~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: James Sidaway on November 06, 2019, 02:07:24 PM

Question: How much of the published Seth's teachings do you believe to be accurate?
Option 1: 100%
Option 2: 90 to 100%
Option 3: 80 to 90%
Option 4: 70 to 80%
Option 5: 60 to 70%
Option 6: 50 to 60%
Option 7: 40 to 50%
Option 8: 30 to 40%
Option 9: 20 to 30%
Option 10: 10 to 20%
Option 11: 0 to 10%
Option 12: 0%
Title: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: James Sidaway on November 06, 2019, 02:07:24 PM
Did the first civilization upon Earth succeed, according to Seth?
Is our species stuck in a cyclic fail/reset rut due to Lumanian influences?

First Successful Civilization:

"Those (1st) who have left it (Earth) have evolved into the mental entities that they always were, you see. They (1st) have discarded material form. This group of entities (1st) still takes a great interest in earth. They (1st) lend it support and energy. In a way, they (1st) could be thought of now as earth gods."
This sounds like spiritual success.  They became Earth's Loving Caretakers.

Second Failing Civilization: (not gone yet)

"Not only did it ( 2nd or Lumania) make no attempt to "civilize" the rest of the world, but it (2nd) did everything in its power — which was considerable for a long period of time (millions of Sun years, likely, Saturn was Earth's first sun and "garden of Eden") — to impede any such progress." ( using AI and brainchips from underground hiding places)

"The members of this civilization (Lumania) were largely a fringe group from the earlier successful civilization (1st Civilization: evolved their minds to combine intellect with intuition into a synergistic new enlightenment without AI-brainchips which are designed to only take-over as a covert weapon or it hinders the spiritual blueprint of the initiates, thus negating value-fulfillment or trading intuitive true-purpose with AI-brainchipped fake-purpose...), most of whom (1st Civilization) had decided to continue existence in other areas of your physical universe. These (2nd), however, were particularly enamored of earthly life, and also thought that they (2nd) could improve upon the last experiment (1st Civilization) in which they (2nd) had been involved, though they (2nd) were free to move (spiritually) on to other layers of existence."

"(9:42.) They (2nd) were not interested in beginning from scratch again as an infant civilization, but in other areas. Therefore much of their knowledge was instinctive with them, and this particular group (2nd) then went through what you would call the various technological stages very rapidly."

—SS Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970
The Lumanians are not loving towards Nature, apparently, they abhor Nature and hide from it, even to this day.

Seth claimed the Lumanians shut down their dome cities and died-out.  Without their powerful "Jehovah" http://i.imgur.com/UM2BFPQ.png protecting them from the apex of the pyramids, they had to, instead, hide from nature's natural aggression.  They likely went totally underground at this time, the best place to survive a surface cataclysm.  http://www.ancientdestructions.com/mungoflix/  (Jump to 13:13 in the bottom video by MUNGOflix to see the Thunderbolt craters of destruction that the brainchipped Atlantians brought down upon themselves.  (It also seem that is what this song's lyrics are really all about, haa!  [Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsJ4O-nSveg ] It wasn't a "jealous" creator God that sent the thunderbolts over the old Atlantis.  Old Atlantis failed it's blueprint and individuals psychically gave-up and the group committed civilizational suicide.  They call in the thunderbolts to release themselves from their inner pain.  "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" is a small probability group of hurting thUgs, rising another fake-Utopia, will try to fabricate their class-based tyranny, likely a final cyclical attempt, and commit another civilizational suicide, just like before.  The ancient temples in Egypt had a few, cyclical rebuilds/repairs additions... Johnny West claimed in the "Symbolists Magic Tour of Egypt.")   http://i.imgur.com/OCiL4a5.png  Seth came to help them become smarter, but they reject his words of wisdom as they set-up a world-wide-trap against the "profane."

Philip Schneider's public testimony to the USA people is the available public "proof" that there is an advanced race of creatures living underground.  (spooky hey?) It is almost automatic to conclude that the sudden surge in the technological strength of the secret-societies is coming from these very manipulative Lumanians.   { v=k3HLeh_L9fg v=MLEKGmCJkUQ v=BFgvoqQ3bz8 }

In another book Seth claimed our species' "cousins" are still around.  Likely, Seth was referring to the Lumanians.

Schneider was most likely not in the world-wide-cult network, although employed under the black-budget.  The Dulce encounter with creatures in 1979, miles under the surface, was obviously designed to terminate all unwanted employees, lasting a few days, to stop the chance of leaks to the general public about the deep underground base network.

Schneider aught to bring some validity to the reality of the Seth information about the "ancient" Lumanians (our "cousins" being still around, well, below) studying his encounter with that underground species. 
The rock tunnelling equipment Schneider's work involved does not need to excavate any debris to the surface, it molds it into the walls...  The density of the "melted" rock residue is massively increased.  That is amazing and obviously another Lumanian invention given to the thUg-network.

