~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on August 19, 2017, 11:01:25 AM

Title: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on August 19, 2017, 11:01:25 AM
My understanding of Seth's teaching on this topic is that there is a "psychic webwork" connecting all conscious individuals. People make decisions due to the influence of this webwork, but in most instances they are not aware of this influence. The influence operates at a cellular level, and only partially involves the brain. Here is the relevant quote:

"...... events are connected one to the other in a psychic webwork
that is far more effective than your physical technological system
of communication. Here, reality codes are utilized. Knowledge is
received and transmitted in electromagnetic patterns so that one pat-
tern can carry far more units of information than anything you have,
technologically speaking. Each cell in the body does its part in pick-
ing up such signals and transmitting them.
Some decoding also takes
place at that level, so that pertinent information is sent where it
belongs, physically speaking.

Much information does not even reach the brain (the mind is
aware of such data, however).

(The Nature of the Psyche, Chapter Eight)

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Deb on August 19, 2017, 04:35:06 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9584#msg9584)My understanding of Seth's teaching on this topic is that there is a "psychic webwork" connecting all conscious individuals. People make decisions due to the influence of this webwork, but in most instances they are not aware of this influence.

Yes, great topic! There's this too:

Quote from: Seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9386#msg9386)
"You cooperate together to form the physical reality that you know, telepathically, through ways and means that are unknown to you. You weave webs of psychic reality that then coalesce into physical reality. You do not necessarily weave them alone, but together. Your thoughts intertwine with those of others. You are responsible for your own thoughts. You need to learn the power of thought and emotion, but this should fill you with the joy of creativity. Once you realize that your thoughts form reality, then you are no longer a slave to events. You simply have to learn the methods." — Seth Speaks, Appendix, ESP Class Session, 01/05/71

"Now: you must understand, for one thing, that telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level. If you continually expect any individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. Every individual reacts to suggestion. According then to the specific conditions existing at the time, such an individual will to some extent or another act according to the mass suggestions he has received." —TES8 Session 340 May 10, 1967

We "simply" have to learn the methods. But I do find it a little disturbing or even disappointing that "every individual reacts to suggestion." I suppose on some level this being influenced by others is conscious and necessary but it feels to me that this is saying we don't necessarily have independent thought. Yet Seth does say reacts to (to some degree) rather than follows suggestion. I imagine the psychic web would be the "glue" of the official line of consciousness, maintaining some consistency in mass reality—those constants we agree upon.

I've decided to take Nature of the Psyche on my next trip.
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on August 20, 2017, 11:01:34 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9585#msg9585)
But I do find it a little disturbing or even disappointing that "every individual reacts to suggestion."
The example which occurs to me here is a parent who expects his child to behave badly. Even if nothing is said, the telepathic message is sent to the child. It is much better to expect one's child to do well.
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on August 21, 2017, 04:06:41 AM
Another quote from Chapter 8 of The Nature of the Psyche:

"You cannot begin to understand how you form the physical events of your life unless you understand the connections between creativity, dreams, play, and those events that form your waking hours."
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Deb on August 22, 2017, 07:56:19 AM
Seth brings up play quite a bit. A lot of us adults forget how to play, even hobbies can become implements for competitiveness and perfectionism.

I can see playfulness (or spontaneity) being a great way for us to get out of our intellects and in touch with our inner selves and F2. Maybe "play" will become another "Seth on..." topic.  Or "creativity, dreams and play."
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Misayakagr on November 07, 2017, 05:43:27 AM
I do not want to believe that I have seen this article.
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 07, 2017, 07:53:22 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9584#msg9584)
events are connected one to the other in a psychic webwork
that is far more effective than your physical technological system
of communication.
I think the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 may have been due to the "psychic webwork". Hardly anyone predicted this event.
"The world's first Marxist-Communist state would become one of the biggest and most powerful nations in the world, occupying nearly one-sixth of Earth's land surface, before its fall and ultimate dissolution in 1991."
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Deb on November 07, 2017, 05:57:28 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10124#msg10124)
I think the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 may have been due to the "psychic webwork".

Well yes, I guess it would have to had been. I hadn't thought about that before and have had an interest in Russia's history for a few years, have read various explanations (blame) for the collapse of the USSR. That was a really clear article on the basics demonstrating it was a combination of things, a cooperative event around the world.

