~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Non-Seth Topics/Discussions => Topic started by: myststars on July 26, 2017, 07:34:06 AM

Title: Card #76 | Earth (Future) | Graduation / August 2017
Post by: myststars on July 26, 2017, 07:34:06 AM
August 2017
Earth (Future) | Graduation
In many of these card texts, we've spoken about polarity, the shadow, fear, and the other experiences you have in a human reality. Any time we speak about these things, we are imploring you to develop a razor-sharp ability to see yourself clearly with nonjudgment, self-acceptance, and love. But now it is time to talk about the other side of the coin.

When one develops clear inner vision, it is not just about seeing one's shadow. It also has to do with seeing one's light. It has to do with learning to recognize when a cycle completes or a lesson finishes. When you can see these important markers on your path, you must learn to let go. When a cycle finishes, do you still cling? Or can you walk away and be free?

The underlying energy of this card (and the timing of this writing) is pointing toward a significant passage, not only in the mass consciousness but in your inner selves as well. This cycle on Earth is about completion, and finishing what has been left undone or unhealed. This card is coming up now to highlight one of those significant passages. First, we will talk about it on a mass consciousness level.

On the collective level, we see that the energy flow is pushing you toward a release of an old self-sabotaging, polarized, and delusional belief system based on fear. This collective pattern has been instrumental in the feelings of energetic pressure many of you have felt over the last many months, but have mistakenly attributed to something within yourself only. It is not only within you, but it is a force bubbling up to the surface in the collective energy. As we sense the energy at the time of this writing (May 2017), August is a significant month for a big shift in a collective belief pattern. Let's see how it plays out. When we read energy trends in this way they often can shift. This collective pressure is building and will eventually lead to a release. How will this release happen? It may be a scandal, it may be a big world event that forces humans to shift their attention in a different way. It is impossible to forecast the details, but suffice it to say, there is an energy pressure building that will be released soon in a way that you do not expect.

If the collective consciousness of your world successfully shifts its attention in a more compassionate and integrative way, this is the energy of "graduation" that we sense. You will have successfully moved your attention away from the distractive events of the world to something that accelerates your growth in powerful ways. That is the potential.

On the personal level, you are always affected by the energy of the mass consciousness. Thus, your personal graduation has a lot to do with how able you are to shift your attention away from the drama and distraction to, instead, a heightened awareness of your own consciousness as seen from a nondual perspective. As the energy shifts on the collective level, you will find that you have more energy and a clearer focus for your personal journey. People may actually even begin to lose the craving to project their pain onto others (such as in social media) and begin to tend their own gardens instead. While this may sound impossible, remember that it starts on a seed level first. You may also find that an unresolved issue or a personal pain that you've carried begins to shift. If it does, recognize it and water the seed so it can sprout into healing.

It is as important to see your shadow as it is to see your light. Recognize these healing shifts you make within yourself. You can do this in a way that is not egoic. These little recognitions are important along your path. However as with any graduation, remember that there is always another set of lessons on their way. Meanwhile, we send our congratulations for the graduation you are experiencing in the now moment!
