Hi All,
In the book, NOPR, Seth has some powerful things to say about beliefs.
First in Session 614, he tells us that sometimes we take our "beliefs" about reality as truth; as statements of fact. These beliefs aren't recognized for what they actually are; "beliefs". Instead they are considered to be "characteristics of reality" itself. As a result of this, these beliefs become invisible assumptions that color our personal experience.
NOPR, Ch2, S614:
[...] You take your beliefs about reality as truth, and often do not question them. They seem self-explanatory. They appear in your mind as statements of fact, far too obvious for examination.
Therefore they are accepted without question too often. They are not recognized as beliefs about reality, but are instead considered characteristics of reality itself. (Pause.) Frequently such ideas appear indisputable, so a part of you that it does not occur to you to speculate about their validity. They become invisible assumptions, but they nevertheless color and form your personal experience.
Then, in Session 616, he gives us a great example of this.
NOPR, Ch3, S616:
Once more, if you become aware of your own conscious thoughts, these themselves will give you clues for they clearly speak your beliefs. If, for example, you have scarcely enough money on which to live, and you examine your thoughts, you may find yourself constantly thinking, "I can never pay this bill, I never have any luck, I'll always be poor." Or you will find yourself envying those who have more, degrading the value of money perhaps, and saying that those who have it are unhappy, or at best spiritually poor.
(11:10.) When you find these thoughts in yourself you may say, and rather indignantly: "But those things are all true. I am poor. I cannot meet my bills," and so forth. In so doing, you see, you accept your belief about reality as a characteristic of reality itself, and so the belief is transparent or invisible to you. But it causes your physical experience.
In Session 614, he tells us that our beliefs can be like fences. They set up barriers and these barriers keep us from being free.
NOPR, Ch2, S614:
Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first recognize the existence of such barriers — you must see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences. (Very positively:) They will represent the boundaries of your experience.
Then, along with this, in this very same session, Session 614, he tells us that we sometimes accept limiting false beliefs and he gives us some examples of these. These limiting false beliefs include ideas such as:
- I am helpless before circumstances that I cannot control.
- I am helpless because my personality and character were formed in infancy, and I am at the mercy of my past.
- I am helpless because I am at the mercy of events from past lives in other incarnations, over which I now have no control.
- People are basically bad and out to get me.
- Life is a valley of sorrows.
Then, along with this, in Session 615, he tells us of 2 more beliefs that are false beliefs.
NOPR, Ch2, S615:
[...] So if you believe that you are at the mercy of physical events, you entertain a false belief. If you feel that your present experience was set in circumstances beyond your control, you entertain a false belief.
Then finally, in Session 614, he tells us of three life affirming beliefs that are not false beliefs.
NOPR, Ch2, S614:
There is one belief, however, that destroys artificial barriers to perception, an expanding belief that automatically pierces false and inhibiting ideas.
The Self Is Not Limited.
That statement is a statement of fact. It exists regardless of your belief or disbelief in it. Following this concept is another:
There Are No Boundaries
or Separations of the Self.
Those that you experience are the result of false beliefs. Following this is the idea that I have already mentioned:
You Make Your Own Reality.
- jbseth
Hi All,
Hi Jbseth,
Thank You for this! :) I really need to sit down and work with NOPR. It's my least favorite I will admit and I've been avoiding it for far too long.
I was getting into the habit of listening to Tim Hart Hart audio readings of Seth at night. Think it's time to get back to that, with a focus on NOPR
Hi T.M., Hi All,
Many of the Seth books seem to be focused upon his various ideas and concepts. However, NOPR, also seems to have a "Self Help" book feel to it, where we are told about and given options to examine our beliefs.
One of the things that I like about this book, is the many excellent examples that Seth used to demonstrate how our beliefs affect our reality. One of these examples is given in NOPR, Chapter 4, Session 619.
For this particular example, Rob was having an issue with his writing hand. It turns out that the reason why he was having this problem was really quite interesting. I've captured this example in the spoiler below.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
- jbseth
Hi Sena, Hi LarryH, Hi All,
I suppose that "the coronavirus" could somehow be related to almost any topic that anyone could create here in this forum.
It has occur to me that maybe, there might be some other people here, like myself, who would like to talk about or think about something, other than "the coronavirus".
I've been trying to create some topics here in this forum, for this purpose, and this was one of them.
There are plenty of other topics here in this forum that are already either directly related to or indirectly related to this CV19 topic.
Could you please take you discussions about the coronavirus over to one of these other topics instead?
jbseth, sorry, I have now removed my dreaded C word post.
Hi Sena, Hi LarryH,
Thank your for your understanding. :)
Hi All,
Hi Jbseth,
I've read NOPR, all the way through. I just didn't/dont like the part about Augustus, and have minimally re-read it.
I did listen to some on Tim Hart YouTube channel last night. Actually a refreshing change of pace from my normal YT diet.
I tried working with a pendulum before. Think I will give it another go soon.
I'm definitely listening to the Which You, Which World chapter tonight :)
That did mess with my head when I was younger, Lol.
Hi T.M.,
I swear, you must be reading my mind. :)
I was just going to ask you specifically why you didn't like NOPR, and I noticed that you mentioned the part about Augustus.
I found that part rather interesting myself.
I'm not sure I've ever heard of Tim Hart. Does he read a different Seth session / chapter each night or are they all, already pre-recorded? What does he do and how does it work?
Thanks T.M.
- jbseth
Hi All,
Hi Jbseth,
He has all the Seth books, and a good amount of Jane's books read, and ready to go.
He does them by sessions mostly, one vid is a session. He also puts them on a playlist, so you can listen to the book in its entirety.
On the Seth books, he doesn't read the footnotes though, on Seth Speaks only he doesn't cover the appendix.
If he starts a new book has will do roughly a chapter a day till it's completed.
I like his voice and he reads very well and steady.
Deb has figured out how to download them all and replay on her other devices.
Eta: He doesn't have the unpublished though, and some of the more recent ones like those. Just what I call the basic workbooks
Time HartHart has done a wonderful job of making the Seth books into audio. Free on YouTube. He just narrates the books, without all of Rob's notes.
Just ask me how to download and convert into mp3s so you can listen to them on iTunes.
I've donated to him.