Hi All,
Yesterday I came across the following information on overpopulation all contained in "The Early Session", Book 9, Session 484. In this session, Seth has many interesting things to say about overpopulation.
In other topics in this forum, we've talked about the second coming of Christ and the transformation that Seth says will occur as a result of this second coming personality.
However, what I found most intriguing in this overpopulation information was an apparent prediction Seth made about where we are headed in regards to overpopulation. I'm not sure if these 2 topics are related but here's what he says, about overpopulation, what do you think?
"For many reasons at various periods in your time there has been particular work to be done requiring numbers, a broad stratum, a physical pool, that would serve as a basis for future generations. In many such instances there is a ferment of activity, a birth of new ideas, and an unstructured psychic activity, that is freewheeling and explosive."
"It is a period of great activity, telepathic communication, an overcrowding physically, but forces great new developments and a new synthesis, and this is your present situation. (Humorously:) It is not difficult for neighbors to understand each other when they live 50 miles apart. When you become overcrowded in severe circumstances, you must learn to understand your neighbor or lose your mind. You are forced to relate."
(The bold font use in the above paragraph was mine, not Seth's.)
"And so in the present circumstance the overcrowded conditions will still be further accelerated, until a new synthesis is formed—and it will be. The psychic activity engendered will finally form the basis for a greater understanding. It will be quite obvious that telepathic thoughts travel quicker than good news or faster than a pestilence. Man will be so shoved together that the impact will literally explode into a new level of consciousness, a new development in those terms."
"Our friend here (John) spoke of communications, and their effect upon you. Here you will find an almost instantaneous system of communications. The individual will find himself surrounded by more stimuli than he knows what to do with—but using this as impetus he will learn to handle it, using portions of the brain that now lie latent."
"The change will amount to a new kind of consciousness, certainly, in quality."
"A concentration will occur. When atoms and molecules are heated certain changes happen. When they are artificially crowded certain changes happen. When they are frozen certain changes happen, and when the psychic atmosphere is saturated there will be a metamorphosis of a kind and a release of abilities that have been latent."
"Because of some of mankind's curious characteristics, often it does not change unless his life depends upon it, unless survival is threatened. He will be forced to recognize, use and develop his paranormal abilities simply to survive, and in so doing will release them finally for his own benefit and the benefit of his fellows."
"Initially fear will be the impetus. He will want to know what is going on in his neighbor's head so badly that he will realize he already knows. When the transformation is completed mankind will be operating at an entirely different level than you now know."
Great topic, I'm looking forward to being able to participate in this more. Just arrived at my travel destination today and I'm dragging tonight, but wanted to touch base.
Ron ("We Are Seth") Card on Facebook has brought up overpopulation the past week with some interesting points, but from a different angle from the quotes you've provided. Yours are both really interesting and exciting in that Seth presents what I see as the potential positive side and purpose (no accidents) of overpopulation in terms of an increase in psychic communication, growth and new ideas, great new developments. I've saved Ron's posts, I'll read through them to see if there's anything pertinent. One thing that struck me was a quote from Seth saying that in a time of overpopulation, there will be a noticeable increase in homosexuality, etc. It struck me because that has been in the news so much over the past few years, especially all the transgender stuff. Even mainstream news stories about "gay penguins" and swans. But it made sense to me in that same-gender couple relations would result in lower population growth (I'm talking about traditional reproduction here, I realize there are non-traditional ways...).
Great topic, I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Just need to get myself back in gear. Getting out of Philly was a bit of freak show yesterday, the airline overbooked in order to place us displaced fliers on last night's flight (last night? this morning? I think today I finally understand that time is an illusion, I've totally lost track). In the end it was like an auction: they were offering passengers $1,000 plus hotel and all meals to delay their departure one day. Some people really benefitted in making their reality with that one, since the offer started out at much less and they held out for more... I really enjoy being able to see events from a Sethian perspective.
Hi Deb,
I'm glad to hear you made it to your destination. Sounds like it was quite the trip. :)
Yeah, I really liked the positive spin that Seth put on this. I'm wondering if this overpopulation transformation, somehow ties in with Seth's Second coming transformation.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12004#msg12004)
"Because of some of mankind's curious characteristics, often it does not change unless his life depends upon it, unless survival is threatened. He will be forced to recognize, use and develop his paranormal abilities simply to survive, and in so doing will release them finally for his own benefit and the benefit of his fellows."
Thanks for this topic. It would appear that there are interesting times to come.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12006#msg12006)
I'm wondering if this overpopulation transformation, somehow ties in with Seth's Second coming transformation.
That is a really interesting question. I bet you're on to something there. It would be a lot of fun comparing Seth's comments on both of those topics. There were more than a few times where he started off a sentence with "There are hints available to you...." Seth was a teacher, but I think what he really wanted to teach us the most was how to think and find answers on our own. This could be one of those times.