~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: BethAnne on March 25, 2016, 07:06:36 AM

Title: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 25, 2016, 07:06:36 AM
On a personal level and now watching US politics unfold I wonder to what extent Pre-Agreements are being made.  In my own life situations that have taken years to clear up now are all of a sudden working out as all the parties involved are now on the same page. 
Too often in metaphysics I think we feel we are a failure because we aren't getting results with our positive thinking when maybe the timing is being worked out?

And now as we gear up for a US election I realize I'm not the only one who sees history repeating itself.
As a small child there was a book in our home that showed photos of the concentration camps and I've always wondered how people could allow things to get so out of hand.
Now we have Donald Trump becoming more fascist and there is a large portion of people who support him.   Muslims are just a convenient scapegoat to rally his political base.

I've notice that things that are not dealt with will come back to bite you in the butt and it seems like this is happening on the World Stage.  So many of the industrialists  backed Hitler to gain financially and then were let off because "they were too big to fail".  Nazi scientist were brought over after the war with the  Operation Paperclip.  We are reaping what we sowed and the technology that was developed is being used against us all.

http://www.operationpaperclip.info/ (http://www.operationpaperclip.info/)

When I do Tarot readings I'm getting both a positive and negative reading as if we are on two timelines.  What will it take using Seth Principles to get the outcome that we prefer?
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on March 25, 2016, 12:41:08 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 25, 2016, 07:06:36 AMOn a personal level and now watching US politics unfold I wonder to what extent Pre-Agreements are being made.

I hear you on that. Since I read Mass Events, it's made me look very differently at the world (the only other book that's ever done that for me was Atlas Shrugged), people, events... The extreme shock and outrage I used to feel has lost its sting. I see all these events more now as dramas being worked out through pre-agreements. There can be no other way, if what Seth said is to make any sense. "You create your own reality, there is no other rule." That's a "the buck stops here" statement if I've ever heard one.

Quote from: BethAnne on March 25, 2016, 07:06:36 AMToo often in metaphysics I think we feel we are a failure because we aren't getting results with our positive thinking when maybe the timing is being worked out?

Yes, exactly! That's the old "put the conscious intent out there and then give it over to the higher self" to work out the how, where, when. Humans have a need to control everything for some reason, we're impatient and "victims" of the linear time in our reality.

This whole Donald Trump thing has me totally stumped. If this is another drama, it's closer to science fiction as far as I'm concerned. In the beginning I was stunned by the amount of support he had, now as time goes on I just have to shake my head and watch the drama unfold. Ben Carson dropping out and supporting Trump is when I stopped following the news. But of the multitudes of others supporting Trump, Carson's reasoning did make a little sense (long video, but the explanation comes up at about 25 sec and is fairly condensed).

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 25, 2016, 02:11:57 PM
I've noticed in my personal life that those concepts I don't get keep coming back until I do.
I don't think WW2 has been worked out along with all that drama surrounding it.  When Megyn Kelly on Fox is distressed by Trump and his supporters then "Something Wicked This Way Comes".  Just watched a video on Bill Maher on how much the Koch Brothers are trying to influence politics.  Turns out their father was the founder member of the John Birch Society and he brought over a German Nazi nanny for the boys.  So who is really pulling the strings and why?  The Bush Dynasty was financed by their dealings with Hitler. 
Countries and people allowed that terrible thing to happen in WW2 and the set up for the same situation is playing out again.

I think I was so moved by that young man's photo because I lived that French Resistance life.  This Nazi BS has bothered me since I was a child.  At the time I thought it was Long Ago History but being born in 1952 it really wasn't that long a time before I showed up  (again).

Then on the other hand, the Republicans are dinosaurs.  Will they EVER pull out of this?  By election Mr Trump will be seen as a raving narcissistic lunatic and Hillary will more than likely slide right in.  Good or bad, our country needs a woman's touch.  My friend Margo grew up with her and greatly admired her....and the bartender I worked with used to buy pot from Bill's brother!  LOL  I personally like them as people and my "guess" is that they were groomed and manipulated and set up. 
Ambitious, charismatic young people are "noticed".
Bill Clinton meeting JFK

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP8vIyByWNA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP8vIyByWNA)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on March 25, 2016, 08:41:28 PM
I was looking for something else and came across this today. Politics aside, it felt like a good fit for a mass (and even small-scale) events topic.

You must realize that you do not form events alone. You are involved in a cooperative venture. Usually then you alone are not responsible for an event, because others participate in its creation—for their own reasons. The question cannot be answered simply in one evening, but each consciousness has its own defense system and its own vitality; you should trust your own.

You cooperate together to form the physical reality that you know, telepathically, through ways and means that are unknown to you. You weave webs of psychic reality that then coalesce into physical reality. You do not necessarily weave them alone, but together. Your thoughts intertwine with those of others. You are responsible for your own thoughts. You need to learn the power of thought and emotion, but this should fill you with the joy of creativity. Once you realize that your thoughts form reality, then you are no longer a slave to events. You simply have to learn the methods.

(Sally W.: "But I don't know how to learn them.")

You will learn them here. You will learn them through reading, and through listening to your inner self. The methods have been known for centuries; not only centuries as you think of them, but for the lifetime of this earth as you know it, and even before—when the poles were reversed and when there were other stars in the sky and when the planets were not the planets that you know.

Seth Speaks, Appendix, ESP Class Session, 01/05/71
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 26, 2016, 01:35:45 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtxpFY2LJJE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtxpFY2LJJE)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 26, 2016, 07:02:47 PM

Never have I felt so strongly that I/We have reached the Fork in the Road. 
On a personal level things are shifting rapidly.  I've been pulling Tarot Cards and the outcome changes rapidly. For the most part two opposite directions keep coming up over and over.  Each is equally valid.   Very few things are a Sure Thing and I realize my attitude toward them determines the Tipping Point.   
My point of Power is Now.  My Choice will send me on the Right Path.

As Above So Below
Coming to a point where choices have to be made seems to be reflected on the World Stage right now.  We just have to realize that the Scare-Crow has no Brain.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: John Sorensen on March 27, 2016, 05:49:39 AM
Hey Beth Anne, can you clarify what you mean by "fork in the road" I don't get the either/or of it?

From my point of view at any time there are infinite probabilities.
When I've been at any point of major changes in my life, there is usually like about 5 or more probable simultaneous realities in the immediate future.
Like in times of change like say a different job, moving to another state or any other major change etc.

Before I moved to where I live now, for around six months I had various probable realities coming in to my daily awareness, 3-4 that were equally appealing, and I went with whatever made the most sense as the time

Although it was was around six months from meeting my current partner, to knowing I would move to the other side of the country to live with her.
So far things have gone well, except I am unemployed at present, and that is causing problems for us. Her brother was over today and actually blew up about it, and got really angry. I get where he's coming from, I mean agree with his points, but it was not nice getting berated by him in front of everyone today at lunch.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 27, 2016, 06:53:30 AM
Boy, that was not cool of him to do.  Says more about him than you.
Sorry about that Mate.

The Fork in the Road, from my Subjective Opinion.....
It "feels" to me that MAJOR LIFE DIRECTIONS are forking off right now.  I get that we have possibilities that come up...job, relationships, residence, whether to go out to lunch or stay in.  But lately there feels like a BIG CRACK in REALITY. 

I feel that in my reality the US Elections represent that split.  It's like there is a Passion Play going on for our citizens and our world neighbors watching in.  Now whether Hillary gets the nod or not doesn't matter but what she represents as the Divine Feminine and what Donald represents as the dysfunctional Male are playing out our/US polarities.  It's bringing up our dirty laundry for the World to see and  for our citizens to take a stand on some basic issues.  Bernie Sanders seems to be the Wizard pushing out reason for Don and Hil to comment on. 

WW2 created a crack in the system on a world wide scale unknown in our life time which coincided with Weapons of Mass Destruction and World Wide Communication.  Now we've had a lifetime to let those issues simmer and the Tipping Point has arrived.
People can feel it and things are polarized within and without.  Those that can not deal with their own Shadow are projecting it onto others ...the brother perhaps?

In my personal life pulling Tarot and my inner options I can not get a straight answer.  Almost every question is equally valid going in both directions.  At first I was going "Why can't they make up their minds??" and the Voice said "Because YOU haven't".  So I've pulled way back with every one and everything and giving myself a two week time out.  LOL

If it makes you feel better my Blowup brought half of the Aztec Police Force.  These guys now know me better than anyone ever has as they watched me go from one extreme emotion to the other.   It couldn't have been more revealing than if I was Lady Godiva!  LOL!!   It brought up MAJOR ISSUES across the board in my life which I can not see could have happened as effectively.  It totally rearranged my relationships and my own personal power and how I stood on many issues.    I have had to with draw and examine my own desires on how I want to continue with my life.  The Tarot has shown me that I'm pretty wishy washy about a lot of stuff.  Things I thought were solid turned to quick sand.  Now I'm in Observing Mode and letting  things play out with no effort on my part other than clarifying my own beliefs.
As I go through my check list of bullshit my energy level has gone up and I've lost weight.  My face is looking more "true" if that makes sense. 
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: John Sorensen on March 27, 2016, 03:41:24 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 27, 2016, 06:53:30 AM

Those that can not deal with their own Shadow are projecting it onto others ...the brother perhaps?

Yeah it was obvious that sort of thing was at play, based on how angry he was, and things I can't really talk about here publicly to do with my partners family.

Mixed up in that incident yesterday (where I left the house, because he became extremely angry and irrational)
was his family history, feelings about his sister, feelings about me (and me being out of work) combined with a misunderstanding when we were all having lunch and he felt I was insulting his sister (my partner) and putting her down. That is what got him riled up to start with, then the rest of it was about me being out of work. He didn't say all of this of course, it all came out as a garbled sort of message and anger and bile etc as we tend to do.

I mean I've done the same thing, lost my shit in front of people and not even really known why at the time.

He's an awesome guy, and we usually get along. Although now I find out that it seems him and his partner want his sisters house for some reason (its legally hers, but its the family house they grew up in) even though he and his family  already have two houses.

I hope things are resolved between him and his sister in the near future, because as much as I love her and want to be with her, I'm not a person who will just take shit from people, and I don't want to be in the middle of some family blood struggle. As she said (my partner) he seems to think he has a say in the daily goings on of this household and thinks he has a right to the house as alpha male of the family etc.

It's all a bit crazy frankly. I usually sidestep this sort of stuff. None of it is really even about me, I was just the convenient excuse (projection or enemy) to vent on yesterday because he would not treat his sister how he treated me. I deliberately left out any of the nasty stuff he said.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 27, 2016, 07:43:03 PM

It's all a bit crazy frankly. I usually sidestep this sort of stuff. None of it is really even about me, I was just the convenient excuse (projection or enemy) to vent on yesterday because he would not treat his sister how he treated me.

Wow.  If I was to sum up my situation I would use that sentence myself!  LOL 
Because the Mass Event Energy is so polarized these days, I wonder if high energy people are like lightening rods? 
The Drama that swirled around me seemed to bring up issues for almost a dozen people and it allowed me to resolve a whole lot of Crazy Shit!

