The day has finally arrived! Rich's new book is now available on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle. I've spent probably the last four weeks working on getting the book layout design and "typesetting" together for both versions and it was a great experience! BTW my photo is on the cover as well. Truly a labor of love to get "more Seth" out there and learn more about the people who experienced Seth and Jane first hand.
I really enjoyed Rich's essays about Seth and himself, his class experiences, a little poetry... but what really makes this book special to me are two sections at the back. One is from Rich's class notes when he attended the sessions, and the other are quotes from Jane. You'll never hear these from anyone else, they are not published anywhere else and they are directly from Rich's personal notes.
A heads up, soon there will also be an interview of Rich available as an audio download--for FREE! There's no transcript, but none is needed because the audio quality is perfect. I'll post the link here when that's ready to be released. The interviewer asked some great questions and it was great listening to Rich and learn more about him and his experiences with Seth and Jane via his well articulated yet easygoing speaking style.
Here's the link to the books:
Deb, thanks for recommending this book. It is available on "Kindle Unlimited" Amazon UK, and I have downloaded it.
thank you Deb!!
I am super looking forward to reading it, and hearing the interview.
your picture is beautiful.
something very similar was in a dream I had last night.
the hills part, not the road.
I find that to be mindblowingly cool.
and I just went to Amazon and bought the book. :)
Awesome you guys! It's the first "real" book I've designed, as opposed to the Jane Roberts "Little Book to Leonard" ( I did last year, which is more of an art book and was printed locally, no typesetting, Amazon or faith involved. :)
@chasman, thanks for buying the book! I opted to get paid via a small percentage of book sales, so you pretty much just bought me most of a cup of coffee, lol. I'm attaching a copy of the full mountain image, it wraps around the cover, front & back, on the print version. The Kindle version only shows half of the photo.
@Sena, my favorite essay in the book is
Interview With a Limiting Belief. I thought that was brilliantly done, Rich nailed it. I also love the section from Rich's Seth class notes, and the Jane Roberts quotes.
Rich is mailing me an author's "proof," I haven't seen the book in print yet and I'm a little nervous.
Hey folks, Surprise! Rich told me to go ahead and release the free audio download, so here you go:
Let me know what you think of the interview once you've listened to it.
thank you Deb.
you are awesome beyond beyond!!!
hey Deb and everyone,
here is more Rich Kendall, on youtube:
Thanks for that chasman! This is the other interview that will be going up on that page for download, Rich has it pretty much ready to go. So when the time comes I'll put up another link to his page.
thank you Deb.
you're so awesome!!! :)
I started listening to the interview Deb posted.
I am enjoying it immensely.
thank you again Deb for posting it. :)
finished listening to this just now.
my own personal opinion:
lots of good stuff.
so good, it will be worth listening to again and taking notes.
I am glad I listened to the whole thing.
some of the most valuable things that he said,
were closer to the end.
Rich is thoughtful, intelligent, kind, good, funny, open, articulate.
much that he said was very helpful to me.
his thoughts about Jane and Seth
Jane's thoughts about Seth
problems and challenges that he has had and still has
his philosophy about his problems and challenges.
in my opinion, he is a wise man. very wise.
thank you again for posting this Deb!! :)
I have to read his new book now. :)
Quote from: chasman (
my own personal opinion:
lots of good stuff.
so good, it will be worth listening to again and taking notes.
Thanks for the update Charlie! Really good to know, I'll have to listen again myself.
Today on Facebook I posted this excerpt from Interview of a Limiting Belief from the new book, which I really enjoyed. While it's totally tongue-in-cheek, it was just so true and well done!
RK: First, I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I know your privacy is very important to you.
LB: Yes. I've always felt that a low profile is the best way to go.
RK: Now why is that? Do you think being too visible will expose you to danger?
LB: Since I'm YOUR limiting belief, maybe YOU should answer that question.
RK: There's no need to get snippy about it.
LB: You're right. It's just that lately I've been feeling that you really don't want me around anymore.
RK: Well, I... If you really want to know the truth, I've been trying to break up with you for years, but haven't been able to find the courage until now.
LB: Are you saying you're breaking up with me? Right now? In front of everyone? What about all that we've been through together?
RK: Yes, we have been through a lot together, but that isn't a good enough reason to stay together.
