Hi All,
Recently Sena and I have been having a dialogue about Carlos Casteneda. In some of his books, Carlos's talks about the "luminous body" that surrounds us humans. Along with this, in some eastern cultures, there is a belief that a life force, the "prana" or "chi", surrounds everything.
Whenever I think of these concepts, the luminous body or the life force, I think about some of the things that Seth talked about in regards to the tissue capsule.
Below from Session 40, I've captured some of the things Seth had to say about the tissue capsule. I've bolded several of his comments that I thought were rather interesting.
TES1, Session 40:
The tissue capsule of which I have spoken earlier surrounds every living consciousness. To some extent it could be compared to an extra layer of skin surrounding the physical body, except that it is not constructed in the same manner upon your plane, and is invisible to you under ordinary circumstances.
It is actually a field, that is energy field, boundary. It protects the inner self by acting as a barrier that keeps the whole self's energy controlled, and keeps it from seeping away. At the same time it protects the whole self from certain radiations which do not here concern you. No living consciousness exists on any plane without this tissue capsule enclosing it.
The capsule of course is not a solid on any plane. To some inhabitants of other planes that have access to your plane, all that can be seen of you is this tissue capsule, since such inhabitants have had no experience in your particular type of camouflage construction. Therefore your camouflage patterns are invisible to them, but the tissue capsules are not.
These capsules can be seen by you under certain circumstances, and have been called astral bodies—a term which does not meet with my pleasure.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13359#msg13359)
... No living consciousness exists on any plane without this tissue capsule enclosing it. ...
I found the idea of "living consciousness" intriguing. "Living" as contrasted to what? Mineral?
Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13360#msg13360)
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13359#msg13359)
... No living consciousness exists on any plane without this tissue capsule enclosing it. ...
I found the idea of "living consciousness" intriguing. "Living" as contrasted to what? Mineral?
Wow, great question.
Everything has consciousness, according to Seth. But not everything is "living," at least per our definition. Since the capsule's purpose is to protect the inner self, does an atom or molecule or mineral or chair not have an inner self?
And these "astral bodies" — are they also called auras by us?
Hi All,
I believe that Seth's comment here about "living" consciousness is probably one of those statements that perhaps needs to be taken within a certain context and in this case, the context has to do with the time that he made it.
Seth made this statement very early on, in Session 40. I'm not sure that by Session 40, Seth had fully explained his ideas about consciousness and how it exists in everything. In Seth Speaks, Chapter 1, Session 512, he tells us the following:
I can tell you, for example, that there is consciousness even within a nail, but few of my readers will take me seriously enough to stop in midsentence, and say good morning or good afternoon to the nearest nail they can find, stuck in a piece of wood.
Nevertheless, the atoms and molecules within the nail do possess their own kind of consciousness. The atoms and molecules that make up the pages of this book are also, within their own level, aware. Nothing exists — neither rock, mineral, plant, animal, or air — that is not filled with consciousness of its own kind. So you stand amid a constant vital commotion, a gestalt of aware energy, and you are yourselves physically composed of conscious cells that carry within themselves the realization of their own identity, that cooperate willingly to form the corporeal structure that is your physical body.
On the other hand, when Seth made this "living consciousness" statement, I suspect that he may have been using it as a result of his awareness that while many people believe that humans have a consciousness, many people also believe that other "non-living" things, such as nails, atoms, molecules, etc. don't.
- jbseth
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13359#msg13359)
It is actually a field, that is energy field, boundary. It protects the inner self by acting as a barrier that keeps the whole self's energy controlled, and keeps it from seeping away.
jbseth, this is interesting. I wonder whether tissue capsue corresponds to "aura":
Hi Sena, Hi All,
That's a great question Sena, maybe it is. I found the following quotes under the topic of aura from Seth via the search engine. It sounds like these might be the same thing, what do you think?
TES5 Session 207 November 10, 1965
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
In a trance state the electromagnetic aura that surrounds and is a part of the physical body, changes. The changes can be perceived through the use of several instruments, and by some individuals without instruments. A certain instability is set up electromagnetically that allows the individual to handle greater frequencies and ranges.
[... 45 paragraphs ...]
SS Chapter 2: Session 515, February 11, 1970
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
You could see a phosphorescentlike glow, the aura of electromagnetic "structures" that compose the molecules themselves. You could, if you wished, condense your consciousness until it was small enough to travel through a single molecule, and from the molecule's own world look out and survey the universe of the room and the gigantic galaxy of interrelated, ever-moving starlike shapes. Now all of these possibilities represent a legitimate reality. Yours is no more legitimate than any other, but it is the only one that you perceive.
[... 21 paragraphs ...]
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13369#msg13369)
You could see a phosphorescentlike glow, the aura of electromagnetic "structures" that compose the molecules themselves.
jbseth, thanks for the quote. There does seem to be something genuine about the aura.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13369#msg13369)
In a trance state the electromagnetic aura that surrounds and is a part of the physical body, changes. The changes can be perceived through the use of several instruments, and by some individuals without instruments. A certain instability is set up electromagnetically that allows the individual to handle greater frequencies and ranges.
