Barrie, On the self choosing death, did your late son have a death wish and change his mind leaving physical reality years ago at a young age? Has he discussed his reason with you in the dream state? Psychological connections are always available if beliefs resonate...ron
My son did not have a "death wish." He did have a desire brought from birth to experience the joys of youth and not get entangled and caught up with being an adult and all that that entails. My understanding of and belief in Seth's concepts (which are my own concepts--as the two intermix and intermingle) greatly helped with dealing with the "death" of my son back in 1996. It all made sense and allowed for me to ask questions and find answers I otherwise would not ask--if I did NOT believe in life after death and that we choose our exact moment and method of death--and that there are no victims from the expansive point of view. Once you accept this lack of victimhood when it comes to seeming accidents--the whole responding to death issue becomes much different.
Quote from: barrie (
Once you accept this lack of victimhood when it comes to seeming accidents--the whole responding to death issue becomes much different.
barrie, thanks for sharing this with us.