~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on February 08, 2018, 10:42:22 PM

Title: Seth on prayer
Post by: Sena on February 08, 2018, 10:42:22 PM
Seth had very little to say about prayer, but what he did say is quite important:

• "Prayer has been extremely successful in enabling individuals to manipulate matter through use of their psychic abilities."

• "Now. Prayer once enabled the intelligent man to focus his psychic abilities, because the hard fact, taken for granted by all in Western civilization, was the belief in such a God. The so-called hard fact has changed."

• "I am not going to keep you much longer. Nor have I any intentions of starting a new religion. I am, however, trying to tell you the truth, and this material is perhaps the most important of any so far, in that comprehension of it will allow the intelligent man to avail himself of energies and abilities once utilized in prayer."

• "Prayer is now shunned. Why pray if there is no one to listen?"

• "The prayer contains within it its own answer, and if there is no white-haired, kind old Father God to hear, then there is instead the initial and ever-expanding energy that forms everything that is, and of which every human being is a part."

—The Early Sessions, Book 2 Session 81 August 26, 1964

I am reading a book by Gregg Braden, which has quite a lot to say about prayer, and I shall post that in a separate thread.

Title: Re: Seth on prayer
Post by: LenKop on February 09, 2018, 09:35:37 PM
I've read Bradden's work and i like the feel of it. He along with Dispenza and Lipton are dong good work imo.

I think the traditional connotations around prayer are where it has lost it's science and magic.

It makes laugh when i see the criticism for prayer, esp from the Atheist's who will say that 'if prayer worked then our world would be a better place' whilst never asking how much worse the world might be if the billions of people praying and meditating each day stopped.


Title: Re: Seth on prayer
Post by: Sena on February 09, 2018, 10:36:01 PM
Quote from: LenKop (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10798#msg10798)
It makes laugh when i see the criticism for prayer, esp from the Atheist's who will say that 'if prayer worked then our world would be a better place' whilst never asking how much worse the world might be if the billions of people praying and meditating each day stopped.
I agree with you, Lenkop. It was not a foregone conclusion that Hitler would be defeated. His scientists might have developed the atom bomb before the Americans. It is said that Sri Aurobindo prayed for his defeat.

Title: Re: Seth on prayer
Post by: Deb on February 10, 2018, 05:32:54 PM
Quote from: LenKop (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10798#msg10798)
It makes laugh when i see the criticism for prayer, esp from the Atheist's who will say that 'if prayer worked then our world would be a better place' whilst never asking how much worse the world might be if the billions of people praying and meditating each day stopped.

Wow, that's good one!

I wasn't sure whether to post more here or head over to Sena's new topic. My response may be more appropriate there, IDK.