As I go to sleep I visualize a setting and someone to chat with.  I don't program the stage because what shows up is always a good symbol for what is going on.  My Drama is just now being resolved after 3 weeks but dreams and tarot was picking up on it a couple of weeks before.  The Tower and Death card over and over!
Anyhow, over the past 3 weeks this is who came to my meditations.
When I'm in transition the setting is usually in a tree house above a forest watching the sun set.
First was the Mouse.  Then an Eagle showed up and ate the mouse then flew off after a couple of days which I think represented Justice.  After that came a very affectionate Tiger which I feel gave me bravery to deal with things.  After a few days the tiger became a statue and turned into a Dove.  I realized I had to release everything without demanding a particular outcome and I had such a sense of Peace.

Now I'm waiting to see what Peace will bring into my life.   :)

Good luck with your Drama.  Sounds like you understand pretty well what is going on.  It's easier for a family to go after the Outsider than each other.  Doesn't make it any less stressful.  Hugs.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 28, 2016, 01:44:53 AM
You must realize that you do not form events alone. You are involved in a cooperative venture.
You cooperate together to form the physical reality that you know, telepathically

I have a story that demonstrates this telepathic connection.
I met Elaine at a shop in Santa Fe and we just had an instant connection.  I went into that shop often so after a couple of times we decided to have coffee...and it turned out we lived in the same apartments a block away.
She is an incredibly beautiful woman in her mid 60s who had been a model and lived with a soap opera doctor in New York City back in the day.  She is half Irish and half Palestinian, very tall and as nice as she is beautiful.  But a life full of tragedy yet she remained positive and accepting of it.

For my birthday last year she treated me to breakfast at the LaFonda Hotel.  Most of the room was filled with tourists.  Elaine is an imposing woman and it was interesting to me to watch people as all attention turned toward her.  As we sat over breakfast I was watching three middle aged women who must have been in Santa Fe for a convention as they all had IDs hung around their necks and their lack of polish gave the impression they were  small town gals. 

I was watching them as they were staring down my friend with envy and evil.  Now Elaine is not an arrogant person but gives off a very gentle vibe.  But watching her just fold as the intensity of the energy sent by  these jealous women was incredible to watch.  Elaine is pretty sensitive to the Vibe and by the time we had finished eating she was physically wiped out.  When the ladies took a break from their stare-down they saw me watching them and were quite embarrassed. 
It made me realize how we are not an island unto ourselves.

It took Elaine all day to recover from the telepathic attack.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 28, 2016, 10:22:42 AM
Now I'm waiting to see what Peace will bring into my life.

Ah, Spirit wasn't done with me yet! 
As I tried going to sleep last night I was back at the Tree House in my mind and this time there was a White Rabbit.....and a misty ragtag being sitting next to me.
My Shadow Self.  We had a long talk.  Now I'm a pretty nice person but I have to admit after our "talk" there was a bit of smugness about it.  And I came to realize tho I am a nice person part of it comes from bad habits I picked up being married to an abusive man which made my niceness a bit inauthentic.
Bruce Wayne White (named after Batman which didn't help.  LOL) was THE county wide basketball champion in Northern Indiana in the mid 6os.  At that place and time it was almost like being Elvis.  Because I was 5 years younger, didn't go to school with him and as a bookworm couldn't care less I didn't factor this in when I married him but should have.  Aggressive small town  athletes are hell to live with.   This is the first time I've even seen  a trailer of this movie as basket ball left such a distaste in my mouth.  LOL  This is the land and the life I grew up in.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33DEm0eW-wU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33DEm0eW-wU)

The point being I became a very mousy person and that has been part of my Shadow Self I guess.

I bring this up because in Mass Events life is like a mobile.  If one part moves the rest do.

The Macro is reflected in the Micro.  Maybe WW2 had too many self righteous and timid Mice. ???

So I talked to my Shadow Self further about how this little Drama of mine is reflected in the Whole and how it applies to the Fork in the Road.
This is the first time I ever thought I was actually going to die....and when the cops brought me in front of this person and I went off in a "WTF were you thinking???" I'd never been so brave.  I didn't press charges at the time and had 6 months to do so.  After 3 weeks I had decided that certain conditions were to be met or I would file tomorrow.  This also was confronting my Shadow Self.  I've always done what ever I could to keep peace which was pretty inauthentic of me.  Now I can make this person eat dirt or go to jail for a year or more if I chose. 

This is where the Fork in the Road comes in.
I sense Realities are separating and what would have been interpreted as standing up to a  fight, or being a Mouse and hiding is rather in an inauthentic way of choosing  Peace.  This is still a difficult concept for me to wrap my mind around.  In my small Drama I do not want to be a Mouse, but neither to I want to be responsible for someone spending a year in a really low grade horrible jail.  While the damage was significant it doesn't merit that kind of punishment.  And the whole point of the drama seemed to be for every one to deal with their OWN Shadow Self.

Releasing my emotional attachment to the outcome seems to be the answer.  That disconnects me from this person on a deep soul level.  Now I'll continue to run into this person off and on  but my need for an outcome will change the dynamics.
Same with The Donald.  I can find this political drama interesting but I'm not going to let myself get worked up about it.  I'm untangling my obsession over fascist politics and allow myself to shift into a more sane world.  I intellectually understand this from all the Seth I've read, but emotionally it still is hard to grasp.

In one reality The Donald will win this election and bring the world to a dangerous place and in another people will confront their Shadow Selves and become more authentic.  I realize MY CHOICE is how I embody that concept in my own life.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on March 28, 2016, 09:04:46 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 28, 2016, 10:22:42 AMI bring this up because in Mass Events life is like a mobile.  If one part moves the rest do.

I thought that statement about mass events was brilliant. So sorry you had to go through what you did. I can relate the the "mousy person" part, I had a rough childhood that turned me into the eternal peacekeeper. Have not had any abuse since. Lately I've been needing to break out of the peacekeeper shell. Not so willing to put up with everyone's crap for the sake of not making waves. I've been actually looking forward to some waves, I'm ready to throw caution to the wind. From the reading I mentioned a while back, "Libra rising, Libra rising means that that's how you're going to come at the next year. It's an energy you embody and come at the next year, Libra wants things to be beautiful and even and fair and right. Now if they're not, if they're way far out of balance, you're willing to go to the other extreme end to balance it out. Libra can be a very, very big time warrior if things are way off. But otherwise you're looking for beauty." Feeling like a warrior. This just caught my attention:

Quote from: BethAnne on March 27, 2016, 07:43:03 PMThen an Eagle showed up and ate the mouse then flew off after a couple of days which I think represented Justice.

Lady Justice carries a scale, does she not? Balance.

Quote from: BethAnne on March 28, 2016, 10:22:42 AMReleasing my emotional attachment to the outcome seems to be the answer. 
Quote from: BethAnne on March 27, 2016, 07:43:03 PMI realized I had to release everything without demanding a particular outcome and I had such a sense of Peace.

Did I hear an echo?
You know what you need. As far as letting your ex off, not wanting him to end up in jail: that's a tough call. It happened once, the next time you might not have been so lucky to escape with your life. But you did manage to get out of the relationship alive. After a miserable childhood, I have zero tolerance for any type of abuse, physical or mental directed towards me, anyone else, animals. Those are the rare times I step out of the peacekeeper role.

Quote from: BethAnne on March 28, 2016, 10:22:42 AMIn one reality The Donald will win this election and bring the world to a dangerous place and in another people will confront their Shadow Selves and become more authentic.  I realize MY CHOICE is how I embody that concept in my own life.

I saw my son over the weekend. During a break in conversation I asked him what he thought about what was going on in the political arena. He said he feels deciding who to vote for is like choosing which STD he'd prefer. Gotta love the kid.
Title: Energy drain
Post by: Deb on March 28, 2016, 09:04:56 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 28, 2016, 01:44:53 AMFor my birthday last year she treated me to breakfast at the LaFonda Hotel.

Ahhh, the LaFonda. I actually spent a night there with a friend. We were returning from a healer training workshop in Sandia and decided to splurge. Wow, what a story. I understand energy vampires and bad mojo being sent by others. She needs to be more aware of her sensitivity, find ways to protect herself. Sometimes just being aware of how one is feeling is enough of a heads-up to mentally step back and break that pipeline of energy drain.

BTW, been meaning  to address this:
Quote from: BethAnne on March 23, 2016, 06:01:50 PMDeb...I used to live in St. Pete.  What I would give to be on the ocean right now!

Why am I not surprised you lived in St. Pete? I drive through S-P on my way to Sarasota from the S-P/Tampa airport. We were probably living in Florida at the same time, too.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 29, 2016, 01:48:27 AM
I am so looking forward to chatting with you.   :)   I have a feeling we'll have a lot of things to chat about.

I get the Libra thing.  People who can balance things out are so important as reality becomes more polarized.  Your Balanced Vibe shows on your forum.

Gotta LOVE the kids!  Sometimes I wonder who is in charge?  Great quote by your son. 

Have you been to the Bell Tower at the LaFonda on the roof?  Great view.  Cocktails while you watch the sun set.  Yum.

Ah....this wasn't the Ex who went off like a firecracker.  We'll have to chat.  Over cocktails at the LaFonda!   ;D   
No the Ex is long ago history.  Been single since 80...tho he dug in there for years.  He would not accept defeat.

Love the ocean.  Wonder why I'm in the desert??  Tho I do have the river close by.  Need the water being the Pisces baby that I am.  Bet you have some in your chart too.  Got some Libra in mine.  No Earth signs at all tho.  Very hard for me to keep my feet on the ground
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on March 29, 2016, 10:53:54 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 29, 2016, 01:48:27 AMI am so looking forward to chatting with you.      I have a feeling we'll have a lot of things to chat about.

I've been thinking the same thing. Too bad we can't find some place more central to meet, like lovely Trinidad. Santa Fe is a bit of a commitment for me so feel the need to wait until after my June trip. Of course, that will give us even more to talk about.

But I do love Santa Fe. There's a really great bead shop there too, somewhere, if I could find it again.

You know, I love the ocean too. I love Colorado but I feel most alive when near the ocean, the closer the better. I ended up here because my ex hated heat and humidity and we were both tired of his family and living in a place (Sarasota) that was 20 years behind the rest of the country at the time. Funny thing, it was his idea to move to Sarasota from NJ. But he continued on moving around the country after we split, trying to get away from himself really. I thought he'd finally resolved all of that, but last year he moved to NC after being back in this area for about 7 years.

Bloom where you're planted, right?

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on March 29, 2016, 05:03:26 PM

One of my Favorites.   :)

I see a Santa Fe trip later down the road also.   So let's do this the Seth~Ester way.  Just assume that the meet and greet is already in the works and lets see how outrageously the Universe matches us up!
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on April 22, 2016, 11:11:24 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOgPpyp5gsk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOgPpyp5gsk)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Sena on April 23, 2016, 02:12:58 AM
QuoteCountries and people allowed that terrible thing to happen in WW2 and the set up for the same situation is playing out again.
So that would be the consensus reality chosen and created by millions of people? I wonder what percentage of people, especially powerful and influential people, read the Seth Books? Probably less than 5%. On Amazon.com, NOPR is  #35,939 in terms of popularity among all books.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on April 23, 2016, 04:37:30 PM
So many of the Big Players in WW2 are still around....  We are still dealing with Old Issues....  From at least Caesars time if not before.  Issues skipping like rocks on  the water of time.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: John Sorensen on April 24, 2016, 03:53:00 AM
Quote from: senafernando on April 23, 2016, 02:12:58 AM
QuoteCountries and people allowed that terrible thing to happen in WW2 and the set up for the same situation is playing out again.
So that would be the consensus reality chosen and created by millions of people? I wonder what percentage of people, especially powerful and influential people, read the Seth Books? Probably less than 5%. On Amazon.com, NOPR is  #35,939 in terms of popularity among all books.

