~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: strangerthings on October 20, 2017, 02:24:49 PM

Title: If you get stung by a wasp or hornet etc
Post by: strangerthings on October 20, 2017, 02:24:49 PM
Just wanted to provide a quick easy solution to stings.

It was found by complete accident by me one day many years ago. Pre Seth. Even further back really.


Family at pool for celebration of kids birthday. Daughter gets stung by a hornet. She is freaking out. It is on her hand. I get this impulse to put wet cigarettes on it. I have no idea why but this is the voice in my head talking. So I figure what the hay!

So I took someones cigarette, opened it, put it in a paper towel, and wet it, so that the towel is now turning a brown color and placed that on her sting.

Within 30 seconds the entire sting is gone, anything that could have been left in it is gone, and she is a happy camper.

And I am thinking --- what just happened? LOL

I have since discovered that you can easily just wet the cigarette and stick that on there when no paper towels are around or you just reach quick for solution.

It works for all sorts of stings. I do not know why it works, or how, but my Inner Being told me moons ago and I have used it since. Works like a charm everytime.

When I think about that event, and listening to that voice, and it proving to be a solid lead to a solid piece of information, I just chuckle and am so grateful. I was no where near being a Sethie at that time. But I listened, I heard, and I conquered! lolol

So wet that tobacco, place it on your sting, and you are instantly relieved.

Who knew! hahaha

and yeah, people thought I was nuts. I wonder how many of them have used that solution for future.....hmmm I think I will ask! I would even gather to say some of them totally forgot.

:P :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: If you get stung by a wasp or hornet etc
Post by: Deb on October 20, 2017, 08:15:25 PM
All this, and she's a healer too?   :D

Thank you for the Hint From Heloise... err, I mean, from strangerthings. Yellow jacket wasps have been prevalent in my back yard for the past few years, mostly because I have a pond. And my personal microcosm (or Coordinate Points as I fondly think of it) tends to go in and out of nature phases. A couple of summers ago I was stung on the tender inner part of my right bicep. Not only did it hurt like the dickens, but it swelled and remained swollen and discolored for weeks. I thought I would end up with a permanent scar. Apparently I'm sensitive to wasp venom, for whatever reason.

So this is good news for me. Hopefully I won't have to use it, but I had a vision of those funny glass capsules containing a cigarette and labeled, "In case of emergency, break glass." I bet a cigar butt would work as well.

This also reminded me of something that happened when I was very young. I was out exploring the woods with my first boyfriend. He was 6, I was 5. He was attempting to crawl under a fallen tree that had blocked our path, and scraped his back on the underside of the tree, bleeding. I immediately grabbed some leaves from weeds growing nearby to stop the bleeding (don't know how I did that at the time, since I now get lightheaded at the sight of blood). It wasn't until about 10 years ago, when I was learning about herbal remedies, that I realized the plant I'd grabbed was the weed (now an herb) plantain (https://wellnessmama.com/5387/plantain-healing-herb/), which is known to stop bleeding and is also good for bee stings. It has been overtaking my vegetable garden for a couple of years. Just like the yellow jacket wasps. An interesting balance, don't you think?

Oh, and I also grow a little tobacco in my garden. Don't tell anyone, it's ceremonial, but also illegal.
Title: Re: If you get stung by a wasp or hornet etc
Post by: LarryH on October 21, 2017, 10:14:22 AM
Late yesterday morning, my mother's next door neighbor called me in desperation that she had been stung by a bee, was allergic to bee stings, and could I drive her to the Urgent Care? She was itching, swelling, and hyperventilating. So I got her there, and she was successfully treated. Of course, the very first post that I read here is the first one above. I will pass on the info, though I doubt she currently has access to tobacco. It has been probably at least 10 years since I have known anybody to get stung by a bee, so thanks for the synchronicity.
Title: Re: If you get stung by a wasp or hornet etc
Post by: Deb on October 21, 2017, 10:43:26 AM
Yep, you've got that synchronicity thing going. Sounds like your mother's neighbor needs to keep an epi pen around if she's that allergic. But for just regular reactions to stings, it might be possible to bum a cigarette off of someone and keep it in the freezer for those occasions. Or not, if you're a Seth follower and believe you live in a safe universe. :)