Jeez I love Seth. Have I said that before? :)
Sure sounds to me like Seth's tissue capsules and auras are the same thing. Actually, "tissue capsule" to me is a strange choice of words, it reminds me of when the body encapsulates a foreign object or infection.
Anyway, I figure we are electromagnetic beings, our thoughts and internal communication and processes are EM, and there's no reason to think that radiation would stop with our skin. If you have a good sensitive EMF meter, you can put your hand in front of it and it will affect the meter's readings. I've done it.
I've not been able to see auras myself, but the 'official' visible spectrum is essentially an average range of what people can see. Our senses are limited, but we know that just because we can't see something, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist (such as radio waves, infrared and ultraviolet light, microwaves). I also believe there are people who can see or sense outside the average range, the same as some people can hear better than others. And especially animals—there are some that easily see into the UV spectrum and can hear what humans cannot.
It's too bad the Seth search engine skips so many paragraphs. I understand why, but there's so much more information missing.
I browsed a section of sessions 39-40. Very interesting! Seth talks about the inner senses, and especially the fifth sense (there is no relation to the outer senses we all knowingly use).
I think that this tissue capsule, which seems to be one of several, isn't related to the aura. I believe that this section of the quote posted by jb in his opening post
Quote"It protects the inner self by acting as a barrier that keeps the whole self's energy controlled, and keeps it from seeping away. At the same time it protects the whole self from certain radiations which do not here concern you."
shows that the capsule isn't the aura.
While the aura is an emanation toward the outside, the capsule keeps the inside bounded to not "seep away".
Hi inavalan, Hi All,
Seth says that the tissue capsule is sometimes referred to as the astral body, a term which doesn't meet his pleasure.
I think that maybe the aura is the phosphorescent glow of the electromagnetic energy field of the astral body or the tissue capsule.
- jbseth
Hi All,
There's some great info in The Early Sessions books!
I have found no equal to Seth in depth and breadth of info. :)
Hi All
The other day I came across Session 261. In this session, Seth talks about the 3 different forms that the body can take. I think that this information ties into the discussion that we were having here about tissue capsules and astral bodies.
To be honest, I'm not really sure how the various forms and the tissue capsule relate.
Maybe the tissue capsule encloses all three of these forms. Then again maybe, each form has its very own unique tissue capsule. On the other hand, maybe the tissue capsule changes as the form changes.
In addition to this, in the last paragraph below, on a different topic, Seth makes an interesting comment about "guides". These types of statements that were occasionally made by Seth, tend to make me think that Seth and Jane were definitely 2 different personalities.
TES6, Session 261: (Bold Font is mine)
Good evening.
("Good evening, Seth."
(One minute pause.) There are several points I would like to make. For all practical purposes, you will find yourself in some sort of body form in your out-of-body experiences.
These body forms however are necessary camouflages, for you cannot yet think of identity without some kind of physical body. Therefore you project yourself in a body form. It varies according to your own abilities, and without it you would feel lost indeed. The form itself is not important, but the form can tell you something about the dimension in which you are having experience.
The dream body is the one with which you are most familiar. It has been called the astral body. It strikes you as being physical, though you can do things with it that you cannot do with your physical body. You can levitate with it, for example. As a rule you do not go through walls with this body. This is the body that you use for ordinary dreams. Levitation is possible with it, but on a very limited basis.
When you enter a different dimension the abilities of the body form change, and for all intents and purposes it is a different body form, which we will call a mind form. It still seems physical in shape, but you can walk through physical matter with it, and you can truly levitate with it within your solar system, but you cannot go beyond in this mind form.
You can travel anywhere within your solar system however with it. In the first form it is possible to perceive the past, present and future on a limited basis. In the second form this perception is on a larger scale, the scope of consciousness being further opened. Now this is the form that you will use if you meet appointments with others within the dream state.
The third form we may call the true projection form. In it, it is possible to travel beyond your solar system, and to perceive the past, present and future of other systems as well as your own.
The form that you use does not dictate the various abilities. You don the particular form in line with your abilities. You do the best you can, in other words. (Smile.) It is possible to begin an experience in one form, and change to another, or to go from the first to the third. On such occasions you must therefore, you see, pass through in reverse direction. The forms do merely represent various stages of consciousness.
At physical death, after the last reincarnation, then the normal body form is the dream body, and excursions are made from this point, you see. It is possible to suddenly switch from the third form to the dream body, but at a considerable jolt to the consciousness, as a rule. Transition is simply too sudden.