LB: But where will I go? I've spent my entire life living inside of your psyche. It's the only home I've known.
RK: I know it's upsetting right now, but there are plenty of other psyches that would be willing to take you in. Just be open to that possibility and I'm sure you'll meet someone else.
LB: But NOT BEING OPEN defines who I am. I don't know if I can change after all these years.
RK: If I can change, you can change.
LB: I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble. I mean we did have some good times.
RK: I don't know how good they were, but they served a purpose.
LB: Just answer me this, I need to know: Have you met someone else? Please be honest. You owe me that....
Read more in the book!
Hi All,
I listened to both of these 2 audio files today and they were really good.
Thanks to both Chasman and Deb for posting them.
- jbseth
thank you very much jbseth!!! :)
and thank you Deb for your reply and posting the Limiting Belief interview.
its very good!!! :)
I just wanted to let you know I've uploaded another free audio file on Rich Kendall's web page. This latest one is (most of) an interview of Jane Roberts by Larry Davidson. Seems the beginning is cut off, and when I listened to it I don't recall Larry asking any questions... so it's really Jane talking about different things. I found it entertaining and it gave me a better feel for Jane the person. I loved the ending... there's a little gap at the end so hang in there because Jane comes back with something final to say. Enjoy!
thank you sooooo much Deb!!! :)
I listened to it.
and super enjoyed it!!
thank you again sooooo much for posting it Deb.
wow, I soooo wish I could have met Jane.
You're welcome, and thanks to Rich for sharing it! It's nice that he's willing to share things like this with people and not try to make money on it. I respect that.
And I wish I could have met Jane too. But after listening to the audios (like the ones on Mary Dillman's site, this one from Rich) and reading enough of the books and seeing her paintings, I almost feel like I have met Jane.
awesome, all you said Deb!!
indeed very generous of Rich.
he's not trying to get rich from it. (har har de har har) :)
Jane sounds like such a nice, funny woman. intelligent, creative, great imagination, friendly, fun, kind.
I could go on. but I need rest now.
peace and happiness,
I suppose this is a good a place as any, I just want members here to not "miss" this important message that comes straight from my heart.
The past couple of days have been rough. Yesterday Mary Dillman contacted me: Sunday Rich Kendall said he was not feeling well, and then Monday morning she could not get through to him. She went to his apartment and found him conscious but incoherent. As she could not get him vertical, she called 911 and they took him to the hospital. What she said told me about his condition was not encouraging in the least. Cutting to the chase—he passed away this morning. Totally came out of nowhere.
We had just finalized edits to his new book over the weekend. He was excited about the book, excited about spring and starting his first garden. On Friday I'd mailed him a package with something I make by hand. His death came out of nowhere. At least for those of us clueless in F1.
We all know what Seth said about death, that no one dies who is not ready, that we choose our death and time. But it's a shock and sad for those of us who remain in F1, left missing a unique being that we know is in a better place. Not our place.
I sincerely want this last book of Rich's to be published. I've loved working on it, it's very unique and really demonstrates who he was as a person and a soul. My vision is that Rich's only remaining relative, his brother, will waive any interest in the book and let it be published with proceeds going to The Seth Research Project. I feel Rich would approve.
Quote from: Deb (
Rich Kendall said he was not feeling well, and then Monday morning she could not get through to him. She went to his apartment and found him conscious but incoherent. As she could not get him vertical, she called 911 and they took him to the hospital. What she said told me about his condition was not encouraging in the least. Cutting to the chase—he passed away this morning. Totally came out of nowhere.
