~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Links and References => Topic started by: LarryH on May 30, 2020, 07:50:51 PM

Title: TED Talk on Dreaming on Purpose
Post by: LarryH on May 30, 2020, 07:50:51 PM
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sheila+asato-ted+talk+purposeful+dreams&view=detail&mid=12BD580BD3227FF830FE12BD580BD3227FF830FE&FORM=VIRE (https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sheila+asato-ted+talk+purposeful+dreams&view=detail&mid=12BD580BD3227FF830FE12BD580BD3227FF830FE&FORM=VIRE)
Title: Re: TED Talk on Dreaming on Purpose
Post by: jbseth on May 31, 2020, 12:36:05 AM
Hi LarryH,

Wow that was really good. Thanks for posting that.  I love those Ted Talks.

I knew about the sewing machine invention coming from a dream and as I recall, I think that either Jonas Salk (polio vaccine) and or Dr. Fleming (penicillin) came up with the idea for this from a dream. I didn't know about Einstein's beam of light however.

I also really liked the way that the women who experienced the 3/11 event in Japan, summarized their dreams and the significance of them.

Thanks again for posting that.

Title: Re: TED Talk on Dreaming on Purpose
Post by: Deb on June 06, 2020, 02:06:58 PM
Finally got a chance to watch this video and really enjoyed it, thanks! I do solve problems during sleep, to the point now that if I'm struggling with something I tell myself to just let it go and I'll probably wake up with new ideas the next day. I can't say I've actually asked myself for answers, they just come often enough that I trust the process.

@SpiceMerchant42 you might enjoy this, it fits in nicely with your lucid dream experiment.

Title: Re: TED Talk on Dreaming on Purpose
Post by: leidl on October 17, 2020, 08:36:13 PM
Thanks for posting this link, Larry.  I like her emphasis on savoring the emotions of dreams upon waking, rather than immediately jumping into analytical mode. 

I have no idea if she's aware of Seth, but she intuitively understands the power of emotions that Seth speaks of.  We'd probably do well to savor not just the emotions that linger from dreams, but the emotions that we experience all through the day.  For example, if while walking through my house I see a spot of sunlight highlighting the beauty of drapery fabric, instead of walking on by, why not look and look some more, feeling the beauty of the richly colored fabric, appreciating the texture of the fibers and the warmth of the sunshine.

"You know by now that emotions even change the physical cells, sweeping through them as wind through branches, and leaving imprints in many realities, leaving imprints within the reality of dreams, the physical reality, and in electrical reality, in terms of coded systems."
—TES3 Session 134 February 22, 1965
Title: Re: TED Talk on Dreaming on Purpose
Post by: Sena on October 18, 2020, 01:54:32 AM
Quote from: leidl (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17178#msg17178)
You know by now that emotions even change the physical cells
leidl, thanks for that Seth quote. So now we know why SOME people die of Covid 19. If fear affects their lung cells, they die. Even a 103-year-old can survice Covid 19 if they have no fear.

"Recently, a senior man was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus shortly after his 100th birthday. The man, known by his surname, Wang, had prior health conditions including Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, and heart failure, making him a high-risk case. However, doctors used blood from recovered patients to help his body combat the disease more effectively. Donor blood plasma provided immune proteins to boost his immune system on two separate occasions, and Mr. Wang was able to recover from the disease in about two weeks."

"Shortly after this happened, a 103-year-old woman recovered from COVID-19 as well, making her the oldest person so far to survive the disease. Zhang Guangfen is from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the virus's outbreak, but she only spent six days in the hospital before being well enough to be released."

"Zhang Guangfen was not provided with blood plasma from recovered patients, but she miraculously survived and was allowed to return home despite her old age. Doctors are attributing her recovery to her healthy lifestyle and the fact that she did not have any underlying conditions aside from mild chronic bronchitis before contracting the virus."
