Channeling is the one word I've struggled with all these years with respect to the Seth materials, because of what the word has come to mean in the metaphysical world—mediums purportedly mediating communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. The word always felt cheap and phony to me, like a parlor trick. Seth feels the complete opposite to me. I reconciled that today.
Seth often said he and Jane were connected, parts of the same entity (Rob is related too), incarnations of each other. Which tells me why they are simultaneously done with their reincarnational cycles. I suppose the entity has set its sights elsewhere.
This one unpublished gem that I came across yesterday really tied things together for me. {I'm trying to verify the accuracy of the quote, will edit if need be.}
ESP Group, June 14, 1973
Seth: "... all time is simultaneous. Ruburt is what he is in the time that you know and so I seem to you an advanced thing, yet all of us exist simultaneously so he tunes in to what I am but if he were not, in your terms now, what I am and I'm speaking, not that I have not said it clearly, in your terms, so you are also more than you realize that you are and this unrealized what you are, speaks through your flesh and through your creaturehood and through the selves that you so ultimately know. It is only because Ruburt realizes his nature that he is able to realize other portions of himself and physically make them known. When you realize your own nature, the same, in your own way - in your own way - applies to you."
As far as I can tell (I haven't read all of the books yet), Seth or Jane never used the verb channel to describe Seth speaking through Jane. But as a noun, quite often. A nice analogy from Seth that complements the above quote:
"Pretend, pretend that yourself...your whole identity, is a tape, such as being used here, but in stereophonic. Now, pretend that you have eight channels on this fantastic machine. Now, the whole self is composed, to use this analogy, of the entire eight channels. Usually, however, you can only play one channel at a time. The whole self, however, is aware of the entire eight channels and is able to keep track of them. The conscious mind as you know it is only one note on the first channel, not even the entire channel. You can learn methods that will enable you to tune in on these other channels. These other channels are all conscious portions of your own entire identity. They may or may not be aware of you as one small note on the first channel. They must learn to tune in, but many of them have already learned this knowledge and it is part of their own training."
"In order to gain knowledge, in order to discover your reincarnation realities, you must not necessarily block out the conscious mind with which you are familiar and turn to sleep. Instead, you see, it is like turning off one channel and turning on another channel."
"... there are a few points I would like to make. You have not one, but many conscious selves. You have more than one conscious mind. What we want you to do is something quite different. We want you to change the channels of your awareness. We want you momentarily to stop using one of your conscious minds and learn how to tune into another one of your conscious minds."
—TECS1 ESP Class Session, October 14, 1969
Jane was not "channeling" Seth. Jane was able to tap into "other portions of himself" and speak as Seth, Seth2. So, in the same regard we are always speaking—as ourselves—but usually only one aspect of our whole self. Jane was able to switch tracks. We can too, we just need to learn how. I feel like I've done it before, but without realizing what was really happening.
"When you realize your own nature, the same, in your own way - in your own way - applies to you."
"Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, while all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence, but apply the right stimulus and at a touch they are there in all there completeness.... No account of the universe in its totality can be final that leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded."
~William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience
Found today in the Intro to the MegaBrain ( book.
James "got it" too.