I have Rich Kendall's book "The Road to Elmira" on my Kindle, and this is a quote:
"If physical reality is just a figment of our imagination, then perhaps imagination in its own way is as real as physical reality. With that in mind I find myself standing on the platform of a railway station. The stationmaster makes the following announcement: "Leaving from track number one is the Death and Taxes Express. Leaving from track number two is The Train to Uncertainty, making all local stops." I can't say I was fond of either choice, but this was the only station in town and these were the only two trains one could take. Taxes were something I always had difficulty with so I decided to take The Train to Uncertainty. "Final call for The Train to Uncertainty. And then again it may not be the final call. But if you are certain you want to board The Train to Uncertainty then you may be on the wrong train, but you still have time to catch the Death and Taxes Express." I step inside The Train to Uncertainty and take a seat. As the conductor comes by to collect my ticket I realize I haven't bought one yet. I tell him I need to purchase a ticket and he tells me I already have one. The conversation goes something like this: Rich: "I don't recall having purchased a ticket. When did that occur?" Conductor: "It happened the moment you entered physical reality. All possibilities and probabilities were immediately set in motion upon your birth. Add to that the fact that new possibilities and probabilities are being born even as we speak, and you'll realize you already have a ticket to The Train to Uncertainty."" (from "THE ROAD TO ELMIRA" by Richard Kendall)
I wonder whether Covid 19 helped Rich to have a peaceful exit? I wish him well.
Very nice quote Sena, thanks for sharing that.
Rich did not have coronavirus and I don't think he suffered, his consciousness left his body very quickly.
Hi Deb,
Thank you for sharing with us this sad news about Rich Kendall.
While I didn't know him personally, I can tell from his books that he must have been a very creative and interesting man, and I will certainly miss, not reading any more books from him.
He and Sue and Rob and Jane, all strike me as people who would have been both fun and interesting to know.
In NOME, Ch1, S801, Seth tells us that, "Dying is a spiritual and psychological necessity, for after a while the exuberant, ever-renewed energies of the spirit can no longer be translated into flesh."
He also says:
"Inherently, each individual knows that he or she must die physically in order to survive spiritually and psychically (underlined). The self outgrows the flesh."
Here's to wishing Rich great experiences in his new adventures.
Quote from: Deb (
I sincerely want this last book of Rich's to be published. I've loved working on it, it's very unique and really demonstrates who he was as a person and a soul. My vision is that Rich's only remaining relative, his brother, will waive any interest in the book and let it be published with proceeds going to The Seth Research Project. I feel Rich would approve.
You're not going to believe this, I barely can, but my vision has already come true. Mary called me today and said Rich's brother is not into Seth and has no problem with us publishing Rich's last book,
A Seth-Inspired Potpourri. It doesn't seem like it will take very long to accomplish that either, as I had already made the final edits. And the royalties will go to The Seth Research Project!
I'll update as we make progress, it will be a new topic.
The book is really cool, it not only has unpublished things from Jane, Rob and Seth, with some poetry and essays from Rich, but more than 60 of his "doodles" which are these crazy creative colored ink drawings. Here's an example. Ignore the green line down the middle, it's temporarily there to represent the gutter between two pages. The book is 8.5"x8.5".
sorry to hear about Rich, Deb.
I hope you take some comfort from Seth's telling us that:
where Rich is now, is a very good place.
I thought this was as good a place as any to put Rich's obituary. It was written by Mary Dillman, a very close friend of his. There's supposed to be some sort of online celebration of his life this summer. If that does get scheduled, I'll share the date, time and method. I'm not sure of the format at this point.
Quote from: ObitRichard Kendall was born on May 7, 1950. He grew up in Bayside, in Queens, New York City and subsequently lived in Brooklyn and New Haven, Connecticut. He died, unexpectedly, on April 28, 2020 in New Haven.
During the 1970s, Richard attended weekly "classes" in the Elmira, NY home of the world-renowned medium and author, Jane Roberts, during which Jane gave voice to a "spirit personality" named Seth. Inspired by those classes, Richard became an internationally known lecturer, author (The Road to Elmira, and others) and the writer/producer of a DVD, all of which reflected his Seth experiences. Seth and Jane had a profound influence on him throughout his life.
Richard is survived by his sister Elaine, in Florida, his brother Leonard and his wife, Judy, in Maryland and a number of nieces and nephews with whom he always enjoyed interacting. He was also a self-taught, self-deprecating, guitarist, since his teenage years.
He will be sadly missed by his family, many close friends and acquaintances.
An online Celebration of Life, organized by his friends Mary Dillman and Emmy van Swaaij, will be held later this summer.
Published in The New Haven Register on Jun. 16, 2020.
Thanks Deb,
I didn't know Richard was a guitarist, I pluck at one every now and then but I'm no guitarist.
While I didn't know him personally, I really liked his creativity and I'll miss the other books that he wrote in some other probable realities. Maybe they're in Jane's Library too. :).