~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: BigOne on September 12, 2017, 06:06:00 PM

Title: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: BigOne on September 12, 2017, 06:06:00 PM
So I've just been introduced to The Nature of Personal Reality, and it's mindblowng. It seems so logical and normal, it almost makes me look at humanity and go - "why haven't we figured this out yet?" It will come soon though, I know it.

Anyway, the question I've got is, why does Seth seem to say that growing 5 feet tall as an adult is physically impossible, yet growing 5-6 inches is completely possible? Or that growing an arm is impossible, but growing taller or losing/gaining weight is?

I've come to the conclusion that our body knows how to grow taller, and gain or lose weight, yet doesn't know how to grow another arm. And as such our body knows how to grow taller 5 inches or so, but not 5 feet at once?  Or perhaps similar to losing 200 pounds when weighing 205, our physical bodies would not be able to handle it? Maybe growing 5 feet taller would be too much to handle, or maybe because we do not believe it?

I would love to be taller, and believe it or not the natural hypnosis I've been trying has actually got me about an inch and a quarter in just a month of doing so (I measured because I seemed taller), and I obviously only want to be about 3 inches more, but it begs the question that if 5 inches is possible why not 5 feet?
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: BigOne on September 12, 2017, 06:31:18 PM
In any case, I would say it is a misinterpretation by me.

"You each have a body and you each have a consciousness. You can practice with these ideas by applying them to your body. For now we are taking into consideration the fact that, generally speaking, you are not going to make yourself five physical feet taller if you are a grown adult already, because there are certain physical laws with which you must contend.
In that context you can even appear taller, and affect others as if you were-which would usually be what you wanted in any case under the circumstances.""

I believe what he says here is that because of the physical laws of our society (the fact that most door ways are less than 7ft tall), you would not make yourself taller. In the context, you may make yourself appear taller, by a few inches, and that would give you the confidence or effect of what feeling five feet taller would essentially give you. Perhaps he is saying that you do not need to be 5 feet taller and would not fit into society, and as such you can appear taller by being even a few inches taller. So essentially that you need only be a few inches taller to accomplish the feeling of what you want, and so you would not make yourself 5 feet taller.
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: BigOne on September 12, 2017, 07:30:18 PM
He is simply stating that generally speaking (for most people), you won't make yourself 5 feet taller, because there are certain physical (by this he means human, or anything that is non-physical) laws you must contend with(by this he means general rules society abides by).

He goes on to state that in this case, if what you want is to be tall, you can get the same effect by appearing a little taller (much less than 5 feet, let's say 5 inches for argument's case).

So he actually states that it is possible, saying in most cases you won't make yourself taller, not that you can't. This implies you can, and some (very rare and odd) cases will, but generally speaking you won't, as most people want it for the feeling of confidence and superiority, and a few inches will give this. There is no need for 5 feet, so generally speaking, you won't.
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: Sena on September 13, 2017, 04:00:20 AM
Hi BigOne, welcome to the forum. My view on this is that I want to take the general principles that Seth has given rather than get hung up on the detail. The basic thing is that consciousness creates physical reality. I get almost daily confirmation of this in seemingly trivial events.
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: Deb on September 13, 2017, 04:45:36 AM
Hey BigOne, welcome to the forum!

My take on it is that it is all based on our beliefs, both as individuals and a mass consciousness. Seth has mentioned many times that there are certain things we agree on as "constants" in this reality to give us a somewhat sound basis from which we can operate. Things like regenerating an amputated limb are not generally accepted as possible in this existence. At least not for the human species. I don't know why we agree to that in particular, some other species can do so.

But judging on what I've seen, there are some possibilities in physical existence that don't follow our rules of what is the norm. So my thought is that while there is a general consensus on the rules of our reality, personal ones can over-rule them at times. I would like to be 2" taller than I am. My last (rare) doctor visit showed I am 1" taller than what I've been told all my life. I am well past what the norm is for growth potential.

Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: LenKop on September 13, 2017, 07:22:48 AM
Welcome BigOne,

You might not be taller, but you just might create a larger tape measure.

Or you might be taller.

Or you and the tape measure are taller

Or the tape measure has shrunk.

Or all of the above depending how you feel, and what you believe at certain periods in your life.   ;)


Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: Renato on September 13, 2017, 07:40:02 AM
Can you explain how do you practice the Natural Hypnosis technique? I never fully understood how to do it just by reading Seth's explanations on it. Do you just enter into trance and repeat that you're going to get taller? And how do you get into trance?
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: Renato on September 14, 2017, 09:28:03 AM
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9790#msg9790)
Quote from: Renato (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9788#msg9788)
Can you explain how do you practice the Natural Hypnosis technique? I never fully understood how to do it just by reading Seth's explanations on it. Do you just enter into trance and repeat that you're going to get taller? And how do you get into trance?