Seth never elaborated upon Earth's 3rd civilization.  But if our hybrid species is the "Lumanina's Second Chance," as Seth stated, then our species was likely created in preparation for the Velikovsky collision of solar systems.  The hominid races were likely exterminated off Earth by the Lumanians so our species did not interbreed backwards away from their spliced Lumanian genetics within our chromosomes. 
Their purpose for creating us would be for their own genetic and physical survival through the cataclysms.  (They have a history of being a selfish people and that is what brushed off into the heads of the monkeys who associated closest to them.  Bad-apples infecting other good-apples.  Monkey see, monkey do.  The mental cancer of mankind.) 

Ancient Atlantis was obviously created by our species with the "helping" hands of the Lumanians in the shadows... they likely tricked the thUg-network to strive to give-up their bodies for computer-AI-uploads to become "the next generation, BORGtopians", like this new Mystery School created sub-cult growing like crazy: { v=223bJmX6KR4 }.

Haa, have a great day!
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 06, 2019, 02:49:44 PM
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13722#msg13722)
The hominid races were likely exterminated off Earth by the Lumanians
Weren't Lumanians a genetically non-violent race, which was eventually the reason of their demise?
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 06, 2019, 03:28:32 PM
Hi All,

Seth also said other et races visited earth, that we current humans had at least 4 distinct starting points. I can't give you the book it in because it was a fragment I found on the Seth search engine.

It's been so long, who knows who did what  to whom and when. Our history/records are so fragmented, it's hard to say.
There's a Russian researcher, dead now, named Hadibov, that claimed he discovered while working with big oil companies drilling into earth, that basically:
A technologically evolved spider race came here and tried to splice their DNA and human dna  together. And when they failed at certain things they totally wiped out all inhabitants. This apparently happened 4 times, the 5th time being successful.
Before you fall out of your chair laughing, I did too.
The Hopi Indians claim the great creator failed 4 times at making man, the 5th being successful. They also refer to Grandma Spider woman, who helped create the earth.

Another thing I find fascinating about Hadibov, the A.I they have is still in control of the world weather. It's some interesting stuff.
I'm not sure what Seth meant by the word cousin either. For all I know that could be Bigfoot, who he also said is on the planet, and some researchers claim lives underground as well.
Personally speaking only for myself, I think the past is still pretty much a very interesting subject, it's kind of a believer what you want thing.

And the Spiders from Mars. :)
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: James Sidaway on November 06, 2019, 04:53:44 PM
Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13723#msg13723)
    The hominid races were likely exterminated off Earth by the Lumanians

Weren't Lumanians a genetically non-violent race, which was eventually the reason of their demise?

"These Lumanians died quickly, for they could not bear violence nor react to it violently. [...]"
—SS Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970

If the Lumanians lost the protection of their god, then they likely lost the ability to follow any tunnels that lead to surviving underground colonies.  When a thunderbolt from another planet strikes... there is likely little time to respond.  Only the ones deep underground already maintained their computers.
Christopher Dunn basically proved that the temples carvings in Egypt were not don't in place.  They were done complete and then lifted into position.  Only a computer could have done this so perfectly.  http://gizapower.com/denderah.html 

"Sound was utilized far more effectively, not only for healing and in wars, but also to power vehicles of locomotion, and to bring about the movement of physical matter. Sound was a conveyor of weight and mass."
—SS Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970

"Not only did it make no attempt to "civilize" the rest of the world, but it did everything in its power — which was considerable for a long period of time — to impede any such progress."
—SS Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970

"Their god symbol was a male one — a strong, physically powerful male figure who would therefore protect them since they could not protect themselves."
—SS Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970

"(9:45.) The Hebrew god, however, represented a projection of a far different kind. Man was growing more and more aware of the ego, of a sense of power over nature, and many of the later miracles are presented in such a way that nature is forced to behave differently than in its usual mode. God becomes man's ally against nature.

The early Hebrew god became a symbol of man's unleashed ego. God behaved exactly as an enraged child would, had he those powers, sending thunder and lightning and fire against his enemies, destroying them. Man's emerging ego therefore brought forth emotional and psychological problems and challenges. The sense of separation from nature grew. Nature became a tool to use against others."

Sometime before the emergence of the Hebrew god these tendencies were apparent. In many ancient, now-forgotten tribal religions, recourse was also made to the gods to turn nature against the enemy. Before this time, however, man felt a part of nature, not separated from it. It was regarded as an extension of his being, as he felt an extension of its reality. One cannot use oneself as a weapon against oneself in those terms."
—SS Chapter 21: Session 587, July 28, 1971

Lumanians conducted "wars," they "impeded" the hominids, they just did their impeding from behind a cloak of secrecy. 

The religion of the past powerful Jehovah that protected the Lumanians got carried everywhere the "remnant Lumanian" offspring ventures... they may have even give their beliefs to tribes of our species.

