~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Sleep, Dreams, OBEs, Altered States => Topic started by: Deb on March 06, 2015, 09:39:22 AM

Title: Seth's suggested sleep pattern
Post by: Deb on March 06, 2015, 09:39:22 AM
All from Seth Speaks, session 532 (a few short excerpts of 6 pages of text)

Persons vary in the amount of sleep they need, and no pill will ever allow them to dispense with sleep entirely, for too much work is done in that state. However, this could be done far more effectively with two, rather than one, sleep periods of lesser duration.

Two periods of three hours apiece would be quite sufficient for most people, if the proper suggestions were given before sleep--suggestions that would insure the body's complete recuperation.

As many light snacks would actually be much better than three large meals a day, so short naps rather than such an extended period would also be more effective. (negative ions @ night vs. day)

The functions of hormones and chemicals, and of adrenal processes in particular, would function with far greater effectiveness with these alternating periods of activities as I have mentioned.

Wear and tear upon the body would be minimized, while at the same time all regenerative powers would be used to the maximum.

You would find you were a much more united identity. You would become aware of your clairvoyant and telepathic abilities..

There are many variations, in fact, that would be better than your present system. Ideally, sleeping five hours at a time, you gain the maximum benefit...

You have trained your consciousness to follow certain patterns that are not necessarily natural for it... To some extent you drug the body with suggestion, so that it believes it must sleep away a certain amount of hours in one block. Animals sleep when they are tired, and awaken in a much more natural fashion.


You would retain a far greater memory of your subjective experiences, and your body would be healthier, if these sleeping patterns were changed.

The divisions between the self would not be nearly as severe. Physical and mental work would be easier, and the body itself would gain steady periods of refreshment and rest...

For other reasons having to do with the chemical reactions during the dream state, bodily health would be improved; and this particular schedule would be of help in schizophrenia, and generally aid persons with problems of depression, or those with mental instability.

Creative abilities would be quickened, and the great problem of insomnia that exists for many people would be largely conquered...

Small meals or snacks would then be taken upon rising. This method of eating and sleeping would greatly help various metabolic difficulties, and also aid in the development of spiritual and psychic ability. For many reasons, physical activity at night has a different effect upon the body than physical activity during the day, and ideally, both effects are necessary.

More can be found in the Indices of Seth Speaks and NOPR

Title: Re: Seth's suggested sleep pattern
Post by: Deb on March 06, 2015, 09:54:32 AM
When I woke up at 3 am today, which happens more often than not, I decided add this new board and topic. I've had insomnia on and off most of my life. My brain doesn't want to be still for long periods of time. I think my body is trying to make me adapt a new sleep pattern. I've been tempted to try it before and next week is looking like a good opportunity for me to at least give it a shot.

Rick Stack talked about his experiences with an altered sleep pattern. He was very excited about it. He sleeps a few hours at night, and then takes a nap in the afternoon. He's gotten his family to try it as well. Being solar powered I've never been able to take naps, but I think once I consistently shorten my nights it may just take care of itself.

I heard that Thomas Edison always napped. He had a cots in all of his his offices and never slept more than a 4-5 hours at a time. There are quite a few photos of the napping Mr. Edison here: http://www.brainpickings.org/2013/02/11/thomas-edison-on-sleep-and-success/ (http://www.brainpickings.org/2013/02/11/thomas-edison-on-sleep-and-success/) He's a testament to getting a lot done... I think he was on to something.

Anyone here have experiences with Seth's suggested sleep patterns?
Title: Re: Seth's suggested sleep pattern
Post by: eyelive4ever2 on March 12, 2015, 12:52:10 PM
YES !!! I have slept that way always. 3 hours here, 2 there. When I was landscaping I worked 8 hours, but when I got home I slept for 3 or 4 hours and then got up and danced around 3 in the morning. I love 3 in the morning and are able to follow these hours even better now. I love the images I have of those tunnels that are supposedly between here and heaven and us being one both sides of them. That is so cool to think of. As holograms vibrating many frequency bands at once, the 12th band or at least the 5th through the 12th must be on the other side of those tunnels. And just think of how many tunnels there are !!!! Every atom has at least one electron and these electrons are constantly bouncing, oscillating back and forth creating these tunnels. How many atoms are there vibrating as the human being? Trillions ? We are constantly forming trillions of tunnels that physics calls black holes. Pulsations, back and forth, back and forth. WOW !!!
Title: The 3:00 a.m. club
Post by: Deb on March 12, 2015, 07:53:34 PM
Well the new sleep schedule has been a challenge for me. Two nights in a row I woke up at my usual 3 am, couldn't get back to sleep, but the bed was too warm to leave right away. Later, afternoon rolls around and although I'm dead tired I can't nap. That night I forced myself to stay up to 11 or so and slept soundly through the night, not waking until 5:30 or 6. Then it started all over again. Phyllis, I'll try your tactic! If I wake up at 3 tonight I will get up and dance, lol. Or something.
Title: Re: Seth's suggested sleep pattern
Post by: John Sorensen on February 15, 2016, 03:07:00 AM
I experimented with sleep a fair bit a couple years back.

