019, 03:25:45 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

That's the passage I was thinking of!! Thanks  :)

Somehow we collectively have to come together and do better by each other.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: Deb on November 14, 2019, 04:07:02 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13901#msg13901)
Have you ever, contemplated what you would need to do participate in this experiment?

Yes!  ;)

Since finding the Seth materials, I try to do this on a personal level, that's all I can do as one person at this point. It's getting easier as time goes on: if something worries, bothers or stresses me out, I tell myself the "universe" is by nature benign; that I make my own reality and so I'm making things I don't like as well as ones I like; I should trust myself to work things out, I always find a way; I realize when I'm stressing myself out over something I need to step away from it, do something to burn off the stress hormones (walk, bike ride) and know that when I return things will look different to me. It works every time. That, and the old double-edged sword "this too shall pass." I take breaks from the news, because the news is no longer about news as much as op/eds and sensationalism because that's what gets attention. They should call it "what's wrong today." :)

The experiment never done CAN be done. I may be working with Kate Holton (The Seth House) on doing just that. My vision is a televised group meditation where we can all log in using free software and Kate would conduct the meditation. She has a natural healing business, is experienced in group meditations and also is a certified hypnotist. I've taken part in group meditations courtesy of Joe Dispenza and David Elliott, and can say meditating in a group is extremely powerful. You can actually feel the energy being ramped up exponentially. If Kate goes through with it, we are all invited.

Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13903#msg13903)
Negativity has its place.

I think so too -- to some degree it can be an indicator, a sign in the road, that something in our lives just doesn't align with our higher self. I think it pays to look at the feeling and figure out where it's coming from. Is it based in a belief? Is it just habitual thinking? Or does it mean something needs to be done? I also know that if I'm overly tired or stressed, I get cranky and get easily annoyed. I don't see what's going on until I notice that everyone and everything bothers me and realize that it's me and not them.

I don't believe in "evil" per se, thanks to Seth. But there are people who are not right in their heads that can do a lot of harm.

T.M. I like your story about the post office teller and how people can mirror us. I've also been noticing a lot of projection lately, which can be another tool if realized. I'm also very sensitive to other people's moods and feelings and will soak them up if I don't pay attention.

Speaking of conspiracy theories: I was out walking yesterday, listening to the end of Life on Earth by Mike Dooley. If you ever need something to lift you up, his audio books will do it (his kind and enthusiastic personality has a lot do to with that). Anyway, the entire book is in Q&A format and there were some great ones yesterday. Here's the one that comes to mind:

QuoteAre there "elite groups" at large in the world that supposedly have sway over politics and economies? Do they exist? Are we at their mercy?

It doesn't matter if they exist, because no matter what anybody else is doing in the world, no matter who is supposedly being manipulated, it doesn't take away from the fact that you are a divine, spiritual being, that you decide what's going to happen for the rest of your life, and no one can keep you from "yours" when it comes to happiness, love, friendship, creative, fulfilling work, and even money, in virtually any country.

You knew that you were choosing to be born into primitive times, spiritually speaking. You saw that you might pollute the world beyond recognition, that everyone would be throwing bombs at each other, that many would be poisoning their own bodies with chemicals and low-quality foods. You saw those possibilities existing on the stage you chose, for reasons that will one day make sense. But apart from cumulative mass decisions and politics, there still exists massive private individual freedom in each of your lives to be happy, that you needn't worry about the ill intentions of a very, very tiny few people.

Quote from: seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13912#msg13912)
In other terms, however — social terms — you have yet to achieve the same kind of spiritual brotherhood possessed by your cells;

That's very clearly stated and simple. Beautifully said.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 14, 2019, 05:10:52 PM
Hi Deb,

This Mike Dooley sounds pretty interesting.

Would you recommend his book, "Life on Earth" or was there another that you liked even better?

Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: Deb on November 14, 2019, 08:17:27 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13918#msg13918)
Would you recommend his book, "Life on Earth" or was there another that you liked even better?

That's a tough one.

I have Life on Earth and also Playing the Matrix on Audible, both are great. I listened to Playing the Matrix first and loved it then got the Life one later. What I like about the second one is the Q&A format, so lots of practical advice, but the first one was amazing too. Like most authors, there's a lot of cross-over in the books. If you have Audible, I may be able to share one of them with you. Just PM me. Mike is an admitted Seth fan and suddenly one day he decided to dip into his own wisdom source—which is 100% Seth in a practical and easy way to comprehend. It's been a while since I listened to Playing. What I also enjoyed about that book was he went into his own history and how much his life improved when he adopted a new approach (ala Seth). And he's just such a likable guy!

He's just come out with an updated version (10th anniversary) of Infinite Possibilities, which I'd bought as a used book a couple of years ago. Again, I thought it was amazing. But I love audio books for my walks and rides, and I've felt that books narrated by the authors are special because they are able to convey much more than just words.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 14, 2019, 09:27:46 PM
Hi Deb,

Thanks for the information.

I drove over to our local library and they had Mikes "Life on Earth" available for check out and so I checked it out.

Once I got it home, I read his Introduction and from that I can tell that its going to be a great book.

