~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: jbseth on May 04, 2020, 10:22:55 PM

Title: Conversation with John
Post by: jbseth on May 04, 2020, 10:22:55 PM
Hi All,

Recently I've been inspired by Janes comments in her book, "Psychic Politics". In this book she tells us that she wrote a poem to her soul and in response to this, she had her "library" experience. Then, in response to that, she wrote a "Thank You" poem to her soul. 

In thinking about this, it seems to me that intuitive people, should be able to think about a question and then write it down. Then later, after they've tuned into themselves, they could discover what they picked up intuitively from their own soul in regards to this question.

I know that on more than 1 occasion, when I'm doing something mundane, like taking a shower, weeding the yard or meditating, when I'm relaxed and thinking about some issue, some very insightful and intuitive ideas just seem to pop into my mind, in response to the thoughts that I was having.

Furthermore, it seems to me that a person should be able to sit down at their computer, type in a question, tune-into themselves and then type up any response that intuitively pops into their mind. A person could them go back and forth like this, in a way, not unlike having a conversation with another person. It would seem to me that this direct line of communication is probably available to each and every one of us, if we were just open to it.

As a result of this, I thought that I'd give this a try today just to see what would happen. In response to this, I got the dialogue given in the spoiler below.

As with any information, you're welcome to accept any information that makes sense to you and reject anything that doesn't.

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Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: chasman on May 05, 2020, 09:15:40 PM
loved that.
thank you jbseth!!
Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: Deb on May 06, 2020, 06:14:39 PM
Can You Feel It... wow, I barely remember that song and I was a big Jackson 5/MJ fan. Thanks for a great topic and I really enjoyed the conversation. I thought it was going to remind me of one of Rich Kendall's favorite essays (or whatever you can call it), "Interview With a Limiting Belief" but even better because while his was so en pointe with a break up, yours came from within.

I think this is a great exercise for anyone to do, and I will give it a shot myself and report back if I come up with anything worthwhile. I have to add that I do always ask "myself" for answers, solutions and inspiration and while I don't get an actual conversational response, the answers do come and I'm quick to give thanks.
Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: LarryH on May 06, 2020, 06:58:51 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15539#msg15539)
I think this is a great exercise for anyone to do...
And I have done it! Many years ago, I started the same exercise. I have not kept up with it, but I thought I would offer the first session that came out of it (edited to remove some names):
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That first session is the only one I have reviewed so far, and I may add other sessions after reviewing. Thanks, jbseth, for the prompt!
Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: jbseth on May 06, 2020, 07:19:52 PM
Hi All,

Here are two more "conversations" that I had recently.

In the conversations below, in spoiler 1 and 2, I go by JB: and the personality that I'm communicating with goes by "John".

As with any information, I think that it's good to consider it with an open mind.  By an open mind, I mean that you make use of both your intellect and your intuitive senses when you look at something. You also don't just automatically accept something because it comes from some supposed good source.

Instead, I'd say, question it from an intellectual standpoint, does it seem reasonable or does it seem questionable? In addition to this, also question it from an intuitive standpoint, does it "feel" right or does it "feel" off?

Regarding the conversation in Spoiler 1, to me I kind of thought that Johns responses to who he is, were OK but his difficulty with explaining how I'm to know whether I'm talking to him each time was kind of weak. Not a good explanation in my mind, but maybe he's learning too. However, his comments about not being infallible were probably reasonable.

I also thought his comments on the coronavirus, were rather weak. They felt forced and kind of lame to me. It didn't "feel" right to me.

Regarding the conversation in Spoiler 2, I thought that Johns responses here were kind of interesting. His comments about "blueberries" were kind of a new twist on things.

I invite anyone else here to either post your thoughts on any of these conversations or post your own conversations. I'd be interesting in hearing whatever you have to say.

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Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: jbseth on May 06, 2020, 07:26:20 PM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15540#msg15540)
And I have done it! Many years ago, I started the same exercise. I have not kept up with it, but I thought I would offer the first session that came out of it (edited to remove some names):

Hi LarryH, Hi All,

Thanks for that post LarryH.

It sounds like you have some great wisdom coming from this "Teacher".

"Ask yourself at points where you have a choice, "What is the best thing for me to do right now, in service of the whole self?" Your impulses will guide you always. "

Awesome. :)


Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: Sena on May 07, 2020, 02:46:01 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15541#msg15541)
OK. So, what's the deal with the coronavirus?

You chose it.

There are as many reasons why you chose it as there are people in your world, and more.

I'm not going to make predictions about what's going to happen, because as Seth has already told you, you create your reality. You do this at every moment. At every instant in time. All probable realities do exist.
jbseth, thanks for that valuable insight.
Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: LarryH on May 10, 2020, 08:58:57 PM
Here are some more samples from 'The Teacher':

Session 4, June 6, 2017

The varieties of experience available to you allow for your unique path to unfold. Not everyone would have or want the same diet, the same career, the same source of spiritual inspiration. Teachers come in many forms. Some need a church, some need nature, some need the battlefield to discover spiritual truths. Some such as you find even less conventional ways of learning.  And of course, one way of learning is to teach. That path puts significant strain on exemplifying that which is professed. Too often, the teacher "cannot do", as the old saying goes. But this is exactly why that path is chosen. It sets up an inner aspiration. Such a teacher can be effective since he or she is passionately arguing with himself on behalf of his inner standards and expressing that passion to his students.

Session 7, June 19, 2017

What is the best thing for me to focus on now?

Choose what is presented. Follow your impulses. Your inner self shows a path. As it does so, there are no decisions to make, only a path. Trust this. Choose the inherent goodness of the inner self. There are no false movements unless you distrust your inner guidance.

Title: Re: Conversation with John
Post by: LarryH on May 11, 2020, 05:01:32 PM
...and some more samples from The Teacher:

Session 10, June 28, 2017

You have heard the philosophers attempt to prove that they exist: "I think, therefore I am," or "I feel, therefore I am". But even the "I" is not necessary: Consciousness, therefore existence. Scientists ask, "Why is there something, rather than nothing?" There is something because consciousness demands it. It is the way that consciousness knows itself. In a void, consciousness creates as necessary. It creates the power that is behind the explosion of all that we experience. Explode peacefully.

Session 11, June 29, 2017

You have heard, "Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone." You have been told to push beyond your comfort zone. But I say, do what you will. If you follow your impulses, you will sometimes push that boundary. But it is not necessary for growth. The Taoist middle path is one of balance. There is no effort involved at all. Accept what is so. What is simpler than that? Do what comes up to do. Accept the opportunity to play in ways that you are drawn to. You may want to be uncomfortable, and that is perfectly fine. There is value in wanting to be uncomfortable and following your desire toward that. But be comfortable in your discomfort!