The Remnant Offspring seemed to have ended up in Peru... a pretty big trip without technology that the Lumanians had.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udwo8Kvvp6Y
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 06, 2019, 04:54:46 PM
How do non-violent Lumanians conduct their "wars?"
They didn't conduct wars, as far as I understood.

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By the way, I won't argue with you. Believe whatever you want.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: James Sidaway on November 06, 2019, 05:07:10 PM
Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13729#msg13729)
They didn't conduct wars, as far as I understood.

"Sound was utilized far more effectively, not only for healing and in wars, but also to power vehicles of locomotion, and to bring about the movement of physical matter. Sound was a conveyor of weight and mass.

(9:34. When Jane spoke the word "wars," above, her tone of voice and her facial expression had a "wouldn't you know it" connotation.)"

—SS Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 06, 2019, 06:24:54 PM
Hi James, Hi All,

Yes, I agree. In talking about the Lumanians, Seth did say:

"Sound was utilized far more effectively, not only for healing and in wars, but also to power vehicles of locomotion, and to bring about the movement of physical matter. Sound was a conveyor of weight and mass."

However, I don't recall Seth ever saying anything about the Lumanians attempting to exterminate the hominid races, nor do I recall Seth ever saying that the Lumanians used A.I.

In another comment, you said, "In another book Seth claimed our species' "cousins" are still around.  Likely, Seth was referring to the Lumanians."

Could you please direct me to the book & session number where Seth made this comment. I'd like to check it out.

I was wondering if perhaps Seth may have been talking about something else, such as our "counterparts" or perhaps Sasquatch, which he does talk about, in "The Way Toward Health".

I realize that many people here have different backgrounds and different ideas about various things and I'm not interested in arguing with you or anyone else here about anything, I just find, that, for me, I really align with most of Seth's messages and when he says something that I'm not familiar with, I like to check it out.



Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 06, 2019, 06:52:52 PM
Hi All,

I found it. Bit of a long session. Thankfully it's still in my bookmarks!

Unpublished Seth on Sound and Great Pyramid

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 06, 2019, 07:55:22 PM
Hi T.M.,

That was extremely interesting.

Thanks for sharing that with us.  :)

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 06, 2019, 08:13:00 PM
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: James Sidaway on November 06, 2019, 11:19:48 PM
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13722#msg13722)
In another book Seth claimed our species' "cousins" are still around.  Likely, Seth was referring to the Lumanians.

"Your species did not come from one particular source. You have many cousins, so to speak. Some traces of that lineage remain in your time."
—UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975

This suggests that our species is a hybrid and if the old hominids are all gone,  Phil Schneider ran into some extremely high-tech underground dwellers below Dulce in 1979 and later claimed those tall creatures led an underground meeting with surface-dwelling colluders.  Schneider was a selfless hero, but, unfortunately, he didn't read the Seth-Books, it seems.
What interesting times, of connecting the dot, we live in...
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 06, 2019, 11:55:27 PM
Hi All,

Hi James,
One night when I went jumping down rabbit holes, as I often do, I came across tales of Bigfoot in the old west. To my surprise and amazement I discovered they were often seen in the company of Ufos, as described as lights in the sky hovering above the creatures. I imagine that's the best people of that era could describe crafts in the sky's.

Some more modern day research has led me to the conclusion that they have a strong telepathic ability, as well as an ability to manifest in and out of 3D. I would go so far as to say perhaps they can telepathically override a modern day humans mind, and create emotional states within a person. That's just my speculation on it though. They mostly seem benevolent unless you mean them harm, or get close to a nest. That part again is my speculation.

If you ever listen to David Paulides missing 411, he covers some very interesting cases where he strongly suspects Bigfoot involvement, and that the military is quite aware and complicit in covering that up, as well as possible E.T. involvement.
You can find lots of Paulides interviews on YouTube. Strange days indeed!!!

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 07, 2019, 01:50:06 PM
Hi All,

In "Seth Speaks", Chapter 15 (Sessions 562 – 565) Seth talks about the Lumanians.
For quite some time now, I've been aware of the fact that in this chapter, Seth says:

"Sound was utilized far more effectively, not only for healing and in wars, but also to power vehicles of locomotion, and to bring about the movement of physical matter.  "

Given what he then tells us about the Lumanians, this statement by Seth has always been curious to me.  Especially since it seems very inconsistent with what Seth then tells us about the Lumanians themselves.

Last night, I went back and reread this chapter, with an emphasis on trying to figure out, what Seth might have been saying here.  What I've come up with is that there are two possible options in regards to the answer to this issue (and there may actually be more). 

Option One:
Seth was telling us that the Lumanians used sound in their wars.

Option Two:
Seth was telling us that all 3 of these civilizations (where the second civilization was the Lumanians) used sound in their wars. In this case, since the Lumanians were so driven towards non-violence, what I think Seth may have been trying to say was that the first and the third civilizations used sound in their wars.

