~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Seth Books => Topic started by: barrie on June 02, 2019, 11:45:07 PM

Title: My new book “Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--O
Post by: barrie on June 02, 2019, 11:45:07 PM
Hi Folks,

This section says books about Seth...so I think that my book belongs here.

My book NEW update: My new book "Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--Original Seth Class Member Answers Your Questions" is now available BOTH in paperback and Kindle.

It includes my full presentation called: "Love, The Seth Material & The Whole Secret (Connecting All the Dots)."

Here is the link to the books.


Concerning the paperback version...My copies have arrived to me.

So, if you want to order the book directly from me...I have three goodies in mind for you...

I will sign the book AND I'll also write a little note to you as well. BUT that's not all...

Additionally, I will include a signed typed poem or poems written on or near your birthday. With 54 years of poems (4000+ poems), I should find at least one for you.

IF you include the year, then I may be able to find a poem written on the exact date that you popped your head into our shared reality.

MY additional excitement is that this gives me a chance to share some poems which may be of special value to you.

You can now order the paperback from me.

With media mailing and all other costs added in, and rounding down 25 cents, the cost of the paperback, $19.99 plus shipping & all other costs--will be $25.00.

To order from me--send me a check for $25.00 + your birthday so I can include a signed poem that I wrote on or close to that date. OR you can use PayPal and email or message me birthday. Use bargell@aol.com if you'd like.

My address is:
Barrie Gellis
PO Box 223211
West Palm Beach, FL 33417


Brief Testimonials
Introduction To The Book...And To Me
--Clearview (Poem)
What Is A Victim In A World Of Creating Your Own Reality?
Violations, Natural Guilt And Spontaneity
The Paradox Of Death
Seth Said He Would Only Communicate Via Jane Roberts
Twelve Seth Quotes Explaining That He Would Only
Communicate Via Jane
Barrie's Seth Affirmation

Specific Questions And Answers

Beliefs and Reality Creation
Consciousness and Reincarnation
Death and Suicide
Death of My Son and How Seth's Concepts Were of Great Help
Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?
F1 (Outer) and F2 (Inner) Realms
God and the Universe
Harming Others: Suffering, Violence, War, Killing & Rape
Life, Karma, Responsibilities
Metaphysical & Miscellaneous
Personal Questions
Taking Drugs...Drinks...Marijuana...Or LSD
UFOS, Aliens and Space Travel
What Is Love?
What Is Unconditional Love

Love, The Seth Material & The Whole Secret (Connecting All The Dots)

What Do We Really Know Of Love?
Why Is Love So Important?
Taking Brave Inner Journeys To Connect The Dots Ourselves
What Does Seth Actually Say About Love?
1. Love Is The Basis Of Existence
2. People Are Innately Good, Loving And Compassionate
3. What Is The Purpose Of Love?
The Second Half Of The Whole Secret: To Help & Not Harm Others
What Does Spontaneity Actually Mean And What Is Its Purpose?
What Are Violations And Natural Guilt?
For What Three Reasons Do We Need Physical Reality?
What Is The Purpose In Learning Seth's And The Secret's Overall Message?
How Is Everything Tied And Woven With Love? (And Now All The Dots Are Connected)

Note from The Author
List: Interviews, Presentations, Fb Page, Poetry Book
Full Testimonials

IF anyone gets the book in either format, let me know what you think—and/or make any comments and/or ask me follow-up questions. You can email me at:

If anyone likes the book, please write a positive review on Amazon. Thanks.

Be well and happy,

PS: I just realized while typing this that I don't know the shipping costs OUTSIDE of the US. I still have to figure that one out on a case-by-case basis--as they come up.
Title: Re: My new book “Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--O
Post by: Sena on June 03, 2019, 03:06:47 AM
Barrie, thanks for your post. I am reading your book in Kindle format. I notice that there is only one reference to "Christ". One thing I find difficult to accept in the Seth teachings is the idea that Christ will return in 2070/2080 or thereabouts. My understanding is that Christ belonged to the Age of Pisces which ended around 2012, and that we now live in the Age of Aquarius.
Title: Re: My new book “Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--O
Post by: barrie on June 03, 2019, 03:28:34 AM
Hi Sena, I hope you like the book and please feel free to make any further comments or ask any further questions about it. Let me know how the reading goes and how you feel.

As for your comments here: I don't believe that Seth said that Christ himself would return, but some personality related to Christ. You may know better than I for I don't remember the Christ stuff too well. But I do remember that it was not something actually related to Christianity or even any organized religion stemming from this alleged return. When it comes to reincarnation these things are not linear or "mirrors" of who once was. For example, you have "past" personalities that you stem from and are connected to--but you are not them--altho "parts" of you may be built upon their additions to your foundation.

Things like the "Age of Pisces" and end dates like "around 2012" seem very "man-made" to me or very much based on distorted and/or limited human perspectives. I don't believe these things are like closing curtain #1 and then seeing what is behind curtain #2, so to speak.

If my comments have spurred additional comments or thoughts from you, please feel free to continue this discussion if you so desire...

Be well & happy,
Title: Re: My new book “Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--O
Post by: Sena on June 03, 2019, 08:13:06 AM
Quote from: barrie (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12796#msg12796)
I don't believe that Seth said that Christ himself would return, but some personality related to Christ. You may know better than I for I don't remember the Christ stuff too well. But I do remember that it was not something actually related to Christianity or even any organized religion stemming from this alleged return. When it comes to reincarnation these things are not linear or "mirrors" of who once was.
Thanks, barrie, this is very interesting.
Title: Re: My new book “Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--O
Post by: Deb on June 03, 2019, 09:33:50 AM
Quote from: barrie (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12796#msg12796)
I don't believe that Seth said that Christ himself would return, but some personality related to Christ.

My understanding is that there will be a return of the Christ entity (personality) in some new form and not the actual Christ "unique individual" himself, he was a part of the whole Christ entity. I wish Seth had provided a different name for the Christ entity, it would have made things clearer.

@barrie, did you get my book order? I paid through PayPal but my account is under a different email than the the one I use here.

Title: Re: My new book “Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--O
Post by: barrie on April 24, 2020, 03:39:19 AM
I don't know Deb. Just saw this 4-23-20. Did I ever send you the book? Did your payment go thru?
Title: Re: My new book “Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness--O
Post by: Deb on April 24, 2020, 09:17:49 AM
Yes, I got your signed book and birthday poems back in June. I thought the book was great, I love the Q&A format.