I found this blog post the other day, written by Richard Kendall, that has a lot of information about Jane's history, her amazing psychic abilities and more interesting stories from the classroom. I loved reading this, it gave me goose bumps a few times. I also saved and am attaching a copy of the web page, just in case some day it "disappears" from the Internet (the Internet which, by the way, Jane predicted.)
Quote from:
Memories of Jane Roberts (https://realtalkworld.com/2010/12/01/memories-of-jane-roberts/)I want to tell you about a woman I knew who grew up on welfare; was kicked out of college; went cross-country on a motorcycle; married and divorced three years later; smoked; drank wine and beer; and at times swore like a sailor. Her name was Jane Roberts. Shortly before Jane died, she told Rob, "DON'T LET THEM MAKE A GOD OUT OF ME." So I hope that by providing some details of Jane's personal life, both before and after Seth emerged, you will be able to see her more clearly, as the very human being she was. Yet her accomplishments in the field of consciousness exploration spring from that same humanity, so I will also include examples of her often remarkable abilities.
More here. (https://realtalkworld.com/2010/12/01/memories-of-jane-roberts/).
There's also a Richard Kendall online interview with more information about Jane here, just click on the link:
Quote from: More About Jane (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9226#msg9226)
Richard has provided a lot of information about Jane, what the class experience was like, and comes across as a very sincere, non-egotistical promoter of the Seth materials.
After reading "The way towards health" i realized how deeply abused was.With all channeling and her knowledge she begun the real deep inner healing of her child abuse when it was already took it's tool over her body.It was so overwhelming for her that she gave up.
I remember there was an Abraham hicks video about seth / jane roberts and an answer to a person was that the Roberts couple didn't actually listened...Her situation was a reinforcement why to dwelve deeper in the deepest and darkest zones of my mind as young as possible.If i had my own family unless was really really higher consciouness i wouldn't bet on their support.
I realized the survival fears are very entrentched and people don't want to deal with them...They prefer to go hand in hand with them and when a person around them have problems they enter in a state of survival worries and not helping too much.Actually they become obssesed and controling.Intuition is the best friend i have that is guided by the universe and once in a while the channeling sessions...
Anyway fortunetly the disease is an ilusion because a God can't suffer.A god suffering is an ilusion... (A course of miracles)...This paradox begin to go very deep in me and made sense.My body accepted and i feel a different state of mind when i am thinking at this paradox.A part of me ceased to put resistance....It took so much time to arrive at this understanding....
I remember seeing that Hicks video in which she claimed that Jane and Rob did not follow Seth's advice, using a specific example. However, that example was false. They did follow Seth's advice in that instance. I am now reading the first Personal Sessions book, and it does depict their struggles in being consistent with following Seth's advice, so while the specific example that Hicks brought up was not true, the claim generally has some merit.
In the same video, Hicks claims that Seth has come through her. This bothers me because Seth had several times stated that he would not come through any other channel than Jane/Rubert in order to preserve the integrity of the material. I am not saying that the Abraham material is invalid, given that I hear that it is consistent with Seth. But I listened to an Abraham CD and was not impressed. I found it to be a water-down 'me-too' content. My apologies to anyone who is a devout follower of Abraham. Often a different voice is needed to deliver similar messages in order for some people to hear. There are many who struggle with Seth, and Abraham may be their cup of tea.
A-H have come up many times on the forum. I was a big fan for a while, until I discovered Seth via Jerry Hicks mentioning Seth several times in the books. I'd even attended a few workshops. My feeling is (and I've gotten in trouble for saying so in the past) that Esther is a very smart woman who memorized a lot of the Seth materials. They read the Seth books together. Esther may well have some channeling powers, we all do, but I've heard her get her stories mixed up while "in trance." Jerry seemed to keep her under control, but after he died from cancer (talk about someone not following advice), she would spend too much time talking about herself, her new car, etc. while "in trance." I've even seen her (twice!) rudely throw someone out of the hot seat because she didn't like the question they asked. "We are NOT talking about dead pets today." The fact that she or anyone would say that Seth has come through them really ticks me off. Yes, the A-H stuff is consistent with the Seth materials, because that's where it came from. And it is presented in a one-size-fits-all manner that anyone can understand, so I agree with your comment about a different voice. My feeling is that if the message shared is positive and constructive like the Seth materials, then I'm good with that. I lost interest in A-H once I found Seth.
Two things come to mind about Jane and Rob not following Seth's advice. Rick Stack said (I took his online Seth Intensive and the question came up) that Jane and Rob didn't have enough time to follow all of Seth's advice, they were too busy trying to get all of the information written down and into the hands of the public. Then, I think in the Richard Kendall interview I put up the other day, he said that Jane's physical challenges suited her chosen course in life, in that she was extremely diligent about getting all the Seth material, felt very responsible in her duty as channeler, was even afraid to take vacations—and so her impairment kept her house-bound much of the time so it served a purpose. It feels to me that she knew her time was limited and getting the Seth materials out was more important to her than anything else. I don't think she martyred herself for the Seth materials, I'm sure there are other reasons she chose her illness and the time and manner of death. Seth told her that her time here would be done after that last incarnation, so I know she accomplished most, if not all, of what she came here to do. Good for her!
Makes sense now ... She abused herself for the material...
The body gave me a bigger sign post (in the form of medical condition) much earlier in my life so i can't do it in Jane's way ...