Unfortunately, the way the text is worded, I'm not sure it's even possible to know for a fact, which, if either, of these 2 options, Seth actually meant. I've posted a section of Session 562 below, so that you can see for yourself what Seth says here.

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Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 07, 2019, 02:13:35 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth, I agree I think it likely it was the 1st or 2nd civilizations that were warlike. Just my suspicions that the A.I. was from the very first civilization, the one that destroyed itself.

Even in our modern day, the developers said it was more like they rediscovered A.I. as opposed to creating it from scratch.
There's a very interesting vid about this. When I have time to find it I will post it.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 07, 2019, 02:22:22 PM
Hi All,

In "Seth Speaks", Chapter 15 Seth talks about the Lumanians.  In this chapter, in regards to the Lumanians, Seth says:

This civilization, therefore, left the natives that surrounded them in peace. They did send out members of their own group, however, to live with the natives and intermarry, hoping peacefully to thus alter the physiology of the species.


An overly conscientious, restrictive mental and physical state evolved, in which the organism's natural physical need for survival was in every way hampered. Mentally, the civilization progressed. Its technology was extremely activated, and propelled onward as it strove to develop, for example, artificial foods so that it would not need to kill for survival in any way.


(10:13.) At the same time it tried to leave the environment intact. It missed your stage of automobiles completely, and steam-driven vehicles, and concentrated rather early on sound. The sound could not be heard by physical ears.

These statements by Seth do seem to be rather inconsistent with the beliefs that:

The Lumanians are not loving towards Nature, apparently, they abhor Nature and hide from it, even to this day.

The hominid races were likely exterminated off Earth by the Lumanians.

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 07, 2019, 04:20:50 PM
Hi All,

This is a short 12 min vid with Neil Degrasse Tyson and a few other scientists talking about computer codes "written into the fabric of the cosmos".  It's based on the work of Claude Shannon, an early pioneer in all this stuff.  I'm not so great at trying to paraphrase these scientists. :)  I think there's an ancient A.I. that still exists.

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 07, 2019, 04:48:30 PM
Hi All,

In UR2, Section 6, Session 741, Seth does say the following:

It has been fashionable to think in terms of straight-line evolution, for example. As mentioned earlier in this book,13 the accepted theory of evolution is highly simplistic. Your species did not come from one particular source. You have many cousins, so to speak. Some traces of that lineage remain in your time. However, when you look "backward" at the planet you actually try to predict past behavior from the standpoint of the present.

In this paragraph, Seth is talking about "evolution". In order to understand what Seth may have meant by these 2 bolded sentences, I took a look at what Seth had to say about evolution and I discovered that Seth made some very interesting comments about evolution in UR1, Section 2, Session 688, and in UR2, Section 6, Appendix 12.

The material in these 2 sections of the UR books, seems to tie in well with the comments made by Seth in the unpublished Seth Session, Session 604, January 12, 1972; see T.M.'s reply #7 above.  In this unpublished Seth Session, Session 604, January 12, 1972, Seth said:

"Now, your human stock did not all originate solely from your planet. I never told you that it did. In that respect your ancestry is indeed varied. Some of the information given in my own book, by inference, should have made that clean."

(By coincidence - Seth's book has just come back to us from Prentice Hall for us to go over the copy editor's suggestions before it is set in galleys, which we will see in April.
But we haven't had time to reread the manuscript.)

Seth: "Evolution, as it is thought of, had many different aspects in those terms. There were three or four beginning points. Do you follow me?"

Below, I've created 2 spoilers where the material from Seth about evolution can be read.

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Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

Given what Seth says in these 2 sections of the UR books, in the paragraph of Session 741, when Seth mentions that we have "many cousins", I think he may have been referring to the dolphins, mermaids, men-animals, animal-men and chimpanzee-fish type beings.

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 07, 2019, 10:22:02 PM
Hi T.M., Hi All,

I just watched the video you posted where Neil Degrasse Tyson talked with several other scientists, mostly physicists I believe, about the apparent similarities between math or computer code and the basis behind string theory. I thought that this was really interesting.

When I think of Artificial Intelligence, AI, I typically think of something like "Deep Blue".
Deep Blue was a computer developed by IBM and it was specifically created to play chess. In fact, Deep Blue was the first computer to beat a world champion chess player, Garry Kasparov, in a 6 game series.


Deep Blue was a computer (hardware), with special programming (software) and this combination of the two gave it a type of Artificial Intelligence.

As I understand it, a "real" AI unit, consisting of both the computer (hardware) and the program (software) would be able to learn and grow, on its own, after it was initially set up and started. That is, it would be able to do this, without needing any further human inter-action to do so.     

Artificial Intelligence is called artificial because, unlike a human, it has to be created (manufactured) and programed by someone else (such as a human) before its intelligence can be used or grow.

