~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Non-Seth Topics/Discussions => Topic started by: myststars on July 05, 2017, 12:30:23 AM

Title: Blind Enthusiasm // Germane through Lyssa Royal
Post by: myststars on July 05, 2017, 12:30:23 AM
QuoteOnce again, the Pleiades energy is coming up to assist humanity in its evolutionary process. As many of you know, one of the core wounds of the ancient Pleiadian civilization was the fear of the shadow. This caused them to become very unbalanced -- focusing only on the positive (and what they wanted to see), instead of recognizing and embracing the dual nature of reality.

It appears to humans right now on your world that there is a deep split between polarities. Many have said that they feel the forces of separation and fear are becoming stronger, as evidenced by world events. However, that is only an illusion. Negativity and the shadow have always existed but there have been great efforts to keep them hidden. At some point, pushing down negativity becomes impossible -- much like keeping too many beach balls submerged under water. Eventually, the pressure builds and the negativity has to pop up into the visible realm. When this happens, it may appear that the shadow is "winning" but in reality, it is simply a sign that what was submerged is coming into recognition. You are seeing this on your world now. And of course, on the other end of the spectrum, there is tremendous positive energy being birthed into your reality; but it gains less attention than the drama does.

As this dynamic plays out, the human consciousness begins to respond. For those who have done deep inner spiritual work, they won't fear the darkness. They allow it to play out, and attempt to integrate both the shadow and the light as two valuable forces not only within the psyche but within the collective consciousness as well.

What about those people who don't have a spiritual foundation or who still view reality in a polarized way? There are many on your world who intensely fear their own shadow. Perhaps they have even misunderstood the concept of "you create your reality." Reality isn't created by the ego mind at all. It isn't created by a desire of the personality. It is created by the most intense force one is carrying, be it fear, love, or denial. The force of attraction brings to you a reflection of the strongest force within you. This is the lesson that the Pleiadians learned so long ago.

In the old days, the young Pleiadians chased only the light and made choices based on what made them feel good, with no regard for balance or a true understanding of the dual nature of reality. There is a big difference between the concept of "following your excitement" in an authentic way, and creating a false illusion to protect one from seeing what one doesn't want to see -- namely, the shadow. Thus, there is a big challenge facing humanity at this time. In order to ease the pain of the seeming polarity erupting all around, many are creating illusionary realities in which a veneer of positivity covers over what one doesn't want to see or feel. (For example: When one says or feels a negative thought, they counter with a positive affirmation to somehow control the outcome of the negative energy expression. This only serves to build the internal pressure of the shadow).

This card's theme is Blind Enthusiasm. While we could interpret it in several ways, today we are going to use it as a caution that is based on the deep lesson your Pleiadian forefathers learned. See and embrace reality as it is. Your ego will never be able to control reality, period. Do more than embrace the shadow, but see its encounter as a way to further your evolution. Do not run from it because it is the wisest teacher you will ever encounter. If you do this, you will have no need to create a positive veneer to cover over what you fear most. Beings have a tendency to act in blindly enthusiastic ways when they don't want to accept a possible painful outcome. But all events -- positive or negative -- are your teacher and they will find you with or without your cooperation. Keep your eyes open beyond the duality. As you do, the two human eyes of duality become the single eye of the One -- the only true consciousness in all of creation. That is your True Self.