Did that clarify it a little better?

Yes, it did! Thank you!
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: BigOne on September 18, 2017, 09:48:13 PM
A quick question to my fellow Sethians. Doing the Natural Hypnosis exercise right before bed, I've been feeling this massive surge of energy. I think it's "the unconscious being aroused" as Seth would say. Anybody else feel this? Have only done it for two days now, but I'm getting excited at the thought of the results.

And I finally understand what Seth means by ignoring "reality" now. It's simply saying, "this isn't true, it is only a result of my old belief. What is true, is my new belief which is ...... " Keep on saying this until the new belief actually immerses itself into "reality".
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: Potentium on March 13, 2018, 04:57:43 PM

QuoteBut judging on what I've seen, there are some possibilities in physical existence that don't follow our rules of what is the norm. So my thought is that while there is a general consensus on the rules of our reality, personal ones can over-rule them at times.

That pretty much echos what I've been saying in my previous post! The rules that we as souls agree to follow once we reincarnate into this physical realm are NOT fixed and are subject to change by the individual(s) who are willing to transform and transcend their limiting belief systems. This explains why certain people throughout history have been able to perform supernatural abilities that defy our currently accepted "physical laws". Abilities such as telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, manifesting physical matter, shape-shifting and yes that includes growing new limbs, and growing taller like the original poster just mentioned he did. All these people had the burning desire and expectation to explore the "impossible" and managed to make it possible.

Also, here's some posts from other boards that agree with me:
"I was struck by that in the Seth book, also.  Seth did not state that it was limited by the limitations of human belief.  Seth was talking about some of the parameters of our "creaturehood.

But then again, those parameters are based on our mutually agreed-upon platform of human experience.  Which could be subject to change. As Abraham has reported."

"Seth referred to stuff like the inability to grow limbs and the law of gravity as "rockbed reality", but also explained that they were agreements reached by consensus of mass consciousness. Abraham has taken that concept further by illustrating how contracts or agreements are amended and can grow and change.

Thus, in mass vibrational escrow is the potential for humans to regrow limbs...and if even ONE human is able to achieve that, then it will come flooding into our "rockbed" reality, changing it forever."

Source: http://www.theabeforum.com/forum2/9507.html

"I was just reading in Seth's personal reality that you cannot regenerate a limb. In Abe Book they say you can regenerate anything you want- as long as you focus."

"As for the regeneration of limbs, Abraham says it's possible but that no one believes it so it doesn't happen."

Source: http://www.abeforum.com/showthread.php?23855-Abraham-and-Seth

Inspiring story:
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: Deb on March 13, 2018, 07:10:28 PM
Just curious, what Seth books have you read?

Quote from: Potentium (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10960#msg10960)
That pretty much echos what I've been saying in my previous post! The rules that we as souls agree to follow once we reincarnate into this physical realm are NOT fixed and are subject to change by the individual(s) who are willing to transform and transcend their limiting belief systems.

I think that's what we are learning how to do here. It doesn't seem like we're there yet.

That was actually me saying that about the height, and how do I know whether the nurse measuring me was inaccurate? Or the equipment was off? I thought it was funny at the time. I have not been measured since then because I avoid doctors.

We've been discussing telepathy in another topic, and the fact that there is no scientific proof to show that it really exists. I am personally open to telepathy, have had personal experiences that are too uncanny to be mere coincidences, but I'm not in control of it on a conscious level. I've not heard of any reliable proof for things like telekinesis, levitation, manifesting, shape-shifting or growing new limbs (except for some lizards and starfish).

I've heard the Abraham quotes saying it's possible but no one believes it so it doesn't happen. Abraham introduced me to Seth, and for that I'm grateful. The story about the man regrowing an arm and a leg was nice, but the post was written in 2008, predicting Jim's accident in 2009 where he lost an arm and a leg, and in 2010 he writes a best seller about his experience. I read down the page a little further, posted in 2008:  "In 2010, the teaching method "tuning into the field" is introduced in Russia by the 9 year old Sacha Lodrov with amazing results. Sacha could simply download whatever foreign language he wanted to learn from the ether" (I wish I could) and "In 2040, physical teleportation became a reality for a group of pioneers." "In 2043, the first little green dragon is reported in... China.... Dragons are also now being spotted in Romania and in Wales." "In 2073, Jerry Hicks celebrates his 140th birthday." We both know that's not gonna happen. Jim's story was just a story, pre-paving the future. Which, for Jim and Sacha, did not work out as far as I know. I doubt I'll be here in 2040 to witness the teleportation. I'll have made my own transcendence by then. Ouch, a weird and uncomfortable thought.