"During the 1960s and 1970s, the Communist Party elite rapidly gained wealth and power while millions of average Soviet citizens faced starvation. The Soviet Union's push to industrialize at any cost resulted in frequent shortages of food and consumer goods."

The quote from the article made me think about what's happening to the people of N. Korea (http://www.newsweek.com/north-koreas-kim-jong-un-starving-his-people-pay-nuclear-weapons-573015).

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 07, 2017, 11:06:59 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10125#msg10125)
I hadn't thought about that before and have had an interest in Russia's history for a few years, have read various explanations (blame) for the collapse of the USSR.
Deb, the other interesting thing about the collapse was that it was bloodless.
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 09, 2017, 02:35:19 PM

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 09, 2017, 02:49:05 PM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 09, 2017, 06:37:32 PM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 10, 2017, 01:20:34 PM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 10, 2017, 07:32:32 PM

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Deb on November 10, 2017, 08:12:42 PM
Arrrggghhh! I've been busy here and can't seem to keep up (I've fallen and I can't get up, lol). This post is going to be totally random. It's the best I can do right now.

Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10128#msg10128)
Deb, the other interesting thing about the collapse was that it was bloodless.

Wow, you're right, that never occurred to me. The overturning of a government from within, rather than an overtaken by a outside force. Implosion? There are still quite a few Soviets that resent the new government, feel their country is occupied. I can't imagine what it would be like to be born and grow up in a country and then have it erased and replaced. But then being American, it's not something we've had to deal with first hand like other countries. For the most part we're pretty myopic. But the USSR — not some little unknown country in Africa or elsewhere that would easily be overthrown. That was a major shakeup.

Quote from: transient amnesia (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10147#msg10147)
wondering how much of this is 'weather wars' and how much is psyche expression? 

Unless it's a product of improved press coverage and sensationalism, it seems to me that the weather has been escalating as much as human violence has. I feel there's a quickening taking place.

Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10161#msg10161)
btw - there were trees there burning from the inside out....is that normal? I found it most strange.

THAT inspired me to look up spontaneous human combustion, something I haven't heard much about lately. The first thing that comes to mind it stories of microwaving things that explode: they heat up in the core, from the inside out. At least that's what I've heard. But the trees-- that doesn't sound right to me. Unless the core of a tree has a lower combustion temp that the outer parts. Remember Fahrenheit 451? (Wait, I just saw ta's explanation. Makes sense.)

Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10162#msg10162)
waffle lightning

I've seen that. Only twice in my life, and both times here in Colorado and in the past maybe 3 years. At the time I was fascinated, it reminded me of videos I've seen of neuron synapse firing in the brain. There's a parallel there worth exploring, I think.

Quote from: transient amnesia (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10168#msg10168)
I can float on this piece of music..

WOW, thank you for this music! I've never heard of this guy before and I took to his music like a duck to water. It's the kind of music I would listen to when working on some art project, or some design work on my computer. Soft, sensual, not distracting. I need to get some (all) of his music. Right now my go to artist is Enya for this sort of stuff, with Vollenweider as a backup (depending on what I'm working on).

Quote from: transient amnesia (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10170#msg10170)
I made two LBS. of butter this morning.

Why'd you make your own butter? How much milk do you need to make two whole pounds? BTW I'm a total Weston Price nerd, make almost everything from scratch. Have not made butter yet, I love KerryGold and can get it for cheap at Costco.

Yes, Oversoul 7. It's been a while.

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 11, 2017, 01:11:54 PM

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Deb on November 11, 2017, 07:38:57 PM
Oh boy, this is going to be SO off topic.

Quote from: transient amnesia (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10179#msg10179)
I know, uh?? lol... why does anyone do what they do?

Ah, don't get me started. I got into Weston Price several years ago. I make almost everything from scratch, but have not yet made butter. I'm a big proponent of raw milk, make cultured this and that: sourdough, kombucha, kefir, cheese, sauerkraut; make my own soap and lotions, bone broths, garden & preserve. So I get it. Homemade butter is better than KerryGold? Even with pasteurized milk?

I've always said in another life I'm pioneer woman. And I also am into high fat, and low carbs. Never felt better, never get sick, strong, healthy, not fat.

