~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Concepts Validated by Science => Topic started by: Deb on November 17, 2019, 01:54:24 PM

Title: Physical proof of the poles flipping
Post by: Deb on November 17, 2019, 01:54:24 PM
I remember reading about the shifting of the magnetic pole months ago,

"EARTH'S MAGNETIC POLE IS MOVING 'QUICKLY' TOWARD SIBERIA: 'IT'S CLEAR SOMETHING STRANGE IS HAPPENING' " (https://www.newsweek.com/earth-magnetic-field-northern-pole-noaa-wmm-navigation-1318159):

"Scientists first recorded the position of the northern magnetic pole in 1831. Seventy years later, Roald Amundsen found it had shifted over 30 miles. Over the next century, the northern magnetic pole continued to move at an average speed of 6 miles per year. This has sped up to around 25 miles per year in recent decades."

While people were saying it would cause problems with GPS, lol, it made me also wonder if this could be contributing to or causing climate change in some way. Seth that mentioned the poles flipped in the past. I was cleaning out my bookmarks today, and came across a Newsweek article that I'd intended to post here (see it below these Seth quotes).

• "The poles were reversed — as they were, incidentally, for three long periods of your planet's history. These civilizations were highly technological; the second one being, in fact, far superior to your own along those lines."

• "The strength of this second civilization lay mainly in the areas now known as Africa and Australia, although at that time not only was the climate entirely different, but the land areas. There was a different attraction of land mass having to do with the altered position of the poles. Relatively speaking, however, the civilization was concentrated in area; it did not attempt to expand. It was highly ingrown and dwelled upon the planet simultaneously with a large, unorganized, dispersed, primitive culture."
—SS Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970

"The methods have been known for centuries; not only centuries as you think of them, but for the lifetime of this earth as you know it, and even before — when the poles were reversed and when there were other stars in the sky and when the planets were not the planets that you know."
—SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 5, 1971

ANCIENT TREE WITH RECORD OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD REVERSAL IN ITS RINGS DISCOVERED (https://www.newsweek.com/ancient-tree-discovered-earths-magnetic-field-1447570):

"The precious thing is this huge, lonely tree grew for some 1700 years across a remarkable period in our planet's history when the Earth's magnetic field flipped some 42,000 years ago, a period known as the Laschamp Excursion. Funded by the Australian Research Council we're undertaking detailed measurements of the radioactive form of carbon through the tree rings.

"Magnetic field reversals happen at random intervals, although in the last 20 million years it appears to have settled into a pattern, happening once every 200,000 to 300,000 years, NASA says. The last full reversal took place around 780,000 years ago."

"...Phil Livermore, a geophysicist at the University of Leeds, in the U.K, told The New York Times: 'It's clear that something strange is happening.'

"Earth's magnetic field is known to get stronger and weaker over time—for example, 565 million years ago it almost collapsed completely. It also flips every now and then, with the North and South poles reversing: "If you were alive about 800,000 years ago, and facing what we call north with a magnetic compass in your hand, the needle would point to 'south,'" NASA explains.

"The unusual behavior documented at the northern magnetic pole has led some scientists to consider whether the poles are starting to reverse again."

Seth said it first!
Title: Re: Physical proof of the poles flipping
Post by: T.M. on November 17, 2019, 02:02:32 PM
Hi All,

Hi Deb, one of the channels I follow says it will reach a point of no return in about 4 years. If it reaches that point, then a full reversal is inevitable.

I wonder what time lines are in play. Is there a timeline (s) where it doesn't reverse, and one where it does?
And what kind of societies will come about in these timelines?
Title: Re: Physical proof of the poles flipping
Post by: T.M. on November 17, 2019, 02:08:47 PM

Hi All,

It's a 10 min vid about things related to the shift.  @ 6:35 relevant to the point of no return for the shift

Title: Re: Physical proof of the poles flipping
Post by: jbseth on November 17, 2019, 03:07:09 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13954#msg13954)
"Magnetic field reversals happen at random intervals, although in the last 20 million years it appears to have settled into a pattern, happening once every 200,000 to 300,000 years, NASA says. The last full reversal took place around 780,000 years ago."

Hi All,

If that's the case, then it sounds like we're overdue for a magnetic field reversal.