Based on the books around, websites that have anything to do with Seth I would estimate less than 1% of people on earth have even heard of, let alone read anything Seth related.
In marketing terms, their is no "brand awareness" and partly that is a big let down from the people who publish and curate the material.

It will never change unless somebody makes a deliberate effort to actually advertise the books, which of course costs money.
Think of Coke or McDonalds, why they keep advertising, year after year, despite having total brand awareness, pretty much worldwide? Because they know advertising works, and without it their customers would rapidly go down.
Advertising is basically a form of brain washing or mental conditioning, if you don't choose your own thoughts, somebody else will choose them for you, advertising of course is everywhere. I'm not saying it's insidious, just prolific.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: LenKop on April 24, 2016, 04:33:28 AM
Mass events indeed. It's a little like which came first - the chicken or the egg?

We create our reality. So if Seth isn't branded, or pushed hard enough is because we created it that way....or at least the 99.9% majority did.

McDonalds, Politics, Fame, Fortune..etc. The mass decides upon the reality. And what benefits the masses, what needs to be learned by the whole, is sought out to be experienced.

Seth talks of the rise in extremist idealogies in the 70's as a mass push against the extreme materialist views of Darwinism (and science in general), and the individual helplessness viewed by the Freudian school of psychology.

Let's hope a critical mass can be achieved to liberate our fellow brothers and sisters, and let's hope it doesn't need to get much past 2% of the entire populace.

I guess it adds a deeper sense of responsibilty, for me at least, to try and help in my small social circle, and learning the importance of diplomacy....when quite often I just want to shove Seth Speaks down their throats.....figuratively, of course...LOL  ;D

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: John Sorensen on April 24, 2016, 05:07:16 AM
I don't talk about Seth related topics other than to two friends whom have read the books etc, who happen to live in other countries and I have not met in person - and people on boards such as this.
I have no interest in trying to "change" or "fix" or "awaken" anyone, and from my point of view it can't be done and it's a waste of time trying. People choose their own experiences according to what suits them, not what I or anyone think is good for them etc.
I'm always happy to share information etc, but then if someone is interested, it is up to them what they do with it, its makes no difference to me one way or another.

From my point of view, any persons own over-soul is going to be looking out for them better than any person, thing, book or teaching here on earth here can do, in terms of spiritual guidance, growth, evolution and what have you.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on April 24, 2016, 08:07:47 AM
You're not going to have everyone wanting to get into the nitty gritty of Seth.  I like driving my car but the only thing I want to know about it is if it needs gas.  I'll never open a tech manual.
But there are a lot of people who understand the "fringe".....mind/body, crystals, meditation...Bashar, Abraham......Ophra!   ;D

The changes I've seen in Awareness in my lifetime are amazing and when I meet little kids it's obvious they are all ready in the Groove.  I don't think my generation needs anymore information as we are on our way out.  In ten years this will be Grandchildren's World.  Talk about End Times!  I just found out Jerry Hall is going to marry Rupert Murdock!  Now if that isn't a sign that things are coming to an end!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=594WLzzb3JI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=594WLzzb3JI)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: LenKop on April 24, 2016, 08:30:43 AM
It's an intriguing topic. How do my small moves affect the grand design?

Perhaps my tolerance is diminishing, especially when my friends or family sweat the small stuff. I'm finding that I talk much more about these topics with people than ever. i'm over the petty complaints others give me, and lately I ask them how they'd feel about their problems if I dropped them off in central Africa for a few weeks.... :D

I'm aware that only the individual can change themselves, but I'll always remember a few magic words that were spoken to me around 20 years ago by an older friend. The words helped me awaken to deeper realities. Now, what if he held back?

Regarding the oversoul, perhaps we come across other personalities that share the same oversoul? By speaking up genuinely, we are doing part of the work to help other aspects of ourselves, being inspired by a shared OS, and so affecting the mass events too. Sometimes just by helping others see a new option, a new fork in the road, we can influence them, and everything, in a positive way.

I also think too many people hold back in general. About their fears, their tastes, beliefs, etc. Too worried about what others have to say. too concerned about mass events, and feeling like their small moves are meaningless.

And on the other hand, so many 'experts' out there, especially in the metaphysical department. I struggle to contain myself. I listen to people give me, or others, spiritual advice, but there physical lives show no real representation of a well balanced and happy existence.

"Those who know, don't speak;
Those who speak, don't know"...Lao Tzu (I think)

....but if every true master stayed silent, we could only learn from their actions, if we were living near them to see them. I suppose it might be 'those who know, don't speak (too much), and those who speak (too much), don't know'.

i don't know..... :D

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on April 24, 2016, 10:55:44 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdhBk4kJv14 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdhBk4kJv14)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: John Sorensen on April 24, 2016, 12:39:20 PM
Quote from: LenKop on April 24, 2016, 08:30:43 AM
It's an intriguing topic. How do my small moves affect the grand design?

Perhaps my tolerance is diminishing, especially when my friends or family sweat the small stuff. I'm finding that I talk much more about these topics with people than ever. i'm over the petty complaints others give me, and lately I ask them how they'd feel about their problems if I dropped them off in central Africa for a few weeks.... :D

I'm aware that only the individual can change themselves, but I'll always remember a few magic words that were spoken to me around 20 years ago by an older friend. The words helped me awaken to deeper realities. Now, what if he held back?

My feeling on this topic is that I am happy to talk about whatever with someone who is interested, but always in a way to encourage them to explore and find out things for themselves, and not be dependent on spiritual teachers, texts, or whatever, but to find their own inner wisdom, and this to me is all any half-decent teacher ever does is basically be a mirror for our own behavior and perspectives who says "have you considered this... or what about that".

It's unfortunate that most of us in terms of evolutionary spirituality are like little babies all running around crying expecting others to do the hard work of waking up and growing up for us, (including me) which simply is not possible any more than it is possible to teach an ant calculus, or teach a dog how to make a film. We can't give other people our understanding, or simply copy and paste our intellect or learning/growth to another person like you can say information on a computer.

We all have to go through the same stages in life, and there is no cheating or bypassing things, it's linear - that is nobody learns to run before they learn to crawl - while also being multidimensional and co-operative on a mass scale. It's possible to speed things up, that is study/practice more as such, but the same stages are there for every human being to go through.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on April 24, 2016, 11:13:34 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on April 23, 2016, 04:37:30 PMWe are still dealing with Old Issues....

Amen to that.
Progress is painfully slow. Any idea why it has to be this way?
A balance between the aware, and the unaware?

BTW I looked at your son's art.
He's incredibly, broadly talented.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on April 25, 2016, 04:51:19 AM
Progress is painfully slow. Any idea why it has to be this way?
A balance between the aware, and the unaware?

I just turned 64 and sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my head around how much progress has been made in what feels to me is a very short time.   If you went back to the 50's with these concepts  most people at that time would have seen you as some sort of Space Alien! 
In the 60's the most progressive thing spiritually was people's reaction to "Jesus Christ Superstar".    And people were scandalized.  Boundaries were pushed and concepts were reviewed.

On the other hand, we have a very old, entrenched underground secret government that is trying VERY hard to keep a wrap on things. 
Man, you want to have your hair stand on end listen to Robert Duncan O'Finioan or Cathy O"brien.   Or Erin Green Rothschild.

So I see people way more aware, but at the same time hiding their head in the sand regarding politics and who is really running the World Show.

There will always be the Worker Ants who can't see beyond a paycheck.  Maybe their blind unawareness keeps the fabric of life going while us Rebels stir the pot?
I've been watching a lot of Bashar and Abraham lately and both say that the only thing you can do to speed up awareness in others is to hold it in yourself.

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 (http://biblehub.com/matthew/5-15.htm)nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."  Mathew 5:15.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on April 25, 2016, 04:59:51 AM
Thanks for the compliment on Justin's art.
This is the kid who at 5 decided to be an animator after seeing Ralph Bakshi's Wizards.  He went on to teaching animation in college even tho he quite school at 14 and then went on to working with Bakshi and created his limited editions. My kids were raised on Seth and just expect the Universe to bring them their desires.   :)
The Limited Series that Justin created.
http://www.retroist.com/2014/02/22/limited-edition-necron-99peace-resin-sculpture-from-ralph-bakshis-wizards/ (http://www.retroist.com/2014/02/22/limited-edition-necron-99peace-resin-sculpture-from-ralph-bakshis-wizards/)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on August 04, 2016, 07:12:46 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1vlMUfR_Wc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1vlMUfR_Wc)

I've noticed that if issues are not dealt with or understood that they will return to be released.  Even as a child I wondered how Hitler could ever have gotten where he did with out being checked by others at that time.  Well, I guess this is how he did it.
Are we at a point of alternate timelines?
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on August 13, 2016, 01:31:36 PM
I have no opinion on the validity of this.  Just thought it was an interesting take.  I do agree that the Drama between Trump and Clinton has more of a purpose on a higher level working out the Male/Female Dynamic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzKvZp1FSQ8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzKvZp1FSQ8)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Batfan007 on August 15, 2016, 06:56:27 PM
Watched a couple of interesting conspiracy documentaries on the weekend. I usually avoid this kind of stuff, but these two were so well made and enjoyable to watch and throw out a lot of interesting ideas.

Anatomy of a Great Deception / on the science of the 9/11 building collapses

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick / on the rich family's / elite behind so called  "terror" attacks and wars.


Second video preview does not show up here, but link works.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on August 25, 2016, 02:11:35 AM
Well ... i read only the OP because i was a bit lazy ...
I want to say that you US needed Trump and made you as a nice a great service.On one hand you saw that many people have agreed with him so it was a voice for them ... finally ... He is a reflection of those many people that desired to be heard...On the other hand because Trump talked to them and he spoked bluntly and begun to show his true face, his true extreme side allowed those same people that supported to actually process their own inner stuff related to trump..We see that after some months with a big dose of Trump-like stuff the same people that supported now begin to think twice...They transceded their own emotions...They gone through their inner own process and now they are no so much trump-like...They saw the other side of the coin...Seems like now Trump support has falled abruptly...It may repeat the history itself but there is a catch...This time it repeats itself after 2012 when people woke up much more quickly..There is a also a sense that we have nooone to vote too..You can't vote Trump anymore also not Hillary...She is also in a negative light because of the emails and stuff..People may go to Hillary because is a lesser "negative" and a president must be elected...On the other i will find it intersting if for the first time both candidates will be "canceled" and a new campaign and the all republican/democrat nomination begin again from scratch..This is done from a more wiser position...Trump acted like a purge catalyst for many...After the purge there is more clarity and peace...After nervousness is consummed from inside a peace will come..From this peace position new candidates may be selected to participate in presidentials...

I would say something similar happened in UK with Brexit..
The immigration subject was like a "hidden" vulcano...It was there all the time in most british citizens building up pressure and repressed until a voice came that talked for all this people..The vulcano errupted and british voted for exit of EU...
Extremists talked so much that leaving EU would stop immigration and people on this "frequency" rushed to vote...This came a purging of this "vulcano" lava so after purging many british awaken that maybe this was a mistake...The damage is done and now the remorse and guilt is there...This will take a while to heal too..
Nagel (the extremist party) is the Trump guy of England and the service he provided was that he permited the volcano to erupt and transcended all this repressed stuff...

