Wow, I've been listening to the audio version of Mike's book, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams ( and I'm really enjoying it. While I've seen his message compared to The Secret by Rhonda Burns, who supposedly stole the idea behind The Secret from Abraham-Hicks, A-H is basically the teachings of Seth. Mike is a Seth/Jane Roberts fan ( (plus Ayn Rand and Richard Bach!).
So far in the book Mike has been explaining how we make our own reality based on our beliefs, where our beliefs come from, what they really are (according to him, our attitude towards things). He also shares a good way to examine our beliefs by observing our behavior and noticing patterns. How to also overcome the ones that aren't serving us. I've ordered the printed version from my library and will add some quotes about that when I get it.
While Mike is basically paraphrasing Seth's teachings, he is likable and enthusiastic and of course uses his own voice to clearly present the concepts. I always enjoy hearing the Seth materials presented from a new angle.
I also get his daily emails, "Notes from the Universe" which are fun. How can you not love things like this:
"In the beginning, Deb, long before there were even beaches to walk along, clouds to float upon, or stars to wish on, I dreamed of you and your happiness.
And everything that has ever been added since was to that end.
Tell me you've noticed...
The Universe"
"By all means, Deb, quantum physics totally rocks. Just don't let its search for the unifying equation of the cosmos distract you from using it.
I mean, one needn't know trigonometry to use chopsticks, eh? Gravity was gravity long before Newton, huh? And between now and the time they reveal their little theorem, your thoughts will unceasingly become things, as the entire world spins in the palm of your hand.
Aren't we amazing?
The Universe"