I noticed that he mentions that this information comes to him from automatic writing. I can definitely relate to that, as sometimes, when I'm calm and I clear my mind, great thoughts and insights come to me.

I suspect that this is my inner self, who's communicating with me.

I'm looking forward to digging into his book. Thanks for the tip.  :)


Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 15, 2019, 11:35:38 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13914#msg13914)
Somehow we collectively have to come together and do better by each other.

Hi T.M.,

I agree.

Along these lines, I found another comment Seth made about "Brotherhood" that I really like.

This comes from UR1, Section 2, Session 690:

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

(Long pause.) Other democratic societies had existed in the past, but in them democracy was still based on one religious precept, though it might be expressed in different ways — as, for example, in the Greek city-states (in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.). The Holy Roman Empire united a civilization under one religious idea, but the true brotherhood of man can be expressed only by allowing the freedom of man's thought under the banner of cooperation; and only this will result in the fulfillment of the species, with developments of consciousness that in your terms were latent from the beginning.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

- jbseth
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 15, 2019, 12:42:11 PM
Hi Deb,

Hey, I think that you've got some great ideas here about what a person could do to participate in this experiment.

Your comments about group meditations being extremely powerful where you can feel the energy being ramped up reminded me of a meditation and group chanting retreat that I attended at a New Thought Church about 20 years ago.

In this 2 day retreat, not only did we practice meditation, both inside and outside the building in various ways, but we also participated in group chanting meditations, which were incredible.

In the chanting meditations, a large group of us all sang the same chant together as a group, while meditating.  As I recall, during one period, for about an hour, we all sang a chant over and over again, that went something like this:

"God is light, God is love, God is life, God is a miracle." (repeat 2 times).
"You are light, you are love, you are life, you are a miracle." (repeat times).
"I am light, I am love, I am life, I am a miracle." (repeat 2 times).
(start over)

This was kind of like a positive self-talk experience with meditation.

The chanting was incredible. It was kind of like meditating while listening to a beautiful choir. After about 15 minutes or so, the energy and the emotions that came up for me while participating in this group chant meditation were extremely incredible and almost overwhelming. This was an amazing experience to say the least.

I'm not suggesting that we do this for the experiment or anything like that, but I definitely can relate to the concept that in some situations the energy can definitely move you.


Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: T.M. on November 15, 2019, 12:45:48 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

I like the quote from 690, Thanks!

A group meditation would be awesome. I've always wanted to try one!
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 15, 2019, 02:19:25 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13917#msg13917)
Life on Earth by Mike Dooley.

Hi Deb,

Hey, I really like the positive spin that Mike puts on things.

His book, "Life on Earth" is really good. 

Again thanks for letting us know about this.

Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: Deb on November 15, 2019, 04:27:31 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13924#msg13924)
In this 2 day retreat, not only did we practice meditation, both inside and outside the building in various ways, but we also participated in group chanting meditations, which were incredible.

I can just imagine what that would be like, I feel chanting and the associated sound energy can get people on the same "wave length" quickly. That would be amazing. I think Seth even said repeating the word ohm can be helpful to the body and soul. (Cant find the quote).

But chanting and Sumari singing:

"Now the sounds and the chanting of the Sumari as you presently understand it, have many purpose. There are physical repercussions in your own bodies that occur if you would but listen to your bodies and feel them when the songs go on, for there is language beneath words. Meanings in sounds that your atoms and molecules understand and react to and dance to and combinations that are there for you to open individually.

—TECS4 ESP Class Session January 11, 1972

Joe Dispenza does a lot of data gathering at his workshops in order to see how meditation affects energy, whether measuring ambient energy in the room, people's brain waves, heart-brain coherence, etc. His Placebo book has a lot of graphs in it showing brain wave activity before, during and after meditation. Some are from people who have Parkinsons or traumatic brain injury that show an improvement in brain coherence. He also shows EEGs of the frontal lobe: normal brain activity vs. someone who is having a Kundalini/Ecstasy experience during meditation. All very impressive. But these are for individuals meditating. To take that a step further, he also does heart coherence monitoring.


From the above post:

"In addition, we once again partnered with the HeartMath Institute to measure heart coherence, which naturally occurs during elevated states of emotion like gratitude, appreciation, kindness, and compassion, to name a few. We are not only interested in measuring these effects on our students who are regulating their internal states, but also to see if these elevated states produce strong enough magnetic fields to influence other's heart coherence. This phenomenon has occurred quite naturally in past Advanced workshops. When our students created heart-centered emotional states, their energy affected the students who were wearing heart rate monitors at a remote location, causing them to move into heart coherence at the exact same time, on the exact same meditation, and on the exact same day. We are looking forward to seeing that trend happening again."

That is where the heart and spirit of the Experiment lie. Adding a chant or singing at the opening of the Experiment would be useful.

Just for fun, here's a blog post by my first day "partner" at the same workshop Joe mentions in his post. He's a pretty amazing young man and apparently survived an NDE on Everest. I need to search his blog to see if he wrote about that. Best of all, he is also a Seth/Jane Roberts fan.


Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13926#msg13926)
Hey, I really like the positive spin that Mike puts on things.

His book, "Life on Earth" is really good.

I'm glad, it's hard to know if someone else will like things that I like, it's always taking a small chance. He's super upbeat and always lifts my spirits when I listen to him. I always get a kick from his emails "Notes from the Universe" too (tut.com). Today's email:

"Basically, Deb, change comes from thinking thoughts you've never thought before and showing up to meet them down streets you've never walked before.

You ready for some firsts? Are you?

  The Universe"

then at the very bottom: "Didn't you know I yodeled, Deb?"
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 15, 2019, 10:14:57 PM
Hi Deb,

Thanks. I remembered Seth's "Om" statement, but I didn't think about Janes "Sumari" singing. 

Oh, Seth's "Om" statement is located in NoPR (see below). Until I found his statement about this in my NoPR book, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't find it under "om" in the search engine.   :)

NoPR, Ch5, S624:

The sound of your inner thoughts is the medium that you actually use. This is far more than an analogy, however, for in simple terms it explains quite clearly the way in which your beliefs form your reality. In quiet moments the word "O-O-O-O-O-M-M-M-M-M," said slowly, mentally or aloud, will be of benefit in toning up your general physical condition. The sounds contain within them a built-in impetus toward energy and well-being, as I will explain shortly.

It does appear to me that Matt Belair wrote this article. I liked his use of Plato's cave and enjoyed his openness in talking about people reaching enlightenment via Ayahuasca or Ibogaine. He must be a pretty interesting man.

Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: dougdi on November 16, 2019, 05:16:56 PM
Death enemas? This is getting silly.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: Deb on November 16, 2019, 05:46:59 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13929#msg13929)
Oh, Seth's "Om" statement is located in NoPR (see below). Until I found his statement about this in my NoPR book, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't find it under "om" in the search engine.

Thank you for finding that OM quote! I couldn't find it on the search engine either and couldn't understand why. Now I know.

Oh and yes, I really enjoyed Matt Belair's Plato's Cave too. He's a sharp, deep and interesting guy. I did send him an email asking if he'd written about his NDE, not sure I'll hear back. There are a few posts about NDE's on his blog, but they are of other people's experiences.

Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13934#msg13934)
I was planning the same-ish title: "The Experiment Continues" translated through the Jane/Ruburt/Seth-bridge directly from Seth2.

Perhaps you can provide some quotes about Seth II saying the experiment continues and a new Rob voice in Jane's head? None of this is sounding familiar to me, I'm thinking the topic you intended to start about the experiment is something entirely different than what Seth was talking about in Seth Speaks.

I'm splitting your above post off to a new topic, "The Experiment Continues." It's located here: https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1823.0
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 16, 2019, 06:02:28 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13937#msg13937)
I'm splitting your above post off to a new topic, "The Experiment Continues."

Hi Deb,

Maybe that's a good idea.

I think what James and I are posting here about, are enough different that maybe he should have his own topic.

Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: Deb on November 16, 2019, 06:26:21 PM
I think so too. Thanks for your input.
Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: LenKop on November 17, 2019, 08:30:23 AM
Hey everyone,

I think the negative thinking idea really goes back to belief systems, as usual.

To try to think in only one way, whether it be positive or negative, is kind of missing the point, isn't it?

In my normal day to day life, my thinking is automatic, isn't yours? I don't consistently think about thinking. I'm not always consciously guiding my mind in one direction. It's spontaneous, and free-flowing. And yes, I do bring it back on track if my thoughts get off topic, but this idea of not thinking negatively as some kind of holy grail is putting the cart before the horse, imo. It denies the subconscious it's part as well, and also denies any other inner workings that the conscious self might not be aware of. As an experiment, sure, it might be a bit of fun, but i think many on the spiritual path forget about the roots deep inside themselves and focus on the shiny leaves at the top of the tree.

Address the belief systems and the thinking will take care of itself.

Regarding the term 'evil', I have no problem with it. If it exists, it can't win, as it is in it's own nature to eventually destroy itself. Get a whole group of 'evil' dudes together, and after they beat all the 'good' guys, where do you think they'll turn next?

I prefer the term 'ignorance'. And as much as there is free will, I believe many personal and mass dramas are played out because it was agreed upon by all parties involved at a deeper level, and the conscious self might not be ready to shift awareness out of the drama.

I also love Conspiracies. Aren't we all here part of one? You get what you focus on, so choose your conspiracies wisely.... :D

Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 17, 2019, 11:11:35 PM
Hi LenKop,

I think I hear what you are saying here and I would agree, addressing belief systems plays a big part in how someone perceived things.

I also agree that "ignorance" is perhaps a more appropriate term than "evil".


Title: Re: The Experiment
Post by: jbseth on November 18, 2019, 11:29:41 AM
Hi All,

In regards to negative thinking, I like what Seth says in DEaVF1, Chapter 3, Session 891:

"Do not personally give any more conscious consideration, either of you, to events that you do not want to happen. (Long pause.) Any such concentration, to whatever degree, ties you in with those probabilities, so concentrate upon what you want,..."
