~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: chasman on November 20, 2019, 11:31:42 PM

Title: what would you ask Seth?
Post by: chasman on November 20, 2019, 11:31:42 PM
lets pretend, just for fun, that we are in a probable reality,
in which Jane Roberts is still alive.
she got better.
and she is still channeling Seth.

and you can ask Seth anything you'd like.
and you can say anything to Seth that you'd like.

what would you say, and ask him?

I would say thank you to him.

and I would ask him to please tell me more about
how I can find out and know for sure that
we live after our bodies die.
and we will be reunited with our loved ones.

and I would ask him what he is. Soul, Entity, whatever.
and I would ask him for help figuring out what I can do to help the most people.
in the best ways.

I would ask him if there is death in the realities that we will go to, after we're
finished in physical reality.

I would ask him to tell me more about Jesus.

I would ask him for help to make myself more kind to myself.
and to make others kinder.
and how to help to usher in a golden age of peace on Earth that lasts until forever and a day.

I would ask him for more advice about forgiveness.
how to get good at forgiving myself and others.

I would ask him for more advice on living joyfully.

peace and love and all that jazz,

Title: Re: what would you ask Seth?
Post by: jbseth on November 21, 2019, 12:53:14 AM
Hi Chasman,

Ooooh! What a great question. That's almost like a birthday gift wish list.  Cool.   :)

Let's see.

I too would ask him about Jesus, the Jesus book, what did Jesus actually teach during his life and what did Jesus talk about and do during his incarnation during Atlantis. Along these same lines, I'd also ask him to tell us more about Peter, Paul, the apostles, and what actually occurred during to those times.

I would ask him to give us more details on how Entities can disintegrate.

I would ask him to tell us more about Atlantis, Lumania and that 3rd civilization that he never got around to talking about. How did Atlantis end and why?

I would ask him to give us a detailed book about his life during Lumania, Atlantis and many of his other incarnations. Including details on his life where Ruburt was Seth and Rob and Frank Watts were his sisters, and more details on his life with Rob and Jane when he was a spice (oregano) merchant.
I would ask him for more details on Jane and Robs, previous life in the Boston area in the 1800's.

I would ask him to talk about the "star" people who brought the initial Speaker code to earth.

I would ask him for specific details on how we could best help the world by initiating "The Experiment that Hasn't been Tried."

I know that there are probably others but nothing else comes to mind at the moment.

Thanks Chasman, this has really been fun.  :)


Title: Re: what would you ask Seth?
Post by: chasman on November 21, 2019, 10:19:55 PM
thank you for another excellent awesome reply jbseth!!!     :)
Title: Re: what would you ask Seth?
Post by: Deb on November 22, 2019, 01:46:14 AM
Wow, for me this is like a "Dear Santa" wish list! I have wished for so long that I could have experienced the Seth phenomenon in person, and would have so many questions. All of the above for sure. But one that occurred to me today would be I'd want to know more specifics about the return of the Christ Personality. I'd want names and dates of the people he'd hinted about. The person born in India for instance. But for sure more specifics about the person he said would be "the one" even though I realize that with free will and probabilities none of that is carved in stone. And maybe... what I could do personally to be more conscious of the reason I'm here.
Title: Re: what would you ask Seth?
Post by: jbseth on November 22, 2019, 09:29:39 AM
Hi All,

Oooh, those are great one's too Deb.  :)

- jbseth
Title: Re: what would you ask Seth?
Post by: chasman on November 22, 2019, 11:35:48 PM
yes, great indeed!!

I feel a song coming on:
