My reading of Seth is that All That Is has not uttered a single word. Seth has not said "All That Is said X" or "All That Is did not say Y". It may be that All That Is is incapable of verbal communication. It is possible that It communicates telepathically.
According to Christian belief, the Bible is the word of God. What does Seth say about the Bible?
"The Bible is a conglomeration of parables and stories, intermixed with some unclear memories of much earlier times. The bible that you recognize — or that is recognized — is not the first, however, but was compiled from several earlier ones as man tried to look back, so to speak, and recount his past and predict his future."
—The Way to Health Chapter 1: January 25, 1984
Wow, I've never thought about that but you're right. As much as I've read, Seth knows a lot about ATI but has never quoted it. Speech could be something we only have and use in this existence, as Seth says over and over that communication is telepathic but we are mostly ignorant to telepathy, at least on the conscious level.
My take on it: Seth's knowledge of ATI seems to come from his ability to communicate freely with his inner self. There is much more knowledge available to him in his state of existence. He retains ATI's "memories." So Seth wouldn't be quoting ATI if ATI's memories/knowledge would also be his own. A big difference from the bible, with people trying to piece together and give meaning to unclear memories and interpret them using their own belief system.
"When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within it." TES9, Session 426
"Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state."
—TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968
"All That Is therefore "lost," in quotes, a portion (underlined) of itself in that creative endeavor. Yet all individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is, as All That Is once dreamed of them. And they yearn toward that immense source, and yet to set it free, to give it actuality through their own creations."
—TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968
Seth remembers his source — he is in touch with that part of himself that is ATI. We're still working on that.
"when you understand what you are, then you will have some small glimmering of what All That Is is and basically you will find All That Is within yourselves."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970
"All That Is is within you. It is not objectified outside of you. The inner voice is the voice of All That Is and that voice speaks through the tissues of your body and the cells and atoms and molecules that compose your physical image. The inner voice speaks through All That Is."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970'All+That+Is'/
Quote from: Deb (
He retains ATI's "memories."
Deb, I am sure you are correct about that. Seth has a conscious connection to ATI, whereas in our case it is unconscious. We have ATI's memories but we have to suppress (repress) them in order to maintain our sanity. Some people with schizophrenia believe that they are God, and this belief is disastrous for them.
Quote"When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within it." TES9, Session 426
Yet all individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is, as All That Is once dreamed of them. And they yearn toward that immense source, and yet to set it free, to give it actuality through their own creations."
—TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968
Yes, these quotes are very relevant to this discussion. I am not sure that Seth is at a "lower level" than Christ.
Quote from: Sena (
My reading of Seth is that All That Is has not uttered a single word. Seth has not said "All That Is said X" or "All That Is did not say Y". It may be that All That Is is incapable of verbal communication. It is possible that It communicates telepathically.According to Christian belief, the Bible is the word of God. What does Seth say about the Bible?"The Bible is a conglomeration of parables and stories, intermixed with some unclear memories of much earlier times. The bible that you recognize — or that is recognized — is not the first, however, but was compiled from several earlier ones as man tried to look back, so to speak, and recount his past and predict his future."—The Way to Health Chapter 1: January 25, 1984
Hi Sena,
I'm not sure that I would expect "All That Is" to "speak".
To me the ability to "speak" implies having a physical body with all the correctly operating physical parts (lungs, voice box, tongue, mouth, etc.) for communicating via some sort of a spoken language. On the other hand, I might expect All That Is, to be able to "communicate", in some way.
Here are some comments from Seth on this topic.
In "The Nature of Personality Reality", Chapter 21, Session 674, Seth says:
"You are He manifesting as you."
In the sentence above, the "He" refers to All That Is. Now, since you can speak, and since I can speak and we are All That Is, manifesting as us, then we could say that "All That Is" can and does speak. On the other hand, in "Seth Speaks" Chapter 22, Session 589, Seth also says the following:
"All That Is speaks to all of its parts, not with sounds, trumpets, and fanfare, from without, but communicates its messages through the living soul-stuff of each consciousness."
Here, I would say that All That Is, doesn't speak, but does communicate.
Quote from: jbseth (
On the other hand, I might expect All That Is, to be able to "communicate", in some way.
According to Seth, everything is electromagnetic even in the afterlife. If ATI is electromagnetic, would It not be able to communicate electronically, via Twitter or something?
P.S. What i wrote above may be incorrect, because maybe we should take the meaning of All That Is literally. If ATI is "all that is" it would be illogical for ATI to communicate with ATI. It would be like expecting Sena to communicate with Sena.
Hi Sena,
From my interpretation of Seth's information, I think that "All That Is", is quite literally, All That Is. In other words, All That Is, is quite literally "everything". Beyond this however, I also think that "All That Is" recognizes itself, as itself.
For now, let's just say that "All That Is" is "everything". What do you think "everything" would or could communicate to you or me or anyone?
While it possibly could attempt to communicate "everything" that it knows to us, I don't believe that we have the ability to grasp it all. We don't even have the ability to grasp the knowledge held by our entity; the knowledge of all of the other reincarnational selves that make it up.
Hi Sena,
In Seth Speaks, Session 560, where Seth in talking about God, Seth says:
"He is also within each spider, shadow and frog, and this is what man does not like to admit."
In the very next sentence, which is a new paragraph, Seth then says:
"God can only be experienced, and you experience him whether or not you realize it, through you own existence."
In these 2 sentences, while Seth is talking about "God" I believe he is actually referring to "All That Is".
Quote from: jbseth (
"God can only be experienced, and you experience him whether or not you realize it, through you own existence."
I agree. Thanks for highlighting that.