Remote seduction (RS) appears to be an offshoot of "create your own reality":
"I seduce girls from a distance
I seduce girls while they sleep
I seduce girls by looking at them
I seduce girls with my mind
I seduce girls with my energy
I seduce girls with my presence
I seduce girls with my thoughts
I seduce girls with my intention
I seduce girls with my imagination
I seduce girls with my force of will
I seduce girls with my aura
I seduce girls in the future
I seduce girls in the past
I seduce girls around the world
I seduce girls I've never met
I seduce girls before I meet them
I seduce girls before I see them
I seduce girls before I know them
You seduce girls from a distance
You seduce girls while they sleep
You seduce girls by looking at them
You seduce girls with your mind
You seduce girls with your energy".
This is a male point of view. For the female version, try the books by Lanie Stevens:
Wow Sena, eye-catching topic! I think it's pretty funny, I won't ask how you came across that link. My first question is, how would anyone know if it's working? You picked the right board, too, lol. It's kind of like a distortion of Eldon Taylor's InnerTalk recordings, those are all aimed at self improvement. This one seems to try to present itself in that way too, "you will be transformed, from the inside, to be a natural attractor of women. You will walk the Earth with so much power and confidence you won't even need to lift a finger." The theme I see with both the male and female "teachings" (if they can be called that), is controlling someone else. Possibly the same people that would consider buying a life size "companion" doll. Creepy! :o
It's a little sad, too. Could it work? Well, my first impulse is no. But then, Seth has said that people will act the way we expect them to because we communicate telepathically and so some may be willing to cooperate. In a universe of unlimited possibilities—anything is possible. ;D
Quote from: Deb (
It's a little sad, too. Could it work? Well, my first impulse is no.
Deb, how I think of this is that it probably does not mean convincing somebody to have physical sex. It is rather a mental connection. Whether this proceeds to physical sex would be contingent on the free will of both parties. I think this idea could be quite useful for a young person who lacks confidence.
I came across this topic by searching for "Neville Goddard sex life". Goddard was quite a mysterious character and I am trying to understand him better.
Quote from: Sena (, how I think of this is that it probably does not mean convincing somebody to have physical sex. It is rather a mental connection.
While I can see that side of the psychology behind the recording (and it depends on your definition of 'seduce'), I did follow the link on the page to "Manifest Women" and cruised through the titles of the CDs and the goal seems obvious there. But yes, it's aimed at guys that don't have confidence or feel comfortable around the opposite sex. Eldon Taylor has done decades of research into subliminal messaging, supposedly it works for a lot of people. His initial recordings were played in a prison over the PA system and violence decreased noticeably.
I really do want to read more of Neville's books, he's on my never ending and constantly growing wish list.
Have you ever come across this web site? ( It has the content (and audio) of several of Neville's books (under Neville Online). What I also found interesting is the collection of web sites listed under Free Audios. One of interest is the Gnostic Text Pistis Sophia ( and a book I'd never heard of before, Christ Returns Speaks His Truth ( This book ( was supposedly channeled through an anonymous 80 year old woman. "In this astonishing book of letters dictated by the Christ Consciousness in the year 2000, Christ refutes religious dogma and explains in lucid and concrete terms the spiritual and scientific Truth of Existence, and how to connect through daily meditation with Divine Consciousness and overcome the dominance of the ego."
I read parts of it and found some of it interesting, but he mentions his death by crucifixion often, which sets up a red flag for me because of Seth's explanation of the event. Here are a couple of interesting quotes though. I'll add some of this to the Return of the Christ Consciousness topic.
"I realized there was nothing solid in the universe, everything visible was manifesting a differing 'state of consciousness' which determined the composition and form of the 'shimmer of motes'. Therefore, all outer form was an expression of the inner consciousness."
. . .
"Your human mindset (including any religious ideas or beliefs) determines your world, your relationships, experiences, successes, failures, happiness and misery. It is even responsible for your sickness, disease and accidents. Nothing happens by chance. Everything is woven out of the inner threads of your personal consciousness – thoughts, expectations, beliefs in life, fate, "God". You live in a world of your own making."
from Letter One (
Quote from: Deb (
I read parts of it and found some of it interesting, but he mentions his death by crucifixion often, which sets up a red flag for me because of Seth's explanation of the event.
My understanding of Goddard is that he does not regard the life of Christ as a historical life at all. In this respect he goes further than Seth. Goddard regards the incidents of Christ's life as having a purely psychological meaning. This is from "Your Faith is your Fortune":
"The being who is crucified is your awareness of being (i.e. my awareness of being Sena). The cross is your conception of yourself."
Regarding the episode where Christ washes the feet of his disciples, this is Goddard's explanation:
"The foot symbolizes the under-
which must be washed of all human beliefs
or conceptions of itself by the Lord. As the towel
is removed to dry the feet, the secrets of the Lord
are revealed. In short, the removing of the belief
that you are man reveals your awareness as the head
of creation."
There are books which claim that Christ never existed as a historical person, and I think Goddard would have agreed with this.
Quote from: Sena (
There are books which claim that Christ never existed as a historical person
I have to admit that's entirely possible. I've always felt it suspicious that there was nothing written about Jesus during his lifetime. At least nothing that has been found up to this point. I think Seth did say, somewhere, that there are still manuscripts that have yet to be discovered. Of course there was also the destruction of the Library of Alexandria to consider. Who knows what was lost? There are other sources ( that mention Jesus, but again they were written after his supposed crucifixion.
My personal sense is that Jesus was a real person, one of the Speakers Seth talks about, but that the majority of information about him was misunderstood, distorted and misrepresented. For various self-serving purposes.