Now I realize that Ruburt is not too happy with me for bringing up this next point. Intellectually he is highly critical of it. On another level however he knows very well that it is legitimate. There are indeed others who can help you in such experiences, and who often do while you are in the dream state, whether or not you know it. They can be of great assistance as guides.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13407#msg13407)
Now I realize that Ruburt is not too happy with me for bringing up this next point.
jbseth, I don't have this book. Could you please clarify for me what the "next point" was which Jane was not too happy about.
Hi Sena,
Seth's "Next Point" was contained within the paragraph itself. In this paragraph he says:
"Now I realize that Ruburt is not too happy with me for bringing up this next point. Intellectually he is highly critical of it. On another level however he knows very well that it is legitimate. There are indeed others who can help you in such experiences, and who often do while you are in the dream state, whether or not you know it. They can be of great assistance as guides."
From this statement, I take it that, at that time, Jane was quite critical of the concept that, "there are indeed others", "guides", who can and often do help you with such astral projection experiences, whether we know this or not.
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13378#msg13378)
There's some great info in The Early Sessions books!
I have found no equal to Seth in depth and breadth of info.
I agree! I recently started reading TES1 and I already have a bunch of quotes I've pulled aside for new topics here. So far the book is filled with what I would call "missing links" that further clarify the materials from the other books.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13414#msg13414)
From this statement, I take it that, at that time, Jane was quite critical of the concept that, "there are indeed others", "guides", who can and often do help you with such astral projection experiences, whether we know this or not.
Jane confirmed that she did not like the "spiritual guide" connotation."
In reading more of Session 261, I was surprised Seth again said that Jane would not be happy about something else—Seth's insistence that putting their bed to the north would help with projections. I've not yet found a clear explanation of why sleeping head-north is beneficial, my feeling has been because of our planet's magnetic field (magnetic north) and this quote from the end of the long quote below sort of suggests that: "However there is a chemical energy used in all such out-of-body experiences. The chemical reaction results in an electromagnetic connection between the consciousness and the physical body, and without it there would be no return to the physical body, in your terms."
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Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13414#msg13414)
There are indeed others who can help you in such experiences, and who often do while you are in the dream state, whether or not you know it.
Thanks, jbseth. I wonder who these others are. In Christian teaching there is the guardian angel. Anthony Peake speaks of the "Daemon":
In Sethian terms, other personalities of our Entity could help us.
Hi Sena,
That's a good question.
I know that in several of the TES books (TES6, Session 270 for example) Seth talks about survival personalities.
Furthermore, in "Seth Speaks, Chapter 9, Session 536, Seth says the following. This is in regards to the Arab who died during the Middle Ages. This Arab, apparently lived with the issue that he apparently believed in Moses, more than he did in Allah. In this Session Seth tells us that he, Seth, was this Arab's guide after this Arab died. More importantly, Seth also says that, in the sleep state, Ruburt follows the same road now.
He's what Seth says in this Session 536:
"At one time — in your terms — I myself acted as such a guide; as in a sleep state Ruburt now follows the same road. The situation is rather tricky from the guide's viewpoint, for psychologically utmost discretion must be used. One man's Moses, as I discovered, may not be another man's Moses. I have served as a rather creditable Moses on several occasions — and once, though this is hard to believe, to an Arab."
As far as "these others," it seems to me that the Speakers are the guides. Lots of info on Speakers in Session 569, SS.
Seth also talks a lot about guides, so if anyone has the Kindle you can search on "guides". Some is about guides that help during sleep, help with the after-death experience, "maintain" the hospitals, rehabs and training centers in F2. Seth mentions he's been a guide many times:
(Session 536 re: the Moses story) :
"Now: To be such a guide requires great discipline and training. Before the event just mentioned, for example, I had spent many lifetimes acting as a guide under the tutorship of another in my daily sleep states."
This is about specific portions of our sleep cycle (Session 569): "it is during this period that the Speakers act as teachers and guides."
Here's a mention of "The idea of guardian angels":
"It is very possible for one dreamer who is a Speaker, to go to the aid of another individual who is having some difficulties in an inner reality within the dream state. The idea of guardian angels of course is highly connected here. A good Speaker is as effective within one reality as he is within the other, creating psychic frameworks within physical reality as well as within interior environments. Many artists, poets, and musicians are Speakers, translating one world in terms of another, forming psychic structures that exist in both with great vitality — structures that may be perceived from more than one reality at once."
—SS Chapter 17: Session 569, February 24, 1971
I'm going to send in my request NOW that Seth be my personal guide. :)
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13422#msg13422)
At one time — in your terms — I myself acted as such a guide; as in a sleep state Ruburt now follows the same road.
jbseth, thanks for finding that quote.
Hi Sena, Hi Deb, Hi All,
Your welcome Sena. :)
Deb, those are some great quotes about the guides. I wouldn't have thought about the "Speakers" as being guides, but in hindsight, that makes a lot of sense.
I find it intriguing that Seth says that he had spent, "many lifetimes acting as a guide, ..., in my daily sleep states."
I take it that he had spent many lifetimes, in his daily sleep states, because all time is simultaneous.