One of the things I love about this forum is being lead to new books and Speakers. I did find the HTUW book on Amazon (https://smile.amazon.com/How-Universe-Works-Pathways-Enlightenment/dp/0890875340/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1510445632&sr=8-1&keywords=How+the+Universe+Works%3A+Pathways+to+Enlightenment) for $3 + shipping. Interesting, I'll look into it. Thanks for the tip!

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 11, 2017, 11:51:28 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10171#msg10171)
But then being American, it's not something we've had to deal with first hand like other countries.
Deb, once when I had the flu I watched the entire TV series about the Civil War. What I realized was that it was by no means certain that one side would win. The more "likely" outcome was a stalemate which would have resulted in two Americas and eventually further break-up.

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 12, 2017, 12:10:04 AM
Quote from: transient amnesia (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10179#msg10179)
Sena--  Thank you for the link with the picture (LOVE) as you can see from my avatar.
You are welcome TA. My post on Indra's Net would probably fit better on this thread Psychic Webwork. It is quite interesting that Seth's teachings seem to agree with Eastern philosophy.
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 12, 2017, 12:16:46 AM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 13, 2017, 09:59:02 AM
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10216#msg10216)
Harvey could have multiple meanings and one of them is 'battle ready' or 'brute force', iron blazing.
ST, it is fairly obvious that the vast majority of atrocities are carried out by males. As the David Icke quote said on the other thread, the female energy of humankind has been successfully suppressed.
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 13, 2017, 10:46:01 PM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 14, 2017, 06:14:24 PM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Deb on November 16, 2017, 10:01:24 PM
Quote from: transient amnesia (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10238#msg10238)
Something Strange Is Happening to Our Dreams

OK, tonight is the first time I've had to watch this entire video. Excellent. While I can't say I've shared many of my dream experiences with others, I often have dreams within dreams. And sometimes within dreams, lol. When I was about 8 years old an older cousin came to stay at my house, a very rare event. I was so thrilled to have her company that when we were finally going to bed, I told her I didn't want the fun to stop and that I when we were dreaming there would be a door between our dreams and that I would knock on her door so she could let me in. In hindsight, an unusual concept for an 8 year old. I don't think we were successful, but why would I still remember that?

As a side note, a few quarterly newsletters back, Weston Price Org had an article about wifi and other wireless devices in the home and how it affected some kids with ADD and similar afflictions. Some parents were turning off all wireless devices at night and the kids were suddenly able to sleep through the night, symptoms were lessened.

Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10259#msg10259)
Why do I read youtube comments?

Yeah, right? I'm with you there. Well, sometimes they're entertaining.

I think some people are simply becoming more conscious of where we go and what we do when we're not 'here.' It's a process of our growth.

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 16, 2017, 11:27:20 PM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: transient amnesia on November 17, 2017, 01:02:00 AM
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 17, 2017, 11:19:08 PM
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10278#msg10278)
Now if you would change an individual, change your thoughts toward him, and changes will appear in the sense data world.
ST, would you agree that this is relevant to the Sutherland Springs incident? It was a community of 643 people.

Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 18, 2017, 08:05:05 AM
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10285#msg10285)
Could you be more specific? I think I am not fully understanding what you are asking.
What I am wondering is whether some of the people in the church had hostile thoughts towards the would-be attacker, and whether these thoughts could have been a factor in bringing on the attack. Conversely, could it be that if the congregation had kindly thoughts towards the attacker, the attack might have been prevented?
QuoteI can not deny the beliefs about the devils...ring so true and attract this kind of outcome.
Do Baptists still talk about the Devil? Most R.C. priests seem to have quietly forgotten about him.
QuoteHell, punishment, sins you name it.
There is an R.C. TV channel in Sri Lanka, and one priest was saying that those who sin against the Holy Spirit will definitely go to hell. I can imagine that kind of talk might attract violence. (Even in Sri Lanka, the RC Church is rich enough to run an ad-free TV channel)
QuoteBy going to those websites, I only feed some foreign god of facts that have nothing to do with me personally or me being cocreator with All That Is.
ST, it seems to me that you are being too hard on yourself.
Title: Re: The "psychic webwork" and physical events
Post by: Sena on November 19, 2017, 03:19:07 AM
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10295#msg10295)
Did that make sense?
Yes, thanks ST.