My other post has gotten views, but no answers yet and I think it might be complicated, so I thought I'd make another post with the same question put in a more simple way :) Does Seth ever mention what causes an intersection/exchange with other selves? Is it a big change in something like emotion? Or does it happen so continuously that there's no way to tell?
Hi Blue, thanks for this question. I look at it in a rather simplistic way. I started reading Seth about 2 years ago, and I think I now behave somewhat differently, so you could say that I am a different self. I wouldn't say the change happens continuously, there has to be a definite trigger.
Hi Blue, I'm also one of those who read your other question and got half an answer typed and then changed my mind because I wanted to think about it, feeling my answer wasn't enough. I'm abroad right now, haven't slept in more than a day so may not make much sense, I'm at the point where I'm starting to feel an OBE coming on, lol.
So do you mean intersection or meeting of probable selves? Like the time when Rob and Jane were dancing at the York beach pub and saw another version of themselves?
"The man and the woman in the York Beach dancing establishment, sitting across the floor alone at a table. They were fragments of sour selves, thrown-off materializations of your own negative and aggressive feelings. Jane's were even stronger than yours, since the woman was fatter than the man. She almost recognized them because of the circumstances and your illness, and because of the peculiar vitality of your conflicting emotions at the time."
—TES1 Session 9 December 18, 1963
The "present" Rob and Jane may not have affected the "future" ones, but I think seeing that future possibility changed something in the present—they certainly paid attention to it.
I need to take a closer look at the book to see if Seth explained what precipitated the event. But I'm thousands of miles away from my books. :(
This question also deserves much thought, it's a good one like the others and I think there's too much involved to give one concise answer. I seem to recall Seth mentioning it's possible to "switch tracks" or probabilities, such as at an intersection (maybe one of those coordinate points?) of probable selves, one actually switching places with another probable self. I've actually felt that may have happened to me in the past. I also recall Seth talking to Rob about Rob's and Rob's mother probable selves (that's an extremely interesting read) and how when one of her probable selves "died" another self was affected:
Seth: "Her energy was such that it spilled over into this system with your father, however. Someday I will try to explain this more clearly, in terms of energy patterns. Historically, however, many probabilities exist at once. When your mother died in her 50's in one probable system, your mother in this system was the recipient of energy that then returned."
—UR1 Section 1: Session 680 February 6, 1974
Rob: "(I told Jane now that had my mother received any additional energy during her 50's, she might have expressed its benefits through the habitual mores of our society, in terms of changes rather than of probabilities, say "My life changed for the better at that point, when I made that decision...""
—UR1 Section 1: Session 680 February 6, 1974
I've been reading Ten Thousand Whispers (Lynda Madden Dahl) the past couple of days and may come up with something pertinent from there. She goes into probabilities quite a bit, even talking about how we can change or open up "new" past probabilities by changing our thinking in the present. She's had some really interesting personal experiences that demonstrate this. I have a feeling she's going to lead into more information about probable lives that may give some answers to your questions and so I'll take notes & update here.
Seth continually says there are no closed systems and we are in constant psychic contact with our probable selves, counterparts, etc. But he also mentions there are "bleed throughs" where there is definite contact, probable selves having an affect on each other or at least sharing knowledge. Not sure if there's a reason other than it could be a purely natural result of our changing beliefs plus the psychic connection.
You may find something here:
Sorry if I'm rambling.
Thanks, Deb! I appreciate any info you can find! What I'm talking about is intersection with probable selves. I was wondering what would "warrant" an intersection with one. I was also wondering if every probability event you can imagine is you viewing another self of you (through imagination) acting out that probability, and then manifesting that event would be you intersecting with that specific self. But then when you think about it, each probability "event" is a bunch of probabilities put together to create the full scenario/event. So what all these thoughts and wonderings come down to is -- what changes have to occur in us in order for us to intersect with another self, what causes it? :)
Quote from: Blue (
So what all these thoughts and wonderings come down to is -- what changes have to occur in us in order for us to intersect with another self, what causes it?
I think that in most cases these changes occur unconsciously, our cells deciding for us. If we become more conscious we can make a few choices for ourselves, like Rob did when he got up to dance with Jane, thereby avoiding the somewhat miserable probable reality of the York Beach couple.
Quote from: Blue (
what changes have to occur in us in order for us to intersect with another self, what causes it?
This is just my feeling, not something that I've read by Seth, but since we are always in contact with all "versions" of the self, I think we often intersect. For instance around reassessing past decisions, or things that are in common that bring us to an intersection again. I'm a visual person, I'm seeing it like a braid with many strands of intertwined hair that keeps looping over and over. Different opportunities come up that cause us to make new decisions, and if they are related by subject matter then related parts of ourselves come back into play to make new choices. Each strand in the braid becomes a braid itself, and others contained within as well. That gives us constant opportunities to stay on our individual paths while still affording free will. It's hard for me to explain what I'm "seeing" -- but since I'm on a riding holiday, I'll try to use horses for just one oversimplified example.
