~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on August 16, 2018, 07:26:54 PM

Title: Bi-location
Post by: jbseth on August 16, 2018, 07:26:54 PM
Hi All,

Some of the concepts that Seth talks about, are absolutely amazing. This includes a discussion that Seth had with Rob about, what I will refer to here as "bi-location"; the ability of a person to physically be in two locations at once.

I am personally aware of the following 3 sources that appear to contain incidents of bi-location.

Source 1:
In the book, "The autobiography of a Yogi", the author, Yogananda, talks about seeing his master, outside of his ashram (his home/temple), at the same time that his other followers, told Yogananda, that this master was inside his ashram meditating. There are several incidences of this reported in this book.

Source 2:
In the Gospel of John, in Chapter 20, verse 19, after Jesus was crucified it says, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, came Jesus and stood in the mist, and said onto them, "Peace be onto you."  This might be a bi-location event.

Source 3:
In the "Anastasia" book series, it appears that she bi-located; I think this was in Book 3, 4 or 5; I don't recall exactly.

In "The Early Sessions", Book 2, Session 47, (page 47), Rob writes about him having an out of body experience (OOBE) from his home in Elmira, where he travelled to New York City. In this OOBE, he went to an office building and saw a young woman who was trying to open an office window. Apparently this young woman had her back to Rob.

In "The Early Sessions", Book 2, Session 48, here's what Seth had to say about this:

"You saw the back of the girl's head simply because the girl was standing with her back to you. Had you been able to speak to her, it is probable that she would have turned. Whether or not you were physically assembled when you saw the girl, I do not know. There are many complications here. Journey of your own essence must be achieved first, of course. There are different ways in which such journeying occurs.
In some instances the physical body stays in its original location, and the personality-essence moves through camouflage space and time. That is, the personality-essence, realizing that space and time are merely camouflages, is therefore free to behave accordingly.

In this instance of traveling by personality-essence, any contact would be telepathic, and a potential observer would see nothing, using the outer senses alone.

("Wouldn't such an occurrence frighten the observer or recipient?")

Not in the instance mentioned. Another method is somewhat more complicated and involves a diffusion of energies, a partially-visible secondary camouflage body appearing in a new location, while the original body remains in its original position.

In this case the body would appear visible on the bed while another, identical body would appear in the new location to which the personality-essence had traveled. In this case a potential observer would see what would appear to be an ordinary physical being.

Conversation could then be carried on. There are gradations in the degree of materialization here, in that the secondary body would be absolutely normal-appearing in all respects, or could be less so, according to the ability of the traveler.

You have done very well this evening.

("Can you tell us anything about the girl I saw?")

The girl was merely a secretary, standing by the window and on her way to another office.

("Did I have the location of the office correct?")

You did."

Then further on in this session, Seth says the following, which I think is very interesting:

"For the future, keep still another possibility in mind, that of picking up an object from the location to which you have traveled, and bringing it back with you as proof. This is difficult in the extreme, but it is far from impossible.

The reason that these things are done so infrequently is because the personality-essence finds itself so unable to give up belief in camouflage time and space. You must be convinced, deeply, not only that such feats are possible, but that you can achieve them; and then you must also train yourself to perfect your own abilities."

Have you ever read about or heard anyone who said that saw or experienced a
bi-location (not OOBE) experience before?


Title: Re: Bi-location
Post by: T.M. on August 16, 2018, 10:09:34 PM
Hi Jbseth,

Stuart Wilde was rumored to have that ability and to have taught it to a few advanced members in his Warrior in the Mist sessions.
Title: Re: Bi-location
Post by: jbseth on August 16, 2018, 10:15:38 PM
Hi T.M.,

Thanks. That's really interesting.

I didn't realize that there were claims of people doing this in more recent times.