To be honest, I'm not really sure, whether or not we have actually created the very first "real" AI unit, or not. I think that we may have some "pseudo" AI systems out there, like Deep Blue, but as I understand it, Deep Blue really wasn't a true AI machine. But again, I'm not really sure where we are today.

Do I think that some or all of the 3 earlier advanced civilizations that Seth talked about, may have created real AI machines.  Yes, I definitely think it's possible, especially since Seth indicated that the second civilization, the Lumanians, were even more advanced than us.

Do I think that the universe is some sort of AI system?  No. 

Why? Because, I don't think that the universe is filled with "Artificial" Intelligence. Instead, I think it's filled with the original (real, not artificial) intelligence. Here I'm referring to All That Is.

In DEaVF1, Chapter 1, Session 882, Seth said the following:

Instead, consciousness formed matter. As I have said before, each atom and molecule has its own consciousness. Consciousness and matter and energy are one, but consciousness initiates the transformation of energy into matter. In those terms, the "beginning" of your universe was a triumph in the expansion of consciousness, as it learned to translate itself into physical form. The universe emerged into actuality in the same way (underlined), but to a different degree, that any idea emerges from what you think of as subjectivity into physical expression.

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 07, 2019, 11:07:17 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

I don't think the universe is an A.I. system. :)  on the other hand.........

I usually try to stay away from conspiracy stuff on this forum. There's something between the ruling elite, and Saturn. There's 2 A.I.'s so I've heard, I'm not quite sure what role they play in it all yet.

Back to Saturn. Gene Roddenberry apparently got quite a bit of his ideas for the original Star Trek from a channeler, who channeled from the Council of 9, who live on Saturn. Apparently as the story goes, they are this solar system's guardians, basically to that effect.

Do you remember the episode from the original where they go to a planet for shore leave, and things start happening? It's titled shore leave, season 1, episode 15
"Shore leave on an idyllic world goes awry when Enterprise crew members find the fruits of their imaginations coming to life."

In essence they are in a place, plane where whatever they deeply imagine comes to life right in front of them. Turns out anything they need for their "plays" are manufactured underground.

I'm kinda wondering if the A.I.'s operates along those lines, somehow. If somehow they help create our reality field, or perhaps help us to create our reality.

In the intro to Seth Speaks,paperback,  pg 11, 3rd paragraph, Seth says " and some data concerning a lost religion, belonging to a people of which you have no information. These people lived on a planet in the same space that your Earth now occupies, "before" your planet existed. They destroyed it through their own error, and we're reincarnated when your planet was prepared. Their memories became the basis for the birth of religion as you now think of it"

Saturn was the original "Sun" of Earth. I think the destroyed planet was called "Tiamat" in our myths and legends Tiamat was destroyed by Marduk, which was Mars. According to the myths, half of Tiamat became earth, the other half the asteroid belt.
I think it likely Earth and Mars were moons of Saturn.

Back to the A.I.'s.  Seth says our Earth was "prepared" I ask, prepared by what? Just consciousness, or perhaps consciousness with the help of A.I.?  Somewhat reminiscent of the star trek episode?

It's said that the ruling elite can't come right out and tell the truth. So they communicate messages through media, tv shows, movies, songs. 

Anyways, so that's kind of what I'm thinking about the A.I.s.

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 07, 2019, 11:21:20 PM

If you look into religions, symbology, etc. There's always 2 poles, positive and negative, the 2 pillars, twin towers. The symbolism is highly prevalent in almost everything.

I think the Earth is a reality generation plane suspended between 2 torrodial fields, (one electric, the other magnetic)  that only becomes visible/interactive when viewed/perceived by consciousness. Literally it's an act of perception.

""In your usual terms of thinking, the earth does not exist at all (emphatically) — not if you are considering it as a chunk of matter occupying a certain position in a physical cosmos. It is really futile to question whether the universe came from a big boom (again emphatically, humorously), or is constantly expanding (though in those terms I have said it continually expands, as an idea or a dream does). I am not saying the universe does not exist — only that it does not exist in the way that it seems to you."
—UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975"
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 12:23:49 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13759#msg13759)
""In your usual terms of thinking, the earth does not exist at all (emphatically) — not if you are considering it as a chunk of matter occupying a certain position in a physical cosmos. It is really futile to question whether the universe came from a big boom (again emphatically, humorously), or is constantly expanding (though in those terms I have said it continually expands, as an idea or a dream does). I am not saying the universe does not exist — only that it does not exist in the way that it seems to you."
—UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975"

That is a cool quote! If you accept the idea of camouflage, then the Earth doesn't exist, as our bodies don't either ...  :)

QuoteIn your usual terms of thinking, the earth does not exist at all (emphatically) — not if you are considering it as a chunk of matter occupying a certain position in a physical cosmos.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 08, 2019, 12:34:43 AM
Hi Inavalan,

I agree with Seth, and quantum physics, our bodies aren't solid matter, except to our perceptions. :)
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 08, 2019, 01:40:17 AM
Hi T.M., Hi All,

While I really don't buy into some of the topics that you've mentioned here, I really do find many of the things you post here to be quite interesting, (the 604th Seth session 604, the video with the physicists, etc)

Please don't misunderstand, in no way am I trying to attack you or tell you that you're wrong, or anything like that. For one thing, I certainly don't know that you're wrong.