I come to a point where I decide whether to ride horses or not. I decide yes or no. Two probable selves. Then one day the yes me decides whether to now buy a horse. There's a probable me that decides yes, one that decides no, one that decides not now but maybe in the future, one who can't decide and puts the decision aside, maybe more versions. All probable selves continue on in their selected lives.
One day the "maybe" me wonders if now is the time to buy, the "no" me reconsiders my original decision, not to mention the "yes" me questions whether it was a bad decision to get a horse and now wants to sell the it. There's also a part of me that wants to keep it. "We" are back to reconsidering an old topic. New decisions are made as to whether I end up a horse owner and more probable selves result. The end results are expansive. And this only involves just one original issue to be decided. The amount of probabilities that result from our normal daily lives is mind boggling. Also is the idea that since they are all me, I could potentially switch tracks with my other probable selves at such intersections when I change my mind. I wonder if they can merge as well? In a world of no limitations, I'd have to say yes.
Quote from: Sena (
If we become more conscious we can make a few choices for ourselves, like Rob did when he got up to dance with Jane, thereby avoiding the somewhat miserable probable reality of the York Beach couple.
How fortunate Rob and Jane were to get a "sneak preview" of a future possible version of themselves. The rest of us have to rely on foresight, imagination or for the more conscious, our intuition.
Hi, I am new, exploring the forum and found this subject. I have been re-reading Unknown Reality Vol I and have been studying the probable reality concept and how it intermixes in our daily lives. I believe the counterpart, alternative and probable reality concepts would be areas where we meet and mix with our 'selves' in daily life and in our psyches. If you consider that everyone may be a part of your 'self', or another expression, it all flows together. There is less separation and more intuitive exchange. Everyone and everything is connected. The closer self identities would be our psychic families or counterparts. Your dream self would be one close connection to your daily self.
I'm studying it all again slowly with new
Hi TA, I am glad to have people to discuss and explore with! It can go on forever... Annh
Quote from: annh (
I'm studying it all again slowly with new
Awesome! A great search, I'm looking forward to exploring it.
Hi Deb, The section I am reading now in Unknown Reality Vol I is a story about Rob and Jane looking for a house that has a lot of connections with Rob's deceased mother and alternative people and seeming coincidences. From Seth's descriptions it seems there are many levels and types of intermixing alternative and probable selves. And that is just one small area of one book. He uses the terms selves, inner self, entities. Some teachers describe souls and spirit and ATI, or godhead. I believe the areas we can reach as humans are limited and the new metaphysical teachings that are coming to us are offering skills to go further into the unknown. The 'Shift' is about conscious evolution, a very exciting
possible area of growth! Jane and Seth were the vanguard in these areas of universal knowledge and exploration.
We intersect all the time because that is the way it is. We are just beginning to develop the sensibilities to be aware and to interpret the multitude of possibilities.
From Blue:
'what changes have to occur in us in order for us to intersect with another self, what causes it?'
(I haven't figured out how to dub the quotes.) Ann
Hi Blue
Probabilities are always available and existing on a subconscious level.
If you want to become aware of your own probable selves then you must dissociate and turn your attention inward toward those realities which are existent for the inner self and entity.
The true dimensions of the probable field of reality are not available to a human consciousness because they would be impossible for our ego to process but one can gain access to our own probable reality as it exists for us in our now point of existence .
This is similar to the level of the cells awareness of their own probable reality as they are aware of both future and past probabilities in their now point of existence.
The York beach images that Rob and Jane saw were projections of their own negative thoughts and feelings and they could have projected their own personalities into these forms if they did not get up and dance . These images were what Seth calls fibrous projections similar to imaginary playmates that children sometimes create and cannot exist on this plane for any long period of time because they only feed of the energy that is given them in that moment of time they were created. It was possible that Rob and Jane could have transferred the bulk of their personalities into these images and have become entombed within them but they did not and the images disappeared as they could not leave the place in which they were created.
Seth also said that if R and J did not project these images and push them safely away from themselves then they could have become schizophrenic personalities themselves.
This is all described in the early sessions along with personality fragments and split personality fragments psychopathy and schizophrenia and the importance of positive thinking etc.
Seth says that we are constantly choosing between probabilities in each moment so in some senses you are immersed in them and you don't have to know where or when you intersect with them , you already are , it is just the choice you choose to make between one or the others.
If you are trying to communicate with your other probable selves then either dissociate or request the information from your dreaming self which deals with the probable system of reality while the ego is dormant and which helps you choose which probabilities will become your reality in daily life.
The probable system of reality exists on a completely different plane or dimension to that which we inhabit and is only usually accessed by the inner self or entity as the dreaming reality also exists on a different plane to the physical one that we inhabit but which is easier for us to access if we train ourselves to become conscious of our dreams and leave the ego behind so to speak.
You are a probable self.
Peace, Paul.