Title: Re: Physical proof of the poles flipping
Post by: James Sidaway on November 30, 2019, 02:36:56 AM
Ha haa... I recall a few decades ago reading Seth claiming there would be no Apocalypse... or was that no Armageddon... maybe just no end of the world.  It was likely in NPR or SS.
When you look at Venus in almost anti-direction to the rotation of the other planets, it just may be the intermediate axis effect that does the flipping and not the flipping of the fields relative to the sun.  I looked into this to see if any papers analyzed what actually flips, the fields or the planet, but found nothing elating.
If the tennis racket effect causes the flip, then... ouch, expect oceans sloshing around and earthquakes and volcanoes erupting.  But would be nothing like Velikovsky's "Collision of World" that Earth lived through.
Title: Re: Physical proof of the poles flipping
Post by: James Sidaway on December 01, 2019, 06:08:44 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13954#msg13954)

Physical proof of the poles flipping
« on: November 17, 2019, 11:54:24 AM

Isn't that amazing Deb!  Somehow You posted this two hours before I posted this https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1825.0  and it was sitting on my computer for about a day as I researched it out!!!   
You are an amazing psychic, Deb!

Well, I stumbled upon the intermediate-axis-theorem-effect about a week earlier where at the end of the vid  { v=1VPfZ_XzisU } the guys said: "don't worry about Earth doing this, because Earth is in balance."

I kept wondering if Earth is really in balance.  I looked into the reasons why the magnetic poles tend to flip and no scientist had a published answer.  Why?  They are building quantum computers... or pretending to... why don't they know why Earth's magnetic poles flip?  They are the scientific-elite, are they not?

Oh my gosh Deb...  you even quoted session 562 in Seth Speaks... that is exactly the same quote that I had sitting on my computer for a day!  You are totally amazing.   You have powers the others are likely not aware of.  I can see, now, why you were "guided" to create "SpeakingOfSeth".

So now, lets also analyze why the thUg-network has Jonathan Kleck synthetically hearing the "voice of god" weapon in his head... artificially turning him into a biblical prophesy machine(guided by thUgtopia, of course).  The covert brain-interface is a spy devise that the medical mafia implants secretly into the sheeple's heads in order to character-assassinate them.   I hope I can beat Deb in this next posting, haa, I'm amazed at my good fortune!... getting this info out to all you good-hearted-Sethies!

I just got shadow-banned again on Youtube trying to comment that the intermediate axis effect is likely why the thUgtopians are getting Kleck to predict a flood hitting New-York and why Hoover Dam will likely fail.
Not shadow banned while logged in  http://i.imgur.com/CXRq6E7.png
When I log out, my post is shadow banned: http://i.imgur.com/AMB3TYC.png

It is very important to realized if you have not been initiated into the Cult (swearing oaths with a noose around your neck and likely drinking human blood... haaa!)...  You are not going to enjoy their AI-thUgtropian-rule and their AI-technocracy.  Anyone psychic or even "non-developed" should feel this immediately.

Kleck is guided by thUgtopia to predict this deluge and this is coinciding with the outrageous pattern of the magnetic field... which is likely being manipulated just like climate-gate.  If you watch the video { v=1VPfZ_XzisU }  You can see that the majority of the flip occurs in just 180 degrees of spin, which is only about 12 Earth hours...  All major water bodies will slosh onto the land... the bigger the ocean or sea... the bigger the deluge it will produce.  Small lakes will hardly notice the the sloshing because the momentum will be immediately dissipate against the shore.  The larger the water-body the more momentum that can be built-up before hitting the shoreline.  Fjords are the most dangerous because the water will rise the highest when trapped against mountains.   So be careful dear Sethies.

For more information, please take a look at the topic that Deb's incredible psychic abilities picked up about my entertainment topic https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1825.0 .... wow! I am still amazed at the psychic power or was it coincidence?  Seth says coincidence just don't exist in our framework... it is all done by design.  haa haa! And I believe it!  The self-annihilation of thUgtopia is what happens in all probable time-overlays, my friends. =>  All thUgs reap what they sow.

You see, with my applied physics and engineering background and of course... my specialization in modelling how water moves... this Intermediate Axis effect is right up my alley... this is no coincidence.   I was puzzling over this flipping of fields for about a week and how it related to Kleck's prediction of a deluge.... for a few days I was gathering images what it all meant  with the magnetic pole heading out of Canada.

Lets give credit where it is due: (Look! http://i.imgur.com/tLGcCcz.png  Yes, Deb!  I made a post while analyzing the flipping of Earths poles... you see,  I was working on this for a day before you posted... you are now proven to be a psychic since you were obviously reading my mind....  Here is your proof that you are a psychic genius.  I was bubbling over this for days and you picked it up!  This topic is just entertainment, but you turned it into a psychic miracle.)

Thanks Deb!  And manifest your safe future, fellow Sethies.