I do feel both nations really awaken and this is positive...They are more responsible now and their future is brighter...This is a big difference from the past...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on August 25, 2016, 07:44:22 AM
.Trump acted like a purge catalyst for many...After the purge there is more clarity and peace.

I so agree with you!
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on August 27, 2016, 06:21:14 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6891#msg6891)On the other i will find it intersting if for the first time both candidates will be "canceled" and a new campaign and the all republican/democrat nomination begin again from scratch..This is done from a more wiser position...Trump acted like a purge catalyst for many...After the purge there is more clarity and peace...After nervousness is consummed from inside a peace will come..From this peace position new candidates may be selected to participate in presidentials...

You know, I'm just amazed (and grateful) for your objective input, I really enjoyed your post and the depth of your vision of both issues, what you see as what's really going on. Honestly, I would prefer a "reset" of this presidential election, I'm not at all happy with either choice. But I've also felt for the past couple of decades that the presidential possibilities have been weak and disappointing. Your observations have really made me look at what is going on here in a different light.

I have lived in the US all of my life and have visited a few other countries only as a tourist, observing their leadership through the veil of biased media. While I have always felt fortunate for having been 'Born in the USA' (although there are many other countries in which I'd be happy to live), I've felt a continuous disillusionment with my own country and its leadership over the years.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Batfan007 on August 27, 2016, 09:39:03 PM
I've ignored politics my entire life (to my own peril? LOL) and people seem to want to argue with me how relevant it is.
but in the large scale, at some point they will all be dead, and any influence on the goings on of the world is minimal in the macro scale.
To me I don't care, and would rather focus on other things.
If I vote, I vote for whoever actually practically DOES anything of practical every day benefit for the poor, the sick, the kids in school, the hospitals, nurses etc, you know the people who get paid the least, or are homeless or are the most vulnerable that most of society wants to forget.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 02, 2016, 03:16:35 AM
bathfan007 here is a paragraph from a book Explorer Race that may bring a new point of view for you:

Session name: Influences of the Zodiac

Entity speaking: Zoosh

Location: Sedona, Arizona, January 14, 1990

Q: What are some of the lessons, traits and attributes that we should know about Sagittarius as it affects the Explorer Race? (comment from me: Explorer Race is the human race in the future ... is not really a name but a state of mind/being)

A: You are in the tail end of power as control; you have experienced negative power, the domination of one belief system over another. As you expand into the more feminine heart energy, you will begin to see new ideas, religions and philosophies that are heart-oriented, more involved in loving energy, emerging. You will see the traits of Sagittarius, both the positive and the negative, take place in the human race, the innate power coming forth, while at the same time always feeling a tug on the sleeve to distract you to become involved in pathways that do not lead to any great benefit for the individual, aside from fleeting moments of pleasure. What is going on now in Europe is a sweeping world movement. You have noticed unexpected activity from your political centers, which have predicted that these things would take place. When these things were initiated by the Russian bear, it was as if a door were thrown open for many peoples at the same time a karmic door was closed; entire races of people in other planetary civilizations were freed. Their karmic lessons were resolved on Earth because one man [Gorbachev] acted from the heart on his own in the face of all opposition. How many times are you told your religious stories about how the actions of one person can make such a difference? Now, I'm not raising this man Gorbachev above all others. I'm saying that he acts through the heart while displaying strength, and just that simple act of faith [a new parliament], regardless of how it turns out, completed lessons for tribes associated with Capricorn — billions of people. They were freed because one man acted."


Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 02, 2016, 03:38:01 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6969#msg6969)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6891#msg6891)On the other i will find it intersting if for the first time both candidates will be "canceled" and a new campaign and the all republican/democrat nomination begin again from scratch..This is done from a more wiser position...Trump acted like a purge catalyst for many...After the purge there is more clarity and peace...After nervousness is consummed from inside a peace will come..From this peace position new candidates may be selected to participate in presidentials...

You know, I'm just amazed (and grateful) for your objective input, I really enjoyed your post and the depth of your vision of both issues, what you see as what's really going on. Honestly, I would prefer a "reset" of this presidential election, I'm not at all happy with either choice. But I've also felt for the past couple of decades that the presidential possibilities have been weak and disappointing. Your observations have really made me look at what is going on here in a different light.

I have lived in the US all of my life and have visited a few other countries only as a tourist, observing their leadership through the veil of biased media. While I have always felt fortunate for having been 'Born in the USA' (although there are many other countries in which I'd be happy to live), I've felt a continuous disillusionment with my own country and its leadership over the years.

US repeats Atlantis conflicts so they may come to resolution once and for all.You have the most technological country..That was also the downfall of Atlantis.Maybe reading much more about Atlantis will bring more understanding.To go further...Atlantis repeated the Orion drama.You can further to understand things..

There is a specific channeling session about this matter:


Seesion: #254 - Orion, Atlantis, & Earth (Germane). 11/7/13

Is not free btw.

Later edit..After writing the above i realized many may not be so much ET channeling orientated so i may put it in a different way...
If you are parents (i am a "child" parrenting my parents --- haha) look closely to your kids and you may see that they copied some of your behaviour , expressions etc ... They inherited some positive and negative behaviour consciously or not consciously ... Based on this "We" as a species inherited positive and negatives from our parents at a grander scale...The funny thing is that the parents are many civilizations from differents parts of universe so there is a BIG diversity of what was inherited...What you see are experessions of those inherited stuff expressed in combinations and sometimes in really mindboggling way...Us the children play things copied from our parents...In families is played at "micro" level and in countries / nations the same but at grander level..
"Kid" US send his/her military toys to "kid" Russia and they tease each other until the conflict inside those kids will be transcended...
If you want to understand the humanity begin to look at the parents of humanity ... We solve parents unsolved problems / conflicts here on Earth...They couldn't solve for themselves...

Star wars movies, Dune books, George Orwell books  inspired by Orion conflicts..When i was little i was looking at Star wars movies many times...I awated the movies...I also stare at the stars many nights...A couple of years ago (2014) in a channeling it hitted me..I was told i had Orion roots..Dwelving further and further from one book to another i made the connection...
Orion starseed:  Star wars pleasure, military family , atraction to dark video games, i played also military video games...

Everything fall in place for me ... In the last period i begun consciously exposing myself to Orion specific material some dark so i can expose bring the Orion remnants from inside me out and transcend them..I want to heal the Orion drama inside me.
Middle East conflicts is the hotspot for Orion drama...That is basically the Orion entry point...The Great Pyramids from Egypt were built to resemble Orion constelation...The mentality in some Middle East is very Orion orientated...

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 02, 2016, 10:44:31 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7051#msg7051)Seesion: #254 - Orion, Atlantis, & Earth (Germane). 11/7/13

Is not free btw.

I'm constantly amazed at how many different authorities, channelers, etc. are out there and being apparently successful. While my heart belongs to Seth, I'm open to other sources, especially considering Seth is currently "offline." And I'm also not opposed to spending a little money in fair exchange if something seems legitimate to me. I'll check it out, thanks.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7051#msg7051)If you are parents (i am a "child" parrenting my parents --- haha) look closely to your kids and you may see that they copied some of your behaviour , expressions etc ... They inherited some positive and negative behaviour consciously or not consciously ...

Also a very interesting concept, you have a point there. I am a parent. I have one child, a son who is 21 and I'm often surprised to see characteristics, behaviors, preferences in him that no doubt came from me. Not intentionally taught -- more inherited or adopted through observation (or tribal memory?). ("Oh, he WAS listening, paying attention, etc.) What's also interesting is that he seems to have inherited many characteristics from my ex-husband, who is not his father and was out of my life 5-6 years before his birth. I honestly can't explain that. Unless he's tapped into that probable life where my ex and I didn't divorce and he is his son. TMI?

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7051#msg7051)"Kid" US send his/her military toys to "kid" Russia and they tease each other until the conflict inside those kids will be transcended...

Funny you should mention the US and Russia. I've always felt the two were 'twin sons of different mothers' and sibling rivals. At least it feels that way to me.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7051#msg7051)inspired by Orion conflicts

What are the Orion conflicts, can you tell me more? While I'm no stranger to StarWars, Dune, George Orwell...  I've not heard of the OCs before so don't understand your reference to them.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 03, 2016, 12:12:26 AM
I will do a different thread with Lyssa Royal Holt.This will remain for Mass Events.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 03, 2016, 12:29:09 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7054#msg7054)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7051#msg7051)inspired by Orion conflicts

What are the Orion conflicts,can you tell me more? While I'm no stranger to StarWars, Dune, George Orwell...  I've not heard of the OCs before so don't understand your reference to them.

I remember there is a Transcript the Transcedence of Orion


#T235 - The Transcendence of Orion (Germane). February 16, 2011 - Tokyo, Japan. As part of the new series exploring our galactic family, Germane discusses the culture of Orion and how they moved from polarity to enlightenment. He discusses the 3 Orion Eras and their characteristics, exploring such topics as the "Orion Christ," how a culture so polarized was able to heal themselves, and why the lessons from Orion are so connected to our experience on Earth. He also discusses the Orion Gate in the middle east, and why the Egyptian revolution was so important not only for Earth, but for our entire galactic family. Much more is included, with new information! Session time 1 hour, 45 min.
PDF Text Download (English Only): $6 - Note: The links to the right are for text download only.

Is pretty detailed and pretty cheap.Remarcable history of Orion ... :)

THis is from an old tape where Lyssa channeled an Orion entity named Akbar and talks about women in their society:

#T63 Sisterhoods (Goddess Energy, Sasha, Akbar) 4/15/90-Sedona. Earth Goddess Energy speaks; Integrating male & female to balance; Christ & Magdalen; Pleiadian society; Sisterhoods are not just for females; Akbar, the Orion priest, speaks about the female role in Orion cultures, with info not found anywhere else, and much more.
PDF Text Download (17 pages) $5. Note: The links at right are for text download only.

There is more about this but for now start with something :)

Later edit: i remember that Law of One material also talks about Orion stuff.Keep in mind that the Law of One material present negative Orion contacts and stuff that is from the past Orion.For more details check the Lyssa Royal material as presents the stuff in much more detail.The Law of One language is kinda coded sometimes and hard to grasp.You may have to read the entire book to understand some uses of the language.The books are free btw.


Bashar presents the Orion history in a seminar called "The Interstellar Eneagram"...

Also you can find in Robert Shapiro books Explorer Race (that i read now)..

You have many sources that present this common heritage...I crossreferenced them and is a fine read.Also i have my private channelings from 2014.. :)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 03, 2016, 11:08:16 AM
WOW, a lot of information to research, thanks for that. I spent a little time looking over the links you included so I have quite a bit of reading to do. I also found this is the process, http://www.llresearch.org/. There's a library with free downloads of all types of stuff http://www.llresearch.org/library.aspx, complete books, research, transcripts, interviews, etc.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7057#msg7057)Also i have my private channelings from 2014.

Hearing more about this would be interesting... :)

PS I fixed the (missing) quote link in your post above, so your post shows an edit made by me.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 03, 2016, 01:33:39 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7058#msg7058)
WOW, a lot of information to research, thanks for that. I spent a little time looking over the links you included so I have quite a bit of reading to do. I also found this is the process, http://www.llresearch.org/. There's a library with free downloads of all types of stuff http://www.llresearch.org/library.aspx, complete books, research, transcripts, interviews, etc.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7057#msg7057)Also i have my private channelings from 2014.