I think each one of us, has to try to figure out, for ourselves, what it is that we do and don't believe and furthermore I think that this is an on-going, life-long, process.

There are very many different conspiracy theories and very many different groups that support them. Below are just a few of the many that I'm aware of.

The Flat Earth groups.

The Hollow Earth (there's a hole in the artic) groups

The Astronaut's never stepped on the moon groups

The Secret Government sent astronaut's back to the moon after Apollo 17 groups

The power elite have human colonies on the moon and mars groups

The power elite want to destroy all mankind groups

The chemtrail groups.

The government has reengineered captured UFO groups

The there was an actual UFO crash in Roswell NM groups.

The there have been space alien abductions of humans groups.

The Annuaki are horrible space aliens that want to run the universe groups

The US government was directly involved in the 911 attack groups

The CIA killed Kennedy, The Mafia Killed Kennedy, Castro Killed Kennedy groups

The warships actually disappeared during the "Philadelphia Experiments" groups

The Bermuda Triangle is the result of large crystal buried undersea in Atlantis groups.

Believe it or not, I could go on and on here for many pages if I wanted too.

Do I believe that all of these groups (those listed and those not listed) are legitimate? No.  On the other hand, probably like many of the people here, I do believe that some of these groups (those listed and those not listed) may, in fact, be quite legitimate.

I think that the trick here, for each one of us, is to try to figure out how to keep an open mind so as not to close yourself off to something that's really legitimate. On the other had, at the same time we also don't want to be so open-minded, that we are completely gullible to something that's really not legitimate.

How do we do this?

I don't have a great answer for that. However, I have noticed that when I center myself and tune in, I usually seem to get a better feel for what is and what isn't legitimate, at least to me, than when I just go with what my ego tells me.

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 01:44:03 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13761#msg13761)
Hi Inavalan,

I agree with Seth, and quantum physics, our bodies aren't solid matter, except to our perceptions. :)

Yes ... and even more, they're like a simulation established telepathically, like a virtual reality.

The quantum physics says that the matter is overwhelmingly more space-between-particles than particles, and that each particle is a wave-particle duality. Seth says even more, that what we perceive to be physical reality is actually a virtual environment where the players are connected telepathically.

So, let's consciously cultivate our inner senses so we can get a glimpse of that inner reality! That's a challenge ...
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 01:47:43 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13762#msg13762)
I think that the trick here, for each one of us, is to try to figure out how to keep an open mind so as not to close yourself off to something that's really legitimate. On the other had, at the same time we also don't want to be so open-minded, that we are completely gullible to something that's really not legitimate.

How do we do this?

I don't have a great answer for that. However, I have noticed that when I center myself and tune in, I usually seem to get a better feel for what is and what isn't legitimate, at least to me, than when I just go with what my ego tells me.

I subscribe to what you said, and that's what I've been doing, using self-hypnosis.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 08, 2019, 02:11:34 AM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth, 

I didn't/don't take your posts as disagreeing with me or attacks. Just interesting conversations, so no worries :)
I like that there will always be Mysteries to work out and on.

"However, I have noticed that when I center myself and tune in, I usually seem to get a better feel for what is and what isn't legitimate, at least to me, than when I just go with what my ego tells me."


Hi Inavalan,

"Seth says even more, that what we perceive to be physical reality is actually a virtual environment where the players are connected telepathically.

So, let's consciously cultivate our inner senses so we can get a glimpse of that inner reality! That's a challenge ..."

I like that!   :)
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: Deb on November 08, 2019, 10:58:31 AM
I'm still buried in the book for Rich Kindall so while I haven't posted much, I'm still reading when I can. On this topic, here are some things that have gone through my head:

• Considering how anti-violence the Lumanians were, I think the comment Seth made about the use of sound for wars was not specifically directed towards the Lumanians but more about explaining the use of sound in previous civilizations. There's a topic here (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1375.msg11031#msg11031) involving the use of sound. If the Lumanians were so opposed to violence (and learning how to deal with it) that their civilization broke down, then I can't imagine them going to war.

By the way, it's been brought to my attention that there are broken attachment links on some old posts. If you see any, can you please let me know? There's been some sort of problem with the database, and I need to go into each affected post and re-link the attachments as I did with the sound post.

• I also took Seth's "many cousins" comment to mean that since our earth stock comes from a variety of sources, we are related to other civilizations that continue to exist, but not necessarily on this planet or our plane.

• Also, did Seth actually say there was use of brain chips and AI somewhere? I know when talking about the Lumanians he said there were certain physical changes, which I took to be physical or genetic—as he's said, there are parts of our brains that are dormant now and will be used when we become more in-tune with intuition.

Quote from: T.M. quoting inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13765#msg13765)

"Seth says even more, that what we perceive to be physical reality is actually a virtual environment where the players are connected telepathically.

So, let's consciously cultivate our inner senses so we can get a glimpse of that inner reality! That's a challenge ..."

Great advice, thank you!

I interpret a lot of what Seth said about our previous civilizations as more psychic than physical events. This was a gorgeous quote:

"In your usual terms of thinking, the earth does not exist at all (emphatically) — not if you are considering it as a chunk of matter occupying a certain position in a physical cosmos. It is really futile to question whether the universe came from a big boom (again emphatically, humorously), or is constantly expanding (though in those terms I have said it continually expands, as an idea or a dream does). I am not saying the universe does not exist — only that it does not exist in the way that it seems to you."
—UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975"
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: Deb on November 08, 2019, 11:34:53 AM
One more thing I forgot to add: I thought the elongated skulls found in Peru, and the genetic testing tying them to Russia, was very interesting since I've been seeing some news articles the past few months that more have been found in Russia. The thought is that in ancient civilizations, the elite would bind children's heads while still malleable, it would create the elongated head which was a sign of status. I bet that would be painful. They must have had some cranky kids.

"The practice of changing the shape of one's head, scientifically known as artificial cranial deformation (ACD), is a known tradition among many peoples of the world. Today, the result resembles Hollywood's perception of what a alien from outer space might look like."

"Skulls were elongated from infancy using rings and repeated bandaging for the first few years of life as a sign of a special status to command certain privileges in society. Remains of elite ancestors from various tribes including the Sarmatians, Alans, Huns have also been found to have elongated skulls.

Last year scientists finally identified the 1,500-year-old remains of several high-ranking "treaty brides" from Bulgaria and Romania discovered with tower-shaped skulls. In Peru some 38 high-ranking members of the pre-Inca population were also found with teardrop-shaped heads that represented their prestige and social rank."


I guess people were traveling the world way earlier than I would have guessed.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 08, 2019, 12:06:00 PM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

As I understand it, when Lewis and Clark first made it out here to the North West, in the very early 1800's, one or more of the Native American tribes also did something similar. This Native American tribe tied a flat board up against the forehead of their infants heads. This gave these people an elongated head shape.

The thought just occurred to me that "maybe" these various peoples have done this, over the ages, as a result of a distant memory of past space alien contact, where these space aliens, with elongated heads, may have appeared to be gods to them.


Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 01:39:36 PM
Or, maybe, they did that to their heads, and brains, to enhance some psychic abilities, we aren't aware how.

As I learn and practice more, everything ties together. A lot of rituals, techniques, traditions, and great people habits, are unconscious methods of producing synchronized low frequency brain waves (alpha, theta), to achieve altered states of consciousness, and so, to improve psychic performance, including creativity.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 08, 2019, 01:50:50 PM
Hi All,

I agree with both Jbseth and Inavalan.  I think the natives did attempt to replicate what they saw, and as well the cranial binding might well help our psychic abilities, by restructuring the brain, and the way it grows.

There's an interesting tribe called the Dogon people of Africa. I personally believe they did have contact with aliens.
Leonard Nimoy covered them on in search of.

Vid 1 is a quick 10 minute overview of the subject. Vid 2 is the longer In Search of Episode, titled the dark star, which incidentally goes way way back in our myths and legends, though usually only known in occult or priestly circles


Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: Deb on November 08, 2019, 03:06:05 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13772#msg13772)
The thought just occurred to me that "maybe" these various peoples have done this, over the ages, as a result of a distant memory of past space alien contact, where these space aliens, with elongated heads, may have appeared to be gods to them.

Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13775#msg13775)
Or, maybe, they did that to their heads, and brains, to enhance some psychic abilities, we aren't aware how.

Wow, good ones, that never occurred to me. I was thinking, "where on Earth would people come up with an idea like that?" I know the Incans would cut into people's skulls when they had mental illnesses or seizures or brain injuries. It's called trepanation (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2008/05/news-trepanation-inca-medicine-archaeology/). I have a miniature gold tumi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumi) pendant that I got in Peru decades ago. I saw some of the skulls and instruments in a museum in Lima.

"The new findings show that Inca surgeons had developed a detailed knowledge of cranial anatomy." I find that fascinating, not only were people world traveling very early on, but also studied human anatomy. That seems pretty advanced to me. But I'm open to the idea that ancient civilizations had "help" from so-called "cousins."
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 03:29:20 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13779#msg13779)
But I'm open to the idea that ancient civilizations had "help" from so-called "cousins."

Who could actually be non-physical cousins.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 08, 2019, 04:39:41 PM
Hi T.M., Hi All,

I've also heard the Dogon stories about the star Sirius.

Below is an interesting website where this is discussed.


