All actions imaginable will be acted upon and worked out in a probable reality, Seth said:
QuoteThe road not taken then seems to be a non-act, yet every thought is actualised and every possibility explored. (SS, chapter 16, paragraph 2)
But this seems to contradict what he said below:
QuoteIf in one life, for example, you hated women, you may very well be a woman in the next life. Only in this way, you see, would you be able to relate to the experience of womanhood, and then as a woman face those attitudes that you yourself had against women in the past. (SS, chapter 12, paragraph 21 counting backwards from the last one)
I could certainly imagine a possibility/probable parallel reality where I, as a man, learn to appreciate and respect woman without having to reincarnate as woman. This according to the first quote is possible, because even though it may not be likely, it is still a possibility, and any possibility, however minute it might be, will be actualised in one probable reality out of the infinite number of probable realities there exist. But according to the second quote, it is impossible. I can only learn if I become a woman in my next life. This is the only way.
QuoteI could certainly imagine a possibility/probable parallel reality where I, as a man, learn to appreciate and respect woman without having to reincarnate as woman
Perhaps in some case, yet I think that is a case-specific thing and cannot be generalized. I think it is pretty common for us to incarnate as both male and female in order to gain as much experience and growth as possible. And there are probably places without sex/gender as well as realities/worlds where there are more than two genders. So I think it's not that simple.
Yet I understand what you are trying to convey with your message. I do also think there is a degree of "contradiction" in Seth's messages, but then, so is there contradiction in everything in life. I think the nature of the universe is just kind of like that - because there are so many different "layers" or levels of experience (some might call these dimensions), it is impossible to have anything not be contradicted in some way. We might think things go one way because that is our experience here on Earth in this dimension, but things might be exactly the opposite in some other reality/dimension. And yet in another they might be in a way that we cannot even comprehend because those realities operate under such different laws that we can't even imagine it. And yet in the end, all of those things are true, and are born from the same creative force that we all are born of.
Quote from: Neo (
I think it is pretty common for us to incarnate as both male and female in order to gain as much experience and growth as possible.
Neo, I agree. I am a male in this incarnation, but I have had a dream and other indications that I was a female in at least one previous incarnation.