Hearing more about this would be interesting... :)

PS I fixed the (missing) quote link in your post above, so your post shows an edit made by me.

llresearch is the old site and it will not updated anymore from my understanding..Is kept online like a library with stuff.There is a new site but many material is linked to the old one.
There is a nice book written by Carla Rueckert herself..Is a bit autobiographic and is very intersting and loong .. There are 2 editions one shorter or cut 1.7 mb in size and another for 4.2 mb ...
Is not really channeled but is more about her life from her point of view it's called "A wanderer Handbook "

I remember now that she channeled also other entities than Ra but haven't read so many transcripts.

Also i posted in the forum also Lyssa Royal free material so check it out...Is very intersting too...
I know it's much but in the long run your mind will give up asking for "info" and will leave you alone to BE.And then things happen ... :p
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 03, 2016, 09:51:43 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7060#msg7060)I know it's much but in the long run your mind will give up asking for "info" and will leave you alone to BE.And then things happen ... :p

That's probably one of the most intriguing (and promising) things I've "heard" in a long time. I so want things to just "happen." I will check out your Lyssa Royal post. I need to manifest more hours in my days. :)

BTW been feeling like a Wanderer myself lately, maybe even a walk-in. Since my travels in Europe this summer, I feel like I returned to someone else's life. It's not the least bit comfortable. But I find some relief in thinking that discomfort precipitates a big change. The more uncomfortable it is, the closer the change. I'm ready.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 04, 2016, 07:05:38 AM
I will let you "chew" some info for now ...  :P
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 06, 2016, 12:42:18 AM
This looks like a "Mass Event" in US:


There is a catch here ... On one hand companies don't want old people because well ... they are "old tech" but on the other hand the young are so very bombarded with stress and pressure to "fit" so they get wear out from very young age...
In your country seems there will be an implosion some time in the future ... The competitive / bussiness obssesion is so big there and entrenched that is affecting the society from inside out ... I will just get the popcorn and wait the next season from US labor market ...

No wonder that you felt like an alien after some "fresh air" in Europe and landing in US back...There are so many countries that are very close to each other and are very different..It's really impossible to not get a little influence from your neighbours ..

QuoteAlso a very interesting concept, you have a point there. I am a parent. I have one child, a son who is 21 and I'm often surprised to see characteristics, behaviors, preferences in him that no doubt came from me. Not intentionally taught -- more inherited or adopted through observation (or tribal memory?). ("Oh, he WAS listening, paying attention, etc.) What's also interesting is that he seems to have inherited many characteristics from my ex-husband, who is not his father and was out of my life 5-6 years before his birth. I honestly can't explain that. Unless he's tapped into that probable life where my ex and I didn't divorce and he is his son. TMI?

Hmm ... Is it possible that you inherited the stuff from your ex-husband and do it unconsciously and your son got it from you...Are you sure you don't do it too ?
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 06, 2016, 06:58:15 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7079#msg7079)This looks like a "Mass Event" in US:

Great article. Yep, that's the way it is here. But I have the feeling it's not limited to the US, maybe western culture in general. A throwaway society that has reached its tentacles outward from material goods (planned obsolescence) to humans. I wasn't raised that way, so it's very obvious to me.

Is that not the case where you live?

I remember reading how in other cultures, primitive ones, native Americans, Japanese... older people were/are valued as wise. They were usually the healers, soothsayers, bearers of advice. The older women helped with raising the children. I wonder how things got so turned around? What precipitated that? I've been self-employed for the past 25 years or so and haven't had to deal with rejection in the job market. But I've seen it with other people. Age (or any type of) discrimination is supposedly illegal, but it's very obviously prevalent. I have been subjected to sex discrimination throughout my life, one time even being told by an senior lawyer employer (from the deep south) that he was not giving me a bigger pay raise, even though I was an excellent employee, because he thought I should be married and have a husband take care of me! How does one argue with that and not lose a much-needed job?

For as much criticism Walmart gets in this country (my thinking is they are a business, if someone doesn't want to work for them, then they simply shouldn't apply for a job!), they are the one business I've seen hiring senior citizens, the handicapped, the less-polished looking people. Many times I've been Walmart-greeted by an elderly man or woman or had granny check me out at the register. It makes me sad to think people in their 70s-80s still have to work to put food on the table. Or maybe they just want to get out of the house and not fade into obscurity in retirement. A friend's husband, in his mid-to-late 70s, works the night shift at Walmart just to get away from his wife, lol. It keeps him busy, keeps his mind active and he gets some peace. And gets paid for it.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7079#msg7079)On one hand companies don't want old people because well ... they are "old tech" but on the other hand the young are so very bombarded with stress and pressure to "fit" so they get wear out from very young age...

Not only that, but the work ethic in the young seems to have changed. When I was first starting out I was always desperate to keep my job, depended on myself for support, and was raised to give 125% of myself in whatever I did. It's just so ludicrous to me that an employer will automatically hire a young person over one older simply based on age, when the older person more than likely has greater work ethics. Young people here usually quit jobs at the drop of a hat, just don't show up for work, without explanation. And they're not used to working hard, they feel entitled. A more mature person probably needs the job more and in my opinion would be more reliable. Just my perspective, based on my own ethics.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7079#msg7079)Hmm ... Is it possible that you inherited the stuff from your ex-husband and do it unconsciously and your son got it from you...Are you sure you don't do it too ?

No, it's not like that, but a good guess. Maybe it's just characteristics of immaturity in a young man who has not had to suffer in life. Once that frontal lobe matures, things may change. My ex and I were in our teens when we started our life together. What I'm seeing as character in each of them may just be immaturity and ego. And coincidence or my tendency to look for patterns.  :)

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 07, 2016, 03:22:16 AM
Highly competitive market has it's downsides that goes to extreme when the system becomes desperate...The US market begun to feel a desperation... When desperation cloud land people the dark side of people comes full speed outside and things get very bizzare...In my country it's the same the old people have problems adapting and hiring...
On the other hand i feel an implosion is comming in the years to follow and some mistakes of the past will come and bite the society ... In my country and also in your country there are mistakes in the education aproach.."Bussinessing" the education i feel show it's teeth...In my country old people that are aproaching to pension has not many reasons to change themselves and it feels like stuck energies...I heard from someone from US that is the same there..
There is a bright side in all this combination ... The pressure will be so much  soon that people will have no choice but to take things ... offroad...School cannot guarantee anymore a job...Education may be too expensive...Stealing is not a solution for many and you get a teenage society that see no escape unless they find ALTERNATIVES..
Reading the Explorer Race ... we are the race that are trained for the Alternatives to be first nature...flexibility and curiosity at it's maximum...
Regarding the eternal battle between men and women i would say that also this book gave a different perspective...
Men and women be together and natural like it is on earth it is not really in all parts and history of universe...Women had their planet (Sirius) and man their place (Orion system) ... There are planets where man bear children males of course..
At some point there was an invasion from man of Orion to women planet in Sirius.The invasion purpose as you may have guessed is conquering...Women won and they came to Orion to stop the man comming directly from their lair...
The battle was real between sexes.The Creator hasn't succed to bring men and women together...
So when human race was build up genetically the creator decided to that Earth will be the conflict-resolution planet from many races.Also the Creator wanted to try a different aproach and BRING men and women once and for all.Bring all males and females conflicts between them here on earth to be resolved BUT with a little ingredient put in the genetics that is ... romance...
They put in women the "atraction" male body and in men the "atraction" for female body..Also they gave only to women to bear children and man got the revenges (for losing on Sirius planet)...
Most past Orion male society is like the Klingon's from Star trek...There is a interview in the book with a past Orion being from warrior part of their society...Very primitive mentality...He devalue us humans for being weak and have weak body...Also they said that they have to control feminine wisdom...This is the past..Also there is in Lyssa list of channelings another Orion entity speaking also leaved in the past that is very wise and is from priest class..And he talks very candidaly that he consider the women that kept the Orion society not to fall apart completely ... He talks very compasionate about Earth and very candidaly about their society..
The "primitive" agressive mentality of males is from past Orion...I had a good laugh when i read the Orion warrior interview...I had also big compassion...For you as a discriminated female in the society may be worth reading all this interviews so you see a bigg picture..
Imagine forcing two polarities male female that have been at "war" emtional / physical to come together and meld...This is a serious adventure for both sides and for Creation...Huge step forward in Creation..
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Monica on September 07, 2016, 04:18:25 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7086#msg7086)
Not only that, but the work ethic in the young seems to have changed. When I was first starting out I was always desperate to keep my job, depended on myself for support, and was raised to give 125% of myself in whatever I did. It's just so ludicrous to me that an employer will automatically hire a young person over one older simply based on age, when the older person more than likely has greater work ethics. Young people here usually quit jobs at the drop of a hat, just don't show up for work, without explanation. And they're not used to working hard, they feel entitled. A more mature person probably needs the job more and in my opinion would be more reliable. Just my perspective, based on my own ethics.

This part of your post made me really angry.

I think that the mature workers should not be discriminated against. I also think it's not OK to paint relatively young workers with a broad and dismissive brush. To say that it's "just [your] perspective, based on [your] own ethics" is no justification for speaking like that about other people.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 07, 2016, 04:56:53 AM
Monica ... It pushed a button in you..You can get angry or you can clean up what's behind the button...Make it to resolution..
This world it is and it will be plenty of discrimination , moral problem.
In many companies eyes human beings are devalued...They are just a good...This good you "buy" and "sell" ... This is the downside of the so called capitalist society ... We devalue animals and plants and so on as a human race...Humans devalue humans ... Until will not clean what's behind the "devalue" in themselves they will do this on and on until a very negative may happen and a lesson learned the hard way...A human being that value himself truly is not going to aproach this stuff in the same way...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Monica on September 07, 2016, 05:24:28 AM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7091#msg7091)
Monica ... It pushed a button in you..You can get angry or you can clean up what's behind the button...

Nonsense. It is not about me having anything that needs to be 'cleaned up'. A feeling of anger does not mean, automatically, that there is some personal 'issue' behind it that needs dealing with. I was expressing myself in the moment. Please do not treat me like a less knowledgeable entity in need of your handouts of 'wisdom'.

There's an excellent statement made by Seth somewhere in the materials about a positive, clean-feeling, righteous anger that wells up in (and may be freely expressed by) people when they see or hear unfairness. Perhaps another member knows which statement I'm referring to and has the quote to hand.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Sena on September 07, 2016, 05:47:38 AM
Quote from: Monica (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7092#msg7092)There's an excellent statement made by Seth somewhere in the materials about a positive, clean-feeling, righteous anger that wells up in (and may be freely expressed by) people when they see or hear unfairness.
"Many people, for example, are convinced that anger is always negative. It can be the most arousing and therapeutic emotion under certain circumstances...... Normal aggressiveness is basically a natural kind of communication, particularly in social orders; a way of letting another person know that in your terms they have transgressed, and therefore a method of preventing violence - not of causing it." (NOPR, Chapter 11)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Monica on September 07, 2016, 05:59:36 AM
Thank you, @Sena. And now... I'll let the conversation return to the theme of mass events! :)

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 07, 2016, 07:04:14 AM
I love how your anger showed you the source.You just answered yourself to yourself wonderfully...  ;)

QuoteNonsense. It is not about me having anything that needs to be 'cleaned up'. A feeling of anger does not mean, automatically, that there is some personal 'issue' behind it that needs dealing with. I was expressing myself in the moment. Please do not treat me like a less knowledgeable entity in need of your handouts of 'wisdom'

For a being to say that phrase means that it was already treated like that in the past and it just comming up for resolution...It's up to you to do that resolution...Inner devalueation is present in yourself otherwise you wouldn't have said that...Now you can bash me more or you can look sincere in this matter.. :)
Many old people have a victim mentality and they devalue themselves greatly so i am not so surprised about the article...
It's a bit ironic because the old "should" have more wisdom and more value as Deb said...

