~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Deb on November 23, 2019, 04:20:47 PM

Title: Mental Enzymes
Post by: Deb on November 23, 2019, 04:20:47 PM
In addition to finding CUs and EE units interesting, I've been curious about mental enzymes but never spent much time looking into them. It turns out Seth talked a lot about them in TES1, and also some of the other books. I'm putting a long quote from Session 13 (TES1) in a spoiler because it's pretty long, but here are a few random quotes just to give an idea of what MEs are. Reading through Session 13, words kept coming to mind such as "intention," "expectation" and "action," things Seth has said we are necessary for reality creation. In my mind, the non-physical CUs become physical EEs by way of the mental enzymes—they are the intention or action. How thoughts become things. "...[Y]our plane is composed of solidified thought." (Ses. 13)

"On your plane mental enzymes cause many chemical reactions. On some other planes the mental enzymes are unnecessary, since the personality on a conscious level can work such transformations; and here again we run into an apparent contradiction, because while these transformations occur consciously on certain levels it is also true that the personalities concerned do not have to be conscious of the transformations."
—TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964

• "As far as light being a mental enzyme, this is true. [...] There are other mental enzymes of course. [...]"

• "The main mental enzymes create senses on the physical plane in order that they may be recognized and appreciated by the physical being. The mental enzymes are the same basically throughout the universe, but their materializations on a particular plane are determined by the properties inherent in the plane itself."

—TES1 Session 16 January 15, 1964

"Energy is received by the mind through the inner senses and transformed by use of mental enzymes into camouflage patterns."
—TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964

"I have said the universe, that is the inner universe, does expand, but does not expand in space. For Roarck's benefit, ideas, theories, plans, capabilities expand, but do not take up more space. And so does the universe expand, but space is merely a camouflage, useful to you for a time, constructed through the use of mental enzymes, subconsciously and only for a brief span."
—TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964

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Title: Re: Mental Enzymes
Post by: Sena on November 23, 2019, 10:35:04 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14009#msg14009)
"I have said the universe, that is the inner universe, does expand, but does not expand in space. For Roarck's benefit, ideas, theories, plans, capabilities expand, but do not take up more space. And so does the universe expand, but space is merely a camouflage, useful to you for a time, constructed through the use of mental enzymes, subconsciously and only for a brief span."
—TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964
Deb, thanks for highlighting this interesting topic. In biology, an enzyme is a substance which helps in a bodily chemical reaction without itself being altered in that reaction. An example is pepsin, one of the main digestive enzymes which enables the breakdown of protein so that the smaller molecules could be absorbed into the bloodstream.

I see Seth's use of the term here as an example of his collapsing the boundaries between the mental and the physical. The relationship between the mental and physical is one of the greatest mysteries facing science. The conventional scientific view is that the mental and physical are completely distinct. An example of this is that the physical components of one's body (organs, cells, molecules) sometimes misbehave to cause a disease like cancer. The scientific view is that one's thoughts have nothing to do with the development of such a disease. Seth's view is that thoughts are critically important.
Title: Re: Mental Enzymes
Post by: jbseth on November 24, 2019, 12:10:29 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14009#msg14009)
The mental enzymes within the enclosure are the elements that set off the action and—listen closely—are also the action itself. In other words the mental enzymes not only produce action in the material world but become the action.

Hi Deb, Hi All,

Deb, thanks for starting this topic, it's a great one.

To me, Seth's "Mental Enzyme" discussion is one of the most baffling subjects that he talked about.
I was never quite sure that I correctly understood what he meant by this term and I'm still not sure.

However, I noticed in Deb's spoiler the statement above, which makes me think that maybe mental enzymes are directly related to action.  In TES3, Session 138, Seth talks about the three dilemmas. In that session Seth says:

"This first dilemma results in action, and from action's own working upon itself we have seen that identity was formed, and that these two are inseparable."

Given this then, I'm thinking mental enzymes are identity? maybe????

- jbseth

Title: Re: Mental Enzymes
Post by: jbseth on November 24, 2019, 10:17:42 PM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

I found a great Wikipedia site that describes what enzymes are and what they're all about.

I've also found a couple of other interesting sessions (Session 198 and Session 302) where Seth talks about mental enzymes.  Session 302 also describes how we create our environment. Since this portion of Session 302 is rather long, I put it in a spoiler below.

Here's the Wikipedia site:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzyme

TES4, Session 198:

We have not discussed the inner senses in some time.

You should by now realize that they have an electric, magnetic reality also, and that the mental enzymes act as sparks, setting off these inner reactions.

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Given what Seth says in TES7, Session 302, I'm thinking that mental enzymes are the mental catalysts that spark the transformation of thoughts and ideas into physical objects and events.  Along these same lines, I think that Deb's definition of mental enzyme in her initial post on this topic, is also very good and legitimate.


Title: Re: Mental Enzymes
Post by: Deb on November 29, 2019, 02:44:16 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14024#msg14024)
Given what Seth says in TES7, Session 302, I'm thinking that mental enzymes are the mental catalysts that spark the transformation of thoughts and ideas into physical objects and events.

Wow, I'm just now getting back to this. I agree, the word "catalyst" came to mind for me too. I now also think of mental enzymes as a non-physical catalyst that transforms or materializes thoughts into physical objects (a less graceful definition than yours, lol). But it explains the observer effect to me. It's a little strange to me to think of something non-physical affecting matter, but I think that's only because we've been taught that, and never mind that we cook food using invisible microwaves and get tv and radio transmissions by invisible radio waves. Not to mention sunburns from the ultraviolet waves we can't see and breathe (hopefully) invisible air. And wind... can't be seen unless it's filled with dust and debris, but we can feel and hear it and see how it affects matter.

Title: Re: Mental Enzymes
Post by: jbseth on November 29, 2019, 04:10:07 PM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

Lately I've been wondering if Seth's "Mental Enzymes" which he introduced fairly early on in the sessions were just and early explanation for something else that he described later on. For example, were his mental enzymes, just an early explanation of his later CU units.

I've also been wondering if or how his mental enzymes, his EE units, his Co-ordination Points, and his CU units are each connected to each other. I do recall him mentioning that the CU units create the EE units or something to that effect. I'm just wondering if his mental enzymes, his co-ordination points and his CU units are somehow related or interrelated.

- jbseth