I've noticed that some people claim that the Dogon's beliefs in the Nommo, appear to be related to space aliens, "The Nommo allegedly descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder."

The Dogon also apparently knew about a smaller associated star near Sirius, before the scientists discovered it.

I've also noticed that Carl Sagan seems to have an alternative belief about this; "first reported association of the Dogon with the knowledge of Sirius as a binary star was in the 1940's, giving the Dogon ample opportunity to gain cosmological knowledge about Sirius and the solar system from more scientifically advanced, terrestrial societies whom they had come in contact with.  "

Who knows where the truth actually lies here?

If the Dogon stories about them actually knowing about this associated smaller star before the scientists discovered it, (and this may be true) then I wouldn't necessarily expect the scientists like Carl Sagan to necessarily go along with it. 

Because if they did, then they might be asked to explain how it was, that the Dogon people knew about this smaller star before the scientists did. A point, I suspect, that no scientist would really want to explain.

Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 08, 2019, 04:56:15 PM
Hi T.M., Hi All,

I also wanted to share that personally, I think that over the years, a lot of the native tribal peoples of the world, in their various tribal beliefs,  are much more in touch with their intuitive selves, inner self's and telepathic/psychic abilities than "civilized" man appears to be.

At some point in the past, I seem to recall Seth making a statement about how some of these peoples used astral travel to view the lines (the Nazca lines) drawn on the earth.  As I recall it seems to me that Seth said that they used these lines for directions during their OOBE's when exploring the earth in that state.

Does anyone else here remember this discussion by Seth?

I can't seem to find this quote right now, but if I do, I'll post it here.


Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 08, 2019, 05:03:13 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

I love Crystal links!!  I've spent many nights on that site  :)

Sagan is one of the scientists I believe works for the elite. Good luck getting anything about the truth out of that one!

Nevertheless, the Dogon claim to have come out of Egypt, and we're familiar with the Egyptian priesthoods. Sirius was a big deal to them in the past. I have no doubt the ancient Egyptians were well familiar with that star system.

It could be they somehow learned of the system in recent times, I kinda of doubt it because they have had rituals to that system for years, their whole religious perspective is based on that knowledge.

I do remember Seth talking about early man and astral travel to find food and water. I just can't remember which book. If I find it I will post it
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 09:39:07 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13785#msg13785)
Nevertheless, the Dogon claim to have come out of Egypt, and we're familiar with the Egyptian priesthoods. Sirius was a big deal to them in the past. I have no doubt the ancient Egyptians were well familiar with that star system.

Your post made me dig through my notes. This is what I found (!):


- morning before getting up, remembered my sister's question about pyramids; with some doubts decided to try a regression;

- regressed to the ancient Egypt; I was an Egyptian of medium status, and the pyramids were already built;

- asked again to regress to when they were building the pyramids; I didn't have an incarnation during that period in Egypt;

- projected my attention to Egypt while the pyramids were under construction; received a message with images and information: 5,000 BC;
- there were flying machines in the air (not that big) that were helping with the construction; those who maneuvered them weren't humans, but I didn't get a clear image of how they looked, they were of black or dark color, with a non-human body shape; the information was that they were from Sirius;
- I couldn't find out the reason for which the pyramids were built;

- surely, such kind of information may be totally erroneous.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 08, 2019, 09:59:40 PM
Hi Inavalan,

That's neat!!  We're those your regressions?

I've been fascinated with the pyramids ever since I saw them. In later years I've developed an intense interest in ancient Egypt.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 10:03:10 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13788#msg13788)
Hi Inavalan,

That's neat!!  We're those your regressions?

I've been fascinated with the pyramids ever since I saw them. In later years I've developed an intense interest in ancient Egypt.

Yes, my regressions.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 08, 2019, 10:08:31 PM
I wish I could learn to do that. I know I've had some intense incarnations, they are blocked from me.

Are you into hypnosis? I want to learn self hypnosis.

When you have a regression, are you conscious at the time, or more under and have a guide direct you?
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2019, 10:16:57 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13790#msg13790)
I wish I could learn to do that. I know I've had some intense incarnations, they are blocked from me.

Are you into hypnosis? I want to learn self hypnosis.

When you have a regression, are you conscious at the time, or more under and have a guide direct you?

Yes I am fully conscious, but in trance, dissociated from my physical body and the physical environment; sometimes still aware of them in the background. I ask questions to a guide (not Seth), and get answers downloaded into my conscious mind. They can be information, images, feelings.
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: T.M. on November 08, 2019, 10:18:44 PM
Thank You!!

I'm going to learn how to do that!!
Title: Re: Seth-Based Identity of 1st and 2nd Civilizations
Post by: jbseth on November 08, 2019, 10:41:48 PM
Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13787#msg13787)
- surely, such kind of information may be totally erroneous.

And just as legitimate as Jane Roberts, or Seth's, or any one else's, especially given the nature of probable realities.  That's really cool inavalan.