I slept for four hours each night for six months, in the morning I meditated for 20 mins before going to work at a manual labor job for 40 hours per week, I did 3 x sessions of heavy weight training per week, 1 x yoga class each week, and most days I took a 30 minute nap in the afternoon, or I put on an audio of deep delta waves for 30-60 minutes on headphones.

After about a week or two, you basically trick your body into getting more deep sleep. At first it feels fucking awful, but after that first week I felt great.

Traditional science says that what I did should not work, but it did. I felt great, I was at the healthiest I have ever been in my life, there were no negative side effects and I did the most strenuous amount of physical exercise I have ever done in my life for a sustained period of several months.

When I got the chance, I would do another 5-10 minute meditation during the middle of the day, like my lunch break, and this made me very lucid in the afternoon period when often you get that blood sugar drop and drowsiness. I also did my workouts in the afternoon straight after work, which made me as awake as I could get.

On weekend I slept a bit longer, whatever I felt like really. Anything from 4-8 hours.

Although a couple of times in that six months I stayed up all night playing video games, 1-2 hours on weekdays and then went to work and felt fine.
I don't recommend what I did, but hey I did it without any side effects.

Every book I have ever read on sleep basically says you can not do what I did, so whatever. Stupid sleep books.

Title: Re: Seth's suggested sleep pattern
Post by: inavalan on October 17, 2019, 04:52:30 PM
Although the last post on this thread was 3.5 years ago, I believe it makes more sense to reply to Deb's opening post here, than starting a new thread.

For the last 17+ years, I ate every 2-3 hours (smaller meals), and (moderately) worked out everyday (about half an hour). It makes more sense, to me, than binging on food or workout. Although I never nap, I believe that adapting your sleep to your body's needs makes sense too.

Such lifestyle changes might not be supported by the science of the day, and socially might be difficult to implement in their optimum form (if we knew which is that), but I believe that they make sense.

Many recommendations and techniques with esoteric flavor could actually be traced to brain related aspects (not necessarily neuroscience per se). They aim to amplify, and extend in time, lower frequency brain waves (alpha, theta) which bring many known, and likely unknown, benefits. They also aim to bring in sync the two hemispheres of the brain, to work synergistically.

Seth's lifestyle recommendations, as his other teachings, are most likely quite correct. What is difficult to quantify, is the magnitude of beneficial effect each recommendation has, but we don't have to aim for perfection, or make a choice between all and none.

Regarding the north-south position while sleeping (discussed currently on another thread), my internet quick investigation brought contradictory results, and some amusing attempts to justification.

There are still many unknowns about our physical and non-physical aspects. Birds, fish, butterflies know to migrate over immense distances. Plants from the southern hemisphere maintain their original blooming patterns even when in the northern hemisphere. So it is likely that our bodies know to do certain things we unknowingly override with our conscious.

On the other hand, it seems (to me) likely that optimizing the sleep position wouldn't bring a major benefit. I guess its effect is significantly less compared to not sleeping enough, and even compared to sleeping in 2-3 periods.

I'll venture another example ... Some Eastern teachings say that it is optimum to sleep on one's side, men on their right side, women on their left side (I imagine how confused would be those gurus by the 100+ genders). Why this difference? My guess, it has to do with the statistical observation that men are more left-brained, and women more right-brained. So, sleeping on the non-dominant brain-side might gravitationally favor blood circulation in it, and contribute to bringing in sync the two hemispheres ...
Title: Re: Seth's suggested sleep pattern
Post by: Deb on October 18, 2019, 11:12:41 AM
Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13516#msg13516)
My guess, it has to do with the statistical observation that men are more left-brained, and women more right-brained. So, sleeping on the non-dominant brain-side might gravitationally favor blood circulation in it, and contribute to bringing in sync the two hemispheres ...

Thanks for your input inavalan. I wonder what Seth would say about that? Is the left/right brain gender thing nature or nurture? I'm female yet I tend to be more left brained, at least when it comes to school, work, mechanical things, problem solving. I was an only child, I guess sort of a tomboy, and spent a lot of time helping my dad repair things around the house and yard, old clunker car he had to keep running. I'm also creative and can be emotional, but have to talk my left brain down when I paint. I'd like to tell myself I'm whole brain, lol.

I agree there are still a lot of unknowns. Seth's comments about how the "cavemen" lived, slept—Seth had something to say about everything, no end to the information. This is off-topic here, but I recently read that chickens can have one side of their brain asleep while the other side stays awake! That way they can have one eye open to watch for predators and also get some z's. It's called unihemispheric sleep and a flock will take advantage of this during the night, taking turns being in the guard position on the roost so everyone gets a full night's sleep.

I see jbseth has started a new topic about sleep, for anyone who comes across this old topic, you can see the new one here: https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1781
Title: Re: Seth's suggested sleep pattern
Post by: inavalan on October 18, 2019, 01:54:21 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13518#msg13518)
Is the left/right brain gender thing nature or nurture?
I believe it doesn't matter. Either way we are, our brains work synergistically better when the two hemispheres are in tune. Our identities (using Seth's terminology) are androgynous.

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13518#msg13518)
I see jbseth has started a new topic about sleep, for anyone who comes across this old topic, you can see the new one here: https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1781
JB and I replied yesterday about the same time, and while he decided to start a new topic, in a new forum, I followed your suggestion (from the welcome forum) to post about sleep in this forum.