I really think what Seth means about us being completely unlimited is—it's at the soul level. In Framework 2 we are able to manifest instantaneously, here we are learning how to use energy. There have to be some parameters in a learning environment, we're not very good at it yet, we need the training wheels so we don't crash the program. If we could do all the wonderful things you mention, we wouldn't be here. There would be no point. And from what Seth has said, the rules are different in other existences. ("In other levels of reality, the rules of the game change." SS Session 530). Maybe take a look at what we are  learning (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1351)?  I especially like the last bullet point.

"These are simply rules that you have adopted, the rules of the game that you have set up in this planet."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970

"Root assumptions are those laws upon which you agree in any system of reality. You agree, for example, upon what objects are physical — it makes little difference whether they are or not, as long as you agree upon this. Your consciousness belongs in a body. You would not be caught DEAD with your consciousness outside of your body. It is taboo! Now the fact is that your consciousness is not imprisoned within your body; but as long as you believe that it is, again, you will not be caught dead outside of it. And when you are caught dead outside of it, there will be some amazement, indeed."
—SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, June 23, 1970

Now Seth has, I think, said that there are times when advanced 'souls' will come back and assist here. Such as the Speakers. I imagine they have very few limitations due to their experience and knowledge, but perhaps keep that under wraps in order to play by the rules. But we are learning, advancing, things change. Even the rules.

I love Seth.

Please share any personal experiences you have had that are outside the constraints of our physical laws.
Title: Re: New Poster -- Need a Bit of Clarification
Post by: Potentium on March 13, 2018, 09:08:40 PM

QuoteJust curious, what Seth books have you read?
I've just finished reading "Seth Speaks"and I've managed to skim and sample some of the other books on Amazon. To tell you the truth, I haven't really learned anything new! A lot of the ideas and concepts that Seth talks about like "creating your own reality", "matter being a by-product of mind", and "the soul being multi-dimensional" are stuff that I've already learned through years of reading other Spiritual literature such as Edgar Cayce, Annalee Skarin, The Emerald Tablet, The Kybalion, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East etc. all of which predate the Seth Material by decades and centuries!

QuoteWe've been discussing telepathy in another topic, and the fact that there is no scientific proof to show that it really exists. I am personally open to telepathy, have had personal experiences that are too uncanny to be mere coincidences, but I'm not in control of it on a conscious level. I've not heard of any reliable proof for things like telekinesis, levitation, manifesting, shape-shifting or growing new limbs (except for some lizards and starfish).
Well, science isn't going to exactly reveal the existence of certain phenomena such as ESP, ghosts, and supernatural powers. The scientific model is only fixated on what we can experience through our physical senses i.e. gross physical matter. Anything that goes against their dogma, they'll just disregard as crazy and impossible. We can't rely on science or the mainstream media to tell us the Truth. It's really up to us, the 1% of humanity who want to take that Red-Pill and see the Truth beyond all this illusion.

I've also been experimenting with using my Mind-Power to alter physical reality throughout the years, but unfortunately because of certain events happening in my private life, I haven't been really able to focus. Now, I don't want to go into any exact details. It's all still in a work in progress, but let's just say I've had amazing success in being able to manipulate energy/matter to the extent that I was able to induce physical changes to my body and manipulate physical objects by simply using the power of my mind. This is only the tip of the iceberg, though. Perhaps, someday when I finally have more time to really develop my powers, I'll share more of my discoveries with you.

By the way, this is the exact reason why I completely disagreed with Seth about not being able to regenerate limbs (for example). It totally goes against my own experiences with what we can accomplish using our minds!

QuoteI really think what Seth means about us being completely unlimited is—it's at the soul level. In Framework 2 we are able to manifest instantaneously, here we are learning how to use energy. There have to be some parameters in a learning environment, we're not very good at it yet, we need the training wheels so we don't crash the program. If we could do all the wonderful things you mention, we wouldn't be here. There would be no point. And from what Seth has said, the rules are different in other existences.
Those parameters and rules are nothing but thought constructs and varying limited beliefs that we as souls hold in our minds. They have no real power of their own. Once more people become "enlightened" and let go of these beliefs that restrict us, the physical laws will have less power over us and we'll be able to really create and change reality literally!

QuoteNow Seth has, I think, said that there are times when advanced 'souls' will come back and assist here. Such as the Speakers. I imagine they have very few limitations due to their experience and knowledge, but perhaps keep that under wraps in order to play by the rules. But we are learning, advancing, things change. Even the rules.
Now that I can actually agree with. Especially the last part!