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 07, 2016, 09:31:50 AM
Quote from: Monica (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7090#msg7090)I also think it's not OK to paint relatively young workers with a broad and dismissive brush. To say that it's "just [your] perspective, based on [your] own ethics" is no justification for speaking like that about other people.

Sorry you were offended by my post. I was just stating my opinion, which was based on my own observations over the past few years. As they say, opinions are like a*holes--everyone has one. I was visualizing the teen-to-20 year olds I've been exposed to over the past few years. Certainly not every one of them. Again, just my perspective.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7091#msg7091)It pushed a button in you..You can get angry or you can clean up what's behind the button...Make it to resolution..

Or... she's young, has high work ethics, and simply found my comment offensive.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7091#msg7091)In many companies eyes human beings are devalued...They are just a good...

Working at a law firm in my past, I was told I was considered a deficit, not an asset, as my hours were not billable, and would be treated as such. That's when I went back to school and became an entrepreneur.

Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7093#msg7093)Many people, for example, are convinced that anger is always negative. It can be the most arousing and therapeutic emotion under certain circumstances......

Thanks Sena, I myself tend to use anger as a motivational tool.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: JimK on September 07, 2016, 10:48:48 AM
Wouldn't it be interesting if you all were correct from your own points of view? I think I can see where that might be the case. So that's just my take on it, anyway.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Monica on September 07, 2016, 11:35:37 PM
@Deb BTW, no hard feelings whatsoever. ;) I certainly appreciate that there can be some entitled jerks out there, lol. And if you've met quite a few of them, then my sympathies indeed!

I think one of the things about the current Western cultural structure, with internet communication being so prevalent, is that people who are good at self-promotion tend to come to the fore online and this possibly creates a distorted picture of what constitutes 'socially normative' behaviour that then carries over into offline realities. I wonder how many of these young people you've met are basically acting according to what they think is the socially acceptable or normal set of behaviours as determined by what they see is promoted and 'viral' online?

The social media platforms often have business/profit motivations that require us to distort our behaviour towards extreme self-interest. They can then capture high-detail data sets about our preferences in order to increase the value of that data when they onsell it and/or to show us targeted advertisements that represent better return on investment for their advertisers. There's some interesting scholarship about Facebook in particular and the conflicts between its platform infrastructure, financial motives and need to capture data and the users' need for relationship sorting and levels of trust, privacy mechanisms, control of personal data and desire for community participation.

@JimK Good point. Our perspectives show what is real for us at any given time. How nice, though, that we can change our vantage point and choose perspectives that we prefer!
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 08, 2016, 12:39:42 AM
I do feel that the Hackers world is very good analogy ...
The more companies invest in anti-piracy programs and software the more complex and harder challenges will be on the market for hackers and maybe today generation may have a hard time to crack the stuff but future generations comes with different conscioness and they may see solutions beyond any before gen.A tactic that is presented today in courses and stuff will be obsolete tommorow...Big corporation will invent a challenge and the society will overcome because it will feel that they invent to control the society even further...This is some sort of "competition" that needs to be transceded in future by our race...It may look natural and normal but competitive stuff is masculine energy that have to be trnascended if we want the so called peace on earth...This is our "toy" now and we turn it on all sides and we play with in various scenerios and experimenting...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Monica on September 08, 2016, 01:00:37 AM
@myststars There's some interesting activity in the realm of post-party and non-party politics in Spain and Taiwan. And, there are also collectives, cooperatives and co-owned social enterprises, media and networks that are blending digital and social technologies and purposes for different goals and outcomes than the status quo e.g. Hylo (https://www.hylo.com/about).
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 08, 2016, 03:08:10 AM
Humanity will experiment many many things in politics and social.I like for example females presidents in some countries like Island..I feel US will have a female president soon...Things that were never done before in this country are comming up.People will depart more and from the old.This desperation of departure from the old may be the reason of the huge challenges from old age segment of population to get a job.The population felt that there were so many mistakes made in the past with people that theoretically have been considered mature (old age) and got disappointed so now they realized that even if youngsters are not very mature and are unstable they may still be the solution for the future..I feel there is big confusions that will trigger extreme things but on the long term things will calm down imo...
For now i will just get my popcorn and work on inner calm that will take me through the storm...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 08, 2016, 08:42:21 PM
Quote from: Monica (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7102#msg7102)@Deb BTW, no hard feelings whatsoever.

Thanks, my bad. I should know better than to generalize, I didn't even realize what I was doing. It's just that I've seen changes in youth/society, since my own childhood, and not all of them are what I would consider enlightenment and improvement. And not a new complaint. Must be a sign that I'm getting old, lol.

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority;
they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.
Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.
They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,
chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table,
cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

~ attributed to Socrates by Plato, around 400 B.C.

Quote from: Monica (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7102#msg7102)I wonder how many of these young people you've met are basically acting according to what they think is the socially acceptable or normal set of behaviours as determined by what they see is promoted and 'viral' online?

Could be, good point. Could also be the area I live in, a sprawling bedroom community of middle to upper class residents. The kids grew up not wanting for much, all had their XBoxes, Playstations, big screen tvs, iPhones, keeping up with the Joneses. Affluenza. Jeez, my neighbor has two little girls, 3 and 6, and they each have a battery operated car to drive around the cul de sac. They should have some pretty amazing driving skills by the time they're ready for the real thing.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7103#msg7103)I do feel that the Hackers world is very good analogy ...
The more companies invest in anti-piracy programs and software the more complex and harder challenges will be on the market for hackers and maybe today generation may have a hard time to crack the stuff but future generations comes with different conscioness and they may see solutions beyond any before gen.A tactic that is presented today in courses and stuff will be obsolete tommorow..

And there will be no end to it, just a continual sophistication of protection maneuvers and the prodigies that will hack them. Funny how things are forever evolving. Obviously in nature as well: chemical companies are constantly producing new forms of poison to fight back weeds and pests and the pests still manage to evolve and become resistant. Viruses mutate. More prodigies I suppose.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Batfan007 on September 09, 2016, 04:39:15 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7093#msg7093)
Quote from: Monica (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7092#msg7092)There's an excellent statement made by Seth somewhere in the materials about a positive, clean-feeling, righteous anger that wells up in (and may be freely expressed by) people when they see or hear unfairness.
"Many people, for example, are convinced that anger is always negative. It can be the most arousing and therapeutic emotion under certain circumstances...... Normal aggressiveness is basically a natural kind of communication, particularly in social orders; a way of letting another person know that in your terms they have transgressed, and therefore a method of preventing violence - not of causing it." (NOPR, Chapter 11)

Seth talks about anger, energy, action, vitality quite a bit.
I've been to write an essay on The Benefits of Anger as many new agey wishy washy stuff sort of glosses over or demonised anger, but every feeling every emotion and state natural to mankind has its harm and it's benefit.

As a rageaholic it's a topic I'm very familiar with.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 09, 2016, 08:27:48 AM
C'mon Deb

I know you are a mother but this "poems":

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority;
they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.
Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.
They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,
chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table,
cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

~ attributed to Socrates by Plato, around 400 B.C.

It's ironic that that "stamp" for youngsters are still valid in 2016 vs 400 b.c. .... Very "ironic"

The new gen is meant to balance the old energy ... is not meant to copy it...The role of kid imo is to challenge so ALL we grow but adults want to be conservative to stay entrenched in some confortable root believes because of the society that "punish" and adult because the outside image counts...

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 13, 2016, 12:00:36 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7118#msg7118)It's ironic that that "stamp" for youngsters are still valid in 2016 vs 400 b.c. .... Very "ironic"

I know, that quote popped into my head when I was thinking about my observations of the new generations: I suppose there has always been a generation gap. Cavemen were probably complaining about the same thing. And Cavekids were most likely referring to their parents as dinosaurs.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7118#msg7118)The role of kid imo is to challenge so ALL we grow but adults want to be conservative to stay entrenched in some confortable root believes because of the society that "punish" and adult because the outside image counts...

There is no growth without challenging the norms. That's what progress is all about. :)

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 14, 2016, 12:29:29 AM
Here is the funny so ... If adults still complain about same stuff in 2016 this means that my thirst to look into the galactic parents heritage and wounds may have been a very wise choice..Children wouldn't do all this list if vast majority of adults didn't fit the list ...

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority;
they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.
Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.
They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,
chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table,
cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

Let's analyze this:
Let's look at US face ...Trump loves luxury, have bad manners, show disrespect for other people and it fits also part of the rest more or less..A question is asked now...Youngsters in your country look at this guy that is one hair from presidency and they will say ... This is how i win in this system and the latent, perpetuated and exercised parts of the one become even more energized.They will put more energy in those parts...From a morale point of view the child is entitled to use Trump as an example without being punished because he choose him as an example.US agreed to have this guy around and go up in the hierarchy ladder..So imo the deep wounds that are in trump and may activate in others that make him behave like he is behaving are not healed but are perpetuated and even supported and agreed with...
The irony with Trump presidency is that he will take so many reckless actions that may awaken people and shake them big time...It may actually wake up people that are "sleepy" now...So if you wanted a mass US higher conscioness wake up i would say Trump presidency may be the ticket...Seems US wake up didn't come with wars and terrorist atacks and they needed something more extreme on day to day basis...
Neverthless i surely prepare big packages of popcorn if Trump wins ... it will be a hell of a ride for you and for the world...
Bashar said that something will happen after summer that everything will change and will be no way back...For me Space X blow is looking like this kind of event paving the way for sure disclosure...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Sena on September 14, 2016, 03:45:00 AM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7166#msg7166)The irony with Trump presidency is that he will take so many reckless actions that may awaken people and shake them big time...It may actually wake up people that are "sleepy" now.
I am not sure whether it will wake people up. They may go to sleep like the Germans did in 1933.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 14, 2016, 05:27:35 AM
When the Fukushima plannt exploded in Japan there was a ripple effect in the mentality and the nuclear was put to scrutiny.Germany decided to shut down all nuclear power plants until some year in the future...With Trump it will extreme stuff...He can't abstain from doing reckless things...He may vote some abusive things and citizens will effects on their life.We humans tend to learn by contrast..Imagine a teenager that drunk and something extreme happens like a disease, lover is dumping him or car accident and tend then in general realizes what mistakes he done...Trump is the "teenager" and a very angry one with much frustration...This frustration needs to be dumped somewhere .. It's repressed energy and when this will be dumped in a very high influential position like a presidency things will get wild ...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Sena on September 14, 2016, 07:49:18 AM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7171#msg7171)It's repressed energy and when this will be dumped in a very high influential position like a presidency things will get wild ...
Trump will start off by restricting the entry of Muslims to the U.S. 75% of Americans will support him in this. After that "cognitive dissonance" comes into play. People will say to themselves, "If Trump took the correct decision with regard to the Muslims, and I supported him in that, how can he be really wrong about the other things?". That's what I mean by people going to sleep.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 14, 2016, 08:31:59 AM
See the discussions between EU and UK for a similar reason - imigration


This kind of conversations will begin if Trump will deny muslims...Maybe even more extreme conversations.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 14, 2016, 07:35:49 PM
Well jeez, thanks to your link to the Telegraph, I ended up finding this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/08/22/donald-trump-outscores-hitler-on-psychopathic-traits-test-claims/

Being out of the country in November is sounding like a good idea to me. Watching the election from a safe distance, with or without popcorn.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 15, 2016, 01:00:50 AM
See Turkey ...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 15, 2016, 11:51:53 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7182#msg7182)See Turkey ...

