I came across this article (https://www.foxnews.com/science/christopher-mellon-official-ufo-sightings-real) today. UFOs have been in the news again, probably no accident since the History Channel (https://www.history.com/shows/unidentified-inside-americas-ufo-investigation) has a new series coming out. The article captured my imagination. I enjoyed the video where Michael Wall PhD (book author (https://www.amazon.com/Out-There-Scientific-Antimatter-Cosmically/dp/1538729377), writer for space.com) talks frankly about UFOs, and I especially loved this statement: "I'm kind of skeptical but I don't dismiss these just out of hand, that's not very scientific." (about 2:30)
The Seth search engine only came up with 11 quotes about UFOs. These were most interesting to me, I've bolded what caught my attention:
"(Long pause.) The unknown reality, dash — Many of you, I know, would like to find in this book answers pertaining to Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, UFO's, and many other such questions. [...] By far the greater questions, however, are those pertaining to the unknown reality of the psyche, and those that relate to the kind of being who perceives in one way or another an Atlantis, a Bermuda Triangle, a UFO — for in greater terms, until you ask deeper questions about yourselves, these other experiences will remain mysterious."
—UR2 Section 6: Session 743 April 21, 1975
"Certain sightings of UFO's (unidentified flying objects), Seth told class members, represented the appearance of visitors from other realities, rather than from elsewhere in our own universe."
—UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974
"Our friend back here (Paul W.) could well appear, you see, as a UFO in another aspect of reality, and frighten the inhabitants."
—SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 12, 1971
"(In parentheses: Some reported instances of UFO's happened in the past as far as the visitors were concerned, but appeared as images or realities in your present."
—UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974
People and the media are still thinking UFOs are visitors from other planets, while Seth says they are from different realities or aspects of the current reality. That reminds me of how he said thought projections of ourselves can be seen by some people. Some people think UFOs are time travelers coming "back" to help us, which fits into the different reality explanation for me.
I'm curious as to why the UFOs look different on various videos -- some look like cigars, some like flying saucers, some just a round object. In the article a Super Hornet pilot said he almost collided with one of the objects that was a sphere encasing a cube. I think our ability to perceive these objects is limited, both physically and mentally. Such as how Seth's explanations were limited to Jane's vocabulary and ability to interpret Seth's messages.
I've never had a big interest in UFOs, but bringing Seth's explanation into it makes it more interesting to me.
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12788#msg12788)
"Our friend back here (Paul W.) could well appear, you see, as a UFO in another aspect of reality, and frighten the inhabitants."
Deb, thanks for reviving this topic. It seems to me that we need to keep in mind Seth's charactrization of physical reality as camouflage reality when we consider the question of "aliens". It is simplistic and against Seth's principles to jump to the conclusion that aliens have traveled to Earth physically from a faraway place. The nearest star being light years away makes this almost impossible.
When a particular human individual has an "alien" experience, he or she has created that reality. The same when people in the Bible saw angels. The important question is what bearing does this have on own life. If it leads us to question our fixed ideas about physical reality, it might be a good thing.