Anyone else here ever come across this site? I just sort of stumbled across this section of their website, there's no link to it from the actual home page*.
I've been interested in CPs from the time Seth mentioned them, and these folks have actually gone looking for them in a few places on the planet! Their first explore was in Central Park NYC (1997), the information being given to them through an Ouija board. Then came London (2001), Central Park again (2003) and Italy (2004). I've only read the 1997 accounting so far.
From here:
"Seth speaks of three categories of coordination or coordinate points: Subordinate, Main, and Absolute. Seth says our space 'is filled with' subordinate points, adding that 'these are important in allowing you to transform thoughts and emotions into physical matter. When a thought or emotion attains a certain intensity, it automatically attracts the power of one of these subordinate points, and is therefore highly charged, and in one way magnified, though not in size.'"
The website is old and hard to read. I wonder if these folks are still active? I've requested to become a member of their Facebook group so I'll hopefully be able to get the scoop on them.
*As to the website, the url is Equally as interesting to me, they are exploring contact with dead techies and Time Travel. From the home page:
"See RealityTest's Dead Tech Project above, where mediums strain to acquire precise technical information from dead technologists in an effort to create something a bit more in keeping with the present day than ouija boards."
Seems on par with what the Scole Experiments folks were trying to do.
Hi Deb,
Wow, this is really interesting.
I wonder if this group still exists and are still doing things.
I've always been intrigued by Seth's comments about the "coordinate points". Especially the fact that he says that there were 4 absolute coordinate points and these intersect all realities or something like that.
I've always wondered if these 4 absolute coordinate points have specific locations within the physical universe or if instead maybe they have unspecific locations, such as locations within the dream world or Framework 2 for example.
Coordination Points
"Other kinds of consciousness coexist within the same "space" that your world inhabits. They do not perceive your physical objects, for their reality is composed of a different camouflage structure. You do not perceive them, and generally speaking they do not perceive you. This is a general statement, however, for various points of your realities can and do coincide, so to speak.
These points are not recognized as such, but they are points of what you could call double reality, containing great energy potential; coordinate points, indeed, where realities merge. There are main coordinate points, pure mathematically, sources of fantastic energy, and subordinate coordinate points, vast in number."
(Long pause at 9:29.) There are four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities. These coordinate points also act as channels through which energy flows, and as warps or invisible paths from one reality to another. They also act as transformers, and provide much of the generating energy that makes creation continuous in your terms. (Many pauses.)"
These points are not recognized as such, but they are points of what you could call double reality, containing great energy potential; coordinate points, indeed, where realities merge. There are main coordinate points, pure mathematically, sources of fantastic energy, and subordinate coordinate points, vast in number."
(9:50.) Now: A few clues here that might help you, or mathematicians. There is an ever-so-minute alteration of gravity forces in the neighborhood of all of these points, even of the subordinate ones, and all the so-called physical laws to some extent or another will be found to have a wavering effect in these neighborhoods. The subordinate points also serve in a way as supports, as structural intensifications within the unseen fabric of energy that forms all realities and manifestations. While they are traces or accumulations of pure energy, there is a great difference between the amount of energy available in the various subordinate points, and between the main and the absolute points."
- Seth Speaks, Part One: Chapter 5, Session 524, April 20, 1970
Seems to me the first paragraph also helps me to comprehend how probable realities work also. How I am (any of us really) able to move in and out of them.
Four pillars/corners of the world anyone? 😃
@Deb , did you ever get a hold of anyone ?
Hello all, first post here. I happen to live in Minneapolis(one of the Coordinate Points), but I don't know how I'd go about searching the the specific Coordinate Point here. Having read about the Central Park expedition giving good results, I am planning to go there soon and see for myself. I'm going to try to get in touch with the people involved in those original expeditions. If anybody has any info that would help locate any of these people, I'd love to hear it.
As far as I understand, there is no objective "space". Every unit of consciousness creates its own individual instance of physical reality based on telepathic communication at subconscious level, filtered through its own level of development. Seth gave several such examples: the glass of water, the bug / cat / ..., etc.
Physical reality is a virtual hyperspace. There isn't something objective that is observed.
So, those coordination points have to be understood differently than physical locations.
But if that is the case, why did Seth mention those specific locations like Minneapolis, New York, Utah etc?
Seth talks about many of our misinterpretations of reality, like cause-effect, good-evil, ... He also says that the reality I observe is made of different atoms than the one you observe, different atoms today than tomorrow, ...
I don't have an interpretation for the concept of "coordination points", except that it is possible that the hyperspace, that the physical-reality is, might have some modulations or irregularities on any of its axes. They may be by-design, or not. They might have an effect only inasmuch one believes they have; there may be something else.
Some times Seth (as channeled by Jane) talks as if there are objective time and space.
Quote"at the time of Atlantis, and also utilized by the Lumanians"
—SS Appendix: Session 593, August 30, 1971
In other places he says that Lumanians live now, and that Atlantis might be in the future (as I recall), that there are successful Lumanian civilizations, as failed ones.
Quote"Because of the nature of probabilities there is also, of course, a system of reality in which the Lumanians succeeded in their experiment with nonviolence, and in which a completely different type of human being emerged."
—SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 565, February 1, 1971
These searches don't bring much clarity on the subject:'coordination+point'/
EDIT: It is possible that, in a (time, space, probability) point or range of the physical-reality hyperspace, a large number of people form a belief that they then experience as reality, that affects them back, surely only those that adhere to that reality and that create theirs alike. There might be a probable version of the Atlanteans, or Lumanians that experience(d) a "mass formation" that believe(d) in "coordination points" that have whatever effect on them. So for them it is (was) a reality. Same now.
I think coordination points have a reality similar to the glass on the table being viewed by multiple people. Per Seth, each person "creates" the glass. And while it may have unique features for each person, virtually all those features will be common from version to version. Viewed from quantum theory (but at a macro level) combined with Seth, the glass is a potential that is only collapsed by observation. So, a coordination point may similarly have its potential in a common location but experienced differently by different consciousnesses. Therefore, in my view, there is no contradiction between Seth identifying specific coordination points and each of us creating our own version of the physical universe.
@Intrepid Explorer ,
Seth says "Now: A few clues here that might help you, or mathematicians."
That post above with the quote I used, is saying "hey mathematicians (or anyone) go find them if you want! Here's some clues!" Imho :P I say go for it. Explore and discover.
If anything it will be a superb exercise in psy times and inner self communication, maybe meet new people .. ! I wish you exuberant journeys!
Absolute points connecting all realities sounds huge to me but hey what do I know lol