OK, this is funny and ironic. In November, in the USA, there occurs the only American holiday that I observe. Thanksgiving. Because it is all about gratitude, and it supposedly originated as a result of the Puritans coming to America in the 1600s and giving thanks to the native Americans for, essentially, saving their lives. Because they were ill prepared for life in a new locale. And what is the most well-known traditional food served at Thanksgiving in November? Turkey.

So Turkey, in November is... too appropriate. :) Thanks for the laugh. And I suppose you knew all of that before you made the comment.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on September 18, 2016, 11:12:35 PM
Hi Deb!
Have you ever researched the truth of Thanksgiving?  It wasn't pretty.
Personally, I'd prefer a Seasonal Harvest Festival.  They are basically the same thing, but Thanksgiving myth is sort of a sandy foundation for out country.  That and burning witches about the same time.  Maybe we are having issues over women and minorities because we haven't addressed the beginnings of our country.

Anger is a topic I'm having in a conversation with someone.  How internalized anger becomes cancer usually in 18 months.  And how women of a certain age have a difficult time owning anger.  Any thoughts?

This past year has been very theraputic for me because I've HAD to get angry.  And my health got better!   ;D

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 19, 2016, 12:18:19 AM
In my childhood i played games like Quake and war games ... They were the reflection of anger, repressed etc...
Now there is a new Doom 2016 that i played for therapeutic purpose to purge what is there...To let agresive part express itself..I stayed for 1 months to restrain not playing it but part of me was nagging..Saying to myself that i am playing for therapeutic purpuses and also make the playing conscious in 3-4 days and around 20 hours in total i may say that that agressive part is transcended 98%... When this layer was mostly transceded i had the idea to take a break from ET-related channeling books and go back to Seth books.For a couple of seconds i had the impulse to return and reread "The way toward health" but i wanted something new so i begun NOPR book and i had a further layer of fears/anxiety/depression removed...So one piece removes specific "nails" that resonate with that piece and pave the way to deeper and deeper layers and more and more freedom and clarity...
I can say that now the seth material is perceived more deeper and more clear than before.As a starseed the Seth material may not be enough with some themes.Seth doesn't talk about ET's and heritage and talk about the connections with ancestors so to understand how things fit.I am sure now that solely with Seth material was not realy possible to understand ...seth material...It sounds funny but this looks to be the case for me.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 19, 2016, 12:33:17 AM
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7212#msg7212)
Hi Deb!
Have you ever researched the truth of Thanksgiving?  It wasn't pretty.
Personally, I'd prefer a Seasonal Harvest Festival.  They are basically the same thing, but Thanksgiving myth is sort of a sandy foundation for out country.  That and burning witches about the same time.  Maybe we are having issues over women and minorities because we haven't addressed the beginnings of our country.

Anger is a topic I'm having in a conversation with someone.  How internalized anger becomes cancer usually in 18 months.  And how women of a certain age have a difficult time owning anger.  Any thoughts?

This past year has been very theraputic for me because I've HAD to get angry.  And my health got better!   ;D

You talked about your son some time ago.He may have sucked your anger too.There is a latent anger that is there but one becomes so acustomed with the state that feels so natural to have this anger...To give in to this anger.. :) ...
I would say i exposed myself intentionally to materials and stuff that resonate to this anger so i can bring it up..
Another way is going to someone that nags and you know you get angry with how he/she behaves around you and do that consciously.
The unfortunate situation is that the norm is to accept emotional mediocrity..Anger is acceptedable..Is a taboo subject.Unfortunetly being a male society and males have a hard time and challenge to deal with male-anger they decide to make a "mediocre emotional" state a norm.You can see male agressive in sports car.You can see males agressive in parliaments and politics etc...If for example when you take the driving license it will tell you that until you don't deal with the anger you won't allow to take driving license things will change...The funny one if you want to become a politician and have an anger test will be the norm and you will not allowed in ranks with that anger then things become even more intersting .... !! Male-control society "voted" for anger to be free to roam around ... Guns and free roaming anger goes hand in hand...US has a long way until becomes an example for the other countries...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Batfan007 on September 19, 2016, 06:16:13 AM
In my view the needs to have many guns and easy access to them (that is not for hunting purposes) is rooted in fear rather than anger.
But I could by wrong. I feel neither towards guns, and don't blame guns for any human behavior.

I've only lived in Australia and New Zealand, and the relationship to guns for me growing up was a healthy one, rather than a pathological one. I still struggle to understand America's gun obsession. I mean I don't think the British are coming back at this point.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on September 19, 2016, 07:31:37 AM
You talked about your son some time ago.He may have sucked your anger too.

He actually was acting out my unexpressed anger.
This past year I realized that I had to "own" my anger and that by "playing nice" was avoiding issues.  And in any unresolved issue the Universe will send you a "stand in".   ;D   So I've been dealing with someone who really has been pushing my buttons that I can't walk away from and working things out seemed to heal the other relationships that have contacted me out of the blue after a long time.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on September 19, 2016, 07:40:55 AM
I still struggle to understand America's gun obsession.

Consider that our country is made up of the cream of the crop of aggressive people who took risks to relocate here.  So in a way we have genetically bred a more aggressive society.
American's have this Wild West fantasy.  Lone Ranger and Tonto.  John Wayne.  Guns are part of our identity.  I've run into two people who have had Glocks in holsters at the grocery store on a Sunday morning in our very small and peaceful town.

Interestingly they were of polar extremes.  One was a guy who had just returned from military duty and had a look that made you not want to mess with him whether he had a gun or not.
The other guy was a chubby, childlike looking guy dressed all in black with big heavy boots and military sunglasses.  His Glock was part of his "costume".
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on September 19, 2016, 08:14:12 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7baWokO4ms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7baWokO4ms)
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Deb on September 19, 2016, 10:35:08 AM
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7212#msg7212)Have you ever researched the truth of Thanksgiving?  It wasn't pretty.

I think at one time I did, but didn't find too much at the time and half the time I don't know what to believe. Damn, it's the only American holiday I choose to celebrate because of its non-religious association and I love getting together with friends and family to share a co-created meal. It hasn't been as commercialized as the other holidays either, not a huge push to buy gifts, cards, candy. I'll have to start thinking of it as Autumn Harvest rather than Thanksgiving. Or just call it Turkey Day like I have in the past. When I was a kid I used to call the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade the 'Macy Day Parade."

Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7212#msg7212)And how women of a certain age have a difficult time owning anger.  Any thoughts?

Maybe during the time of our childhood there was the Father Knows Best mentality. Women were raised to be a certain way, and showing or even feeling anger was not part of the permitted personality. I was raised by the world's angriest woman, but was not allowed to show anger myself—it would set off a nuclear reaction. Expressing or feeling anger was considered a bad thing. Kids should be seen and not heard. I think repressed anger, at least in me, would turn into depression and feeling powerless from the frustration of not being able to express and let it go. Being able to express anger also takes a certain amount of self-esteem and confidence. Seth's talk about aggression, anger and guilt were difficult for me to relate to because his explanations are so different from how I was raised. Maybe I need to go back and study them. Ummm... it's not a maybe.

I'm sure I'll get some flack for this, but it seems that everyone is always bashing Americans for killing the natives, keeping slaves, etc. No question about it, it happened here and the wounds have not healed. But back then, in the early 1600s, there were no 'Americans' per se -- America was a British colony (with a little Dutch). The British brought their tradition of slavery with them. It was actually very common throughout Europe (http://www.history.ac.uk/ihr/Focus/Slavery/articles/sherwood.html), Africa (http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/41431), Middle East. I'm not offering that as an excuse in any way, it's just that it seems some people think Americans invented ruthless behavior. My family came over from Europe in the late 1800s, very poor, from a country that was habitually raided and divided up amongst various other European countries. They were more than likely to have been serfs/slaves themselves.

I'm not sure how the early settlers in this country went from being religious people trying to escape persecution to the greedy and heartless savages that brutalized and ravaged the natives. What do you suppose caused that turnaround of events? It sounds like old fashioned war: if someone wants to take over land or country, they organize an army to invade and annihilate the current occupants. How does someone do that and live with themselves? They depersonalize the 'enemy,' they are no longer seen as humans and become lice and nits. I've been reading lately how psychopaths make pretty 'successful' leaders (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/10737827/Psychopaths-how-can-you-spot-one.html), that would explain a lot. Much blood has been spilled in this country. On this planet in general.

I also don't understand the tendency to spin history the way we do in history books and schools. Not just glossing over the nasty stuff, but replacing it with outright lies. It's like there's something going on in the background, mind control, but I don't know who would be behind that other than government. And the purpose behind it?

Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7218#msg7218)In my view the needs to have many guns and easy access to them (that is not for hunting purposes) is rooted in fear rather than anger.
You have a good point there. The few people I know that own guns are for self-protection against the 'crazies' and criminals that have guns, usually illegally obtained. Proponents of gun ownership will take this tactic to explain the needs for gun ownership. But then there are those that want to own guns because it's our constitutional right to bear arms and they want to protect that right whether they really want to own a gun or not. It's a matter of principle.

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Batfan007 on September 19, 2016, 07:44:06 PM
The laws are much stricter here in Australia, and most people have no interest in owning guns.
You can still get them if you want them, but mostly for actual hunting, target practice (like a gun range) and that sort of thing.

There have been gun related crimes etc, but they are the exception rather than the norm. Most stores get held up by knives and other non-projectile weapons.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 20, 2016, 12:32:01 AM
It's funny how easily people point history but not really going to back to ... (galactic) history ... The people that came in US came with the wounds buit-in...I see pointing at them unproductive because the generations that came were raised from an ignorance emotional state...You can go in the history that everybody knows but really there is no solutions there imo.It's a dead end really..Those were other circumstances and humanity was in deeper darkness...


Our Creator and Its Creation . . . . . . 3
The White Race and the Andromedan Linear Mind . . . . . . 21
The Asian Race, the Keepers of Zeta Vertical Thought . . . . . . 41
The African Race and Its Sirius/Orion Heritage . . . . . . 51
The Fairy Race and the Native Peoples of the North . . . . . . 69
The Australian Aborigines, Advisors of the Sirius System . . . . . . 85
The Return of the Lost Tribe of Israel . . . . . . 101
The Body of the Child, a Pleiadian Heritage . . . . . . 117
Creating Sexual Balance for Growth . . . . . . 125
The Origin of Souls . . . . . . 133
The New Corporate Model . . . . . . 149
The Practice of Feeling . . . . . . 165
Benevolent Magic . . . . . . 179
Future Politics . . . . . . 193

I talked about Orion conflicts and according to this book and Pyramids placement as Orion constelation the inception of Orion energy was in the middle east area...No coicidence really...

The Orion correlation theory (or Giza–Orion correlation theory)


A middle east citizen look in his history that everybody knows and may say that he find only wars and strife so again not too many solutions there otherwise many citizens will have this solutions at mass scales and things may have different...Same case as US...The only people that can say that their history is not veliled by so much ignorance are the natives / aborigene ...Those people "see" more than us at deep level..They are not veiled by such a deep ignorance...

DEB: Regarding early girls childhood remember that the mentality "not expressing emotions" but repressing them is a also comming from past Orion that was a male-dominated society.Earth is also a male dominated society too and this past Orion wounds are still lingering in humanity...Your parents didn't searched in this matter so here you are in this mental state.. There was phrase that Bashar said that i loved it...Take a victim to make a victim.Your parents were also in victim mentality so created a new victim...you.A viscious circle from generation and generations until someone wakes up and says it's enough ... I want to break this viscious circle and change the dynamics.
Women and men are brought here together intentionally so this polarities will be integrated once and for all...The males still use their wounds for the ilusion of control and of course they are afraid of polarity named women and try desperately control this polarity and transform it to be in men image...

Here are some quotes:

"This is by and large the rule — not the separation of the sexes, the male constantly seeking to fulfill or express its female and the female constantly seeking to fulfill or express its male.That is a big unresolved problem."

"The war between men and women is real. You have inherited that directly from an ancient civilization in Orion. It runs deep. There have been many physical wars between men and women. There have been many, many societies where the male/male were together and the female/female were together. There would be no meeting. If there was a meeting, it would be at the point of a spear. This is not that unusual. There are many, many other societies in which the reproductive cycle is within an individual, and there is no male and female directly. So here you not only have the pleasures, as it were, of male/female, but you also have the anxiety and the strife."

"There are other relationships, is that not so? What about the idea of male/male or female/female relationships on this planet? What about that? Was that inherited from somewhere? Yes, it was. Again, that was inherited from Orion. You've had a lot of connections to Orion. The main civilizations that you are resolving things for on this planet are Orion, the Pleiades and Sirius. There are other places, but those are the main ones. Male/male relationships and female/female relationships are not a problem; they are a resolution. It reflects a desire to do what is natural to the individuals who do it, and it has roots not only way back in the past, but roots now common even to the universe. The problem occurs in the eyes of those who judge them. The judgment of those relationships is also related to extraterrestrial phenomena. Judgment, for the most part in these cases of sexuality, is rooted in Sirius, so what you have, essentially, is a clash in consciousness between Orion and

Sirius. You are now beginning to work it out. These types of relationships in the past were tolerated from a distance, but now that you have so many people and it is in your face all the time, you have to learn how to deal with it in ways that are not individually frightening. Mom and Dad or somebody told you that men are men and women are women, and a man and a woman get together, have families, and raise children and life will go on, and that you'll be a big boy or a big girl someday."

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Sena on September 22, 2016, 09:38:31 AM
From "Lifting the Veil (The New Energy Apocalypse)", Kryon Book Eleven, 2007

"This battle that you are fighting and the energies from it are going to be applied to a much larger situation in the future. When you're not here, [when you are on the other side of the veil] you know what that scenario is. It is one of the biggest secrets of the universe, kept from a Human Being. It's never uttered. The actual name of it is never known by you, yet it is the biggest subject of all of us.....

What happens on this planet will change something far larger. It's part of a grander plan, and it's something you all set up along with us. It's meaningful. It's spiritual.....
And here you are, creating a new future, yet you don't necessarily see what we see.....

How many of you can celebrate? Why not celebrate your cellular structure? How many of you can stand and say, "Not only am I eternal, but I'm here at the right place, at the right time." Not many of you yet are willing to see this."

Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: Batfan007 on September 22, 2016, 09:42:15 PM
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7220#msg7220)
I still struggle to understand America's gun obsession.

Consider that our country is made up of the cream of the crop of aggressive people who took risks to relocate here.  So in a way we have genetically bred a more aggressive society.
American's have this Wild West fantasy.  Lone Ranger and Tonto.  John Wayne.  Guns are part of our identity.  I've run into two people who have had Glocks in holsters at the grocery store on a Sunday morning in our very small and peaceful town.

Interestingly they were of polar extremes.  One was a guy who had just returned from military duty and had a look that made you not want to mess with him whether he had a gun or not.
The other guy was a chubby, childlike looking guy dressed all in black with big heavy boots and military sunglasses.  His Glock was part of his "costume".

I've watched over a hundred westerns, most of the great ones and it's a genre I love so much. On a symbolic fantasy level I get it. GUNS ARE SEXY. Guns are power. guns are "you think you are going to rape our women and take our shit, well fuck you buddy, here's a bazooka in your face, think again"

I'm all for people standing up for themselves, in whatever way makes sense to them. I understand the healthy expression of fantasy violence in adults and children, and it's something I also write about now and then.

But as for the literal expression of "we NEED guns". Yeah, I don't get it. If we are at war, I get it. If there is an invading force coming into your home right now, I get that.
But who is trying to invade America right now? to non-Americans it comes across sometimes as deep paranoia about the British or shock horror, non-white people rising up to their former Slave owners.

I can see so many roots in the past, I get that their are actual cowboys now (literal ones and the ones who have it in their attitude and demeanor, and I mean morally sane people, not the historical cowboys who were criminals and degenerates before the term was romanticised in fiction) but I utterly fail to understand the here and now obsession with guns in the US.
So I may be way off base, as I said, I don't get it, I'm not educated on this topic, and I'm open to hearing any more insights on it from anyone who who cares to comment.

When I think of guns in a good way, I think of the US when it stands up for other countries and defends them (rather than looking for convenient excuses to invade them), like the bigger brother who stands up to the bullies of the world.
but when I think of guns in the negative sense, I think of how many gun related crimes and deaths that are prevalent in the US, and how easy it is to get both legal and illegal guns compared to countries with tighter laws.

but it's not really about law, but values expressed.
Whenever I hear about some poor unarmed black kid being shot for walking down the street, I think yeah, America has some really deep psychological problems that are not going away any time soon. As do I. As does everyone and every country.

But other stuff I sort of understand, with America, having never been there, I'm just clueless.

Guns are/have been a part of NZ and OZ all my life and before me. But not the paranoia and high amount of gun related crimes (granted it's much smaller populations here).
I've been on my step-grandfathers farm when I was a kid, and fired old rifles and such when I was about 8 years old, the kind they use to shoot the plages of pest rabbits and such.

But I never developed a gun pathology. Nor an interest in them.
However, if i had the opportunity, I would happily go to a sport shooting range etc.
come to think of it, their is a big vertical gun safe in the exterior room of where I live now (from my partners family) which I think was hunting rifles or whatever. I don't know, it's empty now.
So what  I am saying is that guns are very much part of NZ and OZ too. but not to such an extent. not in the same numbers, the average Joe and Jane has no interest in guns as we don't live on a farm or the prairie.
Incidences of native Americans kidnapping people here or stealing horses here are also surprisingly low.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 23, 2016, 12:11:27 AM
I would say that some people that coordinate are interested in keeping violence and agressiveness alive.Also the point is to keep you in fear.This is why many many americans behave artificially and not naturally..If you look at your teenagers they are in confusion big one...They go in depression, drugs etc..I see two sides of this:
1. The teenagers is so pulled in 2 direction maybe a bit 60 - 50 percent... 60 is pull by his/her inner self to "behave" naturally and then the 50% is society that put pressure on him/her to behave in completely unnatural way..Repress, behaving artificially and non-authentic because of punishment and peer isolation...In your schools some of your teenagers may be so depressed and so desperate so they take a gun and shoot around...In some channeling books it says that this is part of cleansing process in a more complex system..Is a way of cleansing expression.On the surface it looks like a negative act...
Again i see the parallel with Orion conflict and i feel that this is a "playing" period until is purged from US society...Well most people don't know how to deal with emotional part so this purging looks like a playing/war with plenty of distorted and ilusory misunderstandings on all sides...
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: BethAnne on September 24, 2016, 08:45:37 AM
Well, the US is definitely being "spun" to create a need for guns.  War is a business camouflaged as patriotism.

I think the comment about playing video games is interesting as I watch different males with anger issues.  My friend who was abused as a kid NEEDS to play to get grounded.  We are polar opposites at expressing anger and we both have grown as we deal with this issue.  I've never been in as many shouting matches as I have this past year with this person and it's been theraputic for both of us!   ;D

I also grew up in a family as the scapegoat where Every/Anyone could dump their anger/anxiety on me and I was not able to respond.  It was like pushing the gas pedal with the brake on.  My friend could react to his abuse with EXTREME anger because he is very strong while I had to be more psychological because I'm very mild.  It's gotten me intouch with my anger issues and as I did my health improved.  I wasn't really ill but fatigued from the stress of not dealing with  issues.

Regarding being scapegoated.  My teenage mother got pregnant so in her immature mind I was the cause.  Because of brain damage (whch I"m 99% was attempted murder) I could not speak well which has taken me a lifetime of developing other parts of my brain to adapt.  For that they put me on drugs so I was a vegetable for years.  On top of that I am a pisces with no earth signs while everyone else in my family are Leo/Taurus. 
How it turned out however, is that I am now the most "powerful" person because I was forced to deal with things and they avoid me because they know I'll get to the heart of the matter. 

TMI??  Likely. ;)

With my son there seems to be a lot of KarmaDrama...  As I review past lives he is always the one who had killed me.  He was always an executioner.  So it was more of ritual violence.  He doesn't know what to do that that aggression.  He drives fast, wheels and deals, has awful nightmares and can't smoke pot because it brings up crazy stuff that puts him in a fetal position.  He has been an absolute shit to me but is also one of the human beings I love the most.

I have to also include that after much meditation and alternative healings, readings and regressions......NOTHING was a mistake and I knew what I was getting into before I incarnated.  Now at 64 looking back everything went as planned.
Title: Re: Mass Events
Post by: myststars on September 24, 2016, 12:25:18 PM
There is no way to play agressive video games unless you have agressive inside you.Males have a challenge dealing with that..And females are not powerfull enough inside to NOT be influenced by the male anger.
BethAnne: law of atraction put you two together...I will make a topic about how many people on this forum were being abused in some way or another pretty extreme so they landed here..I am curious.
The funny paradox with parents...Seems the case is with my family...Couples feel incomplete so let's make a child then they are unhappy because the child takes them too much time or puts too many questions...Really is this an adult behaviour that we are talking about  or the kid are the real adult ?
I would have sayed more but i am on Seth-Therapy and i don't want to beat the drum of past drama.I create my own reality...
Your son is pretty typical teenager that couldn't really find other wiser way to express his anger.It will take a very deep experience to make him choose a different track and aproach agressiveness from a different angle...
It took me a while to understand deeply..When something is angry and he swears and tells rude things there is this irony...
If you are in an arguement with someone and you get angry because the other done or said something to you the way to respond makes the whole difference...If you begin to argue and defend your position or you get angry then it's your own wound.Basically you can't blame the other for it so it's uselless to talk/argue.If argue you get in the negative state, buy into the anger and all things spiral down...Stopping yourself from buying into the anger is the little secret.Unfortunetly the society doesn't encourage this.Doesn't tell you that you shoot yourself in the foot when you buy into anger...Of course you can say express your anger...Well this is a paradox too...On the other hand society says this but on the other you are put into the corner...Another key here is if you express your anger one may go in observer mode and conscious when entering in anger-mode...If it's unconscious on the long term is becoming a habit like smoking and one sees it as normal and find this nothing wrong or maybe it finds it a bit "wrong" but feels powerless after so many years...
